





該当件数 : 14



It has been one year and seven months since the Great East Japan Earthquake struck in March of last year. Japan has been working hard and step towards reconstruction of the affected area have been taken. - 厚生労働省

また、平成23 年度1 次補正予算により、震災により直接・間接に被害を受けた中小企業者に対す資金繰り対策として、保証限度額を過去最大規模に拡充した「東日本大震災復興緊急保証」や、従来以上に長期かつ低利の日本公庫等による「東日本大震災復興特別貸付」を創設した。例文帳に追加

To provide financial assistance to SMEs that have been directly or indirectly affected by the earthquake and ensuing disasters, Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery Emergency Guarantees (which raised the maximum value of loans that can be guaranteed to a record high) and the Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery Special Loan (under which loans are provided by JFC and other institutions for longer periods and at lower interest rates than in the past) were established under the first fiscal 2011 supplementary budget.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


Nearly one year has passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake struck. This year is important as the first year for the reconstruction from the devastating disaster, so both the public and private sectors jointly have to do their utmost to steadily carry forward full-fledged reconstruction in the affected areas.発音を聞く  - 金融庁


One year has passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake struck. This year is important as the first year for the reconstruction from the devastating disaster, so both the public and private sectors jointly have to do their utmost to steadily carry forward full-fledged reconstruction in the affected areas.発音を聞く  - 金融庁

東日本大震災に係る被災地域の復旧及び復興を促進するため、① 複数の中小企業等から構成されるグループが復興事業計画を作成し、地域経済や雇用維持に重要な役割を果たすものとして県から認定を受けた場合に、計画実施に必要な施設・設備の復旧にかかる費用に対して、国が1/2、県が1/4を補助例文帳に追加

In order to promote the restoration and reconstruction of areas devastated by the Great East Japan Earthquake, support will be provided for the restoration, development, and repair of facilities operated by groups of SMEs, business cooperatives, and other organizations affected by the disaster through provision of the following subsidies (Continuation): (1) Subsidization by central government (one half) and prefectural governments (one quarter) of the cost of restoration of facilities and equipment required for implementation of restoration work planned by groups of SMEs, etc. and approved by their prefectures as making an important contribution to their regional economies and maintenance of employment発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


In order to cover these expenses, the supplementary budget will reduce Great East Japan Earthquake restoration and reconstruction reserves by 234.3 billion yen and book 74.8 billion yen in non-tax revenues and 11.9 billion yen in carried-over surplus from the previous fiscal year.発音を聞く  - 財務省


Loans will be provided by SMRJ in cooperation with the prefectures to provide funds needed for the repair and development of facilities and equipment required for the implementation by SMEs affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake of prefecturally-approved restoration plans. (Continuation) (See p. 190.)発音を聞く  - 経済産業省

まず、信用保証については、東日本大震災復興緊急保証を平成24 年度においても継続実施するとともに、セーフティネット保証5 号についても、平成24 年度上半期については対象業種を原則全業種(82 業種)とする措置を継続することとしている。例文帳に追加

Regarding firstly credit guarantees, Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery Emergency Guarantees will continue to be provided in fiscal 2012, and the expansion of eligibility for Safety-net Guarantee No. 5 to cover basically all 82 categories of industry will be maintained in the first half of fiscal 2012.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


In some factories, the impact of this earthquake disaster is so big that the situation must be watched closely, but if we look around the whole economy of Japan, we can find positive and steady movement for reconstruction, such as reinforced power supply to the electric company by the blast furnace companies, the surges in demand for electric wire for houses. - 経済産業省

第9 表により、2012年の勤労者世帯の消費支出をみると、前年の東日本大震災への復興需要等や住宅エコポイント制度の反動があった住居等で減少したものの、新たなエコカー補助金制度やインターネット・携帯電話(スマートフォンを含む)の普及等により交通・通信等が伸びて消費支出は名目、実質ともに前年比1.6%の増加となり、2 年ぶりに増加した。例文帳に追加

Looking at the consumer expenditure of workers' households in 2012 according to Table 9, the consumerexpenditure of workers' households in 2012 decreased in the fields of housing, etc. due to the influence of thereconstruction demand of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the eco-point system for housing in the previousyear; however, consumer expenditure increased in the fields of transportation, communication, etc. due to the neweco-car subsidy program and popularization of the Internet and mobile phones (including smart phones). - 厚生労働省

さらに、「東日本大震災復興特別貸付」及び2 次補正予算で拡充された日本公庫等の「再挑戦支援資金」により借入を行う中小企業者のうち、地震・津波により事業所等が全壊・流失した者や、原発事故に係る警戒区域・計画的避難区域・緊急時避難準備区域の公示の際に当該区域に事業所を有していた者に対して、県の財団法人等を通じ、実質無利子化する措置も創設した。例文帳に追加

To assist SMEs that had received Great East Japan Earthquake Recovery Special Loans or Subsidies to Support Re-Challenges provided by JFC and other institutions (the latter of which had been expanded under the second supplementary budget), arrangements were also put in place for implementation by prefectural-level foundations and similar institutions to effectively eliminate the burden of interest payments on these loans for borrowers with business establishments or similar assets that had been completely destroyed or swept away by the earthquake or tsunami, and for borrowers with establishments in restricted areas, deliberate evacuation areas, or evacuation-prepared areas in case of emergency when these areas were imposed following the nuclear accident in Fukushima.発音を聞く  - 経済産業省



From what I hear from various people, including the FSA staff and officials of financial institutions, I think that such expectations are reasonable, as attention is focusing on the size of the third supplementary budget. While a conclusion will be reached on matters like that soon, for my part, I hope that financial institutions in the Tohoku region will make full use of the Revised Act on Special Measures for Strengthening Financial Functions, which has been enacted as an extraordinary measure to deal with the impact of the earthquake, as I have repeatedly mentioned. This Act is intended to strengthen regional financial intermediary functions and reassure depositors, so we are considering measures that will promote quick restoration and reconstruction, and will help to ensure the safety of financial institutions and borrowing SMEs and give them reassurance.発音を聞く  - 金融庁






Earthquake disaster revival lottery









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