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該当件数 : 15件
The organic metal complex includes a compound having a pyrrole ring or a sulfur atom in the center of the carbon chain. - 特許庁
To provide an image forming apparatus which gives a high design flexibility to a fixing unit and is capable of preventing the occurrence of paper creases, fine wrinkles, and trailing curls of recoding mediums after fixing regardless of various paper kinds of recording mediums. - 特許庁
This cigarette is characterized in that the matches (3) are stuck on the tip of the cigarette (1), and the cigarette (1) with the matches (3) is housed in a cylinder (2) having a side chemical (4) coated on the inner surface. - 特許庁
To provide a fixing device and an image forming device securing the high degree of freedom in designing the fixing device and capable of preventing the wrinkles, the crepe and the spring of the trailing edge of a recording medium after fixing even in the various kinds of recording media while restraining cost rising. - 特許庁
According to the inscription on the base of the principle object of worship in the main building of Myoho-in Temple's Rengeo-in (Sanjusangen-do), the first son of Kokei was born in 1173, and it is therefore estimated that Unkei was born sometime in the middle of the 12th century.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a Web access support device which display existenting Web pages incapable of being displayed on an information terminal such as a portable telephone set having a Web browsing function and a network-only terminal and can display the extstenting Web pages in an easer-to-see style. - 特許庁
The deflection strength is thereby enhanced because the wire 7 is not affected even when both end parts of the insulating substrate 21 are bent upward or downward with respect to the central part thereof. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 15件
To provide a resolution converting method in which a mobile terminal device such as a mobile telephone and a PDA can generate high-resolution image data free from unnatural feeling without making a circuit complicated nor causing an increase in power consumption. - 特許庁
To easily retrieve/obtain moving pictures and pieces of video to be projected on display parts of terminals of a cellular telephone connectable with the Internet, various mobile terminals, a wearable computer and an Internet home electric appliance among many pieces of moving picture/video data by keywords in a short time. - 特許庁
The first base material for pasting transdermal medicine in which a surface layer 2 consisting of an adhesive segmented polyurethane gel for containing the transdermal medicine, thinner than a first support layer 1, is laminated on and integrated with one surface of the support layer 1 consisting of the adhesive segmented polyurethane gel; has the surface layer made into a hydrophilic gel and the support layer made into an amphipathic or a lipophilic gel. - 特許庁
To solve such a problem that the existing inventions which constantly hold and continuously send forth paper cause the paper sent forth in an oblique direction little by little and eventually cause large wrinkles on the paper or the paper drawn to one side which cannot be corrected easily. - 特許庁
When examination materials are requested from a user terminal, a managing server sends reception confirmation mail to the user terminal and confirms mail reception, and users whose reception confirmation is not obtained are listed up to perform reception confirmation by communication means such as telephone, facsimile, etc., and users whose reception confirmation is obtained are listed up to let a test holder know them and send examination materials. - 特許庁
About the split of territories, Nobukatsu ODA was given Owari province, Nobutaka ODA was Mino province, Nobukane ODA was north Ise and Iga provinces, Yusai HOSOKAWA, who was a vassal of Mitsuhide was Tango province, Junkei TSUTSUI was Yamato province, Ukon TAKAYAMA and Kiyohide NAKAGAWA kept their territories, Nagahide NIWA was given Shiga and Takashima counties of Omi province, which deserved 150,000 goku, Tuneoki IKEDA was given Amagasaki and Osaka counties of Settsu province, which deserved 150,000 goku, and Hidemasa HORI was given Omisawayama.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a supervisory system for a specific area that can quickly supply required supervisory information to registered users when they use information terminals such as a mobile phone, a personal computer and a personal digital assistant(PDA) to access the system. - 特許庁
To provide a skin cosmetic containing a protein hydrolysate and/or its derivative, imparting excellent wet feeling and smooth feeling to the skin similarly to the skin cosmetic blended with a conventional hydrolyzed collagen derived from the skin and bones of cows and pigs or a hydrolyzed keratin derived from feathers, or their derivatives, and almost without smelling an animal smell like the conventional hydrolyzed collagen or hydrolyzed keratin derived from the animal. - 特許庁
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