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英訳・英語 gilt top (book)
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To stably and automatically feed calendars and to bind in line with a metal fitting at the top edge of them irrespective of the side and kind of the calendar. - 特許庁
According to the "authentic biography of the priest Shobo," Shobo revived devastated Kimpusen Mountain, put the path to the temple back into good condition, and built a pagoda to enshrine Nyoirin Kannon, Bishamonten, and Kongo Zoo Bosatsu.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
When the metal fitting for a ceiling such as a metal fitting for a light ceiling or a metal fitting for an anchor bolt exists in the ceiling space, the spoke-shaped plate materials 31 catch a top face of the metal fitting for a ceiling space and lift an axle side up. - 特許庁
To provide a ceiling space mobile robot suitable for moving in a ceiling space having a metal fitting for a ceiling such as a metal fitting for a light ceiling or a metal fitting for an anchor bolt. - 特許庁
Principal deities belonging to Tenbu are Bonten, Taishakuten (Sakra devanam Indra), Shitenno (four guardian kings) that consists of Jikokuten (Dhrtarastra), Zochoten (Virudhaka), Komokuten (Virupaksa) and Tamonten (Vaisravana) (Bishamonten (Vaisravana)), Benzaiten, Daikokuten (Mahakala), Kisshoten, Idaten (Kitchen God, Protector of Monasteries & Monks) Marishiten (Goddess of Wealth & Warrior Class), Kangiten (Nandikesvara, Ganesh in the Buddhist pantheon), Kongorikishi, Kishimo-jin (Goddess of Children) (Kariteimo), Junishinsho, Juniten (twelve deities), Hachi Bushu (or Eight Legions, Protectors of Buddhist Teachings) and Nijuhachi Bushu (The twenty-eight attendants of Senju Kannon), and so on.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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該当件数 : 8件
It is 3m wide by 2.5m deep by 2.3m high; a Jizo Bosatsu statue is in the center, and around it are statues of the ten underworld kings positioned along the walls to the left and right, and in front of these statues depict Miroku Bosatsu, Shaka Nyorai, Fudo Myoo and Kannon Bosatsu, and further outside the arrangement statues of a gorinto (five-level pagoda), Jikokuten (Dhrtarastra), Tamonten (Vaisravana) and Kongo Rishiki (Nio) are displayed.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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