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英訳・英語 urban emergency contingency; urban disaster planning; urban disaster prevention
該当件数 : 13件
Matters That Should Be Stipulated in City Plans for Disaster Prevention Block Improvement Zone Plans Etc.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
4 密集市街地整備法第三十条に規定する防災都市施設に係る都市施設、都市再生特別措置法第五十一条第一項の規定により決定又は変更をする都市計画に係る都市施設、都市鉄道等利便増進法(平成十七年法律第四十一号)第十九条の規定により付議して定める都市計画に係る都市施設及び流通業務団地について都市計画に定めるべき事項は、この法律に定めるもののほか、別に法律で定める。例文帳に追加
(4) In addition to matters stipulated in this Act, matters concerning urban facilities pertaining to urban disaster prevention provided for in Article 30 of the Concentrated Urban Areas Development Act, urban facilities pertaining to resolutions of or changes to city plans pursuant to paragraph (1), Article 51 of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Urban Renaissance and urban facilities and distribution business parks pertaining to city plans established upon additional discussion pursuant to the provisions of Article 19 of the Urban Railway Promotion Act (Act No. 41 of 2005) that should be stipulated in city plans shall be stipulated separately by an Act.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
Moreover, in order to enhance the resilience of the LAC region, Japan will contribute to initiatives such as Disaster Prevention, Sustainable Energy and Climate Change (SECCI), and Sustainable Cities.発音を聞く - 財務省
4 都市再生特別地区、特定防災街区整備地区、景観地区及び緑化地域について都市計画に定めるべき事項は、前項第一号及び第三号に掲げるもののほか、別に法律で定める。例文帳に追加
(4) In addition to matters provided for in items (i) and (iii) of the preceding paragraph, matters that should be stipulated in city plans concerning special urban renaissance districts, specified disaster prevention block improvement zones, landscape zones and green space conservation districts shall be stipulated separately by an Act.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
六 市街地開発事業(政令で定める小規模な土地区画整理事業、市街地再開発事業、住宅街区整備事業及び防災街区整備事業を除く。)に関する都市計画例文帳に追加
(vi) City plans concerning urban development projects (excluding small-scale land readjustment projects stipulated by Cabinet Order, urban redevelopment projects, residential block improvement projects and disaster block improvement projects);発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
I hope that with this in mind the IDB will contribute to the enhancement of the resilience of the LAC region by addressing development challenges, including provision of international public goods and reduction of income disparity, through initiatives such as disaster risk management, climate change and sustainable cities.発音を聞く - 財務省
Japan is capable of making, positive contributions to the Platform with its technologies and experience in related fields, including disaster prevention, urban transportation, water supply and sewerage, and renewable energy.発音を聞く - 財務省
単語を確認! -
増える! -
学習機能付き! -
該当件数 : 13件
Following the Hyogo Framework for Action adopted by 168 countries at the World Conference on Disaster Reduction in Kobe in 2005, Japan will support to underscore the economic rationale of investments for disaster prevention, by evaluating the amount of social and economic damages that the major cities will suffer, if struck by disasters.発音を聞く - 財務省
第十二条の十三 防災街区整備地区計画、歴史的風致維持向上地区計画、沿道地区計画及び集落地区計画について都市計画に定めるべき事項は、第十二条の四第二項に定めるもののほか、別に法律で定める。例文帳に追加
Article 12-13 Matters, in addition to the provisions item (ii), paragraph (4), Article 10 that should be stipulated in city plans for disaster prevention block improvement zone plans, historic scenery maintenance and improvement district plans, roadside district plans and rural district plans shall be stipulated separately by an Act.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
Given the population concentration along with urbanization and the increasing habitation in disaster-prone areas in developing countries, and progressive climate change on the back of the world economic expansion, we can say that disaster prevention has grown more important as an indispensable factor for achieving sustainable development and human security.発音を聞く - 財務省
4 都市再開発方針等、第八条第一項第四号の二、第五号の二、第六号、第八号及び第十号から第十六号までに掲げる地域地区、促進区域、被災市街地復興推進地域、流通業務団地、市街地開発事業、市街地開発事業等予定区域(第十二条の二第一項第四号及び第五号に掲げるものを除く。)、防災街区整備地区計画、歴史的風致維持向上地区計画、沿道地区計画並びに集落地区計画に関する都市計画の策定に関し必要な基準は、前三項に定めるもののほか、別に法律で定める。例文帳に追加
(4) In addition to matters stipulated in the preceding three items, standards required to formulate city plans concerning the urban redevelopment policy and other policies, districts and zones listed in item (iv)-2, item (v)-2, item (vi), item (viii) and items (x) through (xvi), paragraph (1), Article 8, project promotion areas, urban disaster recovery promotion areas, distribution business parks, urban development projects, scheduled areas for urban development projects etc. (excluding areas listed in items (iv) and (v), paragraph (1), Article 12-2), disaster prevention block improvement zone plans, historic scenery maintenance and improvement district plans, roadside district plans, and rural district plans shall be stipulated separately by an Act.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
In Thailand, I explained Japanese companies' ability to contribute to the improvement of Thai infrastructures in such fields as earth-observing satellites, high-speed trains, urban railways, digital terrestrial broadcasting and disaster prevention information systems, in light of the fact that Japan submitted a list of infrastructure projects in which it is interested at the Mekong-Japan Summit Meeting, held on April 21, as a national initiative to promote infrastructure exports.発音を聞く - 金融庁
An evaluation client 12 applying to a gas power plant, which also works to prevent fire in usual, for gas supply piping access a simple evaluation system 15 opened to public on the Internet 14, and receives simple evaluation about earthquake resistance of the supply pipe line 17 for supplying the town gas to cogeneration equipment 11 of a customer 10. - 特許庁
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