





該当件数 : 234



He agreed to push back the surcharge for two more years. - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文


Case 4 A check mark placed by the person in the confirmation box which indicates the consent of the person発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

第三条 この法律の施行前になされた本人の個人情報の取扱いに関する同意がある場合において、その同意が第二十三条第一項の規定による個人データの第三者への提供を認める旨の同意に相当するものであるときは、同項の同意があったものとみなす。例文帳に追加

Article 3 Where a person has given consent to the handling of his or her personal information prior to enforcement of this Act, and where the consent is equivalent to the consent that allows the personal data to be provided to a third party under paragraph (1) of Article 23, then it shall be deemed that there is such consent as is prescribed in the same paragraph.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Where a person has given consent to the handling of his or her personal information before this Act is enforced, and where the consent is equivalent to the consent that allows the personal data to be provided to third parties under Paragraph 1 of Article 23, then it shall be deemed that there is such consent as is prescribed in the same paragraph.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


A consent form request program 21 is resident in a user's terminal 20 and, when the terminal 20 becomes into a network connected state, the consent form on AP software which is installed in the terminal 20 and whose consent is non-confirmed is requested to a consent confirmation server 1 via Internet 9a. - 特許庁


A written agreement request program 21 is made resident on a user's terminal 20 and when the terminal 20 is connected to a network, written agreement for AP software which is installed on the terminal 20 and whose agreement not confirmed yet is requested of the agreement confirming server 1. - 特許庁

一 当該顧客に関する個人信用情報を加入指定信用情報機関に提供する旨の同意例文帳に追加

(i) Consent to the customer's Personal Credit Information being provided to the Member Designated Credit Bureau;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The portable terminal has a means of inputting whether to omit user permission acknowledgement when data are transmitted to the communication server within the predetermined scope, thereafter, on the user permission acknowledgement screen. - 特許庁


When the agreement with this temporary order information is received from the user the commodity is sold. - 特許庁

2 弁護人は、前項の同意するときは、書面でその旨を明らかにしなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) When the defense counsel gives the consent prescribed in the preceding paragraph, such an opinion shall be declared in writing.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Malaysia agreed to host the next meeting of this forum in the second half of this year.発音を聞く  - 財務省


Also, Yu MIZUNO and Shoichiro SHIRASAKI agreed on Hirako's theory about the year that Emperor Keitai passed away.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


A response transmission and reception 112 receives a signal indicating agreement or disagreement with the deletion condition and transmitted by the other terminal 1, and if it has received an agreement response signal, a content information transmission and reception unit 106 transmits the content information to the other terminal 1. - 特許庁

第二条 この法律の施行前になされた本人の個人情報の取扱いに関する同意がある場合において、その同意が第十五条第一項の規定により特定される利用目的以外の目的で個人情報を取り扱うことを認める旨の同意に相当するものであるときは、第十六条第一項又は第二項の同意があったものとみなす。例文帳に追加

Article 2 Where a person has given consent to the handling of his or her personal information prior to enforcement of this Act, and where the consent is equivalent to the consent that allows the personal information to be handled for a purpose other than the Purpose of Utilization specified under paragraph (1) of Article 15, then it shall be deemed that there is such consent as is prescribed in paragraph (1) or (2) of Article 16.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Where a person has given consent to the handling of his or her personal information before this Act is enforced, and where the consent is equivalent to the consent that allows the personal information to be handled for a purpose other than the Purpose of Use specified under Paragraph 1 of Article 15, then it shall be deemed that there is such consent as is prescribed in Paragraph 1 or 2 of Article 16.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

5 被疑者が第二項の同意をし、及び弁護人が前項の同意をし又はその意見を留保するときは、書面でその旨を明らかにしなければならない。例文帳に追加

(5) When the suspect gives the consent prescribed in paragraph (2), and when his/her counsel gives or reserves giving the consent prescribed in the preceding paragraph, such opinions shall be declared in writing.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

対話的にインストールする ports には、ライセンス条項の同意を尋ねられた時に yes と入力するだけのものがいくつかあります。例文帳に追加

For a few ports the interaction is nothing more than typing yes when asked to accept some license.発音を聞く  - FreeBSD


Selection of donors shall be done in a manner exercising careful consideration for such factors as symptoms, age, competency for giving consent from the perspective of protecting such personshuman rights. - 厚生労働省


Selection of research subjects shall be done in a manner exercising careful consideration for such factors as symptoms, age, competency for giving consent from the perspective of protecting such personshuman rights. - 厚生労働省


And first of all answer this very question: Are we right in saying that you agreed to be governed according to us in deed, and not in word only? Is that true or not?' How shall we answer, Crito? Must we not assent? We cannot help it, Socrates.発音を聞く  - Plato『クリトン』


Japan agreed to host the next meeting of this forum early next year to carry forward the initiatives under this framework.発音を聞く  - 財務省


a contract between two or more persons who agree to pool talent and money and share profits or losses発音を聞く  - 日本語WordNet


An application may be made to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal for the review of a decision of the Commission refusing to give its consent.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


Case 2 To receive and confirm a document like an application form in which the person expresses its consent and sign or append its signature and seal発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


Any person who, without the necessary consent of the proprietor of the utility model発音を聞く  - 特許庁


Information on the forthcoming session is received (step 5:3) which has been negotiated and agreed between communication parties. - 特許庁

契約内容に同意いただける場合は、郵送で送付する契約書にサインしていただいた上で、弊社まで返送願えますか?メールで書く場合 例文帳に追加

If you are happy with the contents of the agreement, please sign a copy that you are going to send us and return it to us by mail?発音を聞く  - Weblio Email例文集


The youngest child in a High School - as soon as High Schools are invented, which will not be till some two thousand years later - will grant that."発音を聞く  - Lewis Carroll『亀がアキレスに言ったこと』


To prevent a trouble related to consent to download such as a change in software in a case that it takes a long time to complete the consent to download in downloading the software from the outside through a network or the like. - 特許庁


if a notice of opposition to the application for registration has been filed with the Commissioner, a statement that the opponent has consented to the application for division. - 特許庁

4 信託行為において、次に掲げる情報以外の情報について、受益者が同意をしたときは第一項の規定による閲覧又は謄写の請求をすることができない旨の定めがある場合には、当該同意をした受益者(その承継人を含む。以下この条において同じ。)は、その同意を撤回することができない。例文帳に追加

(4) Where it is provided by the terms of trust that a request to inspect or copy documents or any other object under the provisions of paragraph (1) is to be restricted with regard to any information other than the those listed below if a beneficiary gives consent for such restriction, the beneficiary who has given such consent (including the beneficiary's successor; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) may not revoke the consent:発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The public server inquires the terminal at the transmitting origin of the disclosure request whether or not agrees about the payment of license fees regarding editing, and when there is a response on the agreement of the payment of the license fees from the terminal, makes the terminal upload the edition product. - 特許庁

(c) 上記の 1又は複数の者の各々が、(b)に記載した通知の日付から 2月以内に、譲渡又は移転に同意する旨を登録官に対し書面をもって通知した場合は、登録官は、譲渡又は移転に同意する最後の通知を受領した後、その明細を記録しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(c) that person or each of those persons has, within the period of 2 months from the date of the notice mentioned in paragraph (b), given written notice to the Registrar consenting to the assignment or transmission; the Registrar must record the particulars after the Registrar has received the last notice consenting to the assignment or transmission. - 特許庁

(c) 上記の 1又は複数の者の各々が、(b)に記載した通知の日付から 2月以内に、譲渡又は移転に同意する旨を登録官に対し書面をもって通知した場合は、 登録官は、譲渡又は移転に同意する最後の通知を受領した後、その明細を登録簿に記録しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(c) that person or each of those persons has, within the period of 2 months from the date of the notice mentioned in paragraph (b), given written notice to the Registrar consenting to the assignment or transmission; the Registrar must record the particulars in the Register after the Registrar has received the last notice consenting to the assignment or transmission. - 特許庁

第十二条 組合の業務執行を決定するには、総組合員の同意によらなければならない。ただし、次に掲げる事項以外の事項の決定については、組合契約書において総組合員の同意を要しない旨の定めをすることを妨げない。例文帳に追加

Article 12 (1) In order to decide management of the Partnership's businesses, the consent of all partners is required; provided, however, that the Written Partnership Agreement may provide that the consent of all partners is not required to decide matters other than the following matters:発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


It is not reasonable that the product cannot be returned simply because the package states that the product is non-returnable. Instead, the user cannot return a product only when he specifically agreed to the non-returnable clause; e.g., he purchased the product after agreeing to the non-returnable clause which the store explained to him verbally and explicitly or indicated such clause which was plainly visible outside of the product package.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


We agree with the Senior Officialsdecision to extend the mandate of the PSU for an additional seven years from 2014 to 2020 with a mid-term review to examine its strategic direction. - 経済産業省


(ii)' If (a) the business entity deleted the information to the extent necessary; and (b) a person claimed that his/her rights were infringed and the provider, for the purpose of determining whether or not to consent to the deletion of the information, inquired for the opinion of the sender of the information, who did not express objection to deleting the information within seven (7) days of the date of receipt of inquiry.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

イ あらかじめ、その送信をするように求める旨又は送信をすることに同意する旨をその送信者に対し通知した者(当該通知の後、その送信をしないように求める旨を当該送信者に対し通知した者を除く。)例文帳に追加

a) A person who has notified the sender of the request or the consent to send Specified Electronic Mail prior to the transmission thereof (except a person who has notified said sender of the request not to send said Electronic Mail after said notification発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(7) 特許を付与する旨の決定を行う予定であることが通告された後で,出願人が,公告,印刷,発行及び効力維持のための手数料の各々を納付することができないことを理由として,決定をするための期限の延期を請求したときは,この請求に関する同意が通告されるものとする。決定をするための期限の延期は,同意に関する連絡の日から 1年より長いものであってはならず,また,その同意は 1回に限り認められるものとする例文帳に追加

(7) In case when after having been notified that a decision to grant the patent is to be made, the applicant requests an extension of the time limit for making a decision, for reasons of incapacity of paying the fees for publication, printing, issuance and maintenance in force, respectively, the agreement concerning this request shall be notified; the extension of the time limit for making a decision shall not be longer than 12 months from the date of communication of the agreement and its hall only be granted once. - 特許庁

2 第百六十条第二項の仮払に関する定めをした再生計画案を提出しようとする者は、あらかじめ、当該定めに係る根抵当権を有する者の同意を得なければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) A person who intends to submit a proposed rehabilitation plan which provides for provisional payment figured by estimate set forth in Article 160(2) shall obtain consent, in advance, from the person who holds the revolving mortgage pertaining to such provision.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

ネットワーク経由など外部からソフトウェアをダウンロードするなどして入力する場合に、ソフトウェアの種別によって適切にダウンロードの同意が必要か否かを判断することができ、ダウンロードの同意に関して、又はダウンロード先とのダウンロードの同意に関しては、バランスの取れた好適なTCO(Total Cost of Ownership )の実現が可能な情報処理装置及び情報処理システムを提供することを課題とする例文帳に追加

To provide an information processor and an information processing system capable of properly determining whether a consent to download is needed or not depending on the kind of software in a case that software is input from the outside through a network or the like by download or the like, and realizing a balanced suitable TCO (total cost of ownership) for the consent to download or for the agreement of download with a download destination. - 特許庁

2 委員長及び委員は、年齢が三十五年以上で、法律又は経済に関する学識経験のある者のうちから、内閣総理大臣が、両議院の同意を得て、これを任命する例文帳に追加

(2) The chairman and the commissioners shall be appointed by the Prime Minister with the consent of both Houses of the Diet from among persons whose age is thirty-five or more and who have knowledge and experience in law or economics.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



Case 1 To confirm that the person expresses its consent verbally or in writing (including a record made by an electronic method, a magnetic method, or any other method not recognizable to human senses)発音を聞く  - 経済産業省







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