





該当件数 : 47



My usual sleeping time is from seven to nine hours. - Tatoeba例文


Because an average person doesn't need 3D, or high whatchacallit speeds.発音を聞く  - Tanaka Corpus


My usual sleeping time is from seven to nine hours.発音を聞く  - Tanaka Corpus

XEmptyのデルタは 70 から 80MB の gzipで圧縮されたデータというのが普通です例文帳に追加

70 to 80 Megabytes of gzip'd data is common for the XEmpty deltas.発音を聞く  - FreeBSD


The lock itself is a normal cylinder lock so it doesn't automatically lock when you shut the door. - Tatoeba例文


The lock itself is a normal cylinder lock so it doesn't automatically lock when you shut the door.発音を聞く  - Tanaka Corpus


Even a bank is just an organization made up of ordinary people, not special people.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Although they may be concerned about me, I can frankly speak to people about myself. In fact, I enjoy talking with them. - 厚生労働省


The doctrines have no hold on ordinary believers—are not a power in their minds.発音を聞く  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


Some Hikiyama-type Dashi have very elaborate mechanism, and their sizes range from the normal size of portable shrine to more than ten fold that, weighing a few tons.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

言うまでもなく、こうしたオプションをコマンドラインで指定するのは面倒だし、エラーの元になりますから普通は setup.cfg に書いておくのがベストです --12 節を参照してください。例文帳に追加

Obviously, supplying even a few of these options on the command-linewould be tedious and error-prone, so it's usually best to put them in the setup configuration file, setup.cfg--seesection3. - Python

1.1 のような数は、2 進数の浮動小数点型では正しく表現できません。 エンドユーザは普通、2 進数における1.1 の近似値が1.1000000000000001 だからといって、そのように表示してほしいとは考えないものです例文帳に追加

In contrast, numbers like1.1 do not have an exact representation in binary floating point.End users typically would not expect 1.1 to display as1.1000000000000001 as it does with binary floating point.発音を聞く  - Python


Each ordinary regional bank is extending loans to tens of thousands of companies and so understands very well the status of corporate management in various industries, sectors and regions.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Holding companies themselves are generally not large in size, so in many cases, it would not be practical to apply insider trade regulation, as I said previously.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Therefore, Mr. Bunmei Ibuki and I, as young lawmakers, loudly argued that the SIA should be made a proper national organization or its functions should be transferred entirely to local governments.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


To undertake this responsibilityto bestow a life which may be either a curse or a blessingunless the being on whom it is to be bestowed will have at least the ordinary chances of a desirable existence, is a crime against that being.発音を聞く  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


In this case, even if the generating of a bit hit has been set at a low probability by an ordinary big hit pattern, it is possible that the lottery probability is moved from a low probability to a high probability depending on the pattern displayed on the demonstration picture. - 特許庁

それが FreeBSD のベースシステムの一部と関連する問題なら、コードにバグがあるということになります。 しかしほとんどの場合、 普通の FAQの読者がそのようなコードを使うようになるずっと前に、そういった問題は発見され、修正されているはずです (それが -currentの役目なのですから)。例文帳に追加

If it is a problem with part of the base FreeBSD system, it may also be buggy code, but more often than not these problems are found and fixed long before us general FAQ readers get to use these bits of code (that is what -current is for).発音を聞く  - FreeBSD


Let me mention one more thing concerning life insurance. The payment of death claims is made only after the issuance of a death certificate or an autopsy report by a doctor. Usually, the procedure for the adjudication of disappearance due to emergency takes one year to be completed.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Housing loans account for the largest portion of debts owed by individuals and the amount of outstanding housing loans is around 170 trillion yen. Housing loans account for the largest portion of debts owed by ordinary people.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Preferred shares issued by Chuo Mitsui Trust Holdings in exchange for receiving public funds are scheduled to be converted into common shares with voting rights on August 1, increasing the government's stake in the bank holding company to as much as 30% in terms of voting rights発音を聞く  - 金融庁


In these islands, we are in the habit of regarding mankind as of one species, but a fortnight's steam will land us in a country where divines and savants, for once in agreement, vie with one another in loudness of assertion, if not in cogency of proof, that men are of different species;発音を聞く  - Thomas H. Huxley『ダーウィン仮説』


A person who shows rashness, obstinacy, self-conceit—who cannot live within moderate means—who cannot restrain himself from hurtful indulgences—who pursues animal pleasures at the expense of those of feeling and intellect—must expect to be lowered in the opinion of others, and to have a less share of their favourable sentiments;発音を聞く  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


and that were some of us who have pondered this question to follow a very common example, and accept testimony because it falls in with our belief, we also should eagerly close with the evidence referred to.発音を聞く  - John Tyndall『英国科学協会ベルファースト総会での演説』


If, for instance, an early symptom is a swollen tonsil, that is typically caused by tonsillitis. However, it can sometimes be monocytic leukemia in its early stage. If, in that case, a doctor who does not know that just diagnoses the symptom as tonsillitis and administers antibiotics and a fever reducer, it will not improve at allbecause it is leukemia. To be blunt, that is a lousy doctor.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Awarding a ministerial commendation to such financial institutions is my initiative. Usually, administration consists of rubberstamping by a senior official of what is presented to him through the bottom-up process. However, as we face a financial emergency now, I have decided on my own responsibility to award a ministerial commendation by the end of the fiscal year to financial institutions that are making assiduous efforts in this respect, and on various occasions, I have expressed hope that such efforts will be continued.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

この前も申し上げましたように繰延税金資産ですね、バーゼル III が始まったときは、これは中核的資本には入れないというふうなことでございましたけれども、これはぜひ入れるべきだと強く日本を中心に主張いたしまして、これもご存じのように、繰延税金資産というのは引き当てとタイミング、税制と金融とのタイミングの差があるから、日本の場合たしか7年でしたかね、引き当ての繰延税金資産というのがございますが、他の金融機関への出資、これは全部が認められたわけではなくて、ご存じのように条件付きでございまして、金融機関への普通出資が10%以上の場合等を合算して普通株式と、Tier1ですね、普通株式と内部留保が基本的に、ご存じのように中核的資本でございますが、その15%まで参入するということが、この前申し上げましたようにこれは決まりましたから例文帳に追加

With respect to deferred tax assets, they were not slated to be included into the core capital when the Basel III initiative began, but Japan, as well as some other countries, insisted strongly that they should be included. As you also know, deferred tax assets arise from timing differences between tax and accounting treatments and are allowed to be carried forward for up to, if I remember right, seven years in Japan. As for stakes in other financial institutions, Basel III has not allowed the inclusion of the entire amount, but attaches conditions. It has been decided that the amount of 10 percent or more holdings in common shares of financial institutions, combined with other allowable amounts, can be included in the Tier 1 core capital, which basically consists of common equity and retained earnings, up to 15 percent in the aggregate.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


With all due respect to your statement, I think, from the perspective of fairness in the financial business or how a man in the street sees the business of a given financial institution, it is normally just unthinkable in the light of common sense in society to have a person who was formerly an official of one party of a lawsuit assume the office of advisor to the very party that is its adversary in that lawsuit. What would you comment from such a perspective?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


that we may animate a succession of bodies, the dissolution of all of them having no more tendency to dissolve our real selves, or 'deprive us of living faculties—the faculties of perception and actionthan the dissolution of any foreign matter which we are capable of receiving impressions from, or making use of for the common occasions of life.'発音を聞く  - John Tyndall『英国科学協会ベルファースト総会での演説』


Regarding the banking industry, Aozora Bank announced its financial results yesterday. President Prince expressed his hope to repay public funds received in exchange for the fifth issue of preferred shares before the mandatory conversion into common shares in October. Could you tell me what the authorities that have injected the public funds think of the fund recipient's stance?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


To provide a pet dryer 1 that can dry a large-size pet animal efficiently in a short time without heavy load on the owner or the trimmer and is made possible to be carried in through an ordinal door, such as a sliding door that can open about one door space, or a single swing open door inward. - 特許庁


One-hundredth (of the yen-dollar exchange rate) is equivalent to one yen and one five-hundredth is 0.2 yen. If such small fluctuations led to margin calls or caused people to lose all their money it would be inappropriate, and ordinary investors are not professionals. If non-professional investors are to participate in foreign exchange margin transactions, the incidence of margin calls should be reduced as much as possible for the benefit of non-professionals.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


From the perspective of promoting support for the application of the Guidelines, the government will subsidize fees paid to lawyers who help disaster-stricken debtors use the service of the Management Committee of Individual Debtor Guidelines for Out-of-Court Workouts, a third-party committee. There are about 300 lawyers willing to cooperate with the management of the guideline. I hear that usually, such lawyer service costs 290,000 yen per lawyer. As this is a service related to post-disaster restoration work that serves public interests, I hear that the fee has been discounted to around 100,000 yen.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Rather than merely doing what has been decided, I would like to examine what effects those measures have achieved. Three government organizations have their respective countermeasures against the double loan problem, and I think we need to examine how those measures as a whole are working and whether the purpose of this law has been achieved. That is what I am saying. I am not saying anything unusual.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


After the meeting, a press release was issued. It has been agreed that the assessment of the systemic importance will be based on five indicators related to risk factors, includingsize” and “interconnectedness,” and that the additional capital requirements are to be met with a Common Equity Tier capital requirement ranging from 1% to 2.5%, depending on a bank's systemic importance, as was reported by newspapers. It has also been agreed that the additional capital requirements will be phased in starting in January 2016, becoming fully effective in January 2019.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


There are various options, including common shares, preferred shares, preferred securities, subordinated debts and valuation profits on securities holdings. From the viewpoint of the quality of loss-absorbing buffers, there are several elements, such as stability, simplicity - simplicity also means visibility - and clarity. On the other hand, it is important how flexibly the loss-absorbing buffer can be acquired.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


I had presumed that depositors would normally withdraw deposits after disasters like an earthquake and tsunami. When I asked for the cause of the increase, he cited as a probable cause the payment of earthquake insurance claims totaling more than 500 billion yen in Miyagi Prefecture alone. People planning to rebuild houses have apparently deposited money at banks first.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


In my view, this whole development naturally reflects one aspect of the U.S., a gigantic democratic nation. One frank view that I heard firsthand from the American Bankers Association Chairman was that there are a large number of regular commercial banks, but they – "we" from his perspective – were not engaged in high-risk, high-return investment much and were therefore quite inconvenienced by the stricter corporate management requirements, or something along those lines. That is also one American voice.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Regarding the other point of your question, which concerns postal savings - 15 years ago, I served as the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications under the second Hashimoto cabinet - fixed-term savings deposited before the privatization of the postal savings business change to ordinary postal savings after maturity, and after the passage of another 10 years, which would mean the passage of a total of 20 years, notices urging savers to take action are sent.  If claims for repayment are not made for two months after the notice, the savers' rights to savings expire under Article 29 of the former Postal Savings Act.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Okay, let me answer this question metaphorically. In my hometown of Kitakyushu City, which is a city full of SMEs, many of my supporters are proprietors of SMEs and employ as many as 100 workers, half of whom are without exception non-fulltime employees. As I have brought up a number of times before, quite a few of them have told me how grateful they are for having been saved by the enactment of such a wonderful Act, as their companies would otherwise have had to file for bankruptcy.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


As I explained the other day, the Incubator Bank of Japan has been inspected about three times in the past. In the course of inspecting large depositors in relation to the business improvement plan published on June 28, 2010, the Bank was requested to prepare financial data and other materials for properly identifying the credit status of the debtors and revise its self-assessment manual.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


That said, according to the staff in charge, the Incubator Bank of Japan was cooperative in the first inspection but extremely uncooperative in the second inspection. Mr. Kimura is in a sense truly a specialist, having worked at the Bank of Japan. I have been told that the staff in charge had an extremely tough time in the inspection. The third inspection was conducted with the same lineup after extensive consideration with a strong sense of commitment, where it would normally take three to six months. In the end, the Bank was deemed to have been evading inspections. Being an executive branch of government, our operations must be based on laws and facts, as you are well aware. Basically, it is necessary to ensure fairness, abide by laws and issue business improvement orders or business suspension orders based on facts, so I hope you understand that difficulties were involved in the process. However, what you said is indeed understandable in the context of public sentiment, so I intend to properly fulfill my duty as Minister with that in mind.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


This is an extraordinary law that provides for special anti-disaster measures. We will strengthen the financial functions of regional banks, Shinkin banks, credit cooperatives and labor banks because they have provided business loans to small and medium-size companies and housing loans to individuals. In order to strengthen the financial functions of such institutions, the central organizations of Shinkin banks and credit cooperatives, together with the government, will take on the responsibility for providing management guidance, which is an extraordinary arrangement in a liberal society.発音を聞く  - 金融庁



I will look into the fine details later, but basically, government offices are financed by taxes, and have authority based on the Constitution and laws, as a matter of course. The Cabinet is formed as a result of election by the people; then the Prime Minister comes forth, who appoints the Minister for Financial Services according to the Constitution. As this is an extremely democratic government office, it is common sense from my point of view to properly keep or publicly disclose the minutes regarding financial regulation and supervision which have a huge impact in ordinary circumstances as a basic rule, given that an executive branch of government is basically in the public domain. From what I have heard, minutes of seven or eight meetings were disclosed to the public after it was said that this would be done initially, but information on the progress in the interim was not disclosed at all. I think this is extremely odd in view of the rules of the executive branch of government. Basically, from the viewpoint of common sense, it is odd as a government in an open democratic nation that there are no minutes, especially on such a matter that has later had a significant impact on banking regulation and supervision, given the rules of government offices.発音を聞く  - 金融庁









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