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Weblio英語表現辞典での「Been There, Done That」の意味

been there, done that

「Been There, Done That」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 20


He was fully clothed, though there were signs that his dressing had been done in a hurry.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

きちんとした服装をしていたが、急いで身繕いをしたような形跡があった。 - Arthur Conan Doyle『悪魔の足』

By that, Boeing means that there may also have been other problems, but that an accident could have been avoided if the crew had done their job correctly.例文帳に追加

その分析によって、ボーイング社は、他にも問題があったかもしれないが、乗務員が彼らの任務を正しくやっていれば、事故を回避することができただろうと、言いたいのである。 - Tatoeba例文

By that, Boeing means that there may also have been other problems, but that an accident could have been avoided if the crew had done their job correctly.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

その分析によって、ボーイング社は、他にも問題があったかもしれないが、乗務員が彼らの任務を正しくやっていれば、事故を回避することができただろうと、言いたいのである。 - Tanaka Corpus

Consequently, it is possible to surely confirm that the main controller 561 is removed by confirming the condition of the display 560 to make it possible to easily find out that there is the possibility that the fraudulent action has been done.例文帳に追加

よって、表示装置560の状態を確認することで主制御装置561が取り外されたことを確実に確認することができ、不正行為が行われた可能性があることを容易に発見できる。 - 特許庁

Thus, it is possible to inform that the main controller 561 is removed to make it possible to easily find out that there is the possibility that the fraudulent action has been done.例文帳に追加

よって、主制御装置561が取り外されたことを知らせることができ、不正行為が行われた可能性があることを容易に発見することができる。 - 特許庁

Article 955 If it has become evident that there is an heir, the juridical person of Article 951 shall be deemed not to have been formed; provided, however, that this shall not prevent the effect of acts done by an administrator of inherited property within the administrator's authority.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第九百五十五条 相続人のあることが明らかになったときは、第九百五十一条の法人は、成立しなかったものとみなす。ただし、相続財産の管理人がその権限内でした行為の効力を妨げない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


The integration is considered to have been done around August 742 since there are documents showing the name change from the complete Buddhist scriptures copying office of Fukuju-ji Temple to that of Konmyo-ji Temple.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

統合の時期であるが、福寿寺一切経写経所の名が金光明寺一切経写経所と改名されたことが分かる文献もあり、天平14年7月頃と推測されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

Wiktionary英語版での「Been There, Done That」の意味

been there, done that


Ellipsis for "I have been there and have done that".



    been there, done that

    1. (idiomatic, ironic) An assertion that the speaker has personal experience or knowledge of a particular place or topic and is not to keen on revisiting or redoing it again.
      No, I don't wanna go paragliding. Been there, done that. I found it awful.


    ウィキペディア英語版での「Been There, Done That」の意味

    Been There, Done That

    出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/02 20:08 UTC 版)

    "Been There, Done That" is a 1997 single by West Coast rapper and producer Dr. Dre from his compilation album Dr. Dre Presents the Aftermath. The song is produced by Dr. Dre himself and Bud'da. The lyrics were written by former Death Row Records labelmate, J-Flexx. After Dre's departure from the label J-Flexx released a diss song on the Death Row Greatest Hits compilation titled "Who Been There, Who Done That".

    「Been There, Done That」の部分一致の例文検索結果

    該当件数 : 20


    That was the key point, although various ideas, including compensation payment by the government, have been considered because there are limits to what can be done by a company.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

    ですから、そのために必要ですから、一企業には当然限界がありますから、それに対して政府が補償する等々は今考えましたけれども、一番当時のポイントとしては、そこがあったと思います。 - 金融庁

    The new theory has been strongly supported generally for its clear logic; however, in terms of art history, they are taking a drawing style which is seen in the late Heian period to the early Kamakura period, that could not be a drawing in the period of Northern and Southern Courts, and it is repeatedly claimed that there is no positive evidence to consider that these three portraits were done in the period of Northern and Southern Courts; there has been a significant gap between these theories and the controversy has not yet been concluded.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

    一般的には、論理の明解さから新説を支持する意見が多いとされるが、美術史の立場からは、三像の画風が平安後期-鎌倉初期のものであり、様式から見て南北朝期のものとは言い難く、三像の成立を南北朝期まで下らせる積極的理由のないことが繰り返し強調されるなど、両者間の断絶は大きく、論争の終結はまだ見込まれていない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

    There is one theory that the Emperor wished to be administered moxibustion, but his courtier was against it, saying, 'It is out of the question that the Emperor has a burned mark on the body'; consequently, the Emperor decided to abdicate in order to have moxa cautery treatment done, but there was an example the former emperors had the same treatment done (Emperor Takakura and Emperor Gouda), so it is presumed to have been an excuse to abdicate.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

    一説には病気の天皇が治療のために灸を据えようとしたところ、「玉体に火傷の痕をつけるなどとんでもない」と廷臣が反対したために退位して治療を受けたと言われているが、天皇が灸治を受けた前例(高倉天皇・後宇多天皇両天皇)もあり、譲位のための口実であるとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

    In the Former Imperial Household Law established in 1889, there was only a regulation that "Kotofu... is to be stored in Zushoryo (the Bureau of Drawings and Books)" (Article 34), and details were carried according to bylaw of the investigation of Imperial Family's genealogy which had been done in the Imperial court since the first year of Meiji period.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

    1889年(明治22年)に定められた旧皇室典範には「皇統譜…ハ図書寮ニ於テ尚藏ス」(34条)と規定されるのみで、その詳細は明治初年以来宮中で行われていた皇室系図の取調べにおける内規により運用されていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

    Concerning KUROITA's theory, in recent years objections to it have surfaced; in 1990 the maritime historian Dr. Shozo KANASASHI ran a computer analysis of the tides on the day of the battle, and concluded that there was a neap tide that day, and thus that there could not have been a strong, swift current of eight knots, and moreover pointed out that the tidal study done in the Taisho period had been conducted at the narrowest point of the Kanmon straits (where it would have been impossible for more than 1000 ships to fight), concluding that in the spacious area of sea near Kanju and Manju islands, the tide was under one knot in speed and would have had no influence over the course of the battle.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

    この黒板説については、近年になって反論が出され、海事史の金指正三博士は1990年に潮流のコンピュータ解析を行い、合戦の行われた日は小潮流の時期で、8ノットという早い潮流は無く、また大正時代に潮流を調査した場所は最も狭い早鞆瀬戸であり(ここで千艘以上の兵船で戦うことは不可能)、広い干珠島、満珠島辺りの海域では潮流は1ノット以下であり合戦に影響を与えるものではないとした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

    (5) Where examination by the Registry of Industrial Property shows that there is no impairment to granting a patent or when any defects have been duly rectified, the Registry shall inform the applicant that, for the patent procedure to continue, he should request the establishment of a report on the state of the art within the period laid down in the present Law, if this has not already been done.例文帳に追加

    (5) 産業財産登録庁の審査により,特許付与を阻害するものが存在しないことを示す場合,又は全ての瑕疵が正しく補正されているときは,産業財産登録庁は,技術水準に関する報告書の作成が未だなされていなかった場合,特許手続を継続するため,本法に定める期間内に技術水準に関する報告書の作成を請求すべき旨を出願人に通知しなければならない。 - 特許庁

    If a person is by reason of infancy, lunacy or other disability, incapable of making a declaration or doing anything required or permitted by this Act, the guardian or committee of the incapable person, or if there is no such guardian or committee, a person appointed by a court possessing jurisdiction in respect of the property of incapable persons, on the petition of a person on behalf of the incapable person or of some other person interested in the making of the declaration or the doing of the thing, may make the declaration (or a declaration as nearly corresponding to the declaration as the circumstances permit) and may do that thing, in the name and on behalf of the incapable person and all acts so done are, for the purposes of this Act, as effectually done as if they had been done by the incapable person and that person had not been incapable at the time of the making of the declaration or the doing of the thing.例文帳に追加

    ある者が未成年者,精神錯乱又はその他無能力という理由で宣言又は本法により求められる若しくは認められることを行うことができない場合,無能力者の後見人若しくは委員,又は,そのような後見人若しくは委員が存在しない場合は,当該無能力者に代わる者又は当該宣言を行いたい若しくは物事を行いたいと思っている誰か別の者の要請により,無能力者の財産について管轄権を有する裁判所が指名した者が,当該宣言(又は,状況が許す限り当該宣言に近い宣言)を行うことができ,また,当該無能力者の名義で当人の代理としてそのことを行うことができ,そのように行われた全ての行為は,本法の適用上,当該無能力者によって行われ,かつ,その者は当該宣言又はそのことが行われた時点で無能力ではなかったかのごとく 有効に行われる。 - 特許庁


    On the other hand, there are also adverse factors, such as the continued slump in the U.S. housing market as represented by the housing price drop and the high level of the mortgage loan delinquency rate. Moreover, we cannot yet say that liquidity has been restored to the market for securitization products. I mean that although there are signs of recovery in some segments of the market, the market is far from a situation in which trading is done with wide participation.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

    他方でポジティブではない側面として、米国の住宅市場の低迷が続いているということでありましょうし、住宅価格の低下、あるいは住宅ローンの貸倒れの水準の高さといったことは続いているということでしょうし、また証券化商品の市場における流動性が回復したというふうには言えない、つまり、一部で復調の動きがあるとも言われていますけれども、厚みのある取引が行われるという状況からはほど遠いということかと思います。 - 金融庁


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