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英訳・英語 parthenocarpy
該当件数 : 17件
Generally, it has less pollen, however, due to its parthenocarpy, it bears fruit without pollination.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
The seedless tomato is made by crossing a tomato plant containing at least one parthenocarpic gene as the male parent with a male sterile tomato plant containing at least one parthenocarpic gene as the female parent. - 特許庁
To provide a substantially seedless parthenocarpic tomato that exhibits good quality and to provide a method for producing the seedless tomatoes. - 特許庁
As a result, inserting and fixing actions become very simple, and restriction on the shape and the size of the article to be inserted and fixed can be remarkably relaxed. - 特許庁
A cost simulation device adds up unit prices of respective cost elements of a product by a currency of a region in which the cost element is generated, and without performing exchange rate conversion on each cost element, performs exchange rate conversion on a result calculated by adding the unit prices of respective cost elements of the product. - 特許庁
A selection means 60 randomly selects, when the lottery result is a hit, the unit number of balls to be paid out to the player to the winning of one ball to a variable prize port 40, and displays it on a selected number display means 30. - 特許庁
メロン単為結果果実の急速な発育時期とショ糖蓄積の始まる前に植物ホルモン剤である合成オーキシン剤のp−chlorophenoxyacetic acid(p−CPA)を処理することにより、果実の生体重と糖蓄積を増加させる方法。例文帳に追加
The live weight and the accumulation of sucrose of a melon fruit is increased by treating the fruit with p-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (p-CPA), a synthetic auxin agent, before the rapid growth period of the fruit and beginning of the accumulation of sucrose. - 特許庁
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学習機能付き! -
Weblio例文辞書での「単為結果」に類似した例文 |
a result
the result of something
the inevitable result
The result is unexpected―contrary to expectation―contrary to our expectations―not what we expected―surprising―a surprise.
The result is unexpected―contrary to expectation―contrary to my expectations―not what I expected―surprising―a surprise.
This is invariably the result
The result is unexpected―contrary to expectation―contrary to my expectations―not what I expected―surprising―a surprise.
該当件数 : 17件
this claim states that the enormous complexity of some organs (the human eye is a favorite example) simply could not have arisen as the result of a large number of small random changes, each one selected for its survival advantage発音を聞く - Ian Johnston『科学のカリキュラムで創造説?』
As long as fair competition takes place under agreed-upon rules, challenging the fairness of individual results is not only misguided; it is also a violation of the obligations to uphold the agreed-upon rules. - 経済産業省
As a result, the liquid crystal panel 10 can display color pictures by additive color mixture, and on the other hand, since the fluorescent plate 26 can display pictures of fluorescent color by receiving ultraviolet rays, it is possible to simply display buttons for input or the like independently of color pictures to be displayed. - 特許庁
As a result, the lock releasing switch for releasing the lock locked to the movement necessary for adjusting the position of the C-type support arm can be easily confirmed at a glance of the color, or be easily informed by a single word of the color so as to quickly release the lock of the position adjustment movement of the C-type support arm. - 特許庁
To achieve the reduction of manufacturing and assembling costs, the promotion of miniaturization, and precise operation control with a simple and inexpensive constitution, even when a sensor is mounted to precisely control the operation on the basis of a result of the detection of operation, when a ball screw device is used as an actuator device. - 特許庁
A selection means 60 randomly selects, when the lottery result is a hit, the unit number of balls to be put out to the player to the winning of one ball to a variable prize port 40 and displays it on a selected number display means 30. - 特許庁
An apparatus for outputting an execution result of an instruction such as a command received from the external is provided with a means capable of interpreting and executing the instruction by inputting a simple signal from the external without using exclusive format or the like for receiving the instruction. - 特許庁
第三条 公正取引委員会は、入札談合等の事件についての調査の結果、当該入札談合等につき入札談合等関与行為があると認めるときは、各省各庁の長等に対し、当該入札談合等関与行為を排除するために必要な入札及び契約に関する事務に係る改善措置(以下単に「改善措置」という。)を講ずべきことを求めることができる。例文帳に追加
Article 3 (1) The Fair Trade Commission may, when it recognizes involvement in bid rigging etc. as a result of its investigation of bid rigging cases, demand that the Heads of Ministries and Agencies etc. implement improvement measures on the administration of bidding and contracts that are necessary for eliminating the said involvement in bid rigging etc. (hereinafter simply referred to as "improvement measures").発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
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