英訳・英語 finish、finale、stopping point、close、finis、conclusion、last
該当件数 : 132件
お前の最終面接は そのカメラを通過した時点で終わった例文帳に追加
Your final interview ended as you passed through that camera. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
The steps of the progress and the selection are repeated up to a final point of time (807), a final survival trellis path is selected at the final point of time and a decoded data sequence is expressed. - 特許庁
From what I heard, no decision has been made thus far as to the final acquirer financial institution selection.発音を聞く - 金融庁
When no lower level vector is finally left, the noticed category at that time is specified as a classification destination. - 特許庁
C) 分類判定に利用可能な情報源(最終的には物質数等の時点修正が必要)例文帳に追加
C) Information sources for the classification of environmental hazards - 経済産業省
現時点では 兆候もありません 彼の自警団としての 最終期限が近づいています例文帳に追加
At the moment, there's been no sign of the vigilante as his one hour deadline nears. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
「各団体の対応は 現時点では不明」 「最終的にvを容認するのか あるいは拒絶するのか」例文帳に追加
It remains uncertain as to whether they will ultimately urge acceptance or dissent. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
Weblio例文辞書での「最終時点」に類似した例文 |
the last inning
the final stage of things
the final result
the final stage of something
The final deadline.
without finality
the final stages towards the completion of something
該当件数 : 132件
「各団体の対応は 現時点では不明」 「最終的にVを容認するのか あるいは拒絶するのか」例文帳に追加
It remains uncertain as to whether they will ultimately urge acceptance or dissent. - 映画・海外ドラマ英語字幕翻訳辞書
In a regressive evaluation step S110, a point of time (t) to be evaluated is dated back from a last point in time "T" and regressive approximation processing and evaluation calculation processing (S112, S113) are repeated every point of time. - 特許庁
A data storage unit 20 stores the final odds of a betting target, which are present as the actual result of betting whose deadline has already passed, or final odds range data, which indicates the range of the final odds, in association with the combination of odds data before a deadline and remaining-time data. - 特許庁
以下、各国・地域から中国に集まる2009 年の最終財の輸出額をまとめ、1999 年時点と比較すると、この10 年で各国・地域からの最終財輸出が大きく伸びていることがわかる(第2-1-2-10 図、第2-1-2-11 図)。例文帳に追加
Summarizing the final goods amount exported from countries/ regions to China in 2009 and comparing them with those of 1999, it has been found that the final goods exported from the countries/ regions have largely increased over the past 10 years (Figures 2-1-2-10 and 2-1-2-11). - 経済産業省
Greedy search is a technique for performing optimum selection at each time point by expecting to finally become an optimum solution. - 特許庁
To specify the final odds of a betting target from the odds of the betting target at one point in time before the deadline of betting, without taking time for processing. - 特許庁
When both data values become 1 finally, the reel piece position is established and a reel stop position is more delicately controlled. - 特許庁
Finally, a pattern stop command transmitted from the main control means at the point T2 of time is received and the stoppage is performed at a specified pattern decided by the fluctuation pattern. - 特許庁
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