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該当件数 : 20件
As described in Section 3.1 (5), when an examiner recognizes that prior art search could not be effectively conducted, the conclusion and the reason why he or she failed to do so must be described.発音を聞く - 特許庁
優先権が主張されている場合において出願人が第24条 (5)に規定する期間内に優先権主張を証明する書類を提出しなかったとき,又は提出された書類が第23条の規定に適合しない若しくは優先権を証明しないときは,特許庁は,優先権主張を考慮しないものとし,かつ,出願人にその旨を通知するものとする。例文帳に追加
If an applicant does not submit documents certifying a priority claim within the term provided for in subsection 24 (5) of this Act if priority is claimed, or the documents submitted do not conform to the provisions of § 23 or do not certify priority, the Patent Office shall not take the priority claim into consideration, and shall inform the applicant thereof.発音を聞く - 特許庁
While Emperor Godaigo dispatched his princes to various places to rally the forces of the Southern Court throughout Japan, Yoshinori, along with Imperial Prince Muneyoshi, Chikafusa KITABATAKE and others, left for Oshu from Ominato in Ise province, but on the way, they were overtaken by a storm and broken up, and then Yoshinori returned to Yoshino.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
登録出願が第5条 (2),第6条若しくは第17条の規定を遵守していない場合又は出願人が登録出願書類の方式上若しくは実体上の不備を除去しなかったか若しくは説明を提出しなかった場合は,特許庁は,その実用新案の登録を拒絶し,登録出願を却下する決定を行い,また,その旨を出願人に書面をもって通知するものとする。例文帳に追加
If a registration application is not in compliance with the provisions of subsection 5 (2) or § 6 or § 17 of this Act or the applicant does not eliminate the formal or substantive deficiencies of the registration application documents or does not provide explanations, the Patent Office shall refuse to register the utility model, shall make a decision to reject the registration application and shall notify the applicant thereof in writing.発音を聞く - 特許庁
第20 条(2),(5) 及び(6) 並びに第21 条(2) にいう場合を除き, 出願の審査及び登録手続中に出願人が所定の期間内に特許庁の要求に応答せず又は関連する国家手数料を納付せず, かつ, 当該期間の延長を求めなかった場合は, 出願は, 取り下げられたものとみなされ, 出願人は, その旨の通知を書面で受ける。例文帳に追加
If during the procedure of examination and registration of and application, with the exception of the cases referred to in Section 20, Paragraph two, five and six and Section 21, Paragraph two of this Law, the applicant has failed within the specified period of time to reply to the request of the Patent Office or to pay the relevant State fee, and has not asked for an extension of the term, the application shall be deemed to have been withdrawn and the applicant shall be notified thereof in writing. - 特許庁
(5) 補充的保護申請が要件を遵守していない場合,国の手数料の所定額が期限内に納付されなかった場合,又は書類の不備が所定期間内に(3)に従って除去されなかった若しくは説明が提出されなかった場合は,特許庁は,第29-1条の規定に従い当該補充的保護申請を拒絶する決定を行い,補充的保護の申請人に書面でその旨を通知する。特許庁の決定に対する不服申立については,第30条の規定を適用するものとする。 (2004年3月10日。2004年5月1日施行-RT I 2004, 20, 141)例文帳に追加
(5) If a supplementary protection application is not in compliance with the requirements, or the state fee has not been paid on time in the prescribed amount, or the deficiencies in the documents have not been eliminated or explanations have not been provided pursuant to subsection (3) of this section within the specified term, the Patent Office shall, pursuant to the provisions of § 29-1 of this Act, make a decision to reject the supplementary protection application and shall notify the applicant for supplementary protection thereof in writing. The provisions of § 30 apply upon appeal against the decisions of the patent Office. (10.03.2004 entered into force 01.05.2004 - RT I 2004, 20, 141)発音を聞く - 特許庁
7 第五項に規定する措置が行われた場合において、本人又はその扶養義務者が、これらの規定により支払うべき旨を命ぜられた額の全部又は一部を支払わなかつたため、都道府県においてその費用を支弁したときは、都道府県知事は、本人又はその扶養義務者からその支払わなかつた額を徴収することができる。例文帳に追加
(7) In the case where a measure provided in paragraph (5) is taken, when the referenced person or his/her supporter under duty fails to pay the amount ordered to be paid pursuant thereto, in full or in part, and thus the prefectural government pays the amount of such unpaid expenses, the prefectural governor may collect such unpaid amount from the referenced person or his/her supporter under duty.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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該当件数 : 20件
In 1930, Soka Kyoiku Gakkai (literally, Value-Creation Education Society) was established as an educational group by Tsunesaburo MAKIGUCHI and Josei TODA who declared their policy of a combined doctrine of Nichiren Shoshu Sect and a belief in Makiguchi's 'theory of value,' and Makiguchi assumed the position as the first president; however, Nichiren Shoshu Sect did not accept Soka Kyoiku Gakkai as a group of believers (Makiguchi described in the record, 'Soka Kyoiku Gakkai is not just pure Nichiren Shoshu Sect, but it is an independent group that proceeds my own theory of value.'発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The AEC has developed the Long-Term Program for Research, Development and Utilization of Nuclear Energy, which determined the basic nuclear policy in Japan, almost every five years since 1956. The title of the Long-Term Program for Research, Development and Utilization of Nuclear Energy was changed to the “Framework for Nuclear Energy” in 2005, and the AEC compiled the basic objectives and concepts. (The Framework for Nuclear Energy was endorsed by the Cabinet in October, 2005.) - 経済産業省
具体的には、 1 )世界経済は、緩やかに回復しつつも格差とインバランスが存在し、いまだ不安定であること。 2 )世界経済は、より力強くかつ自律的な回復を遂げる上でのリスク要因を抱えていること。 3 )格差とインバランスの拡大に伴い、国・地域間の摩擦が高まっており、G20、 APEC、 WTO 等において問題解決に向けた取組がなされていること。 4 )東日本大震災の発生後、各国のとった協調的な動きにより、世界経済はおおむね安定した動きを見せたこと(震災による影響に関しては、第4章、第5章にて詳述する)。等を示す。例文帳に追加
Specifically speaking: 1) The world economy has been recovering moderately, but the gaps and imbalances are found, which are still volatile. 2) The risk factors related to the world economy must be addressed in order to achieve stronger and self- sustaining recovery; 3) Accompanying the widening of gaps and imbalances, friction among countries and regions has been heightened. Efforts have been made to solve these problems by G20, APEC, WTO and other world organization. 4) After the Great East Japan Earthquake, the world economy has shown largely stable upward movement through cooperative support provided by various countries. (Details of the earthquake disaster will be discussed later in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5). - 経済産業省
To enable the long-term continuous drying of the wet powders (A) without causing the clogging of the loop tube (2). - 特許庁
If the Registrar had not, for the purposes of the repealed Act, been notified that an application had been made in that Convention country or in those Convention countries for the registration of the trade mark, the applicant must, within 6 months after 1 January 1996 but subject to subsection (5), claim a right of priority for the registration of the trade mark in accordance with section 29 in order to obtain registration from the date on which that application or the earliest of those applications was made in a Convention country.発音を聞く - 特許庁
本規則に定める期間内に上訴又は再審理申立が提出されなかった場合は,局長は,直ちに,当該判決又は最終命令を庁の適切な登録簿に記入させる。判決又は最終命令の確定日は,その記入日とする。記録には,判決又は最終命令による決定の内容を記載し,局長が署名し,当該判決又は最終命令が確定した旨の証明書を添えるものとする。 期限内に上訴又は再審理申立がされなかった場合は,局長又は場合により長官が言い渡した判決又は最終命令が確定するものとし,局長は,直ちにこれを記入させなければならない。この処分を確実にするために,勝訴当事者は,判決の記入(及び適切な場合は執行)を申し立てる。記入日に,救済を求める申立のための6月間及び判決の時効に係る5年間が開始する。 本条規則は,判決又は最終命令が確定してからこれを記入するまでの期間が長くなるという誤った慣行を是正するものである。判決又は最終命令を記入するという物理的な行為がこれらの確定後になされるとしても,これらが確定した日をこれらの記入日とみなす。例文帳に追加
If no appeal or motion for reconsideration is filed within the time provided in these Regulations, the Director shall forthwith cause the entry of the judgment or final order in the appropriate Register of the Office. The date of finality of the judgment or final order shall be deemed to be the date of its entry. The record shall contain the dispositive part of the judgment or final order and shall be signed by the Director, with a certificate that such judgment or final order has become final and executory. If no appeal or motion for reconsideration has been filed on time, the judgment or final order rendered by the Director or the Director General, as the case may be, becomes final and executory, and should immediately be caused to be entered by the Director. To ensure this action the prevailing party should file a motion for the entry (and execution, if proper) of the judgment. The date of entry is the starting point of the six months period for filing a petition of relief, as well as the five years period of prescription of judgments. This rule corrects the erroneous practice of entering the judgment or final order long after it had become final and executory. Even if the physical act of entering the judgment or final order is done after it had become final and executory, the date when it became final and executory shall be deemed the date of its entry. - 特許庁
10 第五項の規定による勧告を受けたものが、第七項の規定による通知をしなかつた場合又は当該勧告を応諾しない旨の通知をした場合には、財務大臣及び事業所管大臣は、当該勧告を受けたものに対し、当該対内直接投資等に係る内容の変更又は中止を命ずることができる。ただし、当該変更又は中止を命ずることができる期間は、当該届出を受理した日から起算して第三項又は第六項の規定により延長された期間の満了する日までとする。例文帳に追加
(10) Where a person who has received a recommendation pursuant to the provision of paragraph 5 has not given a notice pursuant to the provision of paragraph 7 or has given a notice of refusal of the recommendation, the Minister of Finance and the minister having jurisdiction over the business may order the person to change the content pertaining to the inward direct investment, etc., or to discontinue the inward direct investment, etc.; provided, however, that the period for giving an order of the change or discontinuance shall be up to the expiration date of the period extended pursuant to the provision of paragraph 3 or 6, counting from the day of acceptance of the notification.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
(1) 第29条(5)又は(6)に基づく審査中に,審査官が次の意見の何れかを有するに至った場合は,審査官は,当該意見を書面で登録官に通知するとともに,当該意見を有するに至った理由を詳細に述べなければならない。 (a) 発明の説明,クレーム若しくは図面が極めて不明瞭であるか,又はクレームを裏付ける発明の説明が極めて不十分であるために, (i) クレームされた発明の新規性若しくは進歩性,又は (ii) クレームされた発明が産業上利用可能であるか否か, について有意義な意見を形成することが不可能である。 (b) クレームにおいて限定された発明は, (i) 新規でないと認められ, (ii) 進歩性を有していないと認められ,又は (iii) 産業上利用可能でないと認められる。 (c) 第13条並びに第25条(4)及び(5)に定める条件が満たされていない。 (d) 当該出願は,次の事項を開示している。 (i) 第84条(1)にいう追加の事項,又は (ii) 出願時での当該特許出願において開示していた事項を超える事項 (e) クレームが調査の完了していない発明に関するものであることから,審査官が当該クレームに関して審査を実行しない旨を決定した。例文帳に追加
(1) If during an examination under section 29(5) or (6), the Examiner is of the opinion that -- (a) the description, claims, or drawings are so unclear, or the claims are so inadequately supported by the description, that no meaningful opinion can be formed on -- (i) the novelty or inventive step of the claimed invention; or (ii) whether the claimed invention is capable of industrial application; (b) the invention defined in any claim -- (i) does not appear novel; (ii) does not appear to involve an inventive step; or (iii) does not appear to be capable of industrial application; (c) the conditions specified in sections 13 and 25(4) and (5) have not been complied with; (d) the application discloses -- (i) any additional matter referred to in section 84(1); or (ii) any matter extending beyond that disclosed in the application for the patent as filed; or (e) a claim relates to an invention in respect of which no search has been completed, and he has decided not to carry out the examination in respect of that claim, the Examiner shall notify the Registrar in writing of that opinion and shall state fully the reasons for his opinion. - 特許庁
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