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該当件数 : 28件
'Ninokawari kyogen' that followed kaomise was regarded more important.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The boiled dishes are followed by the serving of the rice container and the guests help themselves and put an extra serving of rice in each rice bowl.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
In the case of producing flavor, the scallop adductor is dried by an far infrared radiation dryer instead of an ordinary mechanical drying. - 特許庁
When the handle 30a is turned in the valve opening direction, this detecting switch 31 is switched to ON to output the detecting signal to a control device 16. - 特許庁
Switching of radio zones 40a, 40b, 40c,... is utilized as a trigger within a communication area and positional coordinate information is acquired at a moment when switching of radio zones is detected. - 特許庁
The reception buffer AH is switched to a serial output and outputs stored reception data to a reception control section D. - 特許庁
For the first performance of the work that made him well known "Tenjiku Tokubei Kokubanashi", he discussed with the troupe members to spread a rumor across Edo that the actors use Christian magic in their quick-change.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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該当件数 : 28件
To make the gradation steps (so-called pseudo contour) in conspicuous at the changed part of a quantization output in error diffusion processing. - 特許庁
To provide a wobble signal detector circuit which is simple and has no problem even in switching a recorded state/unrecorded state. - 特許庁
To provide a vehicle distance following controller capable of securely detecting the changeover and change of a preceding vehicle even if a change in vehicle distance before and after the changeover of the preceding vehicle is small when the preceding vehicle is changed due to an interruption and leaving. - 特許庁
Each switching edge of attached data superimposed on the VBI data is detected and a sampling clock whose phase is set again on the basis of the detected switching edge is generated so as to extract the VBI data with high accuracy without receiving accumulated effects of fluctuation or missing of a synchronizing signal and superimposed data due to jitter of a transmission path and a VTR. - 特許庁
The analog outputs from the sensors 21 and 22 are inputted to a comparator 23, which makes a reverse output at the time the magnitude relation between the analog outputs is switched. - 特許庁
The control unit 11 outputs sound showing a switched channel bank to the outside from a beep sound generator 15 each time it is detected that the channel bank is switched. - 特許庁
A control section 211 attaches the time and date based on daily information inputted from the outside and notifies the DS 11 of the on-air result of a program material outputted from the output section 21. - 特許庁
A peak luminance control calculation unit 107 calculates luminance control information 106 related to an input video signal 101 based on screen switch information 102 showing the start of display switch of the screen related to the input video signal 101 and information 103 showing the lapse state of the screen display related to the input video signal 101. - 特許庁
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