意味 | 例文 (39件) |
PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版での「とくはつせいこつずいかせい」の英訳 |
読み方 とくはつせいこつずいかせい
対訳 agnogenic myeloid metaplasia
a progressive, chronic disease in which the bone marrow is replaced by fibrous tissue and blood is made in organs such as the liver and the spleen, instead of in the bone marrow. this disease is marked by an enlarged spleen and progressive anemia. also called chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis, primary myelofibrosis, myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia, and idiopathic myelofibrosis.
骨髄が線維組織に置き換わる進行性の慢性疾患で、骨髄の代わりに肝臓や脾臓などの臓器で血液が作られるようになる。この疾患は脾臓の腫大と進行性の貧血を特徴とする。「chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis(慢性特発性骨髄線維症)」、「primary myelofibrosis(原発性骨髄線維症)」、「myelosclerosis with myeloid metaplasia(骨髄化生を伴う骨髄硬化症)」、「idiopathic myelofibrosis(特発性骨髄線維症)」とも呼ばれる。
該当件数 : 39件
In the steel slag utilized in ocean space, the amount of water adhering to the steel slag is 10 mass% or less. - 特許庁
To easily form an organic-inorganic composite composition in a simple manner and with low environmental load without using a special apparatus, the organic-inorganic composite composition having excellent weatherability, chemical resistance, optical characteristics, anti-fouling properties, anti-fogging properties, antistatic properties, transparency, glossiness holding properties and the like. - 特許庁
To provide a hydraulic material for a water retainable hardened body which is provided with high water retaining force and fixed strength, and is effective as the material in the civil engineering and construction field without using special production apparatuses and to provide a water retainable hardened body. - 特許庁
To provide a sound-absorbing material satisfying good sound absorptivity, weather resistance, shape stability, strength, processability, mounting workability, water-holding characteristic, flame retardance, air permeability, appearance and landscape. - 特許庁
To obtain a primer composition for a plastic lens for providing a plastic spectacle lens excellent in various qualities such as appearance, wear, heat, moisture, shock and weather resistances, adhesion between the lens substrate and a surface treating layer and durability and to impart superior appearance and enhanced shock resistance, adhesion and weather resistance particularly to a plastic lens substrate having a high refractive index. - 特許庁
To provide a self-flowing hydraulic composition which is excellent in working properties (high flowability, high flowability retention) and hardening properties (smoothness, surface properties) in a wide temperature range, does not undergo material separation, and is suitably used as a self-leveling material used mainly for floor substrate conditioning of an ordinary building. - 特許庁
The method for producing hydrogen by decomposing water has (1) an activating step of preparing an active metal oxide by treating a metal oxide with a carbon monoxide-containing gas (called activating gas) and (2) a hydrogen generating step of preparing hydrogen by introducing water to the active metal oxide. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 39件
To provide an aluminum nitride sintered compact having plasma gas resistance and high thermal conductivity and excellent optical properties. - 特許庁
To provide a molded article having excellent vibration-resistant characteristics without deteriorating the appearance of the molded article, even when a large amount of a reinforcing material such as glass fibers to improve strengths and rigidity is added to a polyamide resin to sufficiently satisfy the strengths and the rigidity. - 特許庁
This warm-feeling skin cosmetic is a creamy or gel-formed cosmetic developing the warm-feeling by the contact with the skin, and comprises a hydration heat-generating inorganic powdery material, a cationic polymer, an oil component, a non-ionic surfactant and a non-aqueous medium. - 特許庁
The cement admixture and the cement composition suppress the occurrence of thermal crack and have the neutralization suppressing effect, because the hydration calorific value is remarkably reduced even in the material design where the blended unit quantity of cement is increased. - 特許庁
Automatic speech recognition (ASR) is achieved by a radio communications system and a high reliability ASR feature vector sequence is derived directly at a base station from a voice/coder parameter which is digitally transmitted, without requiring additional processings nor signal corrections in a calling-request hand set. - 特許庁
To provide oxygen-nanobubble water that has potential usefulness in every technical fields and particularly has potential effects relating to physiological activity on animals and plants. - 特許庁
This exothermic element is obtained by encapsulating an exothermic composition causing exothermic reaction in the presence of air in an air-permeable package of a desired form such as a bag or sheet and providing the package with an adhesive layer comprising a hydrous hydrophilic gelling agent obtained from a hydrophilic high-molecular thickening agent, wherein an organic filler is included in the hydrous hydrophilic gelling agent. - 特許庁
The in door environment improving agent contains (a) a predetermined water-soluble macromolecular compound, (b) water and a liquid component selected from predetermined organic solvents and (c) a solid source substance soluble in (c) snd (b)and generates a solid matter when (b) is evaporated (excluding (a)). - 特許庁
意味 | 例文 (39件) |
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