





該当件数 : 126


(概要)IMFは、2010 4 14 日に「World Economic Outlook, April 2010」を公表した。例文帳に追加

(Summary)The IMF made public the World Economic Outlook for April 2010 on April 14, 2010. - 経済産業省


Final Proposalmade in April 2010 - 厚生労働省


Friday, April 27, 2010発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Friday, April 30, 2010発音を聞く  - 金融庁


Length of term and number of terms: From April 30, 2006 to April 29, 2010 in the first term発音を聞く  - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

2010 3 、6 、10 、12 、2011 2 、3 と、これまで(2011 4 現在)に6回の正式な交渉会合が重ねられ、着実な進展を見せている。例文帳に追加

So far (as of April 2011), six formal rounds of TPP negotiations have been held, first in March 2010, followed by those in June 2010, October 2010, December 2010, February 2011, and March 2011, making steady progress. - 経済産業省


Act XLVIII of 2001 as consolidated on April 1, 2010発音を聞く  - 特許庁


That was established by him in April 2010.発音を聞く  - Weblio Email例文集


Launch of the "Promotion Council for Response to Public Comments" (Since April 2010) - 厚生労働省

2010830日()9:30~ 於:三田共用会議所第4特別会議室例文帳に追加

from 9:30 a.m. on Monday, August 30, 2010 at the Specil Conference Room No. 4, Mita Kaigisho - 厚生労働省

20か国財務大臣・中央銀行総裁会議(2010 423 日 於ワシントンD.C.)例文帳に追加

G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, April 23, 2010, Washington D.C.) - 経済産業省


Positioning of hepatitis function disorders in physical disorders (since April 1, 2010) - 厚生労働省


Act XXXIII of 1995 as consolidated on April 1 - 特許庁

この結果、ペルー(2009 4 )、アルゼンチン(同8 )、チリ(同9 )、ベネズエラ(同10 )、エクアドル(2010 3 )、コスタリカ(2010 5 )が本方式の採用を決定し、現在、本方式採用国は、中南米7 か国となっている。例文帳に追加

As a result, Peru (April 2009) and Argentina (August 2006), Chile (September 2005), Venezuela (October 2002), Ecuador (March 2010), Costa Rica (May 2010) decided to adopt the currently proposed system, currently 7 Latin American countries have adopted the system. - 経済産業省

1995のWTO発足以来、WTO紛争解決手続が用いられた案件は405 件(2010 4 末現在)に上っている。例文帳に追加

Since the WTO's inception in 1995, WTO's dispute settlement cases were up to 405 cases (as of late April 2010). - 経済産業省

(概要)2010 4 13 日に公表した「Asian Development Outlook 2010」において、「為替レート政策と流動性コントロール」との項目を立て、次のように述べている。例文帳に追加

(Summary)In the Asian Development Outlook 2010 made public on April 13, 2010, there is a category entitled, "Exchange rate policies and control of liquidity" which states the following. - 経済産業省

2010 1 4 日ロイター通信「中国、外貨準備を原油などに投資すべき=人民銀行高官」)例文帳に追加

(Reuters, January 4, 2010 "China should invest foreign reserves in oil and other resources ? ranking official of the People's Bank of China") - 経済産業省

我々、APEC域内の関税局長・長官は、 201091 4日に東京において、会合を持った。例文帳に追加

We, the Directors-General/Commissioners of the Customs administrations in the APEC region, met in Tokyo, Japan on 14 September 2010. - 財務省


System: System is implemented at the four Family Mart locations in Tokorozawa (as of the end of February 2010)発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


In addition, ADB began the sales ofWater Bondto Japanese private and corporate investors in April 2010. - 経済産業省


Formulation of theOrganizational Goals of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare” and the “Organizational Goals of the Bureaus” (April 20, 2010) - 厚生労働省


The effective date is April 1st, 2010, for arbitration provisions in 4, and September 30th, 2009, for the other provisions in 4. - 厚生労働省

2010 には、3 8 日、6 14 日、11 4 日の3 回にわたり、WTO、OECD、UNCTAD の3 機関が共同でG20 各国の貿易及び投資措置を報告した。例文帳に追加

In 2010, the thre institutions of the WTO, OECD and UNCTAD jointly reported about trade and investment measures in each G20 country three times of Nov. 4, Jun. 14 and Mar. 8. - 経済産業省

これを受け、2010 5 から日中韓FTA 産官学共同研究が開催されており、2011 4 までに4 回を数えている。例文帳に追加

The first joint study meeting on the FTA, involving the three countriesgovernment officials and experts from industrial and academic sectors, was held in May 2010. By April 2011 this meeting had been held four times in total. - 経済産業省


According to the IMF, due to the improved global economic outlook, the increased amount of non-performing assets throughout 2010 as of April 2010 has decreased when compared to October 2009 (Figure 1-1-1-24). - 経済産業省

これまで、メルコスールは、2002 4 にメキシコとの間にFTA 枠組協定に署名し、2005 4 にアンデス共同体*21 との間にFTA を発効させ、2010 3 にイスラエルとの間にもFTA を発効させてきた。例文帳に追加

Until now, MERCOSUR signed the FTA framework agreement with Mexico in April 2002; the FTA with Andean Community*21 came into effect in April 2005; and FTA with Israel came into effect in March 2010. Also MERCOSUR signed FTA with Egypt in August 2010 and the negotiation is ongoing with EU and Gulf Corporation Council (GCC). - 経済産業省

しかし2011 4 7 日の世界貿易機関(WTO)の報告によれば、世界貿易は2010 に14.5%増加し、2011 も6.5%増の見込みである。例文帳に追加

However, according to the report from WTO on April 7, 2011, the world trade increased 14.5% in 2010 and it is estimated to increase 6.5% in 2011. - 経済産業省

しかし、2011 4 7 日の世界貿易機関(WTO)の報告によれば、世界貿易は2010 に14.5% 増加し、2011 も6.5% 増の見込みである。例文帳に追加

However, according to the report of World Trade Organization (WTO) on Apr. 7, 2011, the global trade increased by 14.5% in 2010, and be forecasted to increase by 6.5% in 2011. - 経済産業省


While the labor participation rate was decreasing, the unemployment rate also had a tendency to decrease from the end of 2010, but the unemployment rate in April 2011 increased by 9.0%. - 経済産業省

インドネシアでは2010 4 に「2010~14 国家中期開発計画」が公表され、「より高度な経済成長」、「失業率低下と雇用機会の拡大」、「貧困率の低下」など10 項目の戦略が挙げられた。例文帳に追加

Indonesia announced “The National Medium Term Development Plan 2010 to 2014” in April 2010 and presented strategies for 10 items includingHigher economic growth” “Improvement of unemployment ratio and expansion of employment opportunities” and “Reduction of poverty ratio”. - 経済産業省


While a retreat in investor risk preferences could be seen due to concerns with the finance problem in Greece in 2010, as of April 2010, the growth in carry trades had accelerated at such a rate that double the number of carry trades existed compared to before the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy. - 経済産業省

元々、シンガポール、NZ、チリ、ブルネイの4 か国の間で2006 に発効したP4 協定に、2008 に米国、豪州、ペルーが新たな交渉を行うことを宣言して加わり、2010 3 より更にベトナムを加えて、TPP協定交渉として開始された(マレーシアは2010 10の交渉より参加)。例文帳に追加

The original agreement between the P4 countries of Brunei, Chile, New Zealand and Singapore entered into force in 2006, and then in 2008 the U.S., Australia, and Peru announced that they would begin negotiations with the P4 countries, and joined them. Further, in March 2010, Vietnam joined them, and formal rounds of TPP negotiations started. (In October 2010, Malaysia joined the talks.) - 経済産業省

元々、シンガポール、NZ、チリ、ブルネイの 4 か国の間で 2006 に発効した P4 協定に、2008 に米国、豪州、ペルーが新たな交渉を行うことを発表して加わり、2010 3 より更にベトナムを加えて、TPP 協定交渉として開始された(マレーシアは 2010 10 の交渉より参加)。例文帳に追加

Negotiation toward TPP agreement originated from the P4 agreement, which became effective in 2006 between the four countries (Singapore, New Zealand, Chile and Brunei); in 2008, the U.S., Australia and Peru announced that they would join and newly initiate consultation; TPP agreement negotiation was initiated when Vietnam joined in March 2010 (Malaysia participated from the negotiation in October 2010). - 経済産業省


The draw for the first round of the 2010 FIFA World Cup took place in Cape Town, South Africa, on Dec. 4.発音を聞く  - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave


We welcome the recommendations of our Labour and Employment Ministers, who met in April 2010, on the employment impacts of the global economic crisis.発音を聞く  - 財務省

経済産業省「不公正貿易報告書を受けた経済産業省の取組方針」(20104 1 日公表)。例文帳に追加

By Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, "Policy initiatives under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's reports of unfair trade" (published on April 1, 2010). - 経済産業省

今回の景気後退局面における非農業部門雇用者数の減少数は、2010 4 時点で、約800 万人を超えている。例文帳に追加

As of April 2010, the fall in the number employed in non-agricultural work during the recession has exceeded 8 million. - 経済産業省


In April 2010, Japan requested the arbitration procedure to determine the amount for the countermeasures against the breach of the WTO recommendation (imposition of retaliatory tariffs on imports from the United States)発音を聞く  - 経済産業省


However, the U.S. still failed to implement the recommendation, and Japan initiated the arbitration procedures to determine the scope of countermeasures in April 2010. - 経済産業省

また、輸出は2009 にプラスに転じたが、輸入も拡大した(第1-2-3-2 図)。 2010 3 には、輸入が輸出を上回ったが、単の貿易収支が赤字となるのは2004 4 以来、約6 ぶりである。例文帳に追加

While exports increased, imports also took a favorable turn (see Figure 1-2-3-2), and exceeded exports in March 2010. It had been 6 years since the last time a trade deficit was recorded in a single month (April 2004 being the last time). - 経済産業省

一方、2010 4 に発表されたIMF推計によると、欧州金融機関において2007 9 以降2010 末までに発生する累計損失額は、英国・ユーロ圏・その他欧州55でそれぞれ約4,550億ドル、約6,650億ドル、約1,560 億ドルで、欧州諸国全体で約1 兆2,760 億ドルとなっている。例文帳に追加

Meanwhile, according to the IMF’s estimate released in April 2010, the accumulated loss of European financial institutions for the period from September 2007 to the end of 2010 would be about $455 billion in the U.K, about $665billion in the Eurozone, about $156 billion other areas in Europe and about $1,276 billion, in Europe as a whole. - 経済産業省


In May 2010, the IMF, the EU and some other international organizations agreed on extending financial aid to Greece. However, even after the agreement was reached, concerns rose in financial markets about the fiscal conditions of PIIGS, and financial aid was extended also to Ireland at the end of 2010, and Portugal in April 2011. - 経済産業省

20105に EU・IMF に支援要請を行ったギリシャ、同11に支援要請を行ったアイルランドに続き、20114にはポルトガルも支援要請を行った。例文帳に追加

Following Greece, which requested financial support to EU/IMF in May 2010 and Ireland in November, Portugal also requested the support in April 2011. - 経済産業省


インドにおける携帯電話加入件数の推移をみると、2006 11 に1億件を突破して以降、急速に加入件数を拡大させ、2010 3 には約4 億2,000 万件と、わずか3 強で4億件の大台に乗った(第1-2-4-17 図)。例文帳に追加

The trend of the number of mobile phone subscription shows that the number rapidly increased after exceeding 100 million in November 2006 and registered about 420 million in March 2010 reaching a 400 million-level only after 3 years and a few months (see Figure 1-2-4-17). - 経済産業省






April, 2010










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