意味 | 例文 (5件) |

英訳・英語 sth is just an extension
該当件数 : 5件
When the use period has expired, the functions are made ineffective (S7), but when not, it is judged that the extension of the use period is acknowledged and a use period check timer is restarted (S8). - 特許庁
Some people said that "Engi-Tenryaku-no-chi," which was supposed to be governed well by Emperor Daigo and Emperor Murakami, should be called "Kampyo-no-chi," since the actual politics were based on Emperor Uda's (priest in a high position) style.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
(2)関連意匠の登録期間に関する延長申請は,関連意匠の最初の登録期間の満了日の (a)6月より以前,又は (b)6月を過ぎて,行ってはならない。例文帳に追加
(2) The application to extend the period of registration of a relevant design shall not be made - (a) earlier than 6 months before; or (b) later than 6 months after, the date of expiry of the initial period of registration of the relevant design.. - 特許庁
In addition to this, there is the extended child allowance for children who are attending compulsory schools even after turning 16 as long as they are in school, as well as the child support aid where the government pays the child support fee in the event that the parents get a divorce and one does not pay the child support fee to the other with whom the child is living. - 経済産業省
Meanwhile, injecting capital into financial institutions in order to force them to move into high-risk fields would lead to excessive risk-taking. Although they should make financial judgments on a case-by-case basis, regional financial institutions in particular should maintain close relationships with their regions and avoid focusing only on numerical factors. They should have knowledge about the quality of managers, engineers and sales people at their client companies and use such knowledge to, for example, foresee a recovery one or two years from now for companies that are struggling this year. If regional financial institutions that have such know-how receive capital injection, their capital base will grow strong enough to enable active lending to borrowers for which they would otherwise have refused to continue financing.発音を聞く - 金融庁
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to be meticulous about exchanging courtesies
to enjoy something excessively
to make something too theatrical by overattention to atmosphere
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