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英訳・英語 chromosome 22
該当件数 : 11件
an abnormality of chromosome 22 in which part of chromosome 9 is transferred to it.発音を聞く - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版
the changed chromosome 22 with the fusion gene on it is called the philadelphia chromosome.発音を聞く - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版
the abl gene from chromosome 9 joins to the bcr gene on chromosome 22, to form the bcr-abl fusion gene.発音を聞く - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版
a gene formed when pieces of chromosomes 9 and 22 break off and trade places.発音を聞く - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版
tasigna blocks a protein called bcr/abl which is made in cml cells that contain the philadelphia chromosome (an abnormal chromosome 22 that has part of chromosome 9 attached).発音を聞く - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版
nilotinib blocks a protein called bcr/abl which is made in cml cells that contain the philadelphia chromosome (an abnormal chromosome 22 that has part of chromosome 9 attached).発音を聞く - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版
malignant rhabdoid tumors of the cns often have an abnormality of chromosome 22.発音を聞く - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版
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該当件数 : 11件
The invention relates to the non-human animal retaining fragments of chromosomes from human chromosome 2, human chromosome 14, or human chromosome 22 with not less than 1 Mb in base length and containing a specific polymorphism and a gene marker, expressing human gene in the non-human animal, and the invention relates to the method for preparing human antibodies by using the cells derived from the non-human animal. - 特許庁
inside the leukemia cells, the abl gene from chromosome 9 joins to the bcr gene on chromosome 22 to form the bcr-abl fusion gene, which makes the bcr-abl fusion protein.発音を聞く - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版
in most patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia (cml), the part of chromosome 9 with c-abl has broken off and traded places with part of chromosome 22 to form the bcr-abl fusion gene.発音を聞く - PDQ®がん用語辞書 英語版
A method of screening for compounds with activity against cancer, comprises: contacting a test compound with a tissue sample derived from a cell in which expression of the human endogenous retrovirus located at megabase 20.428 on chromosome 22 is up-regulated; and monitoring expression of the retrovirus in the sample, wherein a decrease in expression indicates anti-cancer efficacy of the test compound. - 特許庁
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