



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 英和専門語辞典 > 引渡証明書の英語・英訳 






英訳・英語 certificate of taking over

クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「引渡証明書」の英訳



該当件数 : 13



Such translation can be performed by the translation engine prior to delivery of the certificates to the requesting clients. - 特許庁


The disclosure certification service 6 demands payment for the difference between the price at which the access certificate 14 is sold and the amount of the discount ticket 21 to the information disclosure site 3. - 特許庁

第三条 外務大臣は、逃亡犯罪人のしの請求があつたときは、次の各号の一に該当する場合を除き、請求又は外務大臣の作成したしの請求があつたことを証明する面に関係類を添附し、これを法務大臣に送付しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 3 Upon receiving an extradition request, the Minister of Foreign Affairs shall, except where any of the following items applies, forward to the Minister of Justice the written request or a document prepared by the Minister of Foreign Affairs that certifies that an extradition request has been made, together with the related documents.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


In both cases, the parties shall be required to surrender the Certificate of Registration provided that the surrender of the Certificate shall not be a pre-requisite to the cancellation of the registration. - 特許庁


The signature may be replaced by an official certification to the effect that the copy delivered is a true copy of the document in question and that the original contains the signature required.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


If the Government so certify, the application and specifications, with the drawings (if any) and any amendment of the specification and any copies of such documents and drawings, shall instead of being left in the ordinary manner at the Department of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, be delivered to the Registrar in a packet sealed by authority of the Government.発音を聞く  - 特許庁



(4) Where any notice or other document is sent by post under paragraph (2) or (3), the giving, sending or service, as the case may be, of the notice or other document shall, until the contrary is proved, be treated as having been effected at the time at which the document would have been delivered in the ordinary course of post. - 特許庁


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!


該当件数 : 13


第八条 指定部隊長は、第六条第一項の規定により被拘束者のしを受けたときは、速やかに、当該被拘束者について、その氏名、階級又は地位(以下「階級等」という。)、生年月日及び身分証明番号等(身分証明番号、個人番号その他これに類する個人を識別するために付された数字、記号又は符号をいう。以下同じ。)を確認しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 8 (1) In cases of taking delivery of a captive person pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 6, the designated unit commander shall promptly find the name, rank or position (hereinafter referred to as "rank, etc."), date of birth, and identification card number, etc. (i.e. identification card number, individual number and other similar number, symbol or code given to identify the individual. The same shall apply hereinafter) of the captive person.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第二十三条 外務大臣は、条約に基づき、締約国から条約により日本国に対ししの請求をすることができる犯罪人が犯した犯罪(条約において締約国が日本国に対し犯罪人のしを請求することができるものとして掲げる犯罪に限る。)についてその者を仮に拘禁することの請求があつたときは、次の各号の一に該当する場合を除き、その請求があつたことを証明する面に関係類を添付し、これを法務大臣に送付しなければならない。例文帳に追加

Article 23 (1) The Minister of Foreign Affairs shall, when he/she receives a request pursuant to an extradition treaty from a contracting country for the provisional detention of an offender whose extradition may be requested to Japan under the treaty for an offense (limited to those offences for which the contracting country may request the offender's extradition to Japan under the treaty), forward a certificate of the request for provisional detention and the related documents to the Minister of Justice, except for any case that falls under any of the following items.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(1)に基づく申請において (a)取が譲である場合は,譲当事者又はその代理人が署名する, (b)取が(1)(b),(c)又は(d)に該当する場合,使用権許諾又は約定担保権の許諾者若しくはその代理人が署名する, 若しくは取の成立を証明できる文証拠を提出すべきである。例文帳に追加

An application under sub-rule (1) shall (a) where the transaction is an assignment, be signed by or on behalf of the parties to the assignment; (b) where the transaction falls within paragraphs (b), (c) or (d) of sub-rule (1), be signed by or on behalf of the grantor of the licence or security interest, or be accompanied by such documentary evidence as suffices to establish the transaction.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


When commercial refrigeration equipment is scrapped due to building demolition or renovation, the construction company undertaking this work determines the equipment containing fluorocarbons and submits a process manifest to explain it to the owner of the building. The owner of the building then commissions the construction company to recover the fluorocarbons. The construction company submits the process manifest on fluorocarbons to the recovery company and requests the recovery. On receipt of this request, the fluorocarbon recovery firm goes to work, and then submits a process certificate to the owner of the building. In this way, control of fluorocarbons from commercial refrigeration equipment is effectively implemented and secure recovery is achieved.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

侵害の場合に適用される民事救済に加え,所有者は,暫定措置に関する条件について,裁判所に次のことを請求することができる。 (a) 所有者が損害賠償又は侵害による利得のに係る自己の請求の後日の実現を危うくする虞がある事情を証明する場合に,司法執行法の規定に従って予防措置を命じること (b) (a)に従って予防措置を命じる目的で,侵害者に,その銀行,財務又は商業関係の類を伝達又は提示させること (c) 所有者が,商標侵害の停止を要求する代わりに,申し立てられている侵害行為の侵害者による継続に同意する場合は,保証金の供託を命じること例文帳に追加

In addition to civil remedies applicable in the case of infringement, the holder may request the court, on conditions relating to provisional measures, to: (a) order precautionary measures in accordance with the provisions of the Act on Judicial Execution, if he demonstrates circumstances likely to endanger the later satisfaction of his claim for damages or for the surrender of the gains obtained by infringement; (b) compel the infringer to communicate or present his banking, financial or commercial documents with a view to ordering the precautionary measures in accordance with point (a); (c) order the lodging of security, if in place of demanding discontinuance of the trademark infringement, the holder consents to the continuation, by the infringer, of the allegedly infringing activity. - 特許庁


総督は次の事項に関し規則を制定することができる: (a) 特許出願の様式及び記載事項 (b) 特許登録簿及びその索の様式に関する事項 (c) 特許権に関する譲,移転,権利の部分放棄,判決又はその他の類の登録に関する事項 (d) 本法律により発行する証明の様式及びその記載事項 (e) 本法律又は本法律に基づいて制定された規則に従って特許出願の提出若しくは他の手続を取ることに関し,又は長官若しくは特許庁において雇用された者により提供される役務若しくは施設の利用に関し課される手数料又はその決定方法に関する事項 (f) 特許出願を維持するため若しくは特許付与により得られた権利を維持するための手数料又はその決定方法に関する事項 (g) 時期及び方法を含む所定の手数料の納付,かかる手数料の追納の場合に課する追加手数料,並びに既に納付した手数料の全部又は一部を還付する場合の状況に関する事項 (h) カナダと他の国との間に存在する条約,協定,取決め又は約定の条件の実施に関する事項 (i) 本法律中の如何なる規定にも拘らず,随時の改正,修正及び変更を含めて,1970年6月19日にワシントンで作成され,カナダが締約国である特許協力条約の実施に関する事項 (j) 特許代理人登録簿における個人及び事務所の名称の記入,維持,抹消に関する事項。これには登録簿に個人又は事務所の名称を記入し維持する前にその個人又は事務所が満たさなければならない資格及び条件に関する事項を含む。 (j.1) 第8.1条に基づく類,情報又は手数料の提出に関する事項。これには次のものを含む。 (i) 同条に基づいて電子的又は他の方式で提出することができる類,情報又は手数料 (ii) かかる提出をすることのできる者及びこれに類する者,及び (iii) 長官が受領したとみなす時点 (j.2) 第8.2条に基づいて類又は情報を記入又は記録することに関する事項 (j.3) 特許出願を取り下げる方法を規定する事項,及び第10条(4)及び(5)の適用上,優先権主張若しくは特許出願の取下をその日以前に行うべき日又はその日を決定する方法を規定する事項 (j.4) 次のものを含む優先権主張に関する事項 (i) 優先権主張をすべき期間 (ii) 第28.4条(2)にいう事項を長官に届け出る方式及び期間 (iii) 優先権主張を支持するために提出すべき類,及び (iv) 優先権主張の取下 (j.5) 第35条(1)に基づいて出願審査の請求及びその所定の手数料の納付をすべき時期に関する事項 (j.6) 第38.1条の適用上,生物材料の寄託に関する事項 (j.7) 特許出願の一部として提出された明細又は図面の補正の方法に関する事項 (j.8) 状況により正当化されると長官が納得した場合は,所定の条件に従うことを条件として,本法律により又はそれに基づいて何らかの事柄をするために定められた時期を延長する権限を長官に付与することに関する事項 (k) 本法律の何れかの条項に従って規定すべきその他の事項を規定することに関する事項,及び (l) 本法律の目的を達成するため,又は長官及びその他の特許庁の職員が本法律を適切に施行するのを確保するために必要な一般的事項例文帳に追加

The Governor in Council may make rules or regulations (a) respecting the form and contents of applications for patents; (b) respecting the form of the Register of Patents and of the indexes thereto; (c) respecting the registration of assignments, transmissions, disclaimers, judgments or other documents relating to any patent; (d) respecting the form and contents of any certificate issued pursuant to this Act; (e) prescribing the fees or the manner of determining the fees that may be charged in respect of the filing of applications for patents or the taking of other proceedings under this Act or under any rule or regulation made pursuant to this Act, or in respect of any services or the use of any facilities provided thereunder by the Commissioner or any person employed in the Patent Office; (f) prescribing the fees or the manner of determining the fees that shall be paid to maintain in effect an application for a patent or to maintain the rights accorded by a patent; (g) respecting the payment of any prescribed fees including the time when and the manner in which such fees shall be paid, the additional fees that may be charged for the late payment of such fees and the circumstances in which any fees previously paid may be refunded in whole or in part; (h) for carrying into effect the terms of any treaty, convention, arrangement or engagement that subsists between Canada and any other country; (i) for carrying into effect, notwithstanding anything in this Act, the Patent Cooperation Treaty done at Washington on June 19, 1970, including any amendments, modifications and revisions made from time to time to which Canada is a party; (j) respecting the entry on, the maintenance of and the removal from the register of patent agents of the names of persons and firms, including the qualifications that must be met and the conditions that must be fulfilled by a person or firm before the name of the person or firm is entered thereon and to maintain the name of the person or firm on the register; (j.1) respecting the submission of documents, information or fees under section 8.1, including (i) the documents, information or fees that may be submitted in electronic or other form under that section, (ii) the persons or classes of persons by whom they may be submitted, and (iii) the time at which they are deemed to be received by the Commissioner; (j.2) respecting the entering or recording of any document or information under section 8.2; (j.3) prescribing the manner in which an application for a patent may be withdrawn and, for the purposes of subsections 10(4) and (5), prescribing the date, or the manner of determining the date, on or before which a request for priority or an application for a patent must be withdrawn; (j.4) respecting requests for priority, including (i) the period within which priority must be requested, (ii) the manner in which and period within which the Commissioner must be informed of the matters referred to in subsection 28.4(2), (iii) the documentation that must be filed in support of requests for priority, and (iv) the withdrawal of requests for priority; (j.5) respecting the time within which requests for examination must be made and prescribed fees must be paid under subsection 35(1); (j.6) respecting the deposit of biological material for the purposes of section 38.1; (j.7) respecting the manner in which amendments may be made to specifications or drawings furnished as part of an application for a patent; (j.8) authorizing the Commissioner to extend, subject to any prescribed terms and conditions, the time fixed by or under this Act for doing anything where the Commissioner is satisfied that the circumstances justify the extension; (k) prescribing any other matter that by any provision of this Act is to be prescribed; and (l) generally, for carrying into effect the objects and purposes of this Act or for ensuring the due administration thereof by the Commissioner and other officers and employees of the Patent Office.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


certificate of taking over 英和専門語辞典

exchange surrender certificate 英和専門語辞典

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