





該当件数 : 18



Would you be surprised if I told you my name isn't actually Tom? - Tatoeba例文


Would you be surprised if I told you that my name isn't actually Tom? - Tatoeba例文


And Ginger Mooney was always saying what she wouldn't do to the dummy who had charge of the irons if it wasn't for Maria.発音を聞く  - James Joyce『土くれ』


If his servant was a prisoner, ought he not to risk everything to rescue him from the Indians?発音を聞く  - JULES VERNE『80日間世界一周』


I say, therefore, do not hesitate on our account, and do not say, as you did in the court (compare Apol.), that you will have a difficulty in knowing what to do with yourself anywhere else.発音を聞く  - Plato『クリトン』

ロータス・ノーツがDLLがない言ってきたら, そのDLLをロータス・ノーツ・インストーラ・ディレクトリ中で見つけて, ウィンドウズ・ディレクトリに投入してください.例文帳に追加

If Lotus Notes complains about missing DLLs, you can find the missing DLLs in the Lotus Notes installer directories and put them in the Windows directory.発音を聞く  - コンピューター用語辞典


Portia bid Anthonio not to grieve at that, for that he was welcome notwithstanding; and then Anthonio said, "I once did lend my body for Bassanio's sake; and but for him to whom your husband gave the ring I should have now been dead.発音を聞く  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


The counter proposal may be described as almost the same as the government bill in that it seeks to establish a civil servant system ideally suited to support a parliamentary cabinet system and to encourage talented people to become civil servants and enable them to work with a sense of pride.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


I think that you are right, Socrates; how then shall we proceed? Let us consider the matter together, and do you either refute me if you can, and I will be convinced; or else cease, my dear friend, from repeating to me that I ought to escape against the wishes of the Athenians: for I highly value your attempts to persuade me to do so, but I may not be persuaded against my own better judgment.発音を聞く  - Plato『クリトン』

このロウソクに、こうして紙切れを近寄せますよね。そうしたら、炎の熱はどこにあるでしょう。炎の内部にあるんじゃないってことがわかりませんか? 熱は輪になってるんですね。まさにわたしが、化学反応が起きている場所だと言ったところに。いまやったこの実験は、あまりちゃんとやってはいないんですけれど、でもあまり炎が乱れなければ、必ずこの輪っかができます。例文帳に追加

Suppose I take this candle, and hold a piece of paper close upon the flame, where is the heat of that flame? Do you not see that it is not in the inside? It is in a ring, exactly in the place where I told you the chemical action was; and even in my irregular mode of making the experiment, if there is not too much disturbance, there will always be a ring.発音を聞く  - Michael Faraday『ロウソクの科学』


Shylock finding himself defeated in his cruel intent, said with a disappointed look, that he would take the money; and Bassanio, rejoiced beyond measure at Anthonio's unexpected deliverance, cried out, "Here is the money!" But Portia stopped him, saying, "Softly; there is no haste; the Jew shall have nothing but the penalty: therefore prepare, Shylock, to cut off the flesh; but mind you shed no blood; nor do not cut off more nor less than just a pound; be it more or less by one poor scruple, nay if the scale turn but by the weight of a single hair, you are condemned by the laws of Venice to die, and all your wealth is forfeited to the senate.発音を聞く  - Shakespeare『ヴェニスの商人』


I had presumed that depositors would normally withdraw deposits after disasters like an earthquake and tsunami. When I asked for the cause of the increase, he cited as a probable cause the payment of earthquake insurance claims totaling more than 500 billion yen in Miyagi Prefecture alone. People planning to rebuild houses have apparently deposited money at banks first.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


As the Prime Minister has issued an instruction concerning the postal reform bills, Mr. Kawabata and I agreed to work together toward the enactment of the bills. The achievement of postal reform is a task on which all cabinet members should work together as an urgent task, so the Prime Minister has issued a relevant instruction. I respect Minister Kawabata very much as a respectable Diet member with long experience.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


This matter has been reported in various news articles, and one article asserted that Japan Post Insurance would be allowed to do anything as long as it notifies the authorities. However, that is not true. Even if Japan Post Insurance notifies the authorities, it will have to give consideration to competition with other financial institutions and notify the privatization committee, and it is subject to orders from the Minister for Financial Services, acting on behalf of the Prime Minister, and the Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications. I would like you to understand that Japan Post Insurance is subject to such additional regulations, which are not applicable to other insurance companies, as stipulated in the law. In particular, I would like foreign correspondents here to avoid misunderstanding in that respect.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


On the other hand, SMEs have a strong desire to expand their business into the Asian market, especially China. I have had some concern about this for a while. However, companies, including mid-to-large companies and SMEs, do have a bank that they normally do business with. SMEs have a long-term relationship with such a bank and consult with the bank about financing and various corporate matters. Therefore, it would be great for an SME entering China if its bank were to accompany itbut if its bank is a regional bank, it is not feasible for it to do so. The fact is that it is quite rare for SMEs to do business with a mega-bank.発音を聞く  - 金融庁



Although I say this, after detecting problems through inspection, I quickly took every possible action within my power, including issuing a business improvement order within the same day, as this case has a significant impact, and I expect you to understand that. From the political perspective, it is very regrettable that cases like this cause strong worries among people who have entrusted pension assets, so we are proactively taking measures so that facts related to the case of AIJ Investment Advisors will be clarified as soon as possible.発音を聞く  - 金融庁









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