



英和・和英辞典で「できますよ 必要なことですからね」に一致する見出し語は見つかりませんでしたが、

「できますよ 必要なことですからね」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 13



And nowto go into the history of this wonderful production of water from combustibles, and by combustion—I must first of all tell you that this water may exist in different conditions; and although you may now be acquainted with all its forms, they still require us to give a little attention to them for the present, so that we may perceive how the water, whilst it goes through its Protean changes, is entirely and absolutely the same thing, whether it is produced from a candle, by combustion, or from the rivers or ocean.発音を聞く  - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』


As you have been retained from the previous cabinet, I would like to ask you about a matter continuing since last year. In relation to the ongoing reorganization procedure for Takefuji, the FSA has not canceled Takefuji’s registration as a consumer loan company following the company’s failure, and I presume that this indicates FSA’s intention to continue to supervise it. Do you think it is necessary for the FSA as the supervisory authority to check on the selection of a sponsor of Takefuji’s reorganization?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


So, we must make the interval between the date of promulgation and the effective date of the enacted bill as short as possible. As I spoke of the quick enactment with a view to facilitating year-end fund-raising, I was not merely stating my wishes. I am speaking on the premise that we must use this framework to ensure the flow of funds to companies that need them.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

リゾルバ (resolver) はシステムの一部分で, IP アドレスとホスト名との変換をおこないます. IP アドレスとホスト名を対応させるためのマップを,二つの場所のうちの一つから探すように設定できます. 一つめは /etc/hosts (man 5 hosts)と呼ばれるファイルです. 二つめはインターネット ドメインネームサービス (DNS) と呼ばれる分散データベースですが, これに関する議論は このドキュメントで扱う範囲を 越えていますので,これについての説明はおこないません.リゾルバは名前のマッピングを おこなうシステムコールの集合体です. ただしどこからマッピング情報を見つけるのかは, 最初に指示しておく必要があります. これは まず /etc/host.conf ファイルを編集することでおこないます.混乱の元になりますので, このファイルを /etc/hosts.conf と呼んだりしてはいけません(余分なs がついていますね).例文帳に追加

What you put in them depends to some extent on whether your ISP allocates IP addresses statically (i.e., you get given one IP address, and always use that one) or dynamically (i.e., your IP address changes each time you connect to your ISP). PPP and Static IP Addresses発音を聞く  - FreeBSD


Although we have already issued an instruction for acting as quickly as possible, there will be procedural work to be done after the bill’s enactment. As the application for capital injection must be screened before capital is actually injected, leading to the provision of loans, I fear that time is running out. So, I have instructed the FSA again to make sure that funds properly flow to where needed by the end of the year, although the bill is still under deliberation in the Diet.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Of course, I intend to do so. This is a matter of political leadership. Trade in agricultural goods has existed since the Meiji period; the rice market was opened in the Edo period. It is said that the first futures trading was conducted in Osaka. Grain trading has a very long history and tradition and it has been promoted by the former Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as part of the agricultural policy. Trading in crude oil and other mineral resources has been promoted as part of the trade and commerce policy. For my part, I served as parliamentary secretary for international trade and industry 20 years ago. However, regarding financial products, which account for most of the trading, futures trading is under the jurisdiction of the FSA. I am well aware that ministerial sectionalism has existed until now. The reality is that individual ministries have been operating on the basis of sectionalism. In this respect, we must exercise political leadership. Under the current economic strategy, it is an important task to strengthen the Tokyo market’s international competitiveness and enhance its position from a broad perspective, so the three relevant ministers will discuss this matter and take necessary actions.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


We will properly look into the possibility of the postponement of its expiration considering the role fulfilled by the SME Financing Facilitation Act in the recession, especially the recession amid the strong yen, as financing is indispensable for sound and sustainable companies. As I have stated some time ago, I have been told by proprietors of SMEs in my hometown of Kitakyushu that they were glad that the Act was established. I have heard on various occasions that proprietors of SMEs, who used to be in a weak position as borrowers relative to banks, can now say things to banks on an equal footing as a result of the establishment of the Act. We will give positive consideration to the possibility of postponement of its expiration in an appropriate manner by taking such matters into account, while at the same time, heeding financial discipline, which is extremely important in a liberal society and free economy as a matter of course.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


From around noon today, I am scheduled to receive a briefing from the FSA staff on the double loan problem. Numerous questions have been asked about the double loan problem at the Budget Committee and I have replied to some of them. Forgive me for mentioning this over and over again, but basically, the FSA is responsible for inspecting and supervising private financial institutions. In principle, the financial source of private financial institutions is deposits entrusted by individuals - savings in the case of Japan Post Bank - and those funds must be repaid with interest in principle. Therefore, we will use the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions to increase capital. Under the Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions, we will not pursue the responsibility of managers nor will we demand the setting of efficiency targets. As this is a once-in-a-millennium tsunami, the government needs to do its utmost to appropriately deal with it, rather than pursuing the responsibility of managers. In that sense, financial institutions should take appropriate actions in the Tohoku region.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


In that sense, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) hopes that the strengthening of the margin regulation will help to protect investors and enhance the soundness of FX trading in Japan. As I already mentioned, FX trading using high leverages may cause customers to incur unexpected losses as a result of even minor movements in exchange rates.Regarding the margin regulation, the protection of investors has emerged as a greater challenge globally because of the Lehman shock of three years ago. As I stated in the Diet, this regulation is a democratic control of speculative money in a democratic country.While the economy contributes to the well-being of human beings, it tends to go out of their control, so it is necessary to protect investors and, depending on circumstances, even protect a country’s economy.I think that this regulation is necessary as part of the broad economic and fiscal policy that is emerging after the Lehman shock.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


I do not think there are any inconsistencies in the logic. If my memory serves me correctly, the “pay-offscheme was established around 1971—back then, many banks went bankrupt. In my personal experience, while I served as Minister in the Second Hashimoto Cabinet from 1997 to 1998, Hokkaido Takushoku Bank went bankrupt, Yamaichi Securities collapsed, and dozens of financial institutions failed in Japan at the time. As depositors were extremely anxious back then due to the collapse of many financial institutions, the government decided not to implement the “pay-offscheme between 1996 and March 2002 despite the existence of legal provisions. Today, financial conditions have somewhat settled since the collapse of Ashikaga Bank, and Japan’s financial climate is calm on the whole, notwithstanding the Lehman Brothers shockwave on a global scale. At the end of the day, I believe depositors need to choose banks based on the principle of self-responsibility. At the same time, there is one thing I would like to emphasize especially to top management executives—the borrowers. They should feel very sorry to depositors if thepay-offscheme is implemented. Individuals with 10 million yen in deposits plus interest who are entitled to receive provisional payback under the Deposit Insurance Act will ultimately have the amount reduced to a certain extent, thereby causing substantial trouble to depositors. In that sense, all top management executives and others involved in the management of Japanese financial institutions should re-acknowledge the gravity of their management responsibility for financial business.発音を聞く  - 金融庁



Amid the current economic downturn, financial institutions are after all in a more advantageous position in relation to SMEs. This means that SMEs could not voice their opinion much. Thanks to the enactment of this law, they can now straightforwardly request a change of terms or other matters. Apparently, (former) Minister Kamei also proclaimed a transformation in attitude in the area of financial institution supervision as well. As banking is also a consultancy service, there must be a perspective of not just lending money and getting the money back, but of how to help industry survive and operate decently. That is why a sound and robust financial institution or a generous financial institution is needed and I, as the head of the FSA, pushed forward with conviction a policy for our work of inspections and supervision that is in line with that spirit.発音を聞く  - 金融庁



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