英訳・英語 mohair
該当件数 : 20件
a domestic breed of goat raised for its long silky hair which is the true mohair発音を聞く - 日本語WordNet
a coarse fabric of silk mixed with wool or mohair and often stiffened with gum発音を聞く - 日本語WordNet
A mohair 90 is attached to the cover member 40 of the upper frame 11 of a window frame 10 for a double sliding window. - 特許庁
The peripheral edge of the folding door has mohair attached thereto, which imparts high air-tightness to the parking space. - 特許庁
On the distal end of the erected wall, an attaching groove 10d for attaching a burial member 12 such as mohair is provided. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 20件
To provide a new multifilament intended for producing using synthetic fiber a pile fabric with straightness resembling natural mohair, and to obtain such a natural mohair-toned pile fabric using the above new multifilament. - 特許庁
To provide mohair and a screen window having this mohair for securing the preventing effect of intrusion of an insect from a clearance, and preventing the tip part from widening by further reducing sliding resistance. - 特許庁
When the electromagnetic wave shielding door body 2 is located in a closing position A, the conductive mohair material 30 abuts on a door sill 8 so as to push up the plate material 28, and the conductive mohair material 29 abuts on the bottom surface 25a of the storage groove. - 特許庁
The conductive mohair materials 29 and 30 are fixed to the top surface 28a and undersurface 28b of the plate material 28. - 特許庁
The tip of the conductive mohair material 29 is deformed for contact with the bottom surface 25a of the storage groove so as to enhance the electromagnetic wave shielding performance. - 特許庁
To provide a pile band (called mohair) installed at the edge part of a window frame of an opening and closing window and a device and a method for manufacturing the pile band. - 特許庁
In the half-open state, a mohair 3 attached to an upper frame 2 is brought into contact with the upper sash bar 7 of the sliding screen 5. - 特許庁
To provide a wooden sash for an inside window of a sliding door structure, which makes airtight mohair provided on a wooden window frame of an indoor-side opening in a wooden style house, which makes an airtight packing material arranged in a stile/rail of a wooden sash body, and which perfectly prevents the intrusion of outside air by using the airtight mohair and the airtight packing. - 特許庁
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