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He came to a rupture with Kiseki from around 1710, they reconciled in 1718 and then he became Kiseki's publisher.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
ルワンダでは其の頃 国家予算の30%を外国からの援助に頼っていました例文帳に追加
That at that time, 30 percent of the budget was all foreign aid. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
愚老若き頃、其山臥物 語せられしは、我関東より毎年大峯へのぼる。例文帳に追加
When I was young, the yamabushi said to me "I used to visit Mount Omine from Kanto every year".発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Moreover, "Zoku Honcho tsugan" and "Rekicho yoki" both mention Goemon ISHIKAWA's execution similar to the ones mentioned above.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
At the age of eight, he learned how to write; at the age of 10, began to read basic Chinese literature; at the age of 15, celebrated his coming of age; at about the age of 20, he began to learn ancient Japanese literature and became attached to "Kokin Wakashu" (A Collection of Ancient and Modern Japanese Poetry) by the influence of his teacher, besides, he knew Norinaga MOTOORI, a great scholar of ancient Japanese literature and culture, through his works, and became interested in such studies.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
According to the 'Kudarahonki' (Original records of Paekche) quoted by "Nihonshoki" (Chronicles of Japan), a legend has it that Emperor Keitai and Prince died together around 531, and another theory has it that after the death of Emperor Keitai, two Imperial Courts existed at the same time, one was reigned by Emperor Ankan and Emperor Senka, the other was reigned by Emperor Kinmei, and they had a domestic conflict ('Shingai Coup' theory).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Our teacher dedicated his life to the study requiring great pains; as to "Koshi-den", at the end of the Bunka era (1804-1818), he began to write the draft, and by the early Bunsei era (1818-1830), about 12 volumes had been completed; however, by that time, he had also gradually gained an insight into the study and understood the teachings of the master of Suzunoya (Norinaga MOTOORI), then he realized that this world was the product of our great gods of Japan, so he decided to suspend "Koshi-den" temporarily, and first explore and read through all the past annotations of the histories of our country as well as those of India and Europe to use new knowledge to his advantage in writing "Koshi-den"; therefore, since the middle of the Bunsei era, he intensly studied foreign literature and culture mainly, and during a period of over 20 years, he completed almost all his works, which he left for us, including "Sekiken Taiko-den" (Japanese Early History); although he was never satisfied with his works, his students, of course, including myself, with a feeling of gratitude, thought that our master had succeeded in completing most his researches and studies, and were concerned about the delay in completing "Koshi-den" and because of our master's age, we repeatedly begged him to restart the writing, then thankfully at about the 10th year of the Tenpo era (1839), he restarted; however, he was requested to write on linguistic methods so he began to write "Goju Ongi" (Pronunciation and Meaning of 50 Kana) and suspended "Koshi-den" again; after a year, he was banished to Akita Province by order of the former bakufu (Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun), fortunately since Akita was his hometown and there were many relatives of his, besides the former load treated him very kindly, they relieved him off poor living, although under those conditions, he had no time to finish the remaining works; he was always concerned about those unfinished works, and after only a few years, he became sick and regrettably died.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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該当件数 : 8件
Since entering the school, Kanetane knew that his teacher Atsutane studied mysterious things and the underworld to restore the ancient belief which had been lost or sealed up, besides Kanetane understood that Atsutane tried to prove the existence of mysterious things by Kodo; about 1820, by Yoshinari YAMAZAKI, a learned amateur living in Shitayachoja-machi and an acquaintance of Kanetane's friend Hirokata YASHIRO, Kanetane was introduced to Sendo Torakichi, who could come and go freely to the underworld, then Kanetane became convinced of the existence of the underworld, and began to put in serious efforts to collect information of mysterious stories and materials of such things.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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