



英和・和英辞典で「どしたの アントニオ?」に一致する見出し語は見つかりませんでしたが、

「どしたの アントニオ?」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 15



Portia bid Anthonio not to grieve at that, for that he was welcome notwithstanding; and then Anthonio said, "I once did lend my body for Bassanio's sake; and but for him to whom your husband gave the ring I should have now been dead.発音を聞く  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


Bassanio then offered the Jew the payment of the three thousand ducats, as many times over as he should desire; which Shylock refusing, and still insisting upon having a pound of Anthonio's flesh, Bassanio begged the learned young counsellor would endeavour to wrest the law a little, to save Anthonio's life.発音を聞く  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


The day of payment being past, the cruel Jew would not accept of the money which Bassanio offered him, but insisted upon having a pound of Anthonio's flesh.発音を聞く  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


Bassanio then told Portia what has been here related, of his borrowing the money of Anthonio, and of Anthonio's procuring it of Shylock the Jew,and of the bond by which Anthonio had engaged to forfeit a pound of flesh, if it was not repaid by a certain day; and then Bassanio read Anthonio's letter, the words of which were, "_Sweet Bassanio, my ships are all lost, my bond to the Jew is forfeited, and since in paying it, it is impossible I should live, I could wish to see you at my death; notwithstanding use your pleasure; if your love for me do not persuade you to come, let not my letter.発音を聞く  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


After that, the Society of Jesus moved the printing machine to Gakurin in Amakusa, and then to Nagasaki, and left the printing machine to the care of Goto Nobuaki shuin (printing shop); poverty caused him to print the Japanese version of Jesuit Mission Press, and entrusted Antonio HARADA with the printing in Kyoto.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

さて、シャイロックがアントニオの血を一滴も流すことなく1ポンドの肉を切り取ることはまったく不可能であったから、ポーシャが賢くも、証文に書かれているのは肉であって血ではないということを発見したことで、アントニオの命は救われたのであった。人々はみな、この便法を巧みにこしらえた、若い法律顧問のすばらしい賢明さをほめたたえたので、拍手喝采が元老院のあらゆるところから響き渡った。グレイシアーノは、シャイロックが使った言葉を叫んでいた。「おお、賢く正しい裁判官様! 聞けユダヤ人、ダニエル様がお裁きにいらっしゃったのだ!」例文帳に追加

Now as it was utterly impossible for Shylock to cut off the pound of flesh without shedding some of Anthonio's blood, this wise discovery of Portia's, that it was flesh and not blood that was named in the bond, saved the life of Anthonio; and all admiring the wonderful sagacity of the young counsellor, who had so happily thought of this expedient, plaudits resounded from every part of the senate-house; and Gratiano exclaimed, in the words which Shylock had used, "O wise and upright judge! mark, Jew, a Daniel is come to judgment!"発音を聞く  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


The duke and his senators left the court; and then Bassanio said to Portia, "Most worthy gentleman, I and my friend Anthonio have by your wisdom been this day acquitted of grievous penalties, and I beg you will accept of the three thousand ducats due unto the Jew.発音を聞く  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


When Bassanio looked at this ring, he was strangely surprised to find it was the same he gave away; and then Portia told him, how she was the young counsellor, and Nerissa was her clerk; and Bassanio found to his unspeakable wonder and delight, that it was by the noble courage and wisdom of his wife that Anthonio's life was saved.発音を聞く  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


He was greatly beloved by all his fellow-citizens;but the friend who was nearest and dearest to his heart was Bassanio, a noble Venetian, who, having but a small patrimony, had nearlyexhausted his little fortune by living in too expensive a manner for his slender means, as young men of high rank with small fortunes are too apt to do.発音を聞く  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


When Portia parted with her husband, she spoke cheeringly to him, and bade him bring his dear friend along with him when he returned;yet she feared it would go hard with Anthonio, and when she was left one, she began to think and consider within herself, if she could byany means be instrumental in saving the life of her dear Bassanio'sfriend; and notwithstanding, when she wished to honour her Bassanio,she had said to him with such a meek and wife-like grace, that shewould submit in all things to be governed by his superior wisdom,yet being now called forth into action by the peril of her honouredhusband's friend, she did nothing doubt her own powers, and by thesole guidance of her own true and perfect judgment, at once resolved to go herself to Venice, and speak in Anthonio's defence.発音を聞く  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


When Bassanio read Anthonio's letter, Portia feared it was to tell him of the death of some dear friend, he looked sopale; and enquiring what was the news which had so distressed him, he said, "O sweet Portia, here are a few of the unpleasantest words thatever blotted paper: gentle lady, when I first imparted my love to you, I freely told you all the wealth I had ran in my veins; but I should have told you that I had less than nothing, being in debt."発音を聞く  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


One day Bassanio came to Anthonio, and told him that he wished to repair his fortune by a wealthy marriage with a lady whom he dearly loved, whose father, that was lately dead, had left her sole heiress to a large estate; and that in her father's lifetime he used to visit at her house, when he thought he had observed this lady had sometimes from her eyes sent speechless messages, that seemed to say he would be no unwelcome suitor; but not having money to furnish himself with an appearance befitting the lover of so rich an heiress, he besought Anthonio to add to the many favours he had shewn him, by lending him three thousand ducats.発音を聞く  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』



Shylock finding himself defeated in his cruel intent, said with a disappointed look, that he would take the money; and Bassanio, rejoiced beyond measure at Anthonio's unexpected deliverance, cried out, "Here is the money!" But Portia stopped him, saying, "Softly; there is no haste; the Jew shall have nothing but the penalty: therefore prepare, Shylock, to cut off the flesh; but mind you shed no blood; nor do not cut off more nor less than just a pound; be it more or less by one poor scruple, nay if the scale turn but by the weight of a single hair, you are condemned by the laws of Venice to die, and all your wealth is forfeited to the senate.発音を聞く  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』



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