



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 法令用語日英標準対訳辞書 > とうししんたくいたくがいしゃの英語・英訳 









該当件数 : 163


二 投資信託委託会社が解散したとき。例文帳に追加

(ii) When the Settlor Company of an Investment Trust has been dissolved;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

三 投資信託委託会社が委託者指図型投資信託に係る業務を廃止したとき。例文帳に追加

(iii) When the Settlor Company of an Investment Trust has discontinued business pertaining to an Investment Trust Managed under Instructions from the Settlor; or発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(xxiii) In the cases where an investment trust management company, etc., is engaged in the commodity trading consignment business, the status of transactions with the said investment trust management company, etc., during the calculation period of the relevant investment trust assets and the total amount of commission fees paid to the said investment trust management company, etc., shall be listed.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

四 投資信託委託会社が前項第二号若しくは第三号に該当する場合又は受託会社が同項第四号に該当する場合において、当該投資信託委託会社又は当該受託会社から他の投資信託委託会社又は他の受託会社に当該投資信託契約に関する業務の引継ぎがされたとき。例文帳に追加

(iv) In cases where a Settlor Company of an Investment Trust falls under item (ii) or item (iii) of the preceding paragraph or a Trustee Company falls under item (iv) of that paragraph, when business succession related to the Investment Trust Contract has taken place from the Settlor Company of an Investment Trust or the Trustee Company to another Settlor Company of an Investment Trust or another Trustee Company.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二十二条 内閣総理大臣は、この法律の施行に必要な限度において、投資信託委託会社若しくは投資信託委託会社であつた者(以下この項において「投資信託委託会社等」という。)、当該投資信託委託会社等の設定した投資信託財産に係る受託会社若しくは受託会社であつた者(以下この項において「受託会社等」という。)又は当該受託会社等と当該受託会社等に係る投資信託に係る業務に関して取引する者に対し、当該投資信託委託会社等若しくは当該受託会社等の業務若しくは財産に関し参考となるべき報告若しくは資料の提出を命じ、又は当該職員に当該投資信託委託会社等若しくは当該受託会社等の営業所に立ち入り、当該投資信託委託会社等若しくは当該受託会社等の業務若しくは財産の状況若しくは帳簿書類その他の物件を検査させ、若しくは関係者に質問させることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 22 (1) The Prime Minister may, to the extent necessary for the enforcement of this Act, order the Settlor Company of an Investment Trust or a person who was the Settlor Company of an Investment Trust (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Settlor Company of an Investment Trust, etc." in this paragraph), a Trustee Company concerned with the Investment Trust Property established by the Settlor Company of an Investment Trust, etc., or a person who was such Trustee Company (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Trustee Company, etc." in this paragraph) or a person who deals with the Trustee Company, etc. in relation to business pertaining to the Investment Trust of the Trustee Company, etc., to submit reports or materials that will be helpful for understanding the business or property of the Settlor Company of an Investment Trust, etc. or the Trustee Company, etc., or have the relevant officials enter the business office of said Settlor Company of an Investment Trust, etc. or Trustee Company, etc. and inspect the condition of its business, property, its books, documents, or other articles pertaining to said Settlor Company of an Investment Trust, etc. or Trustee Company, etc., and may have them question any persons concerned.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二十三条 内閣総理大臣は、投資信託委託会社又は受託会社が第一号又は第二号に該当することとなる場合において、当該投資信託委託会社又は受託会社に係る投資信託契約の存続が公益又は投資者保護のため必要かつ適当であると認めるときは、当該投資信託委託会社又は受託会社に対し、内閣総理大臣があらかじめ、当該投資信託契約に係る受託会社又は投資信託委託会社及び他の投資信託委託会社又は受託会社の同意を得た上、当該投資信託契約に関する業務をその同意を得た他の投資信託委託会社又は受託会社に引き継ぐことを命ずることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 23 (1) In cases where the Settlor Company of an Investment Trust or a Trustee Company has come to fall under item (i) or item (ii), if the Prime Minister finds that it is necessary and appropriate for the public interest or for the protection of Investors that the Investment Trust Contract pertaining to the Settlor Company of the Investment Trust or Trustee Company continue, he/she may, by obtaining the consent of the Trustee Company or Settlor Company of the Investment Trust concerned with the Investment Trust Contract and another Settlor Company of an Investment Trust or Trustee Company in advance, order the Settlor Company of the Investment Trust or Trustee Company to have their business related to the Investment Trust Contract succeeded to by the other Settlor Company of an Investment Trust or Trustee Company wherefrom consent has been obtained:発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



The name, amount of capital, details of business and outline of operations of a trustor (name of the company that manages the said foreign investment fund, and the management company in the cases of a management company which is entrusted with the management of investment trust assets by a company that manages a foreign investment fund) shall be entered.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


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  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!




該当件数 : 163


第二十四条 投資信託委託会社又は受託会社が次の各号のいずれかに該当する場合においては、当該投資信託委託会社であつた法人(当該投資信託委託会社が合併により解散した場合には、合併後存続する法人又は合併により設立した法人)又は当該受託会社と投資信託契約を締結している投資信託委託会社は、遅滞なく、投資信託契約を解約しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 24 (1) When a Settlor Company of an Investment Trust or Trustee Company falls under any of the following items, the juridical person who was the Settlor Company of the Investment Trust (in cases where the Settlor Company of the Investment Trust has been dissolved as a result of a merger, a juridical person surviving the merger or juridical person established upon merger) or the Settlor Company of the Investment Trust that concluded the Investment Trust Contract with the Trustee Company shall cancel the Investment Trust Contract without delay:発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

⑲ 投資信託委託会社等が第一種金融商品取引業又は第二種金融商品取引業を行っている場合にあっては、当該投資信託財産の計算期間中における当該投資信託委託会社等との間の取引の状況及び当該投資信託委託会社等に支払われた売買委託手数料の総額例文帳に追加

(xix) In the cases where an investment trust management company, etc., is engaged in Type I financial instruments business or Type II financial instruments business, the status of transactions with the said investment trust management company, etc., during the calculation period of the relevant investment trust assets and the total amount of commission fees paid to the said investment trust management company, etc., shall be listed.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

⑳ 投資信託委託会社等が宅地建物取引業を営んでいる場合にあっては、当該投資信託財産の計算期間中における宅地建物取引業者である投資信託委託会社等との間の取引の状況及び当該投資信託委託会社等に支払われた手数料の総額例文帳に追加

(xx) In the cases where an investment trust management company, etc., is engaged in real estate business, the status of transactions with the investment trust management company, etc., which is a real estate transaction business operator, during the calculation period of the relevant investment trust assets and the total amount of commission fees paid to the said investment trust management company, etc., shall be listed.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

2 委託者指図型投資信託の受益者は、投資信託委託会社に対し、その営業時間内に、当該受益者に係る投資信託財産に関する帳簿書類の閲覧又は謄写を請求することができる。例文帳に追加

(2) A beneficiary of an Investment Trust Managed under Instructions from the Settlor may make a request to the Settlor Company of an Investment Trust to inspect or copy the books and documents related to the Investment Trust Property pertaining to said beneficiaries during its business hours.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Since 2006, development of new markets has been investigated together with Whale Labo, LLC that was newly established for developing markets for whale meat.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

2 投資信託委託会社がその運用の指図を行う特定の投資信託財産について、当該指図に係る権限の全部又は一部を委託した場合における前三条の規定の適用については、これらの規定中「投資信託委託会社」とあるのは、「投資信託委託会社(当該投資信託委託会社からその運用の指図に係る権限の全部又は一部の委託を受けた第二条第一項に規定する政令で定める者を含む。)」とする。例文帳に追加

(2) With regard to the application of the preceding three Articles in cases where a Settlor Company of an Investment Trust has entrusted the whole or part of its authority to give instructions in relation to a specific Investment Trust Property regarding which the Settlor Company of an Investment Trust gives instructions on investment, the term "Settlor Company of an Investment Trust" as used in said provisions shall be deemed to be replaced with "Settlor Company of an Investment Trust (including persons who have been entrusted with the authority to give instructions on investment in whole or in part by said Settlor Company of an Investment Trust and who are specified by a Cabinet Order prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (1)."発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

3 投資信託委託会社又は投資信託委託会社であつた法人は、前二項の規定により投資信託契約が解約された場合又は投資信託契約に関する業務の引継ぎを受けた場合においては、その日から二週間以内に、その旨を公告しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(3) A Settlor Company of an Investment Trust or a juridical person who was a Settlor Company of an Investment Trust shall, when the Investment Trust Contract has been cancelled or the Settlor Company of the Investment Trust has succeeded to business related to the Investment Trust Contract under the preceding two paragraphs, notify to that effect within two weeks from that day.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



(xxi) In the cases where an investment trust management company, etc., is engaged in specified real estate cooperative business, the status of transactions with the investment trust management company, etc., which is the specified real estate cooperative business operator, during the calculation period of the relevant investment trust, assets shall be listed.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


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