意味 | 例文 (25件) |
該当件数 : 25件
(1) An international application shall be filed by submitting to the Patent Registration Office a request in the prescribed form together with a description, one or more claims, drawings, if any, and an abstract in the form as specified in the Treaty. - 特許庁
(1) 規則46(3)及び(3A)並びに規則56(1)及び(3)に従うことを条件として,次の書類についての補正の申請は,特許様式13によるものとする。 (a) 特許様式1による特許付与の願書,又は (b) 発明の説明,クレーム,図面及び要約例文帳に追加
(1) Subject to rules 46(3) and (3A) and 56(1) and (3), an application for amendment of -- (a) the request for the grant of a patent on Patents Form 1; or (b) the description, claims, drawings and abstract, shall be made on Patents Form 13. - 特許庁
(2) 出願には,様式401「工業意匠証明書出願」,様式401-A「工業意匠のデータ」及び他の関連するすべての添付書類,並びに保護を求めている工業意匠の図(画像及び図面)を含める。例文帳に追加
(2) The application shall include Form No. 401 "Application for Certificate of an Industrial Design" and Form No. 401-A "Data of the Industrial Design" and any other relevant attachments as well as figure(pictures and drawings) for the industrial design requested to be protected. - 特許庁
(c) 特許庁に提出される特許出願,明細書,図面その他の書類の様式及び作成の方法を定め,及び前記書類の写しの提出を命じること例文帳に追加
(c) For prescribing the form and manner of execution of applications for patents and of any specifications, drawings, or other documents which may be filed at the Patent Office, and for requiring copies to be furnished of any such documents: - 特許庁
Together with the request for division of the application, the applicant shall file a new application form, a new description with any drawings and new patent claims for each application that is not a continuation of the original application. - 特許庁
(1) 第14 条に基づいて製造或いは製造させた物品の意匠の登録を求める者は、附則1(b)で指定する様式の願書に当該意匠及び図解、図面及び明細の複写4 部を添付して省に提出しなければならない。例文帳に追加
(1) A person desirous to register the design of any article manufactured or caused to be manufactured under Section 14, shall submit to the Department, an application in a formals as specified in Schedule 1 (b), together with four copies of such design and maps, and drawings and particulars thereof. - 特許庁
(8) 明細書,クレーム及び補正された図面の内の該当するものは,タイプし直した用紙,書き直した図として,又は完全に変更した様式の何れかによって OSIMに提出しなければならない。例文帳に追加
(8) The description, claims and amended drawings, where appropriate, shall be filed with OSIM, either as retyped sheets or, redrawn figures, or in an entirely modified form; - 特許庁
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学習機能付き! -
該当件数 : 25件
In the case of an industrial design, the petitioner must accompany together with the application form filed as prescribed, the specification, drawings of the design and a prototype or scale model, where appropriate.発音を聞く - 特許庁
Where a drawing or other reproduction cannot be given in the aforesaid manner, a specimen or copy of the mark may be sent either of full size or on a reduced scale and in such a form as the Registrar may consider appropriate.発音を聞く - 特許庁
(3) 第28条(8)の適用上,出願人が第28条(9)(b)(i)に基づく請求を行う場合は,出願から欠落した図面又は発明の説明の部分を特許様式56により提出しなければならない。例文帳に追加
(3) For the purposes of section 28(8), if the applicant makes a request under section 28(9)(b)(i), the drawing or part of the description of the invention that is missing from the application shall be filed on Patents Form 56. - 特許庁
(3) 特許は,様式第3により付与されるものとし,かつ,(5)に示す情報に加えて,特許の公告日,先行技術について引用された書類又は参考資料,明細書,クレーム,及び存在する場合は図面を含めるものとする。例文帳に追加
(3) The patent shall be granted on Form No. 3 and shall contain, in addition to the information indicated in Subsection (5) the date of publication of the patent, the documents or references cited of the prior art, the description, the claims and the drawings if any. - 特許庁
The application, drawings and stereotype referred to in the preceding sections shall have to comply with characteristics and other formal requirements that the National Direction of Industrial Property may establish.発音を聞く - 特許庁
(b) A typed drawing may be accepted by the Examiner if no special characteristics have to be shown such as design, style of lettering, color, diacritical marks, or unusual forms of punctuation. - 特許庁
Together with the request for separation from the application, the applicant shall file a new application form, a new description with any drawings and new patent claims for each new application. - 特許庁
In addition, based on requests from users, the Trilateral Offices developed a Common Application Format (CAF) of common descriptions, etc. (descriptions, claims, abstracts and drawings) and finally agreed to the CAF in 2007. The CAF enables the applicant to file a patent application with any of the Trilateral Offices using a single format. Applications in the CAF format were first received in 2009.発音を聞く - 特許庁
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