





該当件数 : 26



You mentioned that the company needs to be restructured. What do you mean? - Eゲイト英和辞典

「今日は骨抜き相場だったな」 「『骨抜き』ってどういうだい?」 「非常に弱い相場だったってことだよ」例文帳に追加

"Today's stock exchange was emasculated." "What do you mean by 'emasculated'?" "I mean it was extremely weak." - Weblio英語基本例文集


We will seriously consider what we need to do from now on.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


"The new model caused the cannibalization of our best-selling flagship model.""What do you mean by cannibalization?""Well, the sales volume of the flagship car dropped sharply because of the new car." - Weblio英語基本例文集


In other words, there are questions about whether "Ugetsu Monogatari" was really finished in 1768 as the preface said, and what is meant by the long period of eight years before its publication.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


But you go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, and not sacrifice,’ for I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”発音を聞く  - 電網聖書『マタイによる福音書 9:13』

" どういうかというと、つまり、もしこのドライバに書式を設定したいのなら、Format オブジェクトをドライバで使用するワークブックから作成しなければなりません。例文帳に追加

What this means is that if you want to pass a format to this driver you have to "derive" the Format object out of the workbook used in the driver.発音を聞く  - PEAR


We have not yet made a formal decision and we are still considering what new services will be provided by the reorganized postal businesses, although we intend to decide the outline by around the end of January.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

タオルがちょうど、サイホンの機能を果たすように、洗面器のふちにかかってしまったからですな。 物質がお互いにどういうふうに作用するかをもっとよく理解してもらうために、金網でつくった容器に水をいっぱい入れてみました。これはその働きからして、あるでは綿に似ているし、あるでは布に似ているでしょう。例文帳に追加

That you may the better see the way in which the substances act one upon another, I have here a vessel made of wire gauze filled with water, and you may compare it in its action to the cotton in one respect, or to a piece of calico in the other.発音を聞く  - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』


Our basic stance is that the reform would be meaningless unless “shinkin banks,” credit cooperatives and insurance brokers operate vigorously at the same time as post offices make contributions to local communities and the whole of Japan through their vigorous activity, so we are struggling to find a desirable approach.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


As we had single-mindedly moved toward postal privatization at a rapid pace, individual financial institutions have been acting in accordance with that move. Now that we are making a 180-degree turn, financial institutions are wondering how their business will be affected. In this respect, I strongly felt their keen interest in how the renewed Japan Post will operate.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


As someone responsible for financial services in Japan, I have studied ways how to grasp changes in the economy or politics by looking at a single sign, symptom or change in society.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Although the business operations are continuing now, we will make a major change of course. Therefore, it is quite obvious that the management team must make clear in which direction the course will change and how the businesses will be reorganized. I will take on the responsibility for ensuring that the uncertainty will be cleared by the end of October発音を聞く  - 金融庁


After the organization is dissolved, some of its functions will be abolished and others will be transferred to other organizations, and we would like to hold discussions on this point.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

そういったでG8あるいはG20で政策協調しようということに法律上はなっておりますけれども、各国が与えられた経済情勢、あるいは政治情勢、社会情勢等はそれぞれ別でございまして、それぞれの伝統と歴史と独自性を持っておりますから、そこら辺をどういうふうに人間の英知をもってハーモナイズしていくかということが私の今、今日的な非常に世界史的な大事な課題だと思っていますので、そういった中でアメリカの中央銀行(FRB)の総裁とお会いして、そういったもございますし、特にまた、銀行がご存じのようにこれはバーゼル II もございますし、そんな具体的な話もございますけれども、そこら辺のきちっとした考え方、見というのを交換しておくことは、私はたまたま日本国の金融行政を預からせていただいている人間として必要なことだろうと思って、少し長々と話をしましたけれども、そういったことが、非常に大事だろうと思って、ちょうどこの時期に行かせていただくということです。例文帳に追加

While, in that sense, the G8 or the G20 is supposed to harmonize policies, the fact is that different countries are in various economic conditions, or political, social or other conditions, and are also characterized by their own tradition, history and other distinct features. For that reason, I believe that how to employ human wisdom to have all those factors harmonized is an important issue in the context of world history. As someone with a mandate to govern financial administration in Japan, I feel it necessary to meet with the governor of the U.S. central bank (FRB) to exchange clear views about the points that I have just made and about Basel II.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


In regard to meeting with officials of the supervisory authority of insurance in China, financial regulation and supervision encompasses banking, securities, and insurance as in the case of the FSA, as you know, and insurance is a significant sector in the financial field, as I have talked about insurance on various occasions in the United States. In that sense, while I do not have an exceptionally strong awareness of problems, insurance is a new market in China at present. For example, efforts to transform health insuranceby this I mean public health insurance—into universal health insurance began about two years ago. In this context, I have heard that there is a great deal of interest in insurance among the people, so I look forward to discussing insurance with them.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


While a consensus was reached on some issues at the Seoul summit, the financial system is integrated. As a broad framework of the global economy is important in that sense, I, as the head of an administrative agency, would like to listen to various opinions from the officials involved in policy-making decisions. I will listen to them about what they are going to do while looking them in the eye and watching how they look. For Japan, the financial sector has been a very significant destabilizing factor for the past few years in particular. In this sense, I will go to Europe with a resolve to perform my duties as the head of an administrative agency-although I hear that it is very cold in Europe.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Previously, the FSA was following the path of mandatory application. However, as political leadership is important now, as a person elected by voters, I am acting on my own responsibility regarding matters of principle while holding frequent discussions with everyone. Corporate accounting is the basis of the economy, as I mentioned earlier, and “accounting standards” are not merely technical issues, but much broader issue highly relevant to the countrys tax system, company acts, economy and cultural backgrounds, such as how companies emerged in the country, as companies are extensively related to various matters. In many European countries, industrial revolution occurred as a natural process, as in the case of the United Kingdom. Moreover, there are countries like the United States where capitalism prospered freely, and there are countries, like Japan, which have adopted development-oriented capitalism.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


At a press conference last evening, there was a mood of disappointment at the lack of any surprising proposal. However, I had not been hoping for any such proposal, as I had already been maintaining contact with many of the members of this panel. What is important is what implications the policy measures that each member of this panel is considering will have for the current socio-economy, and their proposals will be very useful. Rather than merely receiving the proposals, we must reflect them in our management of economic and fiscal policies.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


I have a question for Mr. Sato. Earlier, Mr. Mikuniya said the relationship between the household and industrial sectors and the financial sector is becoming increasingly close. Could you tell us what role you hope the financial sector, comprised mainly of banks, will play for the entire Japanese industry?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


One more thing is about the "moral responsibility," which is very abstract and hard to grasp. Seeing as you say that there is no problem legally, are you implying by referring to the moral responsibility that although there is no statutory violation found, you find something obscure in that there is an inkling of leniency in the issuance of the license? Or are you saying that once a minister licenses a bank, he should be morally responsible for its failure as well? Or do you have an issue with the fact that the license was issued for someone who was very close to the authorities, as it were, as an advisor? Or is it something else that you mean by the "moral" – can you please elaborate a little more?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


I might add my personal comment, though – the action plan for the New Growth Strategy, which we developed recently, advocates growth of financial institutions themselves and it is therefore quite critical for various financial segments, including securities, to have as many trading activities as possible, which makes any potential impact on them from taxation quite significant. At the same time, there are the principles of simplicity, fairness and neutrality in taxation that we should bear in mind as I realize, from many years of my involvement in the area of taxation when I was with the ruling party, that this is the kind of area in taxation that is traditionally prone to general criticism as a tax break for the rich. That being the case, in the context of a growing consensus on international cooperation between nationseach of which has its own economic, financial, and fiscal policies and is faced with its own challenges in the wake of the Lehman crisis, and is also founded on its own economic, historical, and traditional qualitieswe are hoping to ultimately make a decision on how to add more vitality to financial and economic activities, bearing in mind the points that I have just made and incorporating, as a democratic nation, inputs from various people.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


I do not think there are any inconsistencies in the logic. If my memory serves me correctly, the “pay-offscheme was established around 1971—back then, many banks went bankrupt. In my personal experience, while I served as Minister in the Second Hashimoto Cabinet from 1997 to 1998, Hokkaido Takushoku Bank went bankrupt, Yamaichi Securities collapsed, and dozens of financial institutions failed in Japan at the time. As depositors were extremely anxious back then due to the collapse of many financial institutions, the government decided not to implement the “pay-offscheme between 1996 and March 2002 despite the existence of legal provisions. Today, financial conditions have somewhat settled since the collapse of Ashikaga Bank, and Japan’s financial climate is calm on the whole, notwithstanding the Lehman Brothers shockwave on a global scale. At the end of the day, I believe depositors need to choose banks based on the principle of self-responsibility. At the same time, there is one thing I would like to emphasize especially to top management executives—the borrowers. They should feel very sorry to depositors if thepay-offscheme is implemented. Individuals with 10 million yen in deposits plus interest who are entitled to receive provisional payback under the Deposit Insurance Act will ultimately have the amount reduced to a certain extent, thereby causing substantial trouble to depositors. In that sense, all top management executives and others involved in the management of Japanese financial institutions should re-acknowledge the gravity of their management responsibility for financial business.発音を聞く  - 金融庁



Simultaneously, how should insurance be regulated and supervised from now on? I believe insurance in China is not as advanced as in Japan yet. But then again, Japan’s insurance industry has experienced falling stock prices and interest rates over the past decade and suffered a long period of winter-like hardship: the insurance sector, where they have something calledexpense profits”, “interest gain” and “mortality profits”, the interest gain was so squeezed that at one point, negative carry was more than 1 trillion yen. In the United States, the federal government will be establishing a division in charge of insurance for the first time within the federal government organization under the financial reform legislation. As you know, basic supervision of insurance in the United States is conducted on a state-by-state basis. Despite the fact that AIU—the world’s biggest private insurance company—was effectively nationalized in the United States, the insurance industry has been a bit of a blind spot in that any attempts in the past to negotiate with the central government often resulted in being told that it was a matter for the state government. The United States is a federal republic comprised of states, so in that sense, insurance varies from state to state in tax and other aspects.発音を聞く  - 金融庁









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