





該当件数 : 54



This is a typical scene during Ramadan.発音を聞く  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


This is a typical example of Basque food culture. - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


This is a typical example how EMA leads eco-innovation, which is expected to contribute to sustainability.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


A typical screen test includes carbohydrate analysis, immunoassay, or a combination thereof. - 特許庁

これが, ローカル/汎用バスとコンポート信号についての, 典型な等価試験負荷限度です.例文帳に追加

This is the typical equivalent test load maximum for the local/global bus and the comport signals.発音を聞く  - コンピューター用語辞典


These examples more practically demonstrate a basis for how to examine unity of invention based on the basic approach described above (see, Note) .発音を聞く  - 特許庁


The ink composition comprises suitable carrier vehicle, which typically contains water, alcohols, surfactants, humectants and optinally a resin component. - 特許庁


A typical solid lubricant consists of a wax-base solid lubricant alone or the one in which a solid lubricant is added to the wax-base solid lubricant. - 特許庁

例え ば、米国において、典型な仲裁型である NAFTA はむしろ例外であり、これ以外の協定 は全てハイブリッド型を採用している。例文帳に追加

For example, with the exception of the NAFTA (which adopts an "arbitration-type" procedure), all of the agreements involving the United States have adopted the "hybrid-type" procedure. - 経済産業省


These fine electrically conductive pathways are typically formed on the substrate using an electroless metal plating step. - 特許庁

これは FreeBSD や DOS、 そのほかの OS がディスク領域ジオメトリのとらえ方で衝突しあっていることから起こる典型な例です。例文帳に追加

What is happening? This is classically a case of FreeBSD and DOS or some other OS conflicting over their ideas of disk geometry.発音を聞く  - FreeBSD


Physically it has the appearance of being a typical line-and-drop based network, but in reality it is a serial ring shift register.発音を聞く  - コンピューター用語辞典

典型なコマンドは、以下のようなものです。 pm offm ,s No / Em old Xoo / Em newo / Cm gcm onpこれは、編集しているテキストファイル中にm oldという文字列があったら、これらをすべて文字列m newに置き換えるコマンドです。例文帳に追加

A typical command might look like: ,s/old/new/g which replaces all occurences of the string old with new .発音を聞く  - JM


The powdery water-repelling agent is typically a metal stearate, specifically zinc stearate, calcium stearate, magnesium stearate or a mixture thereof. - 特許庁


These approaches typically affect expression levels, purification easiness, intracellular localization of the expression and/or immunological properties of the expression proteins. - 特許庁


This enables a circuit designer to fully exploit the two available degrees of freedom (typically width and length) when migrating the electronic device operating in current mode from a source technology to a target technology. - 特許庁


This castle is said to have been also in the Noso area, and recent excavations have unveiled that there had been a castle town but it was in fact a residential area and far from a military stronghold.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

これは、典型には2つの異なるパンチ (一方は関心あるコアを取得するため、他方は受容体ブロック45中に受け入れ用の穴を作製するため) を用いて行われる。例文帳に追加

This is typically done with two different punches, (one for obtaining the cores of interest and the other for creating receiving holes in the recipient block 45). - 特許庁


Thus, this vacuum carrying device is provided so that the electrode area is secured widely, and the large electrostatic attraction force is provided as compared with a conventional typical vacuum carrying device, and the highly heavy load is carried. - 特許庁


In the board's opinion this is a typical ex-post facto analysis of D20, since the appellant having the knowledge of the invention sees advantages of the construction of D20 which are not described as such therein.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


This superimposes and overlaps typical fuel injection events in linear operating ranges under different pressure levels, significantly increasing the fuel injection dynamic range. - 特許庁


This method assumes a typical low loss state of the circuit board or IC chip, by which the intrinsic impedance of the line is not affected by the loss and the matrix is normalized into the intrinsic impedance. - 特許庁


Then the two encodable signals are typically synthesized with at least one of a front center signal and left/right signals to obtain stereo sound pairs consisting of left/right transmission signals LT and RT. - 特許庁


These components, or objects, include tabular presentation of data ("tables") and graphics such as "figures", "images" and "illustrations" typically used to supplement the textual narrative of the publication. - 特許庁


These components, or objects, include the tabular presentation of data ("tables") and graphics such as "figures", "images" and "illustrations" typically used to supplement the textual narrative of the publication. - 特許庁


A catalog is built typically as a database, and the method according to the present invention analyzes the quality of completeness, consistency, or comprehensiveness. - 特許庁


Activities receiving support under the three SME support laws are typical instances of innovation. However, business innovation activities in the broad sense, which include these and other activities, are extraordinarily diverse in terms of content and degree of innovativeness. - 経済産業省


The activated metal components are prepared into suitable articles, referred to ignition strips, and are placed in contact with one or more oxidative coupling catalysts, typically in the form of gauzes. - 特許庁


Key field is a field of a database (typically a relational database) table which together form a unique identifier for a record (a table entry).発音を聞く  - コンピューター用語辞典


The polymers having density typically 0.85-0.95 are defined in particular by melt strength (MS) and long chain branching (LCB) characteristics thereof and are particularly suitable for use in low density film applications. - 特許庁

実際に、お使いのハードディスクが典型なものでヘッドが 16 であれば、次のようになります:1024 シリンダ/ディスク 16 ヘッド/ディスク 63 セクタ/(シリンダ -ヘッド) 512 バイト/セクタこれが、よく言われる 528MB 制限です。例文帳に追加

In fact, if your hard disk is typical and has 16 heads, this equates to:1024 cyl/disk 16 heads/disk 63 sect/(cyl-head) 512 bytes/sector which is around the often-mentioned 528MB limit.発音を聞く  - FreeBSD


On the other hand, a composition of alternating appearance of a picture and text pages of about 50 to 60 cm width to be overviewed by spreading on a desk is called 'section style composition,' typical example of which is "Genji Monogatari Emaki."発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A diffusion problem of the electric charge to be typically generated regarding these sensors when they are operated by the conventional technology is solved by this invention. - 特許庁


Typically, the fuel injectors include neither individual electric, actuator nor a fuel pressurization means, however, these fuel injectors still have multiple components required to be mechanically machined in a complicated way so that the fuel injector is operated in a desired way. - 特許庁


The study of Sakuteiki (Treatise on Garden Making) and other materials shows that the typical style was generally for high-ranked aristocrats higher than the sani rank, and each site is one cho (120 m) square, based on Jobohocho-sei of Heiankyo (town demarcation plan of the then Capital Kyoto in the tenth century) surrounded by Tsukiji (mud walls), usually having gates other than on the south.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

高速で高分解能のディジタル・アナログ変換器(DAC)(26)は、オフライン・シグマ・デルタ変換及び記憶装置を持っていて、これ典型には100 MHz程度の中間周波数で変調信号を直接に発生することが出来る。例文帳に追加

The digital-to-analog converter(DAC) 26 of high speed and high resolution has an off-line sigma/delta conversion and a storage device and can typically and directly generate a modulation signal by the intermediate frequency of about 100 MHz. - 特許庁


Seeking to improve these and/or related systems, the present inventors devised an exemplary legal research system performing a conventional search which identifies a set of starter documents and then utilizes metadata associated with these starter documents to identify another larger set of relevant documents. - 特許庁


In this configuration, the roll can provide improved abrasion resistance, sheet release properties, and/or toughness compared to a roll with a rubber cover, but may provide these properties in a cover that is softer than a typical polyurethane cover. - 特許庁


Also forming part of the device (1) is an obstruction element (21) by which the flow of plasticizer fluid directed at the continuous streams (F) of fibrous material can be cut off in a controlled manner, so as to isolate the streams (F) during transients in operation of the device (1), typically when a malfunction or breakdown occurs. - 特許庁


An operation type likelihood prediction and correction part 30 sets the parameter of a probability model so that the operation type group can be most satisfactorily reproduced, and extracts the typical operation type as a symbol name sequence having the highest likelihood by using the parameter. - 特許庁

セーフガード協定では、典型な「灰色措置」である輸出自主規制に加え、市場秩序維持取極(OM A:Orderly Marketing Arrangements)又はこれに類する措置(輸出の抑制、輸出入価格モニタリング、輸出入監視、強制輸入カルテル、裁量輸出入許可制度であって国内保護を与える措置等)の導入・維持のみならず、これを他国に要請することも明示に禁止されている。例文帳に追加

The Agreement on Safeguards explicitly prohibits the introduction and maintenance of VERs (one of the classic "grey-area" measures), orderly marketing arrangements and other similar measures, including export moderation, export or import price monitoring systems, export or import surveillance, compulsory import cartels, and trade-restrictive, discretionary export or import licensing schemes. It also prohibits Members from seeking adoption of grey-area measures by other Members. - 経済産業省


The system typically includes a source of photo-fission energy configured to irradiate the examination article and trigger fission of a fissile or a fissionable material present in the examination article and generate a plurality of fission products, wherein at least one of the plurality of fission products produces a plurality of fission neutrons. - 特許庁

これは、Python IDL コンパイラによって生成された典型なサロゲーションはまず動作することはなく、DOM オブジェクトがCORBA を解してアクセスされる場合には、クライアント上でラッパオブジェクトが必要であることを意味します。 CORBA DOM クライアントでは他にもいくつか考慮すべきことがある一方で、CORBA を介して DOM を使った経験を持つ実装者はこのことを問題視していません。例文帳に追加

This means that the typical surrogates generated by Python IDL compilers are not likely to work, and wrapper objects maybe needed on the client if the DOM objects are accessed via CORBA.While this does require some additional consideration for CORBA DOMclients, the implementers with experience using DOM over CORBA from Python do not consider this a problem. - Python



The second integrated circuit includes receivers to receive the first and second differential signals from the conductors and provide received signals representative thereof, and the current mode circuitry selectively to modulate a common mode voltage of either the first or second differential signals to communicate data. - 特許庁






This is typical








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