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該当件数 : 63


第百九十五条 この省令で軌道装置とは、事業場附帯の軌道及び車両、動力車、巻上げ機等を含む一切の装置で、動力を用いて軌条により労働者又は荷物を運搬する用に供されるもの(鉄道営業法(明治三十三年法律第六十五号)、鉄道事業法(昭和六十一年法律第九十二号)又は軌道法(大正十年法律第七十六号)の適用を受けるものを除く。)をいう。例文帳に追加

Article 195 The term "railway equipment" as used in this Ordinance of the Ministry means all the units of equipment including rail tracks attached to workplace, and a vehicle, a power vehicle, a winch, etc. that is driven with the power on rails and used for transporting workers or cargoes (excluding those subject to the Railway Operation Act (Act No. 65 of 1900), the Railway Business Act (Act No. 92 of 1986) or the Railway Act (Act No. 76 of 1921)).発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


With regard to the reports made by hedge fund managers to the authorities, the items to be reported should be expanded in collaboration with other countries.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


To provide a rolling bearing running-in device and a manufacturing method, allowing clarifying direct conditions for increasing the rolling lifetime under a lean lubrication condition and manufacturing a rolling bearing satisfying the condition. - 特許庁


To provide a safety operation method of an emergency time coping type fuel cell system, that can performs self-sustain start by avoiding a short circuit in a disaster, by using by connecting a power source in close vicinity to an electric power demand place to a commercial power source. - 特許庁

第四条 労働者を提供しこれを他人の指揮命令を受けて労働に従事させる者(労働者派遣事業の適正な運営の確保及び派遣労働者の就業条件の整備等に関する法律(昭和六十年法律第八十八号。以下「労働者派遣法」という。)第二条第三号に規定する労働者派遣事業を行う者を除く。)は、たとえその契約の形式が請負契約であつても、次の各号のすべてに該当する場合を除き、法第四条第六項の規定による労働者供給の事業を行う者とする。例文帳に追加

Article 4 (1) A person supplying workers and having such workers engage in labor under the directions and orders of another person (excluding the persons engaged in the labor dispatching businesses provided by Article 2, item 3 of the Act for Securing the Proper Operation of Worker Dispatching [Not necessary]and Improved Working Conditions for Dispatched Workers (Act No. 88 of 1985; hereinafter referred to as "Worker Dispatching Act")) shall be deemed as a person engaged in the labor supply businesses provided by Article 4, paragraph 6 of the Act, even if the form of contract is a business contract, except where all matters listed in each of the following items are applicable.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第百四十九条 法第六十一条第一項の規定により、次の表の航空機の種別の欄に掲げる航空機(自衛隊が使用するものを除く。)に装備し、及び作動させなければならない航空機の運航の状況を記録するための装置は、それぞれ同表の装置の欄に掲げる装置とする。例文帳に追加

Article 149 (1) Pursuant to the provisions of Article 61 paragraph (1) of the Act, aircraft (except those used by Self-Defense Force) shall be equipped with and operate the devices for recording aircraft flight operations, as listed in the Table for each aircraft category.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



To provide a rotor of a rotating electrical machine which can surely reduce the operation stress of a leading line 16 of the rotor 1 in operation, and is achieved in the elongation of a life without causing the breakage of the leading line 16. - 特許庁


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 63


十八 企業等がその事業を実施するために必要な体制又はその運営方法の整備に関する調査、企画又は立案の業務(労働条件その他の労働に関する事項の設定又は変更を目的として行う業務を除く。)例文帳に追加

(xviii) work to examine and plan the development of a system necessary for corporations, etc. to conduct their businesses or the operational methods thereof (excluding work performed for the purpose of establishing or altering working conditions or other labor-related matters);発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 労働者がその事業における派遣就業のために派遣されている派遣先の事業に関しては、当該派遣先の事業を行う者を当該派遣中の労働者を使用する事業者と、当該派遣中の労働者を当該派遣先の事業を行う者に使用される労働者とみなして、労働安全衛生法第十一条、第十四条から第十五条の三まで、第十七条、第二十条から第二十七条まで、第二十八条の二から第三十条の三まで、第三十一条の三、第三十六条(同法第三十条第一項及び第四項、第三十条の二第一項及び第四項並びに第三十条の三第一項及び第四項の規定に係る部分に限る。)、第四十五条(第二項を除く。)、第五十七条の三から第五十七条の五まで、第五十九条第三項、第六十条、第六十一条第一項、第六十五条から第六十五条の四まで、第六十六条第二項前段及び後段(派遣先の事業を行う者が同項後段の政令で定める業務に従事させたことのある労働者(派遣中の労働者を含む。)に係る部分に限る。以下この条において同じ。)、第三項、第四項(同法第六十六条第二項前段及び後段並びに第三項の規定に係る部分に限る。以下この条において同じ。)並びに第五項(同法第六十六条第二項前段及び後段、第三項並びに第四項の規定に係る部分に限る。以下この条において同じ。)、第六十六条の三(同法第六十六条第二項前段及び後段、第三項、第四項並びに第五項の規定に係る部分に限る。以下この条において同じ。)、第六十六条の四、第六十八条、第七十一条の二、第九章第一節並びに第八十八条から第八十九条の二までの規定並びに当該規定に基づく命令の規定(これらの規定に係る罰則の規定を含む。)を適用する。この場合において、同法第二十九条第一項中「この法律又はこれに基づく命令の規定」とあるのは「この法律若しくはこれに基づく命令の規定(労働者派遣事業の適正な運営の確保及び派遣労働者の就業条件の整備等に関する法律(以下「労働者派遣法」という。)第四十五条の規定により適用される場合を含む。)又は同条第十項の規定若しくは同項の規定に基づく命令の規定」と、同条第二項中「この法律又はこれに基づく命令の規定」とあるのは「この法律若しくはこれに基づく命令の規定(労働者派遣法第四十五条の規定により適用される場合を含む。)又は同条第十項の規定若しくは同項の規定に基づく命令の規定」と、同法第三十条第一項第五号及び第八十八条第七項中「この法律又はこれに基づく命令の規定」とあるのは「この法律又はこれに基づく命令の規定(労働者派遣法第四十五条の規定により適用される場合を含む。)」と、同法第六十六条の四中「第六十六条第一項から第四項まで若しくは第五項ただし書又は第六十六条の二」とあるのは「第六十六条第二項前段若しくは後段(派遣先の事業を行う者が同項後段の政令で定める業務に従事させたことのある労働者(労働者派遣法第四十四条第一項に規定する派遣中の労働者を含む。)に係る部分に限る。以下この条において同じ。)、第三項、第四項(第六十六条第二項前段及び後段並びに第三項の規定に係る部分に限る。以下この条において同じ。)又は第五項ただし書(第六十六条第二項前段及び後段、第三項並びに第四項の規定に係る部分に限る。)」とする。例文帳に追加

(3) With regard to a client undertaking to which workers are dispatched for dispatch work in said undertaking, the provisions of Article 11, Articles 14 to 15-3 inclusive, Article 17, Articles 20 to 27 inclusive, Articles 28-2 to 30-3 inclusive, Article 31-3, Article 36 (limited to those parts pertaining to the provisions of paragraphs (1) and (4) of Article 30, paragraphs (1) and (4) of Article 30-2, and paragraphs (1) and (4) of Article 30-3), Article 45 (excluding paragraph (2)), Articles 57-3 to 57-5 inclusive, paragraph (3) of Article 59, Article 60, paragraph (1) of Article 61, Articles 65 to 65-4 inclusive, the first sentence and the second sentence of paragraph (2) of Article 66 (limited to those parts pertaining to workers whom a person carrying out a client undertaking has caused to be engaged in work specified by a Cabinet Order referred to in the second sentence of the same paragraph (including workers under dispatching); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), paragraph (3) of Article 66, paragraph (4) of Article 66 (limited to those parts pertaining to the provisions of the first sentence and the second sentence of paragraph (2), and to paragraph (3) of the same Article; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) and paragraph (5) of Article 66 (limited to those parts pertaining to the provisions of the first sentence and the second sentence of paragraph (2), and to paragraphs (3) and (4) of the same Article; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), Article 66-3 (limited to those parts pertaining to the provisions of the first sentence and the second sentence of paragraph (2), and to paragraphs (3), (4) and (5) of the same Article; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), Article 66-4, Article 68, Article 71-2, Section 1 of Chapter 9, Articles 88 to 89-2 inclusive of the Industrial Safety and Health Act and the provisions of orders based on the provisions concerned (including penal provisions pertaining to these provisions) shall apply, by deeming the person carrying out said client undertaking to be a business operator employing the workers under dispatching, and by deeming the workers under dispatching concerned to be workers employed by the person carrying out the client undertaking concerned. In this case, the term "the provisions of this Act or Order issued thereunder" in paragraph (1) of Article 29 of said Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the provisions of this Act or orders issued based on this Act (including cases where these provisions are applied under the provisions of Article 45 of the Act for Securing Proper Operation of Worker Dispatching Undertakings and Improved Working Conditions for Dispatched Workers (hereinafter referred to as "the Worker Dispatching Act)"), or the provisions of paragraph (10) of the same Article or orders based on the provisions of the same paragraph"; the term "the provisions of this Act or Order issued thereunder" in paragraph (2) of the same Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "the provisions of this Act or orders issued based on this Act (including cases where these provisions are applied under the provisions of Article 45 of the Worker Dispatching Act), or the provisions of paragraph (10) of the same Article or orders based on the provisions of the same paragraph"; the term "this Act and the provisions of ordinances based thereon" in item (v) of paragraph (1) of Article 30 and in paragraph (7) of Article 88 shall be deemed to be replaced with "the provisions of this Act or orders based on this Act (including cases where these provisions are applied under the provisions of Article 45 of the Worker Dispatching Act)"; and the term "paragraph (1) through (4) of Article 66, proviso in paragraph (5) or Article 66-2" in Article 66-4 shall be deemed to be replaced with "the first sentence or the second sentence of paragraph (2) of Article 66 (limited to those parts pertaining to workers whom a person carrying out a client undertaking has caused to be engaged in the work specified by a Cabinet Order referred to in the second sentence of the same paragraph (including workers under dispatching prescribed in paragraph (1) of Article 44 of the Worker Dispatching Act); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), paragraph (3) of Article 66, paragraph (4) of Article 66 (limited to those parts pertaining to the provisions of the first sentence and the second sentence of paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) of Article 66; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) or the proviso to paragraph (5) of Article 66 (limited to those parts pertaining to the provisions of the first sentence and the second sentence of paragraph (2), paragraph (3) and paragraph (4) of Article 66)".発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第七十三条 自動車(第三項に規定するものを除く。以下この項及び次項において同じ。)の所有者は、当該自動車が最初の自動車登録ファイルへの登録(道路運送車両法第四条の規定による自動車登録ファイルへの登録をいう。以下同じ。)を受けるとき(同法第三条に規定する軽自動車(同法第五十八条第一項に規定する検査対象外軽自動車を除く。)にあっては当該自動車が最初の自動車検査証の交付(同法第六十条第一項又は第七十一条第四項の規定による自動車検査証の交付をいう。以下同じ。)を受けるとき、同法第五十八条第一項に規定する検査対象外軽自動車にあっては当該自動車が最初の車両番号の指定(同法第九十七条の三第一項の規定による車両番号の指定をいう。以下同じ。)を受けるとき)までに、当該自動車に係る再資源化等料金(次の表の上欄に掲げる自動車の区分に応じ、それぞれ当該自動車に係る特定再資源化等物品を第二十一条の規定により引き取るべき自動車製造業者等が第三十四条第一項の規定により公表した同表の中欄に掲げる料金(当該自動車製造業者等が存しない場合又は当該自動車製造業者等を確知することができない場合(次項各号において「製造業者不存在の場合」という。)にあっては、指定再資源化機関が第百八条第一項の規定により公表した同表の下欄に掲げる料金)をいう。第三項において同じ。)に相当する額の金銭を再資源化等預託金として資金管理法人に対し預託しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 73 (1) The owner of a Vehicle (except for those prescribed in Paragraph 3; the same shall apply hereinafter in this paragraph and the next paragraph) shall deposit with the Deposit Management Entity as a Recycling, etc. a deposit in an amount equivalent to the Recycling, etc. Fee for said Vehicle (the fee indicated in the middle column of the following Table made public pursuant to the provisions of Article 34, Paragraph 1 by the Vehicle Manufacturer, etc., which has to collect the Parts Specified for Recycling, etc. relating to said Vehicle pursuant to the classification of the Vehicle indicated in the upper column of the same Table (when there is no Vehicle Manufacturer, etc. or when the Vehicle Manufacturer, etc. cannot be notified (referred to in each of the following items as "When There is No Manufacturer"; the same shall apply hereinafter); the fee indicated in the lower column made public by the Designated Recycling Organization as prescribed in Article 108, Paragraph 1); the same shall apply in Paragraph 3) by the time said Vehicle has been first registered in the Vehicle Registration File (referred to as registration in Vehicle Registration File pursuant to the provisions of the Road Transport Vehicle Act, Article 4; the same shall apply hereinafter), for a light Vehicle prescribed in Article 3 of the same Act (except for Vehicles outside the scope of the inspections prescribed in Article 58, Paragraph 1 of the same Act) when the initial vehicle inspection certificate for said Vehicle (referred to as a delivery of vehicle inspection certificates provided in Article 60, Paragraph 1 or Article 71, Paragraph 4 of the same Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) has been delivered, for light Vehicles which are outside the scope of inspections prescribed in Article 58, Paragraph 1 of the same Act, when the Vehicle number of the Vehicle has been initially designated (indicated as a designation of Vehicle number as prescribed in Article 97-3, Paragraph 1 of the same Act; the same shall apply hereinafter in Paragraph 3).発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To provide an operation control method for photovoltaic power generation system, capable of suppressing variations in output suppression among respective users who have photovoltaic power generation systems connected to the identical power system. - 特許庁

6 派遣先の事業において常時粉じん作業に従事したことのある労働者であつて現に派遣元の事業を行う者に雇用されるもののうち、常時粉じん作業に従事する労働者以外の者(当該派遣先の事業において現に粉じん作業以外の作業に常時従事している者を除く。)については、当該派遣元の事業を行う者を事業者とみなして、じん肺法第八条から第十四条まで、第十五条第三項、第十六条から第十七条まで、第二十条の二、第二十二条の二及び第三十五条の二の規定(これらの規定に係る罰則の規定を含む。)を適用する。この場合において、同法第十条中「事業者は、じん肺健康診断を」とあるのは「労働者派遣事業の適正な運営の確保及び派遣労働者の就業条件の整備等に関する法律(以下「労働者派遣法」という。)第四十四条第三項に規定する派遣元の事業(以下単に「派遣元の事業」という。)を行う者が同条第一項に規定する派遣中の労働者又は同項に規定する派遣中の労働者であつた者に対してじん肺健康診断を」と、「労働安全衛生法第六十六条第一項又は第二項の」とあるのは「派遣元の事業を行う者にあつては労働安全衛生法第六十六条第一項又は第二項の、労働者派遣法第四十四条第一項に規定する派遣先の事業を行う者にあつては労働安全衛生法第六十六条第二項の」と、同法第三十五条の二中「この法律」とあるのは「この法律(労働者派遣法第四十六条の規定を含む。)」とする。例文帳に追加

(6) With regard to persons other than workers regularly engaged in dust work (excluding persons regularly engaged in work other than dust work in the client undertaking concerned), among those workers actually employed by a person carrying out a dispatching undertaking who have been regularly engaged in dust work in the client undertaking, the provisions of Articles 8 to 14 inclusive, paragraph (3) of Article 15, Articles 16 to 17 inclusive, Article 20-2, Article 22-2, and Article 35-2 of the Pneumoconiosis Act (including penal provisions pertaining to these provisions) shall apply, by deeming the person carrying out the dispatching undertaking to be the business operator. In this case, in Article 10 of the same Act, the term "A business operator may, where he or she has conducted a pneumoconiosis examination" shall be deemed to be replaced with "A person carrying out a dispatching undertaking prescribed in paragraph (3) of Article 44 of the Act for Securing Proper Operation of Worker Dispatching Undertakings and Improved Working Conditions for Dispatched Workers (hereinafter referred to as "the Worker Dispatching Act") (hereinafter such undertaking shall be referred to simply as a "dispatching undertaking") may, where he/she has conducted a pneumoconiosis examination for workers under dispatching prescribed in paragraph (1) of the same Article or for those who have been such workers under dispatching prescribed in the same paragraph" and the term "in paragraph (1) or (2) of Article 66 of the Industrial Safety and Health Act" shall be deemed to be replaced with "in paragraph (1) or (2) of Article 66 of the Industrial Safety and Health Act in the case of a person carrying out a dispatching undertaking and in paragraph (2) of Article 66 of the Industrial Safety and Health Act in the case of a person carrying out a client undertaking prescribed in paragraph (1) of Article 44 of the Worker Dispatching Act"; and the term "this Act" in Article 35-2 shall be deemed to be replaced with "this Act (including the provisions of Article 46 of the Worker Dispatching Act)".発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To provide a sewing machine with a dust collector which can efficiently remove dust containing cloth end chips generated in rich amount inside a sewing machine bed and can perform sewing work favorably without producing operation problems of moving parts even in continuous operations and sanitarily under work environment with little suspended dust. - 特許庁

第百四十九条の三 法第六十一条第二項の規定により、同項に規定する航空機の使用者が保存しなければならない記録は、飛行記録装置による記録であつて、次に掲げる運航(発動機を停止している間を除く。)に係るもの(記録された後六十日を経過したものを除く。)とする。例文帳に追加

Article 149-3 The records that users of aircraft are required to keep, pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (2) of Article 61 of the Act, are Flight Data Recorder records related to the operations listed below (with the exception of periods when the engine(s) are stopped) (with the exception of records created more than 60 days previously).発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



With regard to the reports made by hedge fund managers to the authorities, in view of international discussion, it would appear that the items to be reported should be expanded in collaboration with other countries. These would include ongoing reports to the authorities on the risk management of managed assets.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


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