意味 | 例文 (7件) |
英訳・英語 endurance limit; fatigue limit
該当件数 : 7件
The mechanical fuse is made of a titanium alloy and the fatigue limit ratio thereof is equal to or higher than 0.7. - 特許庁
The method two-dimensionally takes Young's modulus and the fatigue limit value into consideration, and selects the material the fatigue limit value of which is not lower than the value without causing the fatigue breaking in relation to a certain Young's modulus in a predetermined range. - 特許庁
設定負荷圧時におけるEVOH層12の伸び(%)が、片振り引張疲れ限度(σ_U )、又は、該片振り引張疲れ試験における設定疲れ破壊繰り返し数(N)における繰り返し応力(σ)に対応する伸び以下となるように、ホース全体構成を設定する。例文帳に追加
A configuration of the whole hose is set so that the elongation (%) of the EVOH layer 12 when a set load pressure is applied becomes below the elongation corresponding to fatigue limit under pulsating tension σu or repeated stress σ in the set fatigue failure repeated number N in a fatigue under pulsating tension test. - 特許庁
Thus, the thin-walled roller 5 can have the desired service life without causing fatigue breaking and a fixing device can ensure a stable fixability. - 特許庁
To provide a tentioner with a relief valve suppressing a stress applying to a wire of a spring for a valve to a fatigue limit or less by limiting the maximum displacement of the spring for the valve of a relief valve mechanism to a necessary sufficient range. - 特許庁
The maximum displacement of the valve 32 and the maximum compression quantity of the spring 38 for the valve are set by a stopper surface 44 and the maximum shearing stress of the wire rod of the spring 38 of the valve is suppressed to less than the fatigue limit. - 特許庁
An electronic control unit (ECU) estimates the load added to a block as a component of the power transmission belt on the basis of an operating condition of the continuously variable transmission, and calculates and stores the block accumulation load N1 by accumulating values larger than fatigue limit. - 特許庁
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