意味 | 例文 (16件) |

英訳・英語 mortgaged bond
該当件数 : 16件
(3) 担保証書による登録商標への抵当権設定は,担保証書を添えた様式TM6による申請に基づいて,登録簿において裏書される。例文帳に追加
(3) The hypothecation of a registered trade mark by a deed of security shall be endorsed in the register by application on Form TM6, accompanied by the deed of security. - 特許庁
Mr. Jonas Oldacre then informed me that there were a number of documents -- building leases, title-deeds, mortgages, scrip, and so forth -- which it was necessary that I should see and understand.発音を聞く - Arthur Conan Doyle『ノーウッドの建築家』
Such instruments shall be void as against any subsequent purchaser or mortgagee for a valuable consideration and without notice unless it is recorded in the Office within three months from the date thereof, or prior to the subsequent purchase or mortgage. - 特許庁
規則40 (1) 意匠の出願又は登録に係る抵当権設定は,抵当権設定証書を付した様式D7による申請に基づいて,登録簿に記録するものとする。例文帳に追加
40.(1) The hypothecation of a design application or registration shall be recorded in the register on application on Form D7 accompanied by the deed of hypothecation. - 特許庁
(2) (1)の規定を害することなく,特許若しくは特許の持分を譲渡により取得した者又は譲渡抵当権,ライセンスその他の証書により特許についての他の権益を譲取得した者の権原の登録は,譲渡人,譲渡抵当権設定者,実施許諾者,又は場合に応じて当該その他の証書の当事者が,所定の方法により申請することができる。例文帳に追加
(2) Without prejudice to the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, an application for the registration of the title of any person becoming entitled by assignment to a patent or a share in a patent, or becoming entitled by virtue of a mortgage, licence, or other instrument to any other interest in a patent, may be made in the prescribed manner by the assignor, mortgagor, licensor, or other party to that instrument, as the case may be. - 特許庁
Without prejudice to subsection (1), an application for the registration of the title of a person becoming entitled by assignment to the design right in a design or a share in that design right, or becoming entitled by virtue of a mortgage, licence or other instrument to any other interest in the design right in a design, may be made in the prescribed manner by the assignor, mortgagor, licensor or other party to that instrument, as the case may be. - 特許庁
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
単語を理解! -
該当件数 : 16件
第69条(1)又は(2)に基づく申請の受領後,長官は,特許について関係人の権原又は場合によりその者の権利を登録しなければならず,特許登録簿には,次の様式により記入しなければならない。すなわち, 「………に関して受理された申請に従い,………年………月………日付にて,当事者………と相手方当事者………との間で締結された譲渡証書/ライセンス証書/譲渡抵当証書等によって,特許所有者/実施権者/譲渡抵当権者等として登録された。」例文帳に追加
After the receipt of an application under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) of section 69, the Controller shall register the title of the person concerned or his interest in a patent, as the case may be, and an entry in the following form shall be made in the register, namely, - "In pursuance of an application received on the ...... registered as Proprietor/Licensee/Mortgagee etc. by virtue of Assignment/License /Mortgage deed etc. dated ...... and made between ...... of the one part and ...... of the other part."発音を聞く - 特許庁
譲渡証その他の証書の記録日は,これらが求める記録及び公告のための手数料全額と共に適切な様式により庁に受領された日とする。 当該証書は,当該証書の日付から3月以内に又は後の取得若しくは譲渡抵当設定より前に庁において記録されない限り,有価約因による後の取得者又は譲渡抵当権者に対しては,無効であるものとする。(IP法第106条) 記録したことの通知は,IPO公報に公告される。例文帳に追加
The date of recording of an assignment or other instrument is the date of its receipt at the Office in proper form and accompanied by full payment of the required recording and publication fees. Such instruments shall be void as against any subsequent purchaser or mortgagee for a valuable consideration and without notice unless it is recorded in the Office within three months from the date thereof, or prior to the subsequent purchase or mortgage. (Sec. 106, IP CODE) Notice of the recording shall be published in the IPO Gazette. - 特許庁
十一 「証券」とは、券面が発行されていると否とを問わず、公債、社債、株式、出資の持分、公債又は株式に関する権利を与える証書、債券、国庫証券、抵当証券、利潤証券、利札、配当金受領証、利札引換券その他これらに類する証券又は証書として政令で定めるものをいう。例文帳に追加
(xi) The term "securities" shall mean public bonds, corporate bonds, shares, equity in investment, certificates granting rights to public bonds or shares, bonds, treasury securities, mortgage securities, profit certificates, coupons, dividend certificates, renewal coupons or other securities or certificates specified by Cabinet Order as similar thereto, irrespective of whether they have been materialized or not.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
(3) 担保証書による登録商標への抵当権設定は,担保証書を添えた様式TM6による申請に基づいて,登録簿において裏書される。申請は,登録所有者及び当該商標に利害を有するとして登録簿に記録されているその他の者に送達するものとし,かつ,送達の証拠は登録官に満足の行くように提示されなければならない。例文帳に追加
(3) The hypothecation of a registered trade mark by a deed of security shall be endorsed in the register by application on Form TM6, accompanied by the deed of security. The application shall be served on the registered proprietor and any other person recorded in the register as having an interest in the trade mark, and proof of service shall be furnished to the satisfaction of the Registrar. - 特許庁
An application for the registration in the register of the title of any person becoming entitled by assignment to a published patent application or a patent, or a share in such an application or patent, or becoming entitled by virtue of a mortgage, licence or other instrument to any other interest in such an application or patent, may be made in the prescribed manner by the assignor, mortgagor, licensor or other party to the instrument by which the assignment is made.発音を聞く - 特許庁
(1)又は(2)の目的で,意匠若しくは意匠の持分の譲渡,譲渡抵当権,ライセンス,又は意匠の他の権利の設定は,それらを書面とし,当事者間の契約がそれらの者の権利義務の準拠する諸条件をすべて包含する証書様式とされ,かつ,当該証書に基づく権利の登録申請書が,当該証書の作成から6月以内又は長官が所定の方法で申請があれば許可することがある6 月を超えない付加期間内に,長官に所定の方法で提出されない限り,効力を有さない。例文帳に追加
For the purposes of sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) an assignment of a design or of a share in a design, a mortgage, license or the creation of any other interest in a design shall not be valid unless the same were in writing and the agreement between the parties concerned is reduced to the form of an instrument imbodying all the terms and conditions governing their rights and obligation and the application for registration of title under such instrument is filed in the prescribed manner with the Controller within six months from the execution of the instrument or within such further period not exceeding six months in the aggregate as the Controller on application made in the prescribed manner allows: - 特許庁
Where any person becomes entitled as mortgagee, licensee or otherwise to any interest in a registered design, he may make application to the Controller to register his title, and the Controller shall, on receipt of such application and on proof of title to his satisfaction, cause notice of the interest to be entered in the prescribed manner in the register of designs, with particulars of the instrument, if any, creating such interest. - 特許庁
An entry in the register that a person has an interest in a published patent application, or in a patent by virtue of a mortgage, licence or other instrument, may be cancelled by the Controller if he is satisfied, upon an application’s being made in the prescribed manner by the person registered as applicant for the patent or proprietor of the patent, that such interest has ceased, and in case the Controller is so satisfied he shall note in the register the cancellation of such entry.発音を聞く - 特許庁
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