



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > JMdict > 消防署員の英語・英訳 






英訳・英語 fireman




該当件数 : 18



a member of a fire department who tries to extinguish fires発音を聞く  - 日本語WordNet


Pretending to be working for the fire station, he talked housewives into buying fire extinguishers.発音を聞く  - 研究社 新和英中辞典

2 前項の場合において、消防長若しくは消防署長又はこれらの者から委任を受けて同項の職権を行なう消防吏若しくは消防団が現場にいないとき又は消防長若しくは消防署長から要求があつたときは、警察署長は、同項の職権を行なうことができる。この場合において、警察署長が当該職権を行なつたときは、警察署長は、直ちにその旨を消防長又は消防署長に通知しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, a police chief may exercise the authority set forth in the preceding paragraph when no fire chief or fire station chief or no firefighter or fire corps volunteer delegated by a fire chief or fire station chief to exercise the authority set forth in said paragraph is available at the scene of the accident, or when the police chief is required to do so by a fire chief or fire station chief. In this case, when the police chief has exercised said authority, he/she shall immediately give notice to the fire chief or fire station chief to that effect.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


To provide an emergency report system that allows a master station repeater to surely detect it when a mobile slave set is operated even in the case that the mobile slave and the master station repeater are away from each other and to output an emergency message to a fire station staff of the like. - 特許庁


To provide a security system, with which a monitoring person resident at a monitoring place or other related institution such as police station, fire station or hospital enables speedy and suitable dealing corresponding to the conditions of a place to be monitored. - 特許庁


To terminate or transfer a call signal from a reporter to an emergency report destination such as a local firehouse or police station, where emergency vehicles or crews are secured, close to a dispatch destination. - 特許庁



To prevent a person who illicitly acquires a uniform to illicitly intrude into a store or facility having employees wearing uniforms for theft or the like. - 特許庁


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該当件数 : 18


第四条の二 消防長又は消防署長は、火災予防のため特に必要があるときは、消防対象物及び期日又は期間を指定して、当該管轄区域内の消防団(消防本部を置かない市町村においては、非常勤の消防団に限る。)に前条第一項の立入及び検査又は質問をさせることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 4-2 (1) A fire chief or fire station chief, when it is particularly necessary for fire prevention, may specify a property under fire defense measures and a date or period and have a fire corps volunteer within the area under his/her jurisdiction (in the case of a municipality which has no fire defense headquarters, limited to a part-time fire corps volunteer) enter the property and conduct an inspection or carry out questioning as set forth in paragraph (1) of the preceding Article on said date or during said period.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 第三十二条及び第三十四条から前条までの規定は、前項の場合について準用する。この場合において、第三十四条第一項中「当該消防職」とあるのは「当該都道府県の消防事務に従事する職」と、第三十五条第一項中「消防長又は消防署長」とあるのは「市町村長のほか、都道府県知事」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) The provisions of Article 32 and Article 34 to the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the case referred to in the preceding paragraph. In this case, the term "his/her fire defense personnel" in Article 34, paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "his/her official engaged in the fire service affairs of the prefecture," and the phrase "a fire chief or fire station chief" in Article 35, paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "not only a municipal mayor but also a prefectural governor."発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 前項の権原を有する者は、同項の規定により自衛消防組織を置いたときは、遅滞なく自衛消防組織の要の現況その他総務省令で定める事項を所轄消防長又は消防署長に届け出なければならない。当該事項を変更したときも、同様とする。例文帳に追加

(2) The person who holds the title set forth in the preceding paragraph, when he/she has set up a fire defense organization for self-protection pursuant to the provision of said paragraph, shall notify the competent fire chief or fire station chief of the current status of the staff of the fire defense organization for self-protection and other matters specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications without delay. The same shall apply when the person has made any changes to such matters.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三十四条 消防長又は消防署長は、前条の規定により調査をするために必要があるときは、関係者に対して必要な資料の提出を命じ、若しくは報告を求め、又は当該消防職に関係のある場所に立ち入つて、火災により破損され又は破壊された財産の状況を検査させることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 34 (1) A fire chief or fire station chief, when it is necessary in order to conduct an investigation pursuant to the provision of the preceding Article, may order a person concerned to submit the necessary information materials or request such person to make reports, or have his/her fire defense personnel enter any place concerned and inspect the status of the property damaged or destroyed by the fire.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

2 消防長又は消防署長は、火災の予防に危険であると認める物件又は消火、避難その他の消防の活動に支障になると認める物件の所有者、管理者又は占有者で権原を有するものを確知することができないため、これらの者に対し、前項の規定による必要な措置をとるべきことを命ずることができないときは、それらの者の負担において、当該消防職(消防本部を置かない市町村においては、消防団。第四項(第五条第二項及び第五条の三第五項において準用する場合を含む。)及び第五条の三第二項において同じ。)に、当該物件について前項第三号又は第四号に掲げる措置をとらせることができる。この場合において、物件を除去させたときは、消防長又は消防署長は、当該物件を保管しなければならない。例文帳に追加

(2) When a fire chief or fire station chief is unable to identify the owner, manager or possessor, who holds title, of an object that is found to be dangerous from a fire prevention perspective or an object that is found to be likely to hinder fire extinguishing activities, evacuation and other fire defense activities, and therefore unable to order those persons to take any necessary measures under the provision of the preceding paragraph, he/she may have his/her fire defense personnel (in the case of a municipality which has no fire defense headquarters, a fire corps volunteer; the same shall apply in paragraph (4) (including cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 5, paragraph (2) and Article 5-3, paragraph (5)) and Article 5-3, paragraph (2)) take the measures listed in item (iii) or item (iv) of the preceding paragraph with regard to said object, at the expense of said person. In this case, if the fire chief or fire station chief has had the object removed, he/she shall retain said object.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

第三条 消防長(消防本部を置かない市町村においては、市町村長。第六章及び第三十五条の三の二を除き、以下同じ。)、消防署長その他の消防吏は、屋外において火災の予防に危険であると認める行為者又は火災の予防に危険であると認める物件若しくは消火、避難その他の消防の活動に支障になると認める物件の所有者、管理者若しくは占有者で権原を有する者に対して、次に掲げる必要な措置をとるべきことを命ずることができる。例文帳に追加

Article 3 (1) A fire chief (in the case of a municipality which has no fire defense headquarters, its mayor; the same shall apply hereinafter, except in Chapter VI and Article 35-3-2), fire station chief or other firefighter may order a person who is committing an act in the open air that is found to be dangerous from a fire prevention perspective, or the owner, manager or possessor, who holds title, of an object in the open air that is found to be dangerous from a fire prevention perspective or an object in the open air that is found to be likely to hinder fire extinguishing activities, evacuation and other fire defense activities, to take the following necessary measures:発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

4 消防長又は消防署長は、第一項の規定により必要な措置を命じた場合において、その措置を命ぜられた者がその措置を履行しないとき、履行しても十分でないとき、又はその措置の履行について期限が付されている場合にあつては履行しても当該期限までに完了する見込みがないときは、行政代執行法(昭和二十三年法律第四十三号)の定めるところに従い、当該消防職又は第三者にその措置をとらせることができる。例文帳に追加

(4) Where a fire chief or fire station chief has ordered that any necessary measures should be taken pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1), if the person ordered to take such measures does not implement the measures at all or does not implement them fully, or if the measures should be implemented by a certain time limit but the implementation thereof is not expected to be completed by said time limit, he/she may, as provided for in the Act on Substitute Execution by Administration (Act No. 43 of 1948), have his/her fire defense personnel or a third party take such measures.発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


2 第三十二条、第三十四条、第三十五条第一項及び第二項(勧告に係る部分を除く。)並びに第三十五条の二の規定は、前項の場合について準用する。この場合において、第三十四条第一項中「当該消防職」とあるのは「消防庁の職」と、第三十五条第一項中「消防長又は消防署長」とあるのは「消防本部を置く市町村の区域にあつては、消防長又は消防署長のほか、消防庁長官に、当該区域以外の区域であつて第三十五条の三第一項の規定により都道府県知事が火災の原因の調査を行う場合にあつては、市町村長及び都道府県知事のほか、消防庁長官に、当該区域以外の区域であつて同項の規定にかかわらず都道府県知事が火災の原因の調査を行わない場合にあつては、市町村長のほか、消防庁長官」と読み替えるものとする。例文帳に追加

(2) The provisions of Article 32, Article 34, Article 35, paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) (limited to the part pertaining to a recommendation) and Article 35-2 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the case referred to in the preceding paragraph. In this case, the phrase "his/her fire defense personnel" in Article 34, paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "an official of the Fire and Disaster Management Agency," the phrase "a fire chief or fire station chief" in Article 35, paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "not only a fire chief or fire station chief but also the Commissioner of the Fire and Disaster Management Agency in the case of a fire occurring within the area of a municipality which has fire defense headquarters; not only a municipal mayor and a prefectural governor but also the Commissioner of the Fire and Disaster Management Agency in the case of a fire occurring within an area other than said area, where the prefectural governor investigates the cause of a fire under the provision of Article 35-3, paragraph (1); not only to a municipal mayor but also the Commissioner of the Fire and Disaster Management Agency in the case of a fire occurring within an area other than said area, where the prefectural governor does not investigate the cause of a fire notwithstanding the provision of said paragraph."発音を聞く  - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



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