












該当件数 : 14


ル 能訓練士 能訓練士法(昭和十六年法律第六十号)第十条第二項に規定する業例文帳に追加

k) Orthoptist: practices prescribed by Article 17, paragraph (2) of the Orthoptists Act (Act No. 64 of 1971発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

五 第百二十条第一項の昇降するための設備及び保護帽の使用状況を監すること。例文帳に追加

(v) To monitor the use of the equipment for ascending and descending set forth in paragraph (1) of Article 427, and a safety helmet.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Nowadays, there are many doubts about Bunei no Eki, including whether there was any serious damage, but what destroyed both armies of the Eastern Route and Southern Yangtze in Koan no Eki is still now widely considered to have been a typhoon, because there are diaries and records stating that even Kyoto had a furious storm from August 15, 1281 to August 16.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

十条 指定検疫物を輸入した者は、遅滞なくその旨を動物検疫所に届け出て、その物につき、原状のままで、家畜防疫官から第三十六条及び第三十条の規定の違反の有無並びに監伝染病の病原体をひろげるおそれの有無についての検査を受けなければならない。ただし、既に次条の規定により検査を受け、かつ、第条の規定による輸入検疫証明書の交付を受けた物及び郵便物として輸入した物については、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 40 (1) Persons who have imported designated quarantine items must notify the Animal Quarantine Service to that effect without delay, and must have said items undergo inspection by an animal quarantine officer in their intact state, to determine whether or not they violate the provisions of Article 36 or Article 37 and whether or not they are likely to spread pathogens of a monitored infectious disease, provided, however, that this shall not apply to items that have already been inspected under the provisions of the following Article and for which a certificate of import quarantine has been issued under the provisions of Article 44, or to items imported as postal matter.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二百十条の二 地方航空局長は、前条第一項第八号及び第二十号の権限、同項第二十号の二の権限(無線電話及び航空交通管制用自動応答装置に係るものに限る。)、同項第二十五号の権限(航空運送事業の用に供する航空機に係るもの及び船舶又は構築物において離陸し、又は着陸しようとする回転翼航空機に係るものを除く。)、同項第二十号の権限(航空運送事業の用に供する航空機、計器飛行方式により、又は夜間において飛行しようとする航空機及び物件を機体の外に装着し、つり下げ、又は曳航して運送しようとする回転翼航空機に係るものを除く。)、同項第二十号の二及び第二十九号の権限、同項第三十一号の権限(管制圏内において、有界飛行方式により、かつ、昼間において航空機の試験をする飛行を行おうとする航空機に係るものに限る。)、同項第三十二号の権限(管制圏内において、有界飛行方式により、かつ、昼間において航空機の操縦の練習のための飛行を行おうとする航空機に係るものに限る。)、同項第三十六号の権限(管制圏及びこれに接続する進入管制区内の特別管制空域並びに情報圏に係る行為を行おうとする者に係るものに限る。)並びに同項第三十六号の二、第三十号ナ、第三十号の十一、第十一号及び第六十号の二ニの権限を空港事務所長に行わせるものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 240-2 (1) The director of the Regional Civil Aviation Bureau shall have the director of airport administrative office exercise the authority pursuant to paragraph (1) item (viii) and (xx) of the preceding Article, authority pursuant to item (xxiv)-2 of the same paragraph (limited to cases pertaining to wireless telephone and air traffic control transponder), authority pursuant to item (xxv) of the same paragraph (excluding cases pertaining to aircraft provided for use in air transport service and rotorcraft that intends to take off from or land on a ship or building), authority pursuant to item (xxvii) of the same paragraph (excluding cases pertaining to aircraft provided for the purpose of air transport service, aircraft intending to fly under instrument flight rules or at night and rotorcraft intending to transport an object by attaching it to the exterior of the aircraft, suspending it or towing it), authority pursuant to item (xxvii)-2 and item (xxix) of the same paragraph, authority pursuant to item (xxxi) of the same paragraph (limited to cases pertaining to aircraft intending on conducting an aircraft test flight under visual flight rules within the air traffic control zone during daytime), authority pursuant to item (xxxii) of the same paragraph (limited to cases pertaining to aircraft intending on conducting a pilot training flight under visual flight rules within the air traffic control zone during daytime), authority pursuant to item (xxxvi) of the same paragraph (limited to cases pertaining to persons who intend to engage in an action pertaining to air traffic control zone and positive control airspace within the connected approach control area and air traffic information zone), and authority pursuant to items (xxxvi)-2, (xxxvii)-U, (xxxvii)-11, (xli) and (lxiv)-2-D of the same paragraph.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

二 第二百十条第一項第二号、第号及び第号の権限、同項第二十号の二の権限(無線電話及び航空交通管制用自動応答装置に係るものを除く。)、同項第二十号の三の権限、同項第二十五号の権限(航空運送事業の用に供する航空機に係るもの及び船舶又は構築物において離陸し、又は着陸しようとする回転翼航空機に係るものに限る。)、同項第二十六号の権限、同項第二十号の権限(航空運送事業の用に供する航空機、計器飛行方式により、又は夜間において飛行しようとする航空機及び物件を機体の外に装着し、つり下げ、又は曳航して運送しようとする回転翼航空機に係るものに限る。)、同項第二十八号及び第三十号の権限、同項第三十一号の権限(管制圏内において、有界飛行方式により、かつ、昼間において航空機の試験をする飛行を行おうとする航空機に係るものを除く。)、同項第三十二号の権限(管制圏内において、有界飛行方式により、かつ、昼間において航空機の操縦の練習のための飛行を行おうとする航空機に係るものを除く。)、同項第三十六号の権限(管制圏及びこれに接続する進入管制区内の特別管制空域並びに情報圏に係る行為を行おうとする者に係るものを除く。)並びに同項第十号及び第六十号の権限例文帳に追加

(ii) The authority pursuant to paragraph (1) item (ii), (iv) and (vii), authority pursuant to item (xxiv)-2 of the same paragraph (excluding the cases pertaining to wireless telephone and air traffic control transponder), authority pursuant to item (xxiv)-3 of the same paragraph, authority pursuant to item (xxv) of the same paragraph (limited to cases pertaining to aircraft provided for use in air transport service and rotorcraft that intends to take off from or land on a ship or building), authority pursuant to item (xxvi) of the same paragraph, authority pursuant to item (xxvii) of the same paragraph (limited to cases pertaining to aircraft provided for the purpose of air transport service, aircraft intending to fly under instrument flight rules or at night and rotorcraft intending to transport an object by attaching it to the exterior of the aircraft, suspending it or towing it), authority pursuant to item (xxviii) and (xxx) of the same paragraph, authority pursuant to item (xxxi) of the same paragraph (excluding cases pertaining to aircraft intending on conducting an aircraft test flight under visual flight rules within the air traffic control zone during daytime), authority pursuant to item (xxxii) of the same paragraph (excluding cases pertaining to aircraft intending on conducting a pilot training flight under visual flight rules within the air traffic control zone during daytime), authority pursuant to item (xxxvi) of the same paragraph (excluding cases pertaining to persons who intend to engage in an action pertaining to air traffic control zone and positive control airspace within the connected approach control area and air traffic information zone), and authority pursuant to items (xl) and (lxiv) of the same paragraph発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


二 外国の法令による処分であつて、医師法第条第二項、歯科医師法第条第二項、保健師助産師看護師法第十条第一項、歯科衛生士法第八条第一項、診療放射線技師法第九条第一項若しくは歯科技工士法第八条第一項の規定による業務の停止の命令又は臨床検査技師等に関する法律第八条第一項、理学療法士及び作業療法士法第条第一項、能訓練士法第八条第一項、臨床工学技士法第八条第一項、義肢装具士法第八条第一項、言語聴覚士法第九条第一項若しくは救急救命士法第九条第一項の規定による名称の使用の停止の命令に相当するものを受け、当該外国においてその者が有する資格に係る業務を行うことができない者例文帳に追加

(ii) A person who has been subject to punishment under the laws and regulations of a foreign country which corresponds to the business suspension order pursuant to the provision of Article 7, paragraph (2) of the Medical Practitioners' Act, Article 7, paragraph (2) of the Dentists Act, Article 14, paragraph (1) of the Act on Public Health Nurses, Midwives and Nurses, Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Dental Hygienists Act, Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Act on Medical Radiology Technicians or Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Dental Technicians Act, or the order to suspend the use of the name or title pursuant to the provision of Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Act on Clinical Laboratory Technicians, etc., Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists Act, Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Orthoptists Act, Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Clinical Engineers Act, Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Prosthetists Act, Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Speech-Language Hearing Therapists Act or Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Emergency Life-saving Technicians Act, and who is unable to practice the profession pertaining to the license he/she has obtained in such foreign country accordingly.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 14


二 医師法第条第二項第一号若しくは第二号若しくは歯科医師法第条第二項第一号若しくは第二号に掲げる戒告若しくは業務の停止、保健師助産師看護師法第十条第一項、歯科衛生士法第八条第一項、診療放射線技師法第九条第一項若しくは歯科技工士法第八条第一項の規定による業務の停止又は臨床検査技師等に関する法律第八条第一項、理学療法士及び作業療法士法第条第一項、能訓練士法第八条第一項、臨床工学技士法第八条第一項、義肢装具士法第八条第一項、言語聴覚士法第九条第一項若しくは救急救命士法第九条第一項の規定による名称の使用の停止を命ぜられたとき。例文帳に追加

(ii) If the person becomes subject to admonition or suspension of business prescribed by Article 7, paragraph (2), item (i) or (ii) of the Medical Practitioners' Act or Article 7, paragraph (2), item (i) or (ii) of the Dentists Act, or to suspension of business pursuant to the provision of Article 14, paragraph (1) of the Act on Public Health Nurses, Midwives and Nurses, Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Dental Hygienists Act, Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Act on Medical Radiology Technicians, Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Dental Technicians Act, or to an order to suspend the use of the name or title pursuant to the provision of Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Act on Clinical Laboratory Technicians, etc., Article 7, paragraph (1) of the Physical Therapists and Occupational Therapists Act, Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Orthoptists Act, Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Clinical Engineers Act, Article 8, paragraph (1) of the Prosthetists Act, Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Speech-Language Hearing Therapists Act or Article 9, paragraph (1) of the Emergency Life-saving Technicians Act.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三十一条の二 監化学物質、第二種特定化学物質、第条第項(第条の二第九項において読み替えて準用する場合及び第五条の二第二項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により公示された化学物質又は附則第二条第項の規定により通商産業大臣が公示した同条第一項に規定する既存化学物質名簿に記載されている化学物質(以下「報告対象物質」という。)の製造又は輸入の事業を営む者は、その製造し、又は輸入した報告対象物質について、第条第項に規定する試験の項目又は第五条の第一項、第二十条第一項若しくは第二十五条の三第一項に規定する有害性の調査の項目に係る試験を行つた場合(当該試験を行つたと同等の知見(公然と知られていないものに限る。)が得られた場合を含む。)であつて、報告対象物質が次に掲げる性状を有することを示す知見として厚生労働省令、経済産業省令、環境省令で定めるものが得られたときは、厚生労働省令、経済産業省令、環境省令で定めるところにより、その旨及び当該知見の内容を厚生労働大臣、経済産業大臣及び環境大臣に報告しなければならない。ただし、第五条の第一項、第二十条第一項又は第二十五条の三第一項の規定による指示に係る有害性の調査により当該知見が得られた場合において、これらの規定によりその内容を報告するときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 31-2 (1) A person engaged in the business of manufacturing or importing any chemical substance subject to monitoring, any Class II Specified Chemical Substance, any chemical substance of which the public has been notified pursuant to the provisions of Article 4, paragraph (4) (including where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 4-2, paragraph (9) and pursuant to Article 5-2, paragraph (2)), or any chemical substance in the list of existing chemical substances prescribed in Article 2, paragraph (1) of the Supplementary Provisions of which the public has been notified by the Minister of International Trade and Industry pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) of said Article (hereinafter referred to as a "substance subject to reporting") shall report to the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the Minister of the Environment when he/she has conducted tests with regard to the substance subject to reporting under the items prescribed in Article 4, paragraph (7) or studies of hazardous properties prescribed in Article 5-4, paragraph (1), Article 24, paragraph (1) or Article 25-3, paragraph (1) (including cases in which information equivalent to that which would be obtained from said tests (limited to information that is not publicly known) has been obtained). When, as a result of said tests, the person obtains information specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Ordinance of the Ministry of the Environment indicating that the substance subject to reporting possesses the following properties, he/she shall report to that effect and give the details of such information, pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy; provided, however that this shall not apply where said person has obtained said information as a result of a study of hazardous properties to which an instruction under the provisions of Article 5-4, paragraph (1), Article 24, paragraph (1) or Article 25-3, paragraph (1) pertains, and where said person is reporting the details of said information pursuant to these provisions:発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

条の二 特定事業者は、経済産業省令で定めるところにより、第十条第一項の中長期的な計画の作成事務、その設置している工場等におけるエネルギーの使用の合理化に関し、エネルギーを消費する設備の維持、エネルギーの使用の方法の改善及び監その他経済産業省令で定める業務を統括管理する者(以下「エネルギー管理統括者」という。)を選任しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 7-2 (1) Pursuant to the provision of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, a specified business operator shall, with regard to preparation affairs of medium- and- long-term plans prescribed in Article 14, paragraph (1) and the rational use of energy in its factories, etc., appoint a person who supervises and manages the maintenance of energy-consuming facilities, the improvement and supervision of methods for using energy, and other affairs specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (hereinafter referred to as an "energy management control officer")発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三十一条の二 監化学物質、第二種特定化学物質、第条第項(第条の二第九項において読み替えて準用する場合及び第五条の二第二項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により公示された化学物質、第三条第一項第五号若しくは第条の二第項の確認に係る新規化学物質又は附則第二条第項の規定により通商産業大臣が公示した同条第一項に規定する既存化学物質名簿に記載されている化学物質(以下「報告対象物質」という。)の製造又は輸入の事業を営む者は、その製造又は輸入した報告対象物質について、第条第項に規定する試験の項目又は第五条の第一項、第二十条第一項若しくは第二十五条の三第一項に規定する有害性の調査の項目に係る試験を行つた場合(当該試験を行つたと同等の知見(公然と知られていないものに限る。)が得られた場合を含む。)であつて、報告対象物質が次に掲げる性状を有することを示す知見として厚生労働省令、経済産業省令、環境省令で定めるものが得られたときは、厚生労働省令、経済産業省令、環境省令で定めるところにより、その旨及び当該知見の内容を厚生労働大臣、経済産業大臣及び環境大臣に報告しなければならない。ただし、第五条の第一項、第二十条第一項又は第二十五条の三第一項の規定による指示に係る有害性の調査により当該知見が得られた場合において、これらの規定によりその内容を報告するときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 31-2 (1) A person operating the business of manufacturing or importing any monitoring chemical substance, any Class II Specified Chemical Substance, any chemical substance that has been publicly notified pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) of Article 4 (including the cases in which it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (9) of Article 4-2 and the cases in which it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (2) of Article 5-2), any new chemical substance to which the confirmation under item (v) of paragraph (1) of Article 3 or paragraph (4) of Article 4-2 pertains, or any chemical substance listed in the List of Existing Chemical Substances prescribed in paragraph (1) of Article 2 of the Supplementary Provisions that has been publicly notified by the Minister of International Trade and Industry pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) of said Article (hereinafter referred to as a "substance subject to reporting") shall, when he/she has conducted tests pertaining to the items to be tested prescribed in paragraph (7) of Article 4 or pertaining to the studies of hazardous properties prescribed in paragraph (1) of Article 5-4, paragraph (1) of Article 24, or paragraph (1) of Article 25-3 (including the cases in which knowledge equivalent to that which would be obtained from said tests [limited to knowledge that is not publicly known] has been obtained) with regard to the substance subject to reporting he/she has manufactured or imported and if he/she has obtained, as a result thereof, knowledge specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Ordinance of the Ministry of the Environment as one indicating that the substance subject to reporting possesses the following properties, report to the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the Minister of the Environment to that effect and the details of said knowledge, pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Ordinance of the Ministry of the Environment; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the case where said person has obtained said knowledge as a result of a study of hazardous properties to which an instruction under the provisions of paragraph (1) of Article 5-4, paragraph (1) of Article 24, or paragraph (1) of Article 25-3 pertains and is reporting the details of said knowledge pursuant to these provisions:発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二十五条の三 経済産業大臣及び環境大臣は、経済産業省令、環境省令で定めるところにより、一の第三種監化学物質につき、第条第項(第条の二第九項において準用する場合を含む。)に規定する試験の試験成績その他当該第三種監化学物質に関して得られている知見及びその製造、輸入、使用等の状況からみて、当該第三種監化学物質が第二条第三項第二号に該当するものであるとすれば、当該第三種監化学物質による環境の汚染により生活環境動植物の生息又は生育に係る被害を生ずるおそれがあると見込まれるため、当該第三種監化学物質について同号に該当するかどうかを判定する必要があると認めるに至つたときは、当該第三種監化学物質の製造又は輸入の事業を営む者(これらの事業を営んでいた者であつて経済産業省令で定めるものを含む。)に対し、経済産業省令、環境省令で定める有害性の調査(継続的に当該化学物質が摂取され、又はこれにさらされる場合における生活環境動植物の生息又は生育に及ぼす影響についての調査をいう。第三項において同じ。)を行い、その結果を報告すべきことを指示することができる。例文帳に追加

Article 25-3 (1) In the case that the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Minister of the Environment have, with regard to any single Type III Monitoring Chemical Substance, found it necessary to make a determination as to whether or not said Type III Monitoring Chemical Substance falls under item (ii) of paragraph (3) of Article 2 since said Type III Monitoring Chemical Substance poses a risk of causing damage to the inhabitation and/or growth of flora and fauna in the human living environment through environmental pollution if said Type III Monitoring Chemical Substance falls under said item, in view of the results of the tests prescribed in paragraph (7) of Article 4 (including the cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to paragraph (9) of Article 4-2) and any other available knowledge concerning said Type III Monitoring Chemical Substance as well as the state of its manufacture, import, use, etc., they may, pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Ordinance of the Ministry of the Environment, instruct a person operating the business of manufacturing or importing said Type III Monitoring Chemical Substance (including a person who operated such business formerly and who is specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) to conduct a study of the hazardous properties specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Ordinance of the Ministry of the Environment (which means a study on the effects of said chemical substance on the inhabitation and/or growth of flora and fauna in the human living environment if ingested continuously; the same shall apply in paragraph (3)) and to report the results thereof.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

八 第二百十条第一項第二十号の二の権限(無線電話及び航空交通管制用自動応答装置に係るものに限る。)、同項第二十五号の権限(航空運送事業の用に供する航空機に係るもの及び船舶又は構築物において離陸し、又は着陸しようとする回転翼航空機に係るものを除く。)、同項第二十号の権限(航空運送事業の用に供する航空機、計器飛行方式により、又は夜間において飛行しようとする航空機及び物件を機体の外に装着し、つり下げ、又は曳航して運送しようとする回転翼航空機に係るものを除く。)、同項第二十号の二及び第二十九号の権限、同項第三十一号の権限(管制圏内において、有界飛行方式により、かつ、昼間において航空機の試験をする飛行を行おうとする航空機に係るものに限る。)、同項第三十二号の権限(管制圏内において、有界飛行方式により、かつ、昼間において航空機の操縦の練習のための飛行を行おうとする航空機に係るものに限る。)、同項第三十六号の権限(管制圏及びこれに接続する進入管制区内の特別管制空域並びに情報圏に係る行為を行おうとする者に係るものに限る。)並びに同項第三十六号の二の権限例文帳に追加

(viii) Authority pursuant to Article 240 paragraph (1) item (xxiv)-2 (limited to cases pertaining to wireless telephone and air traffic control transponder), authority pursuant to item (xxv) of the same paragraph (excluding cases pertaining to aircraft provided for use in air transport service and rotorcraft that intends to take off from or land on a ship or building), authority pursuant to item (xxvii) of the same paragraph (excluding cases pertaining to aircraft provided for the purpose of air transport service, aircraft intending to fly under instrument flight rules or at night and rotorcraft intending to transport an object by attaching it to the exterior of the aircraft, suspending it or towing it), authority pursuant to item (xxvii)-2 and item (xxix) of the same paragraph, authority pursuant to item (xxxi) of the same paragraph (limited to cases pertaining to aircraft intending on conducting an aircraft test flight under visual flight rules within the air traffic control zone during daytime), authority pursuant to item (xxxii) of the same paragraph (limited to cases pertaining to aircraft intending on conducting a pilot training flight under visual flight rules within the air traffic control zone during daytime), authority pursuant to item (xxxvi) of the same paragraph (limited to cases pertaining to persons who intend to engage in an action pertaining to air traffic control zone and positive control airspace within the connected approach control area and air traffic information zone), and authority pursuant to item (xxxvi)-2発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第六十条 厚生労働大臣は、第六条第二号ただし書(第六十二条第一項及び第二項において準用する場合を含む。)に規定する人の健康を損なうおそれがない場合を定めようとするとき、第条第一項から第三項までの規定による販売の禁止をしようとし、若しくは同条第項の規定による禁止の全部若しくは一部の解除をしようとするとき、第九条第一項の厚生労働省令を制定し、若しくは改廃しようとするとき、第十条に規定する人の健康を損なうおそれのない場合を定めようとするとき、第十一条第一項(第六十二条第一項及び第二項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により基準若しくは規格を定めようとするとき、第十一条第三項に規定する人の健康を損なうおそれのないことが明らかである物質若しくは人の健康を損なうおそれのない量を定めようとするとき、第十八条第一項(第六十二条第一項及び第三項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により基準若しくは規格を定めようとするとき、第十九条第一項(第六十二条第一項において準用する場合を含む。)の規定により基準を定めようとするとき、第二十二条第一項に規定する指針を定め、若しくは変更しようとするとき、第二十三条第一項に規定する輸入食品監指導計画を定め、若しくは変更しようとするとき、又は第五十条第一項の規定により基準を定めようとするときは、その趣旨、内容その他の必要な事項を公表し、広く国民の意見を求めるものとする。ただし、食品衛生上の危害の発生を防止するため緊急を要する場合で、あらかじめ広く国民の意見を求めるいとまがないときは、この限りでない。例文帳に追加

Article 64 (1) When the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare intends to specify cases having no risk to human health prescribed in the proviso of Article 6, item (ii) (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis under Article 62, paragraphs (1) and (2)), intends to prohibit the sales under Article 7, paragraphs (1) to (3) or rescind the prohibition in whole or in part under paragraph (4) of the same Article, intends to establish, revise, or abolish the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare set forth in Article 9, paragraph (1), intends to specify cases having no risk to human health prescribed in Article 10, intends to establish the criteria or standards pursuant to the provisions of Article 11, paragraph (1) (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis under Article 62, paragraphs (1) and (2)), intends to specify substances clearly having no risk to human health or the quantity of the substances having no risk to human health prescribed in Article 11, paragraph (3), intends to establish the criteria or standards pursuant to the provisions of Article 18, paragraph (1) (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis under Article 62, paragraphs (1) and (3)), intends to establish the criteria pursuant to the provisions of Article 19, paragraph (1) (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis under Article 62, paragraph (1)), intends to establish or revise the guidelines pursuant to the provisions of Article 22, paragraph (1), intends to establish or revise the imported food monitoring and guidance plan prescribed in Article 23, paragraph (1), or intends to establish the criteria pursuant to the provisions of Article 50, paragraph (1), he/she shall publicize the purpose, contents, and other necessary matters to canvass widely for citizens' opinions; provided, however, that this shall not apply when it is urgent for food sanitation hazards to be prevented and that there is no time canvass widely for citizens' opinions in advance.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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