





該当件数 : 94



How then do the characteristics of enterprises that are satisfied and not satisfied of the need differ? - 経済産業省


The reading of the card persuaded me that he was dead and I was disturbed to find myself at check.発音を聞く  - James Joyce『姉妹』


If the Registrar is not satisfied with any representation of a mark he may at any time require another representation satisfactory to him to be substituted before proceedings with the application. - 特許庁


But Matsui said, "I have never been distressed. At the beginning of the season, I soon realized that it would be difficult to play the same as I did in Japan. I'm not satisfied, but I admit that this is my ability right now."発音を聞く  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


Notwithstanding the 1st paragraph of this Article , the Minister shall not terminate the authorization if he is satisfied that the need for adequate protection of the legitimate interests of the Government agency or third person designated by him justifies the maintenance of the decision.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

登録官は,第49条 (2)に基づいて,申請書及び添付書類が法及び規則の関係規定及び第49条 (1) (b) (i)から(iv)までに規定される事項を遵守していることに納得するときは,その旨納得する商品又はサービスについて登録使用者として登録を受けようとする者を登録しなければならない例文帳に追加

The Registrar under sub-section (2) of section 49, shall, if satisfied that the application and the accompanying documents comply with the relevant provisions of the Act and the rules, and the matters specified in sub-clause (i) to (iv) of clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 49, register the proposed registered user in respect of the goods or services as to which he is so satisfied. - 特許庁


Provided that this sub-section shall not apply if the plaintiff is not a party to the contract and proves to the satisfaction of the court that the restrictive condition was inserted in the contract without his knowledge and consent, express or implied. - 特許庁

状況的認知についてのこれからの研究は, 明示的な知識と暗黙的な理解との間の関係について, 納得の行く説明を作り上げるよう試みなければならない.例文帳に追加

Future work into situated cognition must try to frame a convincing account of the relationship between explicit knowledge and implicit understanding.発音を聞く  - コンピューター用語辞典


(4) A Court may not make an order under subsection (3)(a) if it is satisfied that the Government or any statutory authority is required or permitted under any other law to retain control of the seized goods. - 特許庁


Concerning his retirement after 15 years of sumo, Takanohana said with emotion, "I didn't think I would become a yokozuna when I entered the sumo world. I have no regrets at all. I'm totally satisfied with my decision."発音を聞く  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


(The Ability of the Elderly to Work)Looking at perceived expectations for roles of the currently-employed elderly, although many of theelderly perceive themselves as expected to utilize the skills they have cultivated in society over the years,such as provision of leadership and advice to younger employees, provision of specialized knowledge andexpertise, and frontline work utilizing experience and personal networks. - 厚生労働省


The court shall not make an order under subsection (1) permitting the removal of a registered trade mark from any goods, material or articles to which it has been unlawfully applied unless the owner of the registered trade mark consents to the order or, in the absence of such consent, unless the court is satisfied--発音を聞く  - 特許庁


(3) Where the Patent Registration Office is satisfied that the failure by the applicant to comply with the requirements of subsection 78O(1) was unintentional, the Patent Registration Office shall reinstate the rights of the applicant with respect to the international application. - 特許庁


We will improve the quality of inspection and conduct priority-driven inspection, which means that rather than concentrating on trivial issues, we will focus on important matters so that our inspections can give a sense of satisfaction to financial institutions and encourage them to make voluntary improvement.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Now, many of these limitations may be substantial, but calling attention to them in this way does little to advance the cause of Creationism (except among those who are already persuaded or who do not attend to the logical deficiencies of the basic argument).発音を聞く  - Ian Johnston『科学のカリキュラムで創造説?』


Where the applicant fails to satisfy the Controller that the requirements for registration have been met, or to amend the application so as to meet them, or fails to respond before the end of the period specified by the Controller under paragraph (1), the Controller shall refuse to accept the application.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


Assent degree evaluation data showing an understanding level to answer contents from the answerer are inputted to a PC from the consulter, and are transmitted to a consultation/mediation server 10. - 特許庁


Copies of all documents referred to in the notice of opposition or in any statement or evidence filed in connection with the opposition and authenticated to the satisfaction of the Controller, shall be simultaneously furnished in duplicate unless the Controller otherwise directs.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


However positive any one's persuasion may be, not only of the falsity but of the pernicious consequencesnot only of the pernicious consequences, but (to adopt expressions which I altogether condemn) the immorality and impiety of an opinion; yet if, in pursuance of that private judgment, though backed by the public judgment of his country or his cotemporaries, he prevents the opinion from being heard in its defence, he assumes infallibility.発音を聞く  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


Provided that this sub-section shall not apply when the Registrar is satisfied that compliance therewith would involve undue complexity and that the addition or antedating, as the case may be, would not affect any substantial quantity of goods or services and would not substantially prejudice the rights of any person.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


and however surprising this fact may appear, it has its explanation in the common ideas and customs of the world, which teaching women to think marriage the one thing needful, make it intelligible that many a woman should prefer being one of several wives, to not being a wife at all.発音を聞く  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


Creation Scientists who spend so much time pointing out problems with Darwinian theory sometimes seem to assume that if a scientific theory cannot explain everything to everyone's satisfaction, if some of the predictions of the theory are questionable, if anomalies exist, then the total theory must be incorrect.発音を聞く  - Ian Johnston『科学のカリキュラムで創造説?』

第6条 完全明細書が自己の納得するように補正されない限りは特許付与を拒絶する第22条の規定に基づく局長の権限は,本法の施行前に受理された何れの完全明細書に対しても行使することができないものとする。例文帳に追加

6. The power of the Commissioner under section 22 of this Act to refuse the grant of a patent unless the complete specification is amended to his satisfaction shall not be exercisable in relation to any complete specification which was accepted before the commencement of this Act. - 特許庁


If, upon consideration of the statements, the Registrar is not satisfied that a case for an order under section 34 of the Ordinance has been made out, he shall notify the applicant accordingly and, unless within 1 month the applicant requests to be heard in the matter, the Registrar shall refuse the application.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


They were essentially a negative discussion of the great questions of philosophy and life, directed with consummate skill to the purpose of convincing any one who had merely adopted the commonplaces of received opinion, that he did not understand the subject—that he as yet attached no definite meaning to the doctrines he professed;発音を聞く  - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


Suitable compensation in terms of salary was recognized as the most prominent reason for departures, not only by enterprises, but also by key persons and key person candidates themselves. Another major reason is believed to be whether or not the work content and opportunities match the employee's desires. - 経済産業省


As third parties, we intend to select individuals with specialized knowledge, experts, individuals who would be satisfactory to the general public and specialists who would be convincing to professionals in the financial sector. It would be extremely impolite to would-be members for me to make any comments before creating the third-party inspection committee; with this in mind, we will establish the third-party inspection committee in an appropriate manner.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


One story has a different explanation as follows: originally, his uncle Nobukado TAKEDA was to be the successor, but that would be unacceptable for Katsuyori, and so Shingen and Nobukado discussed and decided that Nobukado would adopt Katsuyori's son Nobukatsu TAKEDA and move Katsuyori to Tsutsujigasaki-yakata (Tsutsujigasaki Mansion), and when Shingen died of illness, Nobukatsu succeeded him.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

法律第114条(4)に関して,請求は,次の通りでなければならない。 (a)承認様式で作成すること,及び (b)次についての納得することができる証拠を添付すること (i)意匠における権利の譲渡,又は (ii)遺言又は法の作用による承継による意匠における当該人の権利例文帳に追加

For subsection 114(4) of the Act, the request must: (a) be made in the approved form; and (b) be accompanied by satisfactory evidence of: (i) the assignment of the interest in the design; or (ii) the person's interest in the design by devolution by will or by operation of law.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

(1) (a)から(h)までに規定される理由の何れかが確定されたが,それが特許を限定範囲でのみ失効させるものであった旨裁判所が決定する場合において,所定の期間内に明細書が第102条に基づき裁判所の納得するように補正されないときは,特許は取り消されるべきとする命令例文帳に追加

where the court determines that one of the grounds mentioned in subsection (1) (a) to (h) has been established, but only so as to invalidate the patent to a limited extent, an order that the patent should be revoked unless within a specified time the specification is amended under section 102 to the satisfaction of the court.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


The Registrar shall not withdraw any direction given under this section, nor shall he give leave for any person to inspect any relevant document to which a direction which has not been withdrawn relates, without prior consultation with the person at whose request the direction was given, unless the Registrar is satisfied that such prior consultation is not reasonably practicable.発音を聞く  - 特許庁

(1)第15条(1)に拘らず,商標が登録される前に,登録官が, (a)商標登録出願が審査の過程の誤り又は脱漏により認容されたこと,又は (b)特別の事情により,商標を登録すべきでないこと, に納得した場合は,登録官は,出願の認容を取り消すことができる。例文帳に追加

(1) Notwithstanding section 15(1), if, before a trade mark is registered, the Registrar is satisfied- (a) that the application for registration of the trade mark was accepted because of an error or omission in the course of the examination; or (b) that, in the special circumstances of the case, the trade mark should not be registered, the Registrar may revoke the acceptance of the application. - 特許庁

(5) 第17条(2D)(b)にいう第17条(2B)に基づく請求を認めるための条件が満たされていない場合は,登録官は,次の場合を除き,当該請求を拒絶する所存である旨を出願人に通知する。 (a) 当該通知の日から2月以内に,出願人が,第17条(2A)(a)にいう期間内に問題の出願をしなかったことは, (i) 事情に応じた当然の注意を払ったにも拘らず生じたことであり,又は (ii) 意図的ではなかったことである, ことについて登録官を納得させるよう意見を述べ又は証拠を提出し,かつ (b) 登録官が当該意見又は証拠に基づいて前記のことについて納得する場合例文帳に追加

(5) Where the condition referred to in section 17(2D)(b) for granting a request under section 17(2B) has not been satisfied, the Registrar shall notify the applicant that the Registrar intends to refuse the request unless -- (a) observations are made or evidence is filed, within 2 months from the date of the notification, to satisfy the Registrar that the applicant’s failure to file the application in suit within the period referred to in section 17(2A)(a) -- (i) occurred in spite of due care required by the circumstances having been taken; or (ii) was unintentional; and (b) the Registrar is so satisfied on the observations made or evidence filed. - 特許庁


Provided that an appeal may be admitted after the expiry of the period specified therefor, if the appellant satisfies the Appellate Board that he had sufficient cause for not preferring the appeal within the specified period.発音を聞く  - 特許庁


To provide a system for consultation about merchandise that can promote merchandise sales by enabling a customer to easily consult with a third person about the content of an interesting item of merchandise found in an EC site and enabling the customer to purchase the item of merchandise with satisfaction. - 特許庁


To reconstitute a program advertisement by allowing a user to view advertisements regardless of preference as a principle, in consumption of a content, and to persuade the user to view the advertisement by giving a satisfactory selection means to the user. - 特許庁


I think that you are right, Socrates; how then shall we proceed? Let us consider the matter together, and do you either refute me if you can, and I will be convinced; or else cease, my dear friend, from repeating to me that I ought to escape against the wishes of the Athenians: for I highly value your attempts to persuade me to do so, but I may not be persuaded against my own better judgment.発音を聞く  - Plato『クリトン』

(1) 何らかの商品又はサービスについて商標の登録出願がなされた場合において, (a) 一般法人の設立が予定されていること及び登録出願人が当該商標を対象の商品若しくはサービスについてその一般法人に使用させるためにその一般法人に譲渡しようとしていることに登録官が納得するか,又は (b) 当該商標の登録使用者としてある者の登録が申請されており,かつ,登録官が,対象の商品又はサービスについて当該商標をその者によって使用させるべきことを商標所有者が意図していることに納得し,また商標登録後直ちにその者が登録使用者として登録されるであろうことに納得する場合は, 当該出願は,出願人がその商標を使用していないこと又は使用する予定がないと考えられることを理由として拒絶されることも,登録許可が留保されることもない。[法律A881による改正]例文帳に追加

(1) An application for the registration of a trade mark in respect of any goods or services shall not be refused nor shall permission for such registration be withheld on the ground that it appears that the applicant does not use or propose to use the trade mark . (a) if the Registrar is satisfied that a body corporate is about to be constituted and that the applicant intends to assign the trade mark to the corporation with a view to the use thereof in relation to those goods by the corporation; or (b) if an application has been made for the registration of a person as a registered user of the trade mark, and the Registrar is satisfied that the proprietor intends it to be used by that person in relation to those goods or services and the Registrar is also satisfied that that person will be registered as a registered user thereof immediately after registration of the trade mark. [Am. Act A881] - 特許庁


In handling Consultation Requests, Complaints, etc., does the financial institution regard them as a nascent form of dispute-settlement issue, rather than merely as a matter to be processed, and aim as much as possible to provide solutions by obtaining the understanding and satisfaction of the Customer in a manner suited to the details of the requests and complaints?発音を聞く  - 金融庁


To solve the problem that disadvantages may be imposed on a player or a state not reasonably accepted by the player can occur because a Pachinko machine employing a constitution of backing up only information on the state of the game immediately before the power shutoff cannot be adapted to specifications of Pachinko machines increasingly complicated in the future. - 特許庁


Whether the Financial Instruments Business Operator goes beyond perceiving the handling of complaints, etc. as a simple problem of processing procedures, and instead regards it as a question of a control environment for providing after-the-fact explanations and aims to resolve a complaint, etc. with the understanding and agreement of the customer wherever possible while suitably interviewing customers on the circumstances according to the nature of the complaint, etc.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Also regarding sake brewing, it was sometimes permitted as an exception even in the restriction period nationwide if it was for the purpose of industrial development in the domain, reconstruction of the economy or for planning to improve or expand the brewing industry based on the reasons accepted by the bakufu as in the Akita Domain and the Aizu Domain.発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In the event of employees signing the request on behalf of their employer who files an application, the authority to sign shall be proved to the satisfaction of the office; reference shall be made to any employee's authority to sign, deposited with the German Patent and Trade Mark Office, indicating the identification number communicated for this purpose.発音を聞く  - 特許庁



In the event of employees signing the request on behalf of their employer who files an application, the authority to sign shall be proved to the satisfaction of the office; reference shall be made to any employee's authority to sign, deposited with the German Patent and Trade Mark Office, indicating the identification number communicated for this purpose.発音を聞く  - 特許庁






I do not seem to understand it






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