





該当件数 : 68



I was very shocked and was crying all day.発音を聞く  - Weblio Email例文集


I was very shocked when I heard about that.発音を聞く  - Weblio Email例文集


What came as a shock to me was the sudden death of my father.発音を聞く  - Weblio Email例文集


I was shocked out of my wits.発音を聞く  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


I was more than a little shocked at this. - Tatoeba例文


I was quite shocked by this. - Tatoeba例文


I was more than a little shocked by this. - Tatoeba例文


I was so shocked that I couldn't find my tongue. - Eゲイト英和辞典


I was more than a little shocked at this.発音を聞く  - Tanaka Corpus


I was shocked when I saw that building that was destroyed by war. - Weblio Email例文集


I was shocked to discover that my husband was a bigamist.発音を聞く  - Weblio英語基本例文集


His confession that he had stolen my wallet was a great shock to me.発音を聞く  - 研究社 新英和中辞典


As I stated in the Diet, the Lehman Shock that occurred three years ago represented a Copernican change.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


I have made a change of course regarding IFRS itself, and the reason for that is the Lehman shock as I explained previously. As I stated in the Diet, the Lehman shock, which occurred three years ago, was a Copernican change.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


People often ask me, “Didn’t it take a long time for you to get over the shock when you became disabled?”発音を聞く  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


The appointment of Mr. Kono is indeed very good news. As I said earlier, since the Lehman Shock, a variety of tasks have been assigned in the field of finance and securities. Compared with the pre-Lehman Shock period, IOSCO's role has grown on a global scale.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


I was struck besides with the shocking expression of his face, with his remarkable combination of great muscular activity and great apparent debility of constitution,発音を聞く  - Robert Louis Stevenson『ジキルとハイド』


However, that has changed significantly as a result of the Lehman shock. That is a Copernican change. It is still causing very significant economic, social and political changes around the world, including Japan. Yesterday, I saw on TV a scene of tens of thousands of people gathering before the Greek parliament. That is an impact of the Lehman shock in the broad sense.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


After the Lehman Shock occurred three years ago, the attitude of pursuing only monetary gains was strongly questioned. Against that background, “public interest capitalism” and the philosophy of the Baigan Ishida School are attracting renewed attention, as I mentioned previously.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


As you know, the Japanese economy was swayed by news about the shipment price of Dubai crude oil during the first and second oil crises in particular. As I was serving as the parliamentary secretary for international trade and industry, I occasionally had a cold sweat.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


While I am not an expert in finance, I am aware that the global economy has drastically changed in some ways since the Lehman Brothers shockwave, and that each country truly has its own problems. Over the past three decades, especially since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States has been extremely powerful in economic, political and military terms as the single most dominant country, and my understanding is that so-called financial capital has played a central role. I believe the Lehman Brothers shockwave was a major turning point for American-style finance-oriented capitalism, leaving it no alternative but to undergo transformation. As you are well aware, the financial capital had the political backup of former U.S. Republican President George W. Bush. Nevertheless, even the United States had its President changed to Barack Obama. If you take a look around the world, events like the Greek shock are making newspapers headlines nowadays. In that sense, economic policies including financial regulation and supervision are currently at a major juncture on an international scale.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Consequently, an interim report recommending the adoption of IFRS was issued.Since the Obama Administration was inaugurated in the United States, particularly since the Lehman shock, a Copernican change has occurred in the global economic conditions, so Japan is not thinking of introducing the mandatory application of IFRS in the fiscal year ending in March 2015, as I announced to you.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Lastly, just as I also did in my blog today, let me talk about Mr. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who is Managing Director of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the former Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry of France and also used to be a professor at the famous ENA (Ecole national d'administration) of France. He is the incumbent Managing Director of the IMF, as he was when the Lehman shock hit.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


As for international affairs, it is important to have both a broad perspective and a narrow focus, I often say.Since the Lehman shock, we have faced a broad range of financial issues, including Basel III, and international issues and domestic issues tend to instantly interact with each other.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Since the Lehman shock, the global financial world has been marked with much instability. However, as I have constantly pointed out, the Great Depression in the U.S. that began in 1929 resulted in the world economy divided into blocks separated by national borders – a situation that, unfortunately, formed a remote cause of the Second World War, according to historians. Given the unfortunate fate that the world's financial, economic and political worlds suffered in the 20th century in the wake of the 1929 Great Depression, it has become my conviction that that history should never, ever repeat itself.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


As I have repeatedly mentioned, it is important to keep a narrow focus on the fund-raising situation of small and medium-size enterprises, while maintaining a broad perspective and keeping a watch on the great instability of global economic conditions since the Lehman shock. The FSA's political executive team under my leadership will work to address such matters.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


The Lehman shock occurred in a world where globalization has proceeded very much on the one hand and deregulation has gone too far on the other hand. In Europe, which I visited last week, the financial and economic markets are very unstable as a lingering consequence of the Lehman shock. In the 17-country euro zone - although there are a total of 27 EU countries - Slovakia's approval (of the plan to expand the European Financial Stability Facility) has apparently provided breathing space. Underlying that problem is the broad wave of economic globalization, and in particular, Japan's economic and financial situations are closely linked to the global economy, as shown by the yen's appreciation. Therefore, we must keep that in mind when making our arguments and at the same time, we must remember that in any country, some industries are competitive while others are not.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


The greatest of all was the Lehman shock, whose impact was felt after the Republican President Bush was succeeded by Democratic President Obama. Following such changes, the U.S. SEC released a staff paper (Work Plan for the Consideration of Incorporating International Financial Reporting Standards into the Financial Reporting System for U.S. Issuers) on May 26. Although it was previously indicated that the United States would adopt IFRS, this paper is very ambiguous and may be interpreted in various ways. However, as a result, I think that it represents a slight step back from the full adoption of IFRS.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Given the global economic downturn that has been affecting banks in the U.S., Europe and elsewhere since the Lehman crisis two years ago – which is reminiscent of the financial crisis of ten years ago in Japan – the coming meeting is a very important economic and financial conference. Its July meeting was attended by Japan's central bank governor and the head of the authorities responsible for banking supervision, that is, the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency (FSA). The requirement standards at issue have both quality and quantity aspects.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


While, especially since the Lehman crisis, various arrangements have been made on behalf of the FSA, including hiring additional personnel, I am well aware that in addition to the Office of International Affairs that I mentioned, other sections are also quite short of human and organizational resources. That said, considering the whole picture, including the overall government policy, I am intending to form an informed final decision in view of the whole picture, while I have also made requests to the Chief Cabinet Secretary, recognizing that I am a publicly elected member of the Cabinet.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


In that sense, what I would like to mention in particular is that as a result of the structural reform pursued by Mr. Koizumi (a former Prime Minister), whether for the better or for the worse, Japan fell into deflation during the tenure of the Aso cabinet, leading to a decrease of around one million yen in annual income for the people. From the standpoint of the People's New Party, I have been saying since then that during deflation, the government should not adopt an austerity budget, because it would shrink the economy. Since the Lehman shock, there has been a great number of unemployed people and, to my great regret, people on welfare have also increased sharply, to about 1.9 million.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


As I explained last week, I believe Japan has the world’s most developed legal system against the failure of financial institutions, based on its extremely bitter experience of the financial shockwave more than a decade ago. In accordance with such system, the procedures are being steadily executed in an orderly manner at the moment with the understanding of people in various fields, thanks especially to depositors for their calm response.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


As I frequently mention, after the Great Depression, which started in the United States in 1929, the world was divided into economic blocs, and that is regarded by historians of later generations as an indirect cause of World War II. It is a mark of human progress that after the Lehman Shock, countries around the world have actively cooperated, as shown by the discussions held at the G-7 and G-20 meetings, despite their divergent national interests. Regarding the international financial regulatory reform, which I mentioned now, central bank governors and the heads of financial supervisory organizations held numerous meetings and reached international agreements. The matters that have been agreed to will be finalized at the Cannes summit. In that sense, I feel that in the 21st century, mankind has made significant progress compared with 1929.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


The lesson of the experience of such severe difficulties has enabled Japan's financial system as a whole to remain relatively sound and stable amid the ongoing currency crisis, and I mentioned that in my talks with various financial industry officials, including the number two at a U.S.-based global private financial institution.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


While I would like to refrain from commenting on the specifics of the downgrades, we need to remain vigilant on the global financial and economic situations, including such downgrades. As I have repeatedly mentioned, the Lehman shock has touched off a Copernican change, an epochal change in the United States, which has been the sole global superpower.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


More than observing laws, principles such as never cheating other people or telling lies have formed the philosophical basis of the remarkable development of modern capitalism, so we should act in an appropriate manner in that respect, although the idea that earning money is everything was evident in various incidents that took place around the time of the Lehman shock in the United States in particular. That's how I personally feel about this issue.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


As Saitama is part of the Tokyo metropolitan area, my impression was that its business conditions are relatively good compared to Sendai City, Kitakyushu City and Fukuoka City. Nevertheless, in the exchange of opinions, I was told by top management executives about the situation surrounding SMEs that despite improvements in sales which had plummeted since the Lehman Brothers shockwave, they have concerns over the future outlook due in part to the impact of the strong yen.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


In that sense, I believe that SME development is one of the most important functions of a financial institution whose core business rests with financial intermediation and, considering that Japan's foundation consists of the SMEs that make up 99.7 percent of all companies in Japan, mega-banks in particular need to review the way they manage their banks that focuses too much on looking upwards, so to speakan attitude typical in pre-Lehman daysor looking abroad, aiming only at profit-making. In that sense, I take pride as the Minister for Financial Services that the Act has probably contributed to changing the awareness of those who engage in the financial business.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Excessive leveraging may result in a rapid market contraction if some problem occurs, as when the Lehman shock occurred.As such a phenomenon has actually happened, there are international debates at G-7 and G-20 on issues related to G-SIFIs (global systemically important financial institutions) with that in mind from the perspectives of the protection of consumers and users and, more broadly, the protection of the economy, and I think that the strengthening of the margin regulation is part of this broad trend.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Aside from that turn of events unfolding in the U.S., China and Japan have come to collectively make up 17 percent of the world's GDP. China is a country that carried out macroeconomic policies relatively well in the wake of the Lehman shock and is currently achieving remarkable economic growth. Given that situation, I also consider it to have been very meaningful for me to have had the chance to meet with Premier Wen Jiabao and People's Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan on the occasion of the Japan-China High-Level Economic Dialogue and to visit, among other places, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the second largest market in Asia.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


In that sense, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) hopes that the strengthening of the margin regulation will help to protect investors and enhance the soundness of FX trading in Japan. As I already mentioned, FX trading using high leverages may cause customers to incur unexpected losses as a result of even minor movements in exchange rates.Regarding the margin regulation, the protection of investors has emerged as a greater challenge globally because of the Lehman shock of three years ago. As I stated in the Diet, this regulation is a democratic control of speculative money in a democratic country.While the economy contributes to the well-being of human beings, it tends to go out of their control, so it is necessary to protect investors and, depending on circumstances, even protect a country’s economy.I think that this regulation is necessary as part of the broad economic and fiscal policy that is emerging after the Lehman shock.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


While my predecessor was in office, a law called the SME Financing Facilitation Act (Act concerning Temporary Measures to Facilitate Financing for SMEs, etc.) was established. In Japan, 99.7% of all companies are small and medium-sized enterprises, or SMEs, which employ 28 million people. Now, faced with growing economic globalization, especially since the Lehman crisis two years ago, SMEs have been suffering considerably from hardships. At the same time, though, SMEs have the advantage of being flexible and resilient and, from the viewpoint, the FSA considers SMEs to be extremely important. My hometown is the city of Kitakyushu, where Yahata Steel Works, initially a government-owned company, was founded 100 years ago, and served as the base for the creation of a large number of SMEs there. Fukuoka Prefecture, also home to factories of Toyota and Nissan, is the second-largest car-producing prefecture after Aichi, which explains the large number of modest-size companies and SMEs there.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


As I have mentioned previously, the extremely harsh financial shockwave we experienced a decade ago revealed that a higher capital adequacy ratio is not necessarily desirable. A higher capital adequacy ratio does lead to greater stability, but it caused credit crunch and credit withdrawal back then, resulting in socioeconomic contraction and the failure of banks. That is why I have repeatedly stated that stable and robust financial institutions are required for the sustainable progress of sound companies and a sound economy considering the consequences of the financial crisis we experienced a decade ago. In that sense, I believe our opinions have basically been incorporated into Basel III.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


それから、もう皆様方ご存じのように、2年前のリーマン・ブラザーズ・ショック以来、世界の金融が非常に各国に大きな危機になる。しかしながら、1929年の世界大恐慌の後で各国の経済がブロック化しまして、それが第二次世界大戦の遠因の一つだと今の歴史家は判断していますが、今回はそういった本当に苦しい人類の歴史の反省に立って、曲がりなりにもG8、G20をやってきまして、この前、ご存じのように中央銀行代表、また金融監督庁の長官会議が終わりまして、あとはまた11月のソウル・サミットがございますが、がよく言いますように、アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、あるいはアジアの新興国、それぞれに色々とあるわけでございますけれども、そういった中でバーゼル III が大体合意に達したということは、は世界史的な大変意義のあることだと思っています。例文帳に追加

I would also like to point out that since the Lehman Brothers crisis two years ago, the financial world in nations around the globe was plunged into a grave situation. What is relevant here is the fact that the economy became divided by national borders in the wake of the Great Depression in 1929, which, according to present-day historians, is one of the remote causes of the Second World War. Looking back on the truly sober human history like that, we have worked painstakingly to address the situation by holding G8 and G20 meetings and the meeting of the Central Bank Governors and Heads of Supervision, which just wrapped up as you know, and we also have the November Seoul Summit ahead of us. As I often say, every countrybe it the U.S., in Europe or an emerging economy in Asia – has different circumstances to deal with. In that light, I find it quite significant in the context of world history that the Basel III accord has, for the most part, been reached successfully.発音を聞く  - 金融庁




I am a shock








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