
英訳・英語 quiet、soundless、still、silent
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三代(藩主) 徳川綱條-粛公 (支藩高松藩から養子、光圀の兄の子にあたる。)例文帳に追加
The third (the lord of the domain): Tsunaeda TOKUGAWA (his posthumous title: 粛公) (adopted from the lord family of Takamatsu Domain, a branch domain of Mito; a son of Mitsukuni's elder brother.)発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
This is the scene corresponding to the phrase of 'Bensei-shukushuku yoru kawawo wataru' (crossing a river in the night, making even horse-whipping sound smaller) in "Kawanakajima," a Chinese poem composed by Sanyo RAI.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
"Gyokuyo" (Diary of Kanezane KUJO) states 'Yoritomo's body held solemn might, whose nature is severe, sagacious in administration and discriminable of right and wrong' (the item of October 9 under the old lunar calendar).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide an actuator which can detect slack silently through an extremely simple structure. - 特許庁
It is unmistakably true that Kawai was purged and died; What happened before Kawai's death has not yet been identified.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
Regarding the purge and confusion in the Mito Domain after the Tenguto no Ran until the 'battle of Kodokan school' are detained in "Oboegaki Bakumatsu no Mito Han" (Memorandum - The Mito Domain during the end of Edo period).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide an outboard motor to improve silence by reducing gears arranged on a motive power transmission system from a driving source to a propeller. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 14件
The Ogura Incident was a dispute over succession of the imperial throne in which Emperor Reigen forced Ichinomiya (later Cloistered Imperial Prince Saishin), his oldest son, to become a Buddhist priest in 1681, and purged the greater imperial household of the Ogura family, Ichinomiya's maternal relatives.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a sheet feeder that is silent even at a high-speed feed of a recording sheet by not only preventing collision noise when a leading edge of the recording sheet butts against a sheet guide plate but also preventing collision noise when a trailing edge passes through sheet feed rollers. - 特許庁
When the level of the environmental sound is lower than or equal with the threshold, an environment in which the digital camera is located is judged as an environment in which quietness is demanded, and the output volume level is set to a reduced volume level lower than the reference volume level (step ST48). - 特許庁
To provide a negative pressure type booster having good responsiveness at sudden operation and performing silent operation during normal operation, capable of providing an air purifying function anytime and avoiding contamination due to air of a structural member existing at a portion from a purifying filter to a pressure changing chamber. - 特許庁
As the Empress was single and had no successor, and because there was no imperial family members who were descendants of Emperor Tenmu due to the repeated purges in political changes, FUJIWARA no Nagate, Minister of the Left, KIBI no Makibi, Minister of the Right, FUJIWARA no Sukunamaro, Sangi (councilor), FUJIWARA no Tadamaro, Sangi, ISONOKAMI no Yakatsugu, Sangi, FUJIWARA no Kurajimaro, Division of Inner Palace Guard, and others had talks, which led to his accession to the imperial throne at the age of 62.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
As for your question about the prospect for the procedure to begin after the weekend, the fact is that it was this morning that the Incubator Bank of Japan held a Board of Directors meeting, made the decision that has been described, and filed a report to the FSA. I have been informed that the bank's staff reported to work this morning and there has been no significant confusion thus far. As Japan boasts the world's most developed financial institution failure legislation, I am hoping that the operation will proceed in a tranquil fashion and that is what I mean by my request to act calmly. Just before I came here, I received a report from the field, indicating that their operation is underway in a highly tranquil fashion.発音を聞く - 金融庁
こうした急速な回復の要因としては、大震災直後の自粛ムードが早期に和らいだこと、産業界で節電や電力使用平準化の取組が浸透したこと、サプライチェーンの寸断による供給難から回復した自動車の生産・出荷が伸びたこと、7 月末の住宅エコポイント終了や地上デジタル放送完全移行を受けた駆け込み需要が生じたこと、さらには、復興需要や、家庭での節電意識の高まりを背景とした、省エネルギー製品への買い換え需要の拡大等が挙げられる。例文帳に追加
Such quick recovery is attributable to several factors: including the rapid abatement of the mood of self-restraint immediately after the great earthquake, pervasive efforts in industry to save electricity and level power demand, growth in production and shipments in the automobile industry following its recovery from supply difficulties caused by disruption to supply chains, the spike in demand ahead of termination of the Home Eco Point Program at the end of July and Japan’s complete shift to digital terrestrial broadcasting, and the effects of reconstruction demand and replacement demand for energy-saving products prompted by increased energy awareness in the home.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
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