



英和・和英辞典で「どうしたんだ? 何でもない」に一致する見出し語は見つかりませんでしたが、

「どうしたんだ? 何でもない」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 623



"What's going on in the cave? I'm curious." "I have no idea." - Tatoeba例文


"What's happening in the cave? I'm curious." "I have no idea." - Tatoeba例文


"What's going on in the cave? I'm curious." "I have no idea."発音を聞く  - Tanaka Corpus


He laughed, I remember, and shrugged his shoulders, and said there was no use denying anything to a woman, for she would have her way."発音を聞く  - Arthur Conan Doyle『シャーロック・ホームズの冒険』


as though there was more struggling upon them than a wisp of startled air.発音を聞く  - F. Scott Fitzgerald『グレイト・ギャツビー』


but one’s fate changes depending on the amount of remuneration: if it exceeds 100 million yen, it is disclosed; otherwise, it is not disclosed. I suspect there are some side effects that had not been originally intended by the policy. Please elaborate on this.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Because Kanpei took the wallet in the dark from an unknown person, he is convinced that he killed his father-in-law and becomes upset.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

(3) 本条の如なる規定も,1950年出訴期限法(Limitation Act)に基づいて禁止されている訴訟提起を人かに可能とするものではなく,また,同法第33条の如なる規定も,本条の規定に基づいて訴訟が禁止されるれの事件についても同法の適用を一切排除しないものとする。例文帳に追加

(3) Nothing in this section shall enable any person to bring any proceedings which are barred under the Limitation Act 1950, and nothing in section 33 of that Act shall exclude the operation of that Act in any case where proceedings may be barred under this section. - 特許庁


But environmental conservation organizations argued that the Department had no scientific evidence to support its claim, so the sequoias should not be cut down.発音を聞く  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


Some people do not have a consistent set of principles; they just adopt whatever principles benefit them at the moment. - Tatoeba例文

大切だと思えば友達になれる! 互いを思えば、倍でも強くなれる! 無限に根性が湧いてくる! 世界には嫌なことも、悲しいことも、 自分だけではどうにもならないこともたくさんある。 だけど、大好きな人がいれば、くじけるわけがない。あきらめるわけがない。 大好きな人がいるのだから、度でも立ち上がる! だから、勇者は絶対、負けないんだ!例文帳に追加

If you care about someone, you'll become friends! If you care about each other, you'll become many times stronger! And your bravery will be unlimited! In this world are many unpleasant things, many sad things, and many that, which you can't handle by yourself. But while you have people you care about, you just can't fall! You just cannot surrender! While you have those people, about which you care, you will stand up again and again! That's why Hero is absolutely undefeatable! - Tatoeba例文


When Shigeko was asked by the lady in waiting who previously used to serve with her at Josaimonin, 'How do you feel about this happy event?', she answered ' I don't take special notice since this is due to a good deed I did in my past life.' ("Kokon Chomon ju" (A Collection of Tales heard, Past and Present) Volume 8)発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


At a rest position, the thin plate partly contacts at least the first conductive zone 6 to prohibit any action. - 特許庁

第83条から第85条までの如なる規定も,1999年動産担保法(Personal Property Securities Act)の運用に一切影響を及ぼさないものとする。例文帳に追加

Nothing in sections 83 to 85 affects the operation of the Personal Property Securities Act 1999. - 特許庁


When the wiring means is cut for some cause, since the movable guiding means and the weight means are left in the guide means, a new movable guiding means and a weight means are installed in a state of leaving these means as they are. - 特許庁


Some people may resent the proposal for the mandatory disclosure of executive remuneration of 100 million yen or more and may want to keep their pay undisclosed. However, I think that there is no reason to be ashamed to receive executive pay, so there should not be such a fuss over the disclosure requirement発音を聞く  - 金融庁


As a result of such a constitution, even if the brush 10 vibrates for some reason, the brush 10 and a side-wall center of a brush holder 13 will not collide against each other. - 特許庁

3 第一項の労働者を提供する者とは、それが使用者、個人、団体、法人又はその他如なる名称形式であるとを問わない例文帳に追加

(3) A person supplying workers provided by paragraph 1 may be an employer, individual, association, juridical person or others, regardless of its name or form.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


When his subordinates asked him to take a bath, his excuse was "military soldiers had to be prepared every minute for the enemy in the battlefield," "soldiers could not be ready to fight if something happened during bathing," and "we did not come all way here to the battlefield to take a bath."発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


No registration of a trade-mark prevents a person from making any use of any of the indications mentioned in subsection 11.18(3) in association with a wine or any of the indications mentioned in subsection 11.18(4) in association with a spirit.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


To provide a magnetic navigation catheter which can move with no problem in a multiple-branched and bent vascular system even in the case of a comparatively hard catheter. - 特許庁


"Welcome home. The bath is ready for you." "I'm feeling hungry, so is it ok if I eat something beforehand?" "No, don't touch a thing! Get to the bathroom." "Hey, you don't have to treat me like a germ you know." "But do you think I can help it with the current state of the world? Please hurry up. Oh, and don't forget to leave the window open after you get out of the bath." - Tatoeba例文


This may be a matter concerning an individual financial institution, and yet crude oil supply is a national issue, isn't it? So, could you tell me what you think should be done?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


I am the vine. You are the branches. He who remains in me, and I in him, the same bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.発音を聞く  - 電網聖書『ヨハネによる福音書 15:5』


To provide a counter-rotating propeller propulsion device capable of rotatingly driving both a rear propeller and a front propeller by one prime mover of not stopping, when the other out of the two prime movers, stops. - 特許庁


To provide an inspection method that can discriminate whether there is a problem in the sealed state of a heat-sealed soft package with nothing contained inside, in a short time by using a comparatively simple method. - 特許庁


Although there have been many news articles and commentaries that give the impression that there is considerable discord across the Atlantic, that is not necessarily the case in my opinion.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


To sequentially start two or more motors by preventing a second motor from being started during the start of a first motor when the start of the first motor is delayed by some cause, or when the first motor is in starting, in starting the two or more motors. - 特許庁


Even though no original buildings have survived the many fires since the temple was founded, the layout of the monastery from south to north-Nandaimon gate, Kondo, Lecture Hall, Dining Hall, in a straight line – and the scale of all of the buildings are just as they were in the Heian period.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


The co-proprietor shall be entitled to transfer his share without consent of others only to some of co-proprietors; he can transfer his share to a third person only in case, when none of co-proprietors accepts the written offer of transfer within the time limit of one month.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


The "small winning" has the same opening/closing action of a big winning port 44 as the "sudden probability variation", and has no privilege after the completion of the big role object game, and substantially does not impart any advantage to a game player. - 特許庁


To provide an integrated circuit capable of using an external clock signal or random clock signal as an internal synchronizing signal. - 特許庁


I have encountered various serious problems in the past, and it is my belief as a statesman that I should not make comments for the moment.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


In the inactive state determining step, the account with neither receipt of money nor payment performed continuously for a prescribed period, and the account with the average balance over a prescribed period being less than a prescribed amount, are determined to be in the inactive state. - 特許庁

pVax などのいくつかのマシンでは、このフラグは効果を持ちません。 なぜならこれらのマシンでは標準の呼び出し手順が自動的にフレームポインタの設定を行なってしまい、これが存在しないとしたところでも節約ができないからです。例文帳に追加

p On some machines, such as the Vax, this flag has no effect, because the standard calling sequence automatically handles the frame pointer and nothing is saved by pretending it doesn't exist.発音を聞く  - JM

よい例がたくさんの言葉に値することは多々あります。 注意深くやれば、例はユーザにとってはあまり意味のないものになるかもしれませんが、歳を経るにつれて、あるいは "状況が変わった" 際に度も度も正しく動作させるためにかかることになる時間を節約するという形で、きっと見返りを得るでしょう。例文帳に追加

A good example can often be worth many words.If done with care, the examples will be invaluable for your users, and will pay back the time it takes to collect them many times over as the years go by and things change. - Python


Subsequently, the window already is a double-buffered window, and nothing about the window changes when a new back buffer name is allocated,except that the new back buffer name is associated with the window. - XFree86


This means that the board members who often do not attend meetings not only get paid such an amount as I've just mentioned, but could also claim that they "knew nothing" when something happens. In my view, a governance system like this is, in all likelihood, quite far from the way laws expect a publicly-traded company to be managed. Can you please tell us how you see such a point of view?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


To solve problems in which one cannot leave a spot while waiting for one's turn or be not sure when one has one's turn doing if one leaves the spot and has to repeatedly check if one has one's turn doing while being listed on a wait list or on a back order. - 特許庁


Furthermore, there was a Rengado of Someda Tenjinko in Uda City (old Someda, Muro Village, Uda District) that continued its tradition from the medieval era, but was built during the Edo period and had nothing inside.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


With July 6 being the deadline for a request to create a special zone (Tokku) to be submitted to the national government, we are still not sure about the particulars and I would therefore like to refrain from making any further comment.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


If you made a mistake and the system fails to boot with the new kernel, reboot the system and select the entry from the boot loader that corresponds to the last known working kernel. - Gentoo Linux


If a supplementary protection certificate is applied for by several persons jointly, the application document shall also contain a statement as to which of them is entitled or, if the applicants have appointed a representative, whom they have jointly authorised to receive communications from the Patent Office on behalf of all applicants.発音を聞く  - 特許庁



When the wiring means is cut by some cause, the fixed guide means is detached to easily and rapidly replace the movable guide means and the weight means left in the guide means. - 特許庁



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