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英訳・英語 Demand for Sale





該当件数 : 18



Demand for Sale発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Determinations regarding Demand for Sale発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第五款 相続人等に対する売渡しの請求例文帳に追加

Subsection 5 Demand for Sale to Heirs発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Provisions of Articles of Incorporation regarding Demand for Sale to Heirs発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

五 会社法第百七十六条第一項(売渡しの請求)の規定による請求に基づく当該株式会社の株式の買取り例文帳に追加

(v) Purchase of any share of the Stock Company at a request made under Article 176, paragraph (1) (Demand for Sale) of the Companies Act;発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


If such contract is deemed to never have been formed, the buyer may claim for the return of the amount already paid and the seller may claim for the return of the products delivered.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省



(A) Defect warranty liability: should be filed to the court within one (1) year from the discovery of a defect under Article 570 of the Civil Code (Sales Contract) or within (1) year of delivery under Article 634 of the Civil Code (Work Contract)) (B) Non-performance of the main obligation: should be demanded for within 10 years from the timing of non-performance under Article 415 of the Civil Code (Damages and Specific Performance); Article 541 of the Civil Code (termination of contract due to the delays in performance of the user's main obligation); Article 543 of the Civil Code (termination due to impossibility of performance) .発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!





該当件数 : 18



The disclosure certification service 6 demands payment for the difference between the price at which the access certificate 14 is sold and the amount of the discount ticket 21 to the information disclosure site 3. - 特許庁

ⅱ)購入した特定の物に隠れた欠陥があった場合前記ⅰ)のように、出品物が容易に代替品を市場で調達できる不特定物の 場合には、主は表示に従った欠陥のない商品の引渡義務があり、買主は欠陥のない商品の引渡し請求できる。例文帳に追加

(B) Cases where latent defects are found in a specific good purchased As described in (A) above, if a good offered for exhibition is an unspecified good and replacements for such good are easily available in the market, a seller is liable to deliver defect-free goods complying with the description and a buyer may claim for the delivery of defect-free goods.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

第六十三条 主が買の目的である物品を買主に発送した場合において、買主がまだ代金の全額を弁済せず、かつ、到達地でその物品を受け取らない間に買主について破産手続開始の決定があったときは、主は、その物品を取り戻すことができる。ただし、破産管財人が代金の全額を支払ってその物品の引渡し請求することを妨げない。例文帳に追加

Article 63 (1) Where the seller has dispatched the goods that are the subject matter of sale to the buyer, if an order of commencement of bankruptcy proceedings is made against the buyer while the buyer has not yet paid the price in full and not yet received the goods at the destination, the seller may segregate the goods; provided, however, that this shall not preclude a bankruptcy trustee from requesting the delivery thereto of the goods by paying the price in full.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第百二条 特許権者又は専用実施権者が故意又は過失により自己の特許権又は専用実施権を侵害した者に対しその侵害により自己が受けた損害の賠償を請求する場合において、その者がその侵害の行為を組成した物を譲渡したときは、その譲渡した物の数量(以下この項において「譲渡数量」という。)に、<特許権者又は専用実施権者がその侵害の行為がなければ販することができた物の単位数量当たりの利益の額を乗じて得た額>を、特許権者又は専用実施権者の実施の能力に応じた額を超えない限度において、特許権者又は専用実施権者が受けた損害の額とすることができる。ただし、譲渡数量の全部又は一部に相当する数量を特許権者又は専用実施権者が販することができないとする事情があるときは、当該事情に相当する数量に応じた額を控除するものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 102 (1) Where a patentee or an exclusive licensee claims against an infringer compensation for damage sustained as a result of the intentional or negligent infringement of the patent right or exclusive license, and the infringer assigned articles that composed the act of infringement, the amount of damage sustained by the patentee or the exclusive licensee may be presumed to be the amount of profit per unit of articles which would have been sold by the patentee or the exclusive licensee if there had been no such act of infringement, multiplied by the quantity (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as the "assigned quantity") of articles assigned by the infringer, the maximum of which shall be the amount attainable by the patentee or the exclusive licensee in light of the capability of the patentee or the exclusive licensee to work such articles; provided, however, that if any circumstances exist under which the patentee or the exclusive licensee would have been unable to sell the assigned quantity in whole or in part, the amount calculated as the number of articles not able to be sold due to such circumstances shall be deducted.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第五条 第二条第一項第一号から第九号まで又は第十五号に掲げる不正競争(同項第四号から第九号までに掲げるものにあっては、技術上の秘密(秘密として管理されている生産方法その他の事業活動に有用な技術上の情報であって公然と知られていないものをいう。)に関するものに限る。)によって営業上の利益を侵害された者(以下この項において「被侵害者」という。)が故意又は過失により自己の営業上の利益を侵害した者に対しその侵害により自己が受けた損害の賠償を請求する場合において、その者がその侵害の行為を組成した物を譲渡したときは、その譲渡した物の数量(以下この項において「譲渡数量」という。)に、被侵害者がその侵害の行為がなければ販することができた物の単位数量当たりの利益の額を乗じて得た額を、被侵害者の当該物に係る販その他の行為を行う能力に応じた額を超えない限度において、被侵害者が受けた損害の額とすることができる。ただし、譲渡数量の全部又は一部に相当する数量を被侵害者が販することができないとする事情があるときは、当該事情に相当する数量に応じた額を控除するものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 5 (1) Where a person whose business interests have been infringed by unfair competition listed in items 1 to 9 or item 15 of Article 2(1) (with regard to the unfair competition listed in items 4 to 9 of the same paragraph, only unfair competition that involves a technical secret [which means a manufacturing method or other technical information useful for business activities that is kept secret and not publicly known]) (hereinafter referred to as the "infringed person" in this paragraph) claims damages caused by such an infringement from a person who has intentionally or negligently infringed such business interests, and where the infringer has sold or otherwise transferred the articles constituting the act of infringement, the quantity of the articles sold or transferred (hereinafter referred to as the "transferred quantity" in this paragraph) multiplied by the amount of profit per unit of the articles that the infringed person could have sold in the absence of the infringement may be deemed as the amount of damages suffered by the infringed person, provided it does not exceed the amount attainable by the infringed person's capability to sell or conduct other acts concerning said articles. However, where there are any circumstances that would have prevented the infringed person from selling the quantity of articles equivalent to all or part of the transferred quantity, an amount corresponding to the quantity relevant to such circumstances shall be deducted.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第四十条 連鎖販業を行う者がその連鎖販業に係る連鎖販契約を締結した場合におけるその連鎖販契約の相手方(その連鎖販業に係る商品の販若しくはそのあつせん又は役務の提供若しくはそのあつせんを店舗等によらないで行う個人に限る。以下この章において「連鎖販加入者」という。)は、第三十七条第二項の書面を受領した日(その連鎖販契約に係る特定負担が再販をする商品(施設を利用し及び役務の提供を受ける権利を除く。以下この項において同じ。)の購入についてのものである場合において、その連鎖販契約に基づき購入したその商品につき最初の引渡しを受けた日がその受領した日後であるときは、その引渡しを受けた日。次条第一項において同じ。)から起算して二十日を経過したとき(連鎖販加入者が、統括者若しくは勧誘者が第三十四条第一項の規定に違反し若しくは一般連鎖販業者が同条第二項の規定に違反してこの項の規定による連鎖販契約の解除に関する事項につき不実のことを告げる行為をしたことにより当該告げられた内容が事実であるとの誤認をし、又は統括者、勧誘者若しくは一般連鎖販業者が同条第三項の規定に違反して威迫したことにより困惑し、これらによつて当該期間を経過するまでにこの項の規定による連鎖販契約の解除を行わなかつた場合には、当該連鎖販加入者が、その連鎖販業に係る統括者、勧誘者又は一般連鎖販業者が経済産業省令で定めるところによりこの項の規定による当該連鎖販契約の解除を行うことができる旨を記載して交付した書面を受領した日から起算して二十日を経過したとき)を除き、書面によりその連鎖販契約の解除を行うことができる。この場合において、その連鎖販業を行う者は、その連鎖販契約の解除に伴う損害賠償又は違約金の支払を請求することができない。例文帳に追加

Article 40 (1) Where a person conducting Multilevel Marketing concludes a Multilevel Marketing Contract pertaining to the Multilevel Marketing, the counterparty of such Multilevel Marketing Contract (limited to an individual who sells or mediates sales of Goods or offers or mediates offers of services pertaining to such Multilevel Marketing by means other than through a Store, etc.; hereinafter referred to as a "New Multilevel Marketing Distributor") may rescind such Multilevel Marketing Contract in writing, except when 20 days have passed from the date on which the New Multilevel Marketing Distributor received the document referred to in Article 37 (2) (where the specified burden involved in such Multilevel Marketing Contract is the purchase of the Goods [excluding rights to use a facility or to receive offers of services; hereinafter the same shall apply in this item] to be resold and if the date of the first delivery of the Goods purchased based on such Multilevel Marketing Contract is after such date of receipt, it shall be such date of first delivery; the same shall apply in Article 41 (1)) (if the New Multilevel Marketing Distributor had not rescinded the Multilevel Marketing Contract pursuant to this paragraph by said time limit due to being misled by the Supervisor's or the solicitor's act, in violation of the provision of Article 34 (1), or the general multilevel marketing distributor's act, in violation of Article 34 (2), of misrepresenting information concerning rescission of Multilevel Marketing Contract pursuant to the provision of this paragraph, or due to being disturbed by the Supervisor's, the solicitor's, or the general multilevel marketing distributor's act of intimidating the New Multilevel Marketing Distributor in violation of the provision of Article 34 (3), it shall be when 20 days have passed from the date on which the New Multilevel Marketing Distributor received a document, which has been issued by Supervisor, the solicitor, or the general multilevel marketing distributor pertaining to such Multilevel Marketing pursuant to an Ordinance of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and contains a notice to the effect that the New Multilevel Marketing Distributor may rescind said Multilevel Marketing Contract pursuant to the provision of this paragraph). In this case, the person conducting such Multilevel Marketing may not claim damages or demand payment of a penalty pertaining to the rescission of such Multilevel Marketing Contract.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三十四条 育成者権者又は専用利用権者が故意又は過失により自己の育成者権又は専用利用権を侵害した者に対しその侵害により自己が受けた損害の賠償を請求する場合において、その者がその侵害の行為を組成した種苗、収穫物又は加工品を譲渡したときは、その譲渡した種苗、収穫物又は加工品の数量(以下この項において「譲渡数量」という。)に、育成者権者又は専用利用権者がその侵害の行為がなければ販することができた種苗、収穫物又は加工品の単位数量当たりの利益の額を乗じて得た額を、育成者権者又は専用利用権者の利用の能力に応じた額を超えない限度において、育成者権者又は専用利用権者が受けた損害の額とすることができる。ただし、譲渡数量の全部又は一部に相当する数量を育成者権者又は専用利用権者が販することができないとする事情があるときは、当該事情に相当する数量に応じた額を控除するものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 34 (1) Where the holder of a breeder's right or of an exclusive exploitation right claims, against a person who has intentionally or negligently infringed his/her breeder's right or exclusive exploitation right, compensation for damages caused to him/her by the infringement, if the person has transferred the propagating material, the harvested material or the processed products which is the component of the act of infringement, the amount of damage suffered by the holder of the breeder's right or the holder of the exclusive exploitation right may be presumed, within the limit attainable by the holder of the breeder's right or the holder of the exclusive exploitation right in consideration of his/her capability to exploit such propagating material, harvested material or processed products, to be the amount given by multiplying the quantity of the propagating material, the harvested material or the processed products transferred by the person (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as the "transferred quantity") by the profit per unit of the propagating material, the harvested material or the processed products which would have been sold by the holder of the breeder's right or the holder of the exclusive exploitation right if there had been no such an act of infringement. However, if there exists any circumstance under which the holder of the breeder's right or the holder of the exclusive exploitation right may not be able to sell the transferred quantity in whole or in part, the amount corresponding to the quantity which would not have been sold due to such a circumstance shall be deducted.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第二十九条 実用新案権者又は専用実施権者が故意又は過失により自己の実用新案権又は専用実施権を侵害した者に対しその侵害により自己が受けた損害の賠償を請求する場合において、その者がその侵害の行為を組成した物品を譲渡したときは、その譲渡した物品の数量(以下この項において「譲渡数量」という。)に、実用新案権者又は専用実施権者がその侵害の行為がなければ販することができた物品の単位数量当たりの利益の額を乗じて得た額を、実用新案権者又は専用実施権者の実施の能力に応じた額を超えない限度において、実用新案権者又は専用実施権者が受けた損害の額とすることができる。ただし、譲渡数量の全部又は一部に相当する数量を実用新案権者又は専用実施権者が販することができないとする事情があるときは、当該事情に相当する数量に応じた額を控除するものとする。例文帳に追加

Article 29 (1) Where a holder of a utility model right or an exclusive licensee claims against an infringer compensation for damage sustained as a result of the intentional or negligent infringement of said d utility model right or exclusive license, and the infringer assigned articles that constituted the act of infringement, the amount of damage sustained by the holder or the exclusive licensee may be presumed to be the amount of profit per unit of articles which would have been sold by the holder or the exclusive licensee if there had been no such act of infringement, multiplied by the quantity (hereinafter referred to in this paragraph as the "Assigned Quantity") of articles assigned by the infringer, the maximum of which shall be the amount attainable by the holder or the exclusive licensee in light of the capability of the holder or the exclusive licensee to work such articles; provided, however, that if any circumstances exist under which the holder or the exclusive licensee would have been unable to sell the Assigned Quantity in whole or in part, the amount calculated as the number of articles not able to be sold due to such circumstances shall be deducted.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



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