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英語 Shugakuinhinokitogecho



該当件数 : 12



In addition to the fact that they are not affected by any systematic or religious influence, Korean Temples have no relation to the ceremony for dead, therefore, it can be considered to belong to Buddhism for prayer, worshipping material benefits.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


As already stated, the United States has carried out fund procurement from overseas centering on bonds with relatively low procurement costs, and has carried out asset management overseas centering on direct investment and stock invest with high rates of return. As a result, the United States has realized a surplus for balance on income up to now, although it is a net debtor nation, in which in terms of stock the amount of fund procurement from overseas is greater than the amount of asset management overseas. - 経済産業省


Whether or not the video image is proper for edit, that is, a block including camera work with lower quality such as a camera-shake and a rapid motion, is discriminated in a video evaluation step 13 to calculate proper video blocks 3 that are stable video blocks. - 特許庁

第三条 附則第一条第二号に掲げる規定の施行の際現に附則第十八条の規定による改正前の特定製品に係るフロン類の回収及び破壊の実施の確保等に関する法律(以下「旧フロン類回収破壊法」という。)第二十五条第一項の都道府県知事(旧フロン類回収破壊法第八十条第四項の政令で定める市にあっては、市長)の登録(以下この条において「旧フロン類回収破壊法の第二種特定製品引取業者の登録」という。)を受けている者は、当該旧フロン類回収破壊法の第二種特定製品引取業者の登録に係る事業所につき、当該事業所の所在地を管轄する都道府県知事(保健所を設置する市又は特別区にあっては、市長又は区長。次項において同じ。)がした第四十二条第一項の引取業者の登録を受けたものとみなす。例文帳に追加

Article 3 (1) When enforcing the provisions listed in the supplementary provisions, Article 1, Item 2, an entity obtaining registration (hereinafter referred to as a "Class II Specified Product Collection Operator of the Old Fluorocarbons Recovery and Destruction Act" in this article) of a governor (a mayor in the case of a city specified by Cabinet Order of the Old Fluorocarbons Recovery and Destruction Act, Article 80, Paragraph 4) of the Act on Securing, etc. the Implementation of Recovery and Destruction of Fluorocarbons Contained in Specified Products (hereinafter referred to as the "Old Fluorocarbons Recovery and Destruction Act") pertaining to specified products before revision according to the provisions of Article 18 of the supplementary provisions, shall be deemed to have obtained registration of the Collection Operator of Article 42, Paragraph 1 by the governor (mayor or ward head in the case of a city or special ward having established a health center; the same shall apply in the next paragraph) having jurisdiction of the address of the business office pertaining to the registration of a Class II Specified Product Collection Operator of the Old Fluorocarbons Recovery and Destruction Act.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 裁判所は、公務員の職務上の秘密に関する文書について第二百二十条第四号に掲げる場合であることを文書の提出義務の原因とする文書提出命令の申立てがあった場合には、その申立てに理由がないことが明らかなときを除き、当該文書が同号ロに掲げる文書に該当するかどうかについて、当該監督官庁(衆議院又は参議院の議員の職務上の秘密に関する文書についてはその院、内閣総理大臣その他の国務大臣の職務上の秘密に関する文書については内閣。以下この条において同じ。)の意見を聴かなければならない。この場合において、当該監督官庁は、当該文書が同号ロに掲げる文書に該当する旨の意見を述べるときは、その理由を示さなければならない。例文帳に追加

(3) Where a petition for an order to submit a document is filed, with regard to a document concerning a secret in relation to a public officer's duties, on the grounds that the document falls under any of the categories set forth in Article 220(iv), the court, except where it is obvious that the petition is groundless, shall hear opinions of the supervisory government agency concerned (in the case of a member of the House of Representatives or House of Councillors or a person who held such post, the respective House; in the case of the Prime Minister or any other Minister of State or a person who held such post, the Cabinet) as to whether or not the document in question falls under the category of document set forth in Article 220(iv)(b). In this case, the supervisory government agency, when stating an opinion that the document falls under the category of document set forth in Article 220(iv)(b), shall specify reasons therefor.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第六十八条の九十 次に掲げる連結法人に係る外国関係会社のうち、本店又は主たる事務所の所在する国又は地域におけるその所得に対して課される税の負担が本邦における法人の所得に対して課される税の負担に比して著しく低いものとして政令で定める外国関係会社に該当するもの(以下この款において「特定外国子会社等」という。)が、各事業年度において、その未処分所得の金額から留保したものとして、政令で定めるところにより、当該未処分所得の金額につき当該未処分所得の金額に係る税額及び法人税法第二十三条第一項第一号に規定する剰余金の配当、利益の配当又は剰余金の分配(以下この項において「剰余金の配当等」という。)の額に関する調整を加えた金額(以下この条において「適用対象留保金額」という。)を有する場合には、その適用対象留保金額のうちその連結法人の有する当該特定外国子会社等の直接及び間接保有の株式等の数に対応するものとしてその株式等(株式又は出資をいう。以下この項において同じ。)の請求権(第六十六条の六第一項に規定する請求権をいう。第一号において同じ。)の内容を勘案して政令で定めるところにより計算した金額(以下この款において「個別課税対象留保金額」という。)に相当する金額は、その連結法人の収益の額とみなして当該各事業年度終了の日の翌日から二月を経過する日を含むその連結法人の各連結事業年度の連結所得の金額の計算上、益金の額に算入する。例文帳に追加

Article 68-90 (1) Where an affiliated foreign company related to any of the following consolidated corporations, which falls under the category of affiliated foreign company specified by a Cabinet Order as a company whose tax burden to be imposed on its income earned in a state or territory where its head office or principal office is located is significantly lower than the tax burden to be imposed on the income of a corporation in Japan (hereinafter referred to in this Subsection as a "specified foreign subsidiary company, etc."), in each business year, retains as part of the amount of undistributed income, pursuant to the provision of a Cabinet Order, any amount that is adjusted, with respect to the said amount of undistributed income, based on the tax amount pertaining to the said amount of undistributed income and the amount of dividend of surplus, dividend of profit or distribution of surplus prescribed in Article 23(1)(i) of the Corporation Tax Act (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as "dividend of surplus, etc.") (such adjusted amount hereinafter referred to in this Article as "eligible retained income"), the amount equivalent to the part of eligible retained income which is calculated pursuant to the method specified by a Cabinet Order as the amount of income corresponding to the number of shares, etc. of the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. held by the consolidated corporation through direct and/or indirect ownership, while taking into consideration the contents of the claim (meaning a claim prescribed in Article 66-6(1); the same shall apply in item (i)) vested in such shares, etc. (meaning shares or capital contributions; the same shall apply in this paragraph) (such part of eligible retained income hereinafter referred to in this Subsection as "individually taxable retained income") shall be deemed to be the amount of the consolidated corporation's profit, and included in its gross profit in the calculation of the amount of its consolidated income for the consolidated business year that includes the day on which two months have elapsed since the day following the last day of the relevant business year:発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第四十条の四 次に掲げる居住者に係る外国関係会社のうち、本店又は主たる事務所の所在する国又は地域におけるその所得に対して課される税の負担が本邦における法人の所得に対して課される税の負担に比して著しく低いものとして政令で定める外国関係会社に該当するもの(以下この款において「特定外国子会社等」という。)が、昭和五十三年四月一日以後に開始する各事業年度(第二条第二項第十九号に規定する事業年度をいう。以下この条において同じ。)において、その未処分所得の金額から留保したものとして、政令で定めるところにより、当該未処分所得の金額につき当該未処分所得の金額に係る税額及び法人税法第二十三条第一項第一号に規定する剰余金の配当、利益の配当又は剰余金の分配(以下この項及び次項において「剰余金の配当等」という。)の額に関する調整を加えた金額(以下この条において「適用対象留保金額」という。)を有する場合には、その適用対象留保金額のうちその者の有する当該特定外国子会社等の直接及び間接保有の株式等の数に対応するものとしてその株式等(株式又は出資をいう。以下この項及び次項において同じ。)の請求権(剰余金の配当等、財産の分配その他の経済的な利益の給付を請求する権利をいう。以下この項及び次項において同じ。)の内容を勘案して政令で定めるところにより計算した金額(次条において「課税対象留保金額」という。)に相当する金額は、その者の雑所得に係る収入金額とみなして当該各事業年度終了の日の翌日から二月を経過する日の属する年分のその者の雑所得の金額の計算上、総収入金額に算入する。例文帳に追加

Article 40-4 (1) Where an affiliated foreign company related to any of the following residents, which falls under the category of affiliated foreign company specified by a Cabinet Order as a company whose tax burden to be imposed on its income earned in a state or territory where its head office or principal office is located is significantly lower than the tax burden to be imposed on the income of a corporation in Japan (hereinafter referred to in this Subsection as a "specified foreign subsidiary company, etc."), in each business year (meaning a business year prescribed in Article 2(2)(xix); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) beginning on or after April 1, 1978, retains as part of the amount of undistributed income, pursuant to the provision of a Cabinet Order, any amount that is adjusted, with respect to the said amount of undistributed income, based on the tax amount pertaining to the said amount of undistributed income and the amount of dividend of surplus, dividend of profit or distribution of surplus prescribed in Article 23(1)(i) of the Corporation Tax Act (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph and the next paragraph as "dividend of surplus, etc.") (such adjusted amount hereinafter referred to in this Article as "eligible retained income"), the amount equivalent to the part of eligible retained income which is calculated pursuant to the method specified by a Cabinet Order as the amount of income corresponding to the number of shares, etc. of the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. held by the resident through direct and/or indirect ownership, while taking into consideration the contents of the claim (meaning a claim to demand dividend of surplus, etc., distribution of property and any other economic benefit; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and the next paragraph) vested in such shares, etc. (meaning shares or capital contributions; the same shall apply in this paragraph and the next paragraph) (such part of eligible retained income hereinafter referred to as "taxable retained income" in the next Article) shall be deemed to be the resident's income categorized as miscellaneous income, and included in his/her gross income in the calculation of the amount of his/her miscellaneous income for the year that includes the day on which two months have elapsed since the day following the last day of the relevant business year:発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 12


第六十六条の六 次に掲げる内国法人に係る外国関係会社のうち、本店又は主たる事務所の所在する国又は地域におけるその所得に対して課される税の負担が本邦における法人の所得に対して課される税の負担に比して著しく低いものとして政令で定める外国関係会社に該当するもの(以下この款において「特定外国子会社等」という。)が、昭和五十三年四月一日以後に開始する各事業年度において、その未処分所得の金額から留保したものとして、政令で定めるところにより、当該未処分所得の金額につき当該未処分所得の金額に係る税額及び法人税法第二十三条第一項第一号に規定する剰余金の配当、利益の配当又は剰余金の分配(以下この項及び次項において「剰余金の配当等」という。)の額に関する調整を加えた金額(以下この条において「適用対象留保金額」という。)を有する場合には、その適用対象留保金額のうちその内国法人の有する当該特定外国子会社等の直接及び間接保有の株式等の数に対応するものとしてその株式等(株式又は出資をいう。以下この項及び次項において同じ。)の請求権(剰余金の配当等、財産の分配その他の経済的な利益の給付を請求する権利をいう。以下この項及び次項において同じ。)の内容を勘案して政令で定めるところにより計算した金額(以下この款において「課税対象留保金額」という。)に相当する金額は、その内国法人の収益の額とみなして当該各事業年度終了の日の翌日から二月を経過する日を含むその内国法人の各事業年度の所得の金額の計算上、益金の額に算入する。例文帳に追加

Article 66-6 (1) Where an affiliated foreign company related to any of the following domestic corporations, which falls under the category of affiliated foreign company specified by a Cabinet Order as a company whose tax burden to be imposed on its income earned in a state or territory where its head office or principal office is located is significantly lower than the tax burden to be imposed on the income of a corporation in Japan (hereinafter referred to in this Subsection as a "specified foreign subsidiary company, etc."), in each business year beginning on or after April 1, 1978, retains as part of the amount of undistributed income, pursuant to the provision of a Cabinet Order, any amount that is adjusted, with respect to the said amount of undistributed income, based on the tax amount pertaining to the said amount of undistributed income and the amount of dividend of surplus, dividend of profit or distribution of surplus prescribed in Article 23(1)(i) of the Corporation Tax Act (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph and the next paragraph as "dividend of surplus, etc.") (such adjusted amount hereinafter referred to in this Article as "eligible retained income"), the amount equivalent to the part of eligible retained income which is calculated pursuant to the method specified by a Cabinet Order as the amount of income corresponding to the number of shares, etc. of the said specified foreign subsidiary company, etc. held by the domestic corporation through direct and/or indirect ownership, while taking into consideration the contents of the claim (meaning a claim to demand dividend of surplus, etc., distribution of property and any other economic benefit; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and the next paragraph) vested in such shares, etc. (meaning shares or capital contributions; the same shall apply in this paragraph and the next paragraph) (such part of eligible retained income hereinafter referred to in this Subsection as "taxable retained income") shall be deemed to be the amount of the domestic corporation's profit, and included in its gross profit in the calculation of the amount of its income for the business year that includes the day on which two months have elapsed since the day following the last day of the relevant business year:発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


It is appropriate to make the “payment and settlement depositwidely available, as a deposit to be used exclusively, in principle, for payment and settlement.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

4 会社法第五百十二条から第五百十八条まで(他の手続の中止命令、特別清算開始の申立ての取下げの制限、特別清算開始の命令、他の手続の中止等、担保権の実行の手続等の中止命令、相殺の禁止)、第二編第九章第二節第二款から第十款まで(第五百二十二条第三項、第五百三十条第二項及び第五百三十六条を除く。)(裁判所による監督及び調査、清算人、監督委員、調査委員、清算株式会社の行為の制限等、清算の監督上必要な処分等、債権者集会、協定、特別清算の終了)、第七編第二章第四節(特別清算に関する訴え)、同編第三章第一節(第八百六十八条第二項から第五項まで及び第八百七十条から第八百七十四条までを除く。)(総則)、同章第三節(第八百七十九条、第八百八十二条第二項及び第八百九十六条を除く。)(特別清算の手続に関する特則)及び第九百三十八条(第六項を除く。)(特別清算に関する裁判による登記の嘱託)の規定は、清算特定目的会社の特別清算について準用する。この場合において、同法第五百十六条中「担保権の実行の手続、企業担保権の実行の手続又は清算株式会社の財産」とあるのは「担保権の実行の手続又は清算特定目的会社の財産」と、同法第五百二十二条第一項中「総株主(株主総会において決議をすることができる事項の全部につき議決権を行使することができない株主を除く。)の議決権の百分の三(これを下回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その割合)以上の議決権を六箇月(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前から引き続き有する株主若しくは発行済株式(自己株式を除く。)の百分の三(これを下回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その割合)以上の数の株式を六箇月(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前から引き続き有する株主」とあるのは「総特定社員(社員総会において決議をすることができる事項の全部につき議決権を行使することができない特定社員を除く。)の議決権の百分の三(これを下回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その割合)以上の議決権を有する特定社員若しくは総優先出資社員(社員総会において決議をすることができる事項の全部につき議決権を行使することができない優先出資社員を除く。)の議決権の百分の三(これを下回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その割合)以上の議決権を六箇月(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前から引き続き有する優先出資社員又は特定出資(自己特定出資を除く。)の総口数の百分の三(これを下回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その割合)以上の口数の特定出資を有する特定社員又は発行済優先出資(自己優先出資を除く。)の百分の三(これを下回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その割合)以上の口数の優先出資を六箇月(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前から引き続き有する優先出資社員」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。例文帳に追加

(4) The provisions of Article 512 to Article 518 inclusive (Order to Suspend Other Procedures; Restrictions on Withdrawal of Petition for Commencement of Special Liquidation; Order to Commence Special Liquidation; Suspension of Other Procedures; Order to Suspend Procedures to Enforce Security Interest; Prohibition of Set-offs); the provisions of Part II, Chapter IX, Section 2, Subsection 2 to Subsection 10 inclusive (excluding Article 522(3), Article 530(2), and Article 536) (Supervision and Investigation by the Court; Liquidators; Supervisor; Investigators; Restrictions on Acts of Liquidating Stock Companies; Dispositions Necessary); the provisions of Part VII, Chapter II, Section 4 (Action Concerning Special Liquidation); the provisions of Part VII, Chapter III, Section 1 (excluding Article 868(2) to (5) inclusive and Article 870 to Article 874 inclusive) (General Provisions); the provisions of Part VII, Chapter III, Section 3 (excluding Article 879, Article 882(2), and Article 896) (Special Provisions on the Procedures of Special Liquidation); and Article 938 (excluding paragraph (6)) (Commissioning of Registration by a Juridical Decision Concerning Special Liquidation) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the special liquidation of a Specific Purpose Company in Liquidation. In this case, the phrase "procedures to enforce the security interest that exists in the assets of the Liquidating Stock Company, procedures to enforce charge on whole company assets or compulsory execution procedures based on the general liens and other claims that have general priority that have already been enforced against the assets of the Liquidating Stock Company" in Article 516 of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "procedures to exercise the security interest that exists in the property of the Specific Purpose Company in Liquidation or compulsory execution procedures based on claims for which there exists a general statutory lien or any other general priority that have already been enforced against the property of the Specific Purpose Company in Liquidation," the phrase "or shareholders who have held, for the consecutive period of past six months or more (or, in cases where a shorter period is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such period), not less than three hundredths (3/100) of the voting rights of all shareholders (excluding the shareholders that cannot exercise voting rights on all matters on which resolutions can be passed at the shareholders meeting; or, in cases where any proportion less than that is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such proportion) or shareholders who have held, for the consecutive period of past six months or more (or, in cases where a shorter period is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such period), not less than three hundredths (3/100) of the issued shares (excluding treasury shares; or, in cases where a lower proportion is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such proportion)" in Article 522(1) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "or Specified Equity Members who hold not less than three-hundredths (if a smaller proportion is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such proportion) of the voting rights of all Specified Equity Members (excluding Specified Equity Members who may not exercise their voting rights on all matters on which a resolution may be effected at a general meeting of members) or Preferred Equity Members who have continuously held for the preceding six months or longer (if a shorter period is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such a period) not less than three-hundredths of the voting rights (if a smaller proportion is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such a proportion) of all Preferred Equity Members (excluding Preferred Equity Members who may not exercise their voting rights on all matters on which a resolution may be effected at a general meeting of members), or Specified Equity Members who hold not less than three-hundredths (if a smaller proportion is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such a proportion) of the total number of units of Specified Equity (excluding the Company's Own Specified Equity) or Preferred Equity Members who have continuously held for the preceding six months or longer (if a shorter period is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such period) not less than three-hundredths (if a smaller proportion is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such a proportion) of the units of issued Preferred Equity (excluding the Company's Own Preferred Equity)," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

法第百五十五条第二項の主務省令で定める書類は、次の各号に掲げる場合の区分に応 じ、当該各号に定めるものとする。 一変更の申請が商品市場の開設に係る場合次に掲げる書面 イ変更の理由を記載した書面 ロ新旧条文の対照表 ハ会員総会又は株主総会の議事録その他必要な手続があったことを証する書面 ニ新たに開設しようとする商品市場ごとに当該商品市場を開設しようとする商品取 引所の会員等であって当該商品市場において取引をしようとするもの及び当該商品 取引所の会員等になろうとする者であって当該商品市場において取引をしようとす るもの(会員商品取引所にあっては、その出資の全額の払込みが終了した者に限る。) の合計数が二十人以上であることを証する書面 ホニに規定する会員等及び会員等になろうとする者のうち、会員商品取引所の会員 及び会員になろうとする者にあっては当該商品市場について法第三十条第一項各 号のいずれかに該当することを誓約する書面、株式会社商品取引所の取引参加者及 び取引参加者になろうとする者にあっては法第八十二条第一項第一号イからハま で又は同項第二号イからハまでのいずれかに該当することを誓約する書面 ヘニに規定する会員等及び会員等になろうとする者の過半数の者が当該商品市場に ついて法第十条第二項各号並びに第二十八条第一項第五号イ及びロに定める者に 該当することを誓約する書面 ト当該商品取引所の会員等になろうとする者であって当該商品市場において取引を しようとするものが法第十五条第二項第一号イからヲまでのいずれにも該当しな いことを誓約する書面 チ新たに開設しようとする一以上の商品市場において法第百五条第一号に掲げる 方法により決済を行う場合にあっては、認可の申請の日前三十日以内に様式第一号 により作成したニに規定する会員等及び会員等になろうとする者の純資産額に関す る調書 リ新たに開設しようとする商品市場における開設後一年間の先物取引の取引量の見 込みを記載した書面 ル二以上の商品指数を一の上場商品指数として商品市場を開設しようとする場合に あっては、当該二以上の商品指数の対象となる物品の大部分が共通していることを 明らかにすることができる書面 二変更の申請が商品市場における上場商品若しくは上場商品指数の範囲の変更(廃止 又は範囲の縮小を除く。以下この号において同じ。)又は取引の種類の変更に係る場 合次に掲げる書面 イ変更の理由を記載した書面 ハ会員総会又は株主総会の議事録その他必要な手続があったことを証する書面 ニ当該変更に係る商品市場において法第百五条第一号に掲げる方法により決済を 行っている場合であって、当該商品市場において取引をする会員等の純資産額の最 低額を変更した場合にあっては、認可の申請の日前三十日以内に様式第一号により 作成した会員等の純資産額に関する調書 ホ当該変更に係る商品市場における変更後一年間の先物取引の取引量の見込みを記 載した書面 ヘ上場商品の範囲の変更の場合にあっては、二以上の上場商品構成物品を一の商品 市場で取引をすることが適当である旨を明らかにすることができる書面 ト二以上の商品指数を一の上場商品指数とする上場商品指数の範囲の変更の場合に あっては、当該二以上の商品指数の対象となる物品の大部分が共通している旨を明 らかにすることができる書面例文帳に追加

The documents specified by an ordinance of the competent ministry set forth in Article 155, paragraph 2 of the Act shall be as listed in the corresponding categories set forth in the following items and as specified in such items, respectively: (i) in the case where the application for amendment pertains to the establishment of a Commodity Market, the documents set forth in the following: (a) a document recording the reasons for the amendment; (b) a comparative table of the prior and amended article provisions; (c) minutes of a general meeting of Members or a general meeting of shareholders or another document certifying that the necessary procedures for approval have been followed; (d) a document certifying that the total number of persons who are Members, etc. of the Commodity Exchange intending to establish a Commodity Market for each Commodity Market which is planned to be newly established and who intend to start transactions on such Commodity Market, and who intend to become Members, etc. of said Commodity Exchange intending to start transactions on such Commodity Market (with regard to a Member Commodity Exchange, limited to persons who have completed payment of the full amount of the contribution) are 20 or more; (e) among persons who are or intend to become Members, etc. prescribed in (d), with regard to a person who is or intends to become a member of a Member Commodity Exchange, a sworn, written statement that such person is subject to any of the provisions of Article 30, paragraph 1 of the Act regarding said Commodity Market; with regard to a person who is or intends to become a trading participant of an Incorporated Commodity Exchange, a sworn, written statement that such person is subject to any of the provisions of (a) through (c) of Article 82, paragraph 1, item 1 of the Act, or any of the provisions of (a) through (c) of item 2 of the same paragraph; (f) a sworn, written document stating that the majority of persons who are or intend to become Members, etc. prescribed in (d) are subject to such persons as specified in the respective items of Article 10, paragraph 2, and Article 28, paragraph 1, item 5, (a) and (b) of the Act, with regard to such Commodity Market; (g) a sworn, written document stating that the person who intends to become a - 134 - Member, etc. of said Commodity Exchange and intends to start transactions on said Commodity Market is not subject to any of the provisions of (a) through (l) of Article 15, paragraph 2, item 1 of the Act; (h) in the case of carrying out settlements by the method set forth in Article 105, paragraph 1 of the Act at one or more Commodity Markets which are planned to be newly established, a record prepared according to Form No. 1 within 30 days prior to the date of filing the application and pertaining to the amount of the net assets of a person who is or intends to become a Member, etc. as prescribed in (d); (i) a document stating the estimated transaction volume of Futures Transactions for one year after the opening on a Commodity Market which he/she seeks to open; (j) in the case of seeking to open a Commodity Market pertaining to a Listed Commodity, a document stating that it is appropriate to trade Listed Commodity Component Products, etc. on a single Commodity Market; (k) in the case of seeking to open a Commodity Market by specifying two or more Commodity Indices as a single Listed Commodity Index, a document stating that the majority of the goods subject to said two or more Commodity Indices shall be common to one another; (ii) in the case where the application for amendment is pertaining to a change to the scope of a Listed Commodity or Listed Commodity Index on a Commodity Market (excluding the abolishment or narrowing of such scope; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item) or a change to the type of transaction, the documents set forth in the following: (a) a document recording the reasons for the amendment; (b) a comparative table of the prior and amended article provisions; (c) minutes of a general meeting of Members or a general meeting of shareholders or another document certifying that the necessary procedures for approval have been followed; (d) in cases where making a settlement on a Commodity Market pertaining to said amendment by a method set forth in Article 105, item 1 of the Act and where changing the minimum amount of the net assets of Members, etc. who trade on said Commodity Market, a record pertaining to the amount of the net assets of Members, etc., which is prepared according to Form No. 1 within 30 days prior to the filing of the application; (e) a document stating the estimated transaction volume of Futures Transactions for one year after the amendment on the Commodity Market pertaining to said amendment; (f) in the case of changing the scope of a Listed Commodity, a document stating that it is appropriate that two or more Listed Commodity Component Products, etc. are traded on a single Commodity Market; (g) in the case of changing the scope of a Listed Commodity Index which sets two or more Commodity Indices as a single Listed Commodity Index, a document stating that the majority of goods subject to said two or more Commodity Indices are common to one another;発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


法第百四十五条第三項の主務省令で定める書面は、次に掲げる書面(官公署が証明す る書面の場合には、認可の申請の日前三月以内に作成されたものに限る。)とする。 一合併の理由を記載した書面 二次に掲げる場合に応じ、それぞれ次に定める書面 イ合併後存続する商品取引所又は合併により設立される商品取引所の役員が外国 人である場合当該役員の住民票の写し等、履歴書及びその者が法第十五条第二 項第一号イからルまでのいずれにも該当しないことを誓約する書面 ロ合併後存続する商品取引所又は合併により設立される商品取引所の役員が法人 である場合当該役員の登記事項証明書、沿革を記載した書面及び法第十五条第 二項第一号ヲに該当しないことを誓約する書面 ハ合併後存続する商品取引所又は合併により設立される商品取引所の役員が外国 人又は法人でない場合当該役員の住民票の写し等、履歴書、その者が法第十五 条第二項第一号イ及びロに該当しない旨の官公署の証明書並びにその者が同号 ハからルまでのいずれにも該当しないことを誓約する書面 三会員等の氏名又は商号若しくは名称及び主たる事務所又は本店の所在地を記載した 書面、会員が取引をする商品市場ごとに法第三十条第一項各号のいずれかに該当す ることを誓約する書面又は取引参加者が取引をする商品市場ごとに法第八十二条第 一項第一号イからハまで若しくは同項第二号イからハまでのいずれかに該当する ことを誓約する書面、その者が法第十五条第二項第一号イからヲまでのいずれにも 該当しないことを誓約する書面並びに申請に係る商品取引所が開設しようとする一 以上の商品市場において法第百五条第一号に掲げる方法により決済を行う場合には 認可の申請の日前三十日以内に様式第一号により作成したその者の純資産額に関す る調書 四合併を行う各商品取引所の合併総会(会員商品取引所にあっては、法第百四十四条 第四項、第百四十四条の二第二項又は第百四十四条の三第四項の会員総会をいい、 株式会社商品取引所にあっては、法第百四十四条の六第一項、第百四十四条の十三 第一項、会社法第七百八十三条第一項、第七百九十五条第一項又は第八百四条第一 項の株主総会をいう。)の議事録その他必要な手続があったことを証する書面 五合併を行う各商品取引所の財産及び収支の状況を知ることができる書面(会員商品 取引所にあっては最終事業年度の決算関係書類等、株式会社商品取引所にあっては 最終事業年度の計算書類等及びその附属明細書)六法第百四十四条第五項、第百四十四条の二第三項及び第百四十四条の三第五項に おいて準用する法第百二十四条第二項、第百四十四条の十第二項(第百四十四条の 十七において準用する場合を含む。)、会社法第七百八十九条第二項 、第七百九十九 条第二項又は第八百十条第二項の規定による公告及び催告(第百二十四条第三項、 第百四十四条の十第三項(第百四十四条の十七において準用する場合を含む。)、会 社法第七百八十九条第三項、第七百九十九条第三項又は第八百十条第三項の規定に より公告を官報のほか時事に関する事項を掲載する日刊新聞紙又は電子公告によっ てした場合にあっては、これらの方法による公告)をしたこと並びに異議を述べた 債権者があるときは、当該債権者に対し弁済し若しくは相当の担保を提供し若しく は当該債権者に弁済を受けさせることを目的として相当の財産を信託したこと又は - 112 - 当該合併をしても当該債権者を害するおそれがないことを証する書面 七合併により消滅する商品取引所の開設している商品市場における取引に関する業務 の承継の方法を記載した書面 八商品取引所の業務に関する知識及び経験を有する従業員の確保の状況並びに当該従 業員の配置の状況を記載した書面(合併後の商品取引所が株式会社商品取引所であ る場合に限る。九開設しようとする商品市場における合併後一年間の先物取引の取引量の見込みを記 載した書面 十合併に際して上場商品に係る商品市場を開設しようとする場合にあっては、上場商 品構成物品を一の商品市場で取引をすることが適当である旨を明らかにすることが できる書面 十一合併に際して二以上の商品指数を一の上場商品指数として商品市場を開設しよう とする場合にあっては、当該二以上の商品指数の対象となる物品の大部分が共通し ていることを明らかにすることができる書面例文帳に追加

The documents specified by an ordinance set forth in Article 145, paragraph 3 of the Act shall be as listed in the following (in case of documents certified by a public agency, limited to documents prepared within three months prior to the date of filing the application): (i) a document recording the reasons for the merger; (ii) a document specified as follows corresponding to each case: (a) in cases where an officer of a Commodity Exchange surviving a merger or a Commodity Exchange Resulting from a Merger is a foreign national: a copy of the residence certificate, etc., the curriculum vitae of said officer, and a sworn, written statement by that person that such person is not subject to any of the provisions of Article 15, paragraph 2, item 1, (a) through (k) of the Act; (b) in cases where an officer of a Commodity Exchange surviving a merger or a Commodity Exchange Resulting from a Merger is a juridical person: a certificate of the registered matters of said officer, a document stating the corporate development, and a sworn, written statement by that person that such person is not subject to the provisions of Article 15, paragraph 2, item 1, (l) of the Act; (c) in cases where an officer of a Commodity Exchange surviving a merger or a Commodity Exchange Resulting from a Merger is neither a foreign national nor a juridical person: a copy of the residence certificate, etc., and the curriculum vitae of said officer; a certification issued by a public agency that such person is not subject to the provisions of Article 15, paragraph 2, item 1, (a) and (b) of the Act; and a sworn, written statement by that person that such person is not subject to any of the provisions of (c) through (k) of the same item; (iii) a document stating the name or trade name of a Member, etc., and the address of the principal office or head office of the Member, etc.; a sworn, written statement that the Member, etc. is subject to any of the provisions of Article 30, paragraph 1 of the Act for each Commodity Market where transactions are conducted, or a sworn, written statement that trading participants are subject to any of the provisions of (a) through (c) of Article 82, paragraph 1, item 1 of the Act, or any of the provisions of (a) through (c) of item 2 of the same paragraph by each Commodity Market where they conduct - 111 - transactions; a sworn, written statement that such person is not subject to any of the provisions of (a) through (l) of Article 15, paragraph 2, item 1 of the Act; and in the case where the Commodity Exchange specified in the application carries out settlement by the method set forth in Article 105, paragraph 1 of the Act on one or more Commodity Markets that the Commodity Exchange intends to open, a record pertaining to such person's net assets prepared according to Form No. 1 within 30 days prior to the date of application for approval; (iv) minutes of the general meeting of shareholders approving the merger (in the case of a Member Commodity Exchange, referring to the general meeting of Members prescribed in Article 144, paragraph 4, Article 144-2, paragraph 2, or Article 144-3, paragraph 4 of the Act; in the case of an Incorporated Commodity Exchange, referring to the general meeting of shareholders prescribed in Article 144-6, paragraph 1 and Article 144-13, paragraph 1 of the Act, and Article 783, paragraph 1, Article 795, paragraph 1, or Article 804, paragraph 1 of the Company Act) of each Commodity Exchange which carries out the merger, or another document certifying that the necessary procedures for the merger have been followed; (v) a document stating the status of the property, income and expenditure of each Commodity Exchange that carries out the merger (in the case of a Member Commodity Exchange, the settlement related statements, etc. of the preceding business year; in the case of an Incorporated Commodity Exchange, the financial documents, etc. of the preceding business year and detailed statements thereof); (vi) in the case where a public notice or demand (in cases where the public notice is made through an official gazette, a daily newspaper which publishes matters of current events, or an Electronic Public Notice pursuant to the provisions of Article 124, paragraph 3 or Article 144-10, paragraph 3 of the Act [including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 144-17), or Article 789, paragraph 3; Article 799, paragraph 3; or Article 810, paragraph 3 of the Company Act, a public notice by such method) is made pursuant to the provisions of Article 124, paragraph 2 as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 144, paragraph 5; Article 144-2, paragraph 3; and Article 144-3, paragraph 5 of the Act, or Article 144-10, paragraph 2 of the Act (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 144-17 of the Act); Article 789, paragraph 2; Article 799, paragraph 2; or Article 810, paragraph 2 of the Company Act; and in cases where a creditor has made an objection, a document certifying that the liabilities have been paid or reasonable collateral has been provided to said creditor, reasonable property has been deposited for the purpose of repaying the liabilities to said creditor, or that said merger is not likely to harm said creditor; (vii) a document stating a method for business succession pertaining to transactions on a Commodity Market which has been opened by a Commodity Exchange dissolved as a result of a merger; (viii) a document stating the status of securing employees who have the knowledge and experience pertaining to the business of a Commodity Exchange and the status of the assignment of such employees (limited to a case where a Commodity Exchange subsequent to a merger becomes an Incorporated Commodity Exchange); (ix) a document stating the estimated transaction volume of Futures Transactions for one year after the merger on the Commodity Market which he/she seeks to open; (x) in the case of seeking to open a Commodity Market pertaining to a Listed - 113 - Commodity at the time of a merger, a document stating that it is appropriate to conduct transactions of Listed Commodity Component Products, etc. on a single Commodity Market; (xi) in the case of seeking to open a Commodity Market at the time of a merger by specifying two or more Commodity Indices as a single Listed Commodity Index, a document stating that the majority of the goods subject to said two or more Commodity Indices shall be common to one another.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


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