





該当件数 : 33



Another problem is the rigid legal system pertaining to labor. - 経済産業省


The Federal Government will continue to remove rigidities inhibiting the efficient functioning of markets.発音を聞く  - 財務省


The automatic quality of Gatsby's answer set us all back at least another minute.発音を聞く  - F. Scott Fitzgerald『グレイト・ギャツビー』


A rigidification determination part 118 outputs a result of analysis concerning rigidification of an organization from the comprehensive power of influence and an index of activity, and a notification part 270 notifies the user of this. - 特許庁


To improve heat insulation performance, air permeability, cushion performance, rigidity compared to general knitted socks. - 特許庁


To cancel the selection rigidity of a conventional action detection device, including one fixed focusing view. - 特許庁


It is said that there are various problems called "Brazil cost" in Brazil, including a complicated taxation system, an inflexible employment system, and an immature hardware/financial infrastructure. - 経済産業省


As countries are all different, I think a rigid definition will not be accepted. - 厚生労働省


The reasons for the suppressed growth seem to be that structural problems such as an inefficient government, a rigid labor market and tax evasion have been preserved, and the improvements in productivity have lagged far behind other major Euro countries. - 経済産業省


Although young people are creative and innovative, they are not fully utilized because many organizations are rigid and offer few opportunities for the young to demonstrate their capabilities. - 厚生労働省


Despite such differences, however, there is something in common. In both cases, a rigid foreign exchange regime,which has allowed inflows of a large amount of foreign capital,has invited over-valuation of the local currency.発音を聞く  - 財務省


To provide a gasket material having increased resistance against monomer and other high-reactive compounds, and having rigidity, easy processing and relatively economical PTFE. - 特許庁


To provide easily wearable Kimono-type or pajama-type patient's clothes enabling a person who has difficulty in changing clothes, such as a bedriddden person, a person requiring care, a person with rigidity and paralysis, a person with disability and a person after surgical operation, to smoothly work, and feel no psychological humiliation. - 特許庁


Thus, even when it is used under high temperature environment exceeding 150°C, sludge is greatly reduced and rigidity or local elongation is greatly suppressed which is liable to cause a problem with a seal chain. - 特許庁

スペインの急速な雇用悪化の背景には、従来からの硬直的な賃金制度と、1990 年半ばから実施されている非正規雇用の規制緩和がある。例文帳に追加

The background to the rapid deterioration of the employment market in Spain includes continued use of an inflexible wage system and a relaxing of regulations on irregular employment, the latter beginning in mid-1990. - 経済産業省

この背景としては、1991 年まで続いた混合経済体制の下で、輸入代替工業化を基本とする公共部門主導の硬直的な工業化政策を採ってきたことの影響が大きいと指摘されている。例文帳に追加

Some have indicated that this is attributable to the substantial influence of India’s rigid industrialization policy led by the public sector based on import substituting industrialization under the mixed economic system which continued until 1991. - 経済産業省


The country's labor productivity has been far behind other major countries in the euro zone due partly to the rigidity of its labor market, and furthermore, to increases in its labor cost per unit. - 経済産業省


When this truth has been thoroughly taken in, rigidity will be relaxed, exclusiveness diminished, things now deemed essential will be dropped, and elements now rejected will be assimilated.発音を聞く  - John Tyndall『英国科学協会ベルファースト総会での演説』


Although it followed the conventional 'spring - flower -morning' type of link that was often seen in Kokinshu in those days, its use of the 'season-time' type of expression (such as 'the best time in spring is dawn'), which omitted the middle poetic element, was innovative, challenging as it did the rigid esthetic values held by readers who were familiar with poetic traditions. (Munetoshi FUJIMOTO)発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a new pelvis correction device which can effectively relax a stiffened muscle naturally (without giving pain) in a sitting state without repeating the motion such as standing up and sitting down, and can effectively correct the deformed pelvis. - 特許庁


The Edo period enjoyed a 'peaceful world,' although there was structural conflict between developing economic activities in a city and the land capital system in the domain economy which held an excessive number of samurai, executive officers of the land capital structure, but early in the 19th century the structual fatigue became apparent rapidly as organizational inflexibility.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


This raw sea cucumber improved in texture is produced by continuously bending and stimulating a sea cucumber live body flesh in moving water in which somewhat rather warm water is kept in a forcedly stirred state, simultaneously making the sea cucumber live body itself collide with solid materials and keeping the flesh in a somewhat stiffened state. - 特許庁

特に、大規模な民間企業は、産業ライセンス制度によって硬直的で厳しい許認可行政の対象とされた一方、小規模工業部門(SSI:Small Scale Industries)は、当該規制の対象外とされ、税制上の恩典、政府調達、金融面などで様々な優遇措置が受けられるものとされた。例文帳に追加

While large private-sector companies were subject ta rigid and severe license administration under the industrial license system, small scale industries(SSI) were not and received preferential treatment including tax breaks, government procurement contracts, and financial advantages. - 経済産業省


These rigid regulations that gave priority to SSIs distorted growth by large private-sector companies while at the same time undermined the incentives SSIs had to expand production and improve productivity by enabling over-protected SSIs to implement capital investment exceeding the upper limit on capital. - 経済産業省


Namely, the essential conditions to establish the optimum currency area are the structural economic homogeneity and free movement of capital and labor according to the theory of "optimum currency area" which is said to be the theoretical background of the euro zone. However, the move of the labor is rigid within the euro zone and there is a great divergence in the economic structures of the Euro zone countries (Figures 1-2-2-6 and 1-2-2-7). - 経済産業省


However, it may be unreasonable and too inflexible to argue, due to today.s diversified mode of employment, that the non-employees of the licensee (=user) engaged in the licensee company's business in the same manner as the other employees are always outside the scope of such software license simply because they have not entered into any service agreement with the licensee.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

硬直的な為替レート制度の下、年間約 2,000 億ドル以上の外貨準備を純増させる中国については、健全な国内マクロ経済運営のためにも一層柔軟な為替レート相場形成のための改革の加速が必要ではあるものの、為替レート水準の調整そのものではこうした貯蓄・投資バランス不均衡の縮小に果たす役割は限定であり、経常収支不均衡の大幅な縮小は期待できない。例文帳に追加

China has brought about a net increase in foreign exchange reserves of approximately US$200 billion or greater per year based on a rigid currency exchange rate system. While China needs to accelerate reforms for more flexible exchange rates for sound domestic macroeconomic management, making exchange rate level adjustments to the exchange rate level itself has a limited role in reducing this type of IS balance, and there cannot be expected to be a significant reduction in the current account imbalance. - 経済産業省


I would like to ask you about the 10 years since the establishment of the FSA. Before the reorganization, the Ministry of Finance used to be criticized for allegedly allowing sectionalism to undermine the functions of the ministry as a whole. Now that 10 years have passed since the FSA was separated from the ministry as a new organization, is there not concern that the organization has become rigid, for example hampering communications between the agency's bureaus (although there are only three bureaus)? Are you aware of the issues and problems in terms of organization?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Electricity shortage in China is said to have derived from demand-side factors - 1) a sharp expansion of production capacity by manufacturers following investment expansion and 2) the diffusion of air-conditioning equipment and other household electric appliances, and supply-side factors ? 3) curbing of the construction of new thermal power plants, 4) the shortage of investment in inter-regional electric power system, 5) discrepancy between price increases for coal, a primary fuel source for power generation, and inflexible pricing of power rates, and 6) drought in the vicinity of the location of hydroelectric power plants. - 経済産業省


The factors contributing to Spain's high unemployment rate include the fact that unemployment of non-regular employees has been mirroring the economic slowdown, as a consequence of the increased percentage of non-regular employment (limited time employment) by enterprises responding to peak labor cost resulting from inflexible labor practices, and also that the construction industry, which drove the robust economy in the 2000s, has been shrinking severely because of the collapse of the housing bubble and the decreasing public works due to fiscal austerity. - 経済産業省



Regarding global taxes, we are concerned that establishing taxes earmarked for development expenditures would create fiscal rigidity.Also, it would be hard to identify taxable objects that clearly have close link to ODA, thus making it difficult to justify them as taxes earmarked to development expenditure.Moreover, because we still have to overcome many difficult issues, such as how to establish a global taxation authority and how to coordinate specific tax schemes among participant countries, the feasibility of global taxes seems to be rather low.We also have to carefully consider who would make decisions to use and allocate these tax revenues and how those decisions would be made.発音を聞く  - 財務省


















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