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英訳・英語 coordination sphere
該当件数 : 11件
The fluorescent substance is constituted so as to have an activation element, a divalent anion present at a first coordination area of the activation element, a cation in which 50 mol% or more is trivalent present at a second coordination area of the activation element, and a divalent anion and a trivalent anion coexisting at a third coordination area of the activation element. - 特許庁
Position information and communication environment information are gathered from respective mobile terminals present within a content distribution zone, and a plurality of areas in which the content distribution zone is sectioned according to the communication environment state of the mobile terminals are generated. - 特許庁
Even in nations that do not use Chinese characters, there are cases where a monarch who reigns over several regions or nations is superior to a king who reigns over only one region or one nation.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
To provide a mobile device location management apparatus for quickly delivering information to a mobile device such as a mobile telephone existing in a specified location registration area when an emergency arises, for example, a natural hazard occurs. - 特許庁
In the case of call distribution, an in-area network tracks the location of a roaming user and an in-area location register VLR reports the position information to a home location register HLR of a home network via a control network. - 特許庁
As a result, a frame 41 is received by the ECU. - 特許庁
The mobile terminal 20 is provided with an article input means for inputting a device article code, and assigns the reference position of arrival domain range in POI search for transmitting a search request to this information distribution server. - 特許庁
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該当件数 : 11件
When a mobile terminal 30 is wirelessly connected for the first time to a radio base station located in an assigned paging area, the mobile terminal 30 is position-registered in a fixed manner as a terminal under control by a paging controller 1. - 特許庁
To determine a mobile station under a particular position in real-time by means of a prior-art mobile management function when determining a mobile station in a service area using a geographical position as a reference in determination of the location of the mobile station not in communication. - 特許庁
Anions (such as sulfate ions, hydrogensulfate ions or the like) in the electrolyte are not restrained in the coordination circle of generated aqueous complexes, so that these anions do not disturb the condensation of these complexes required for obtaining an additional capacitance extensively over a potential range. - 特許庁
To provide a radio communication system that utilizes effectively frequencies without the need for much precision for position control of a flying body and to provide a synchronization multi-carrier and multi-beam transmitter that uses a multi-beam antenna array. - 特許庁
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