



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > 百科事典 > Business of Punishmentの意味・解説 

Business of Punishmentとは 意味・読み方・使い方





ウィキペディア英語版での「Business of Punishment」の意味

Business of Punishment

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/12/11 22:33 UTC 版)


「Business of Punishment」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 48


Provision of causes for disqualification of the worker dispatch business license, etc. in order to prevent the avoidance of punishment.例文帳に追加

処分逃れを防止するため労働者派遣事業の許可等の欠格事由を整備 - 厚生労働省

(2) If a representative, agent, employee or other worker of a juridical person has committed the violation prescribed in the preceding paragraph with regard to the business of said juridical person, then in addition to punishment of the person who has committed the violation, the juridical person itself shall also be subject to the punishment prescribed in said paragraph.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 法人の代表者、代理人、使用人その他の従業者が、その法人の業務に関し、前項の違反行為をしたときは、行為者を罰するほか、その法人に対しても、同項の刑を科する。 - 経済産業省

(2) If a representative, agent, employee, or other person engaged by a corporation has committed the violation specified in the preceding paragraph with regard to the business of that corporation, then in addition to punishment of the person who committed the violation, the corporation itself shall also be subject to the punishment prescribed in that paragraph.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 法人の代表者、代理人、使用人その他の従業者が、その法人の業務に関し、前項の違反行為をしたときは、行為者を罰するほか、その法人に対しても、同項の刑を科する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) A juridical person who has been sentenced to a fine or severer punishment for violation of this Act or any disposition based on this Act or whose officer in charge of its business has been sentenced to a fine or severer punishment for violation of this Act or any disposition based on this Act, before the expiration of a period of two years since the person served out the sentence or ceased to be subject to the sentence;発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

一 その法人又はその業務を行う役員がこの法律又はこの法律に基づく処分に違反し、罰金以上の刑に処せられ、その執行を終わり、又は執行を受けることがなくなつた日から二年を経過しないもの - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(2) Any person who has accepted transfer of said telephonic call-capable terminal facilities for value as business, knowing the counterparty is in violation of the provisions of Article 7 paragraph (1), shall be punished by the same punishment of the preceding paragraph.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 相手方が第七条第一項の規定に違反していることの情を知って、業として有償で当該違反に係る通話可能端末設備を譲り受けた者も、前項と同様とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

For illicit use and disclosure of business secrets other than media acquisition and copying by former executives and employees, cases involving applications or special favors during employment were included for punishment.例文帳に追加

元役員・元従業者による媒体取得・複製を伴わない営業秘密の不正使用・開示について、在職中に申し込みや請託があるケースが処罰の対象に加えられた。 - 経済産業省


Persons who have committed the following crimes are subject to punishment: (1) persons who have used or disclosed business secrets kept within Japan outside of Japan, (2) persons who have violated court confidentiality orders regarding business secrets involved in a civil suit outside of Japan.例文帳に追加

以下の行為を行った者を処罰の対象に加えている。①日本国内で管理されている営業秘密について、日本国外で使用または開示した者を処罰の対象とする。②営業秘密に関係する民事訴訟における裁判所の秘密保持命令に日本国外で違反した者を処罰の対象とする。 - 経済産業省


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「Business of Punishment」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 48


(x) a document stating the number of employees who have been sentenced to imprisonment or severe punishment (including an equivalent punishment under the laws and regulations of a foreign state with regard to the business equivalent to a Commodity Transactions Brokerage Business in the foreign state) with regard to Commodity Transactions Brokerage Business and the specified business prescribed in Article 87 (hereinafter referred to as the "Commodity Transactions Brokerage Business, etc."), to fines pursuant to this Act or equivalent laws and regulations of a foreign state (including an equivalent punishment under the laws and regulations of a foreign state), or who have received a final disposition based on the provisions of the Act within the last five years, and include each said employee's name, date of birth, and address, the name of the business office or department to which said employee is assigned, his/her official title, whether or not said employee has been registered as a Sales Representative, the date when and the reasons why said officer was punished by said fines or in receipt of said disposition, and all other such details;発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

十 過去五年以内に、商品取引受託業務及び第八十七条に規定する特定業務(以下「商品取引受託業務等」という。)に関して禁錮以上の刑(外国において商品取引受託業務等に相当する業務に関してこれに相当する外国の法令による刑を含む。)若しくは法若しくはこれに相当する外国の法令の規定により罰金の刑(これに相当する外国の法令による刑を含む。)に処せられ、又は法の規定に基づく処分を受けたことのある職員の数、当該職員の氏名、生年月日、住所、所属する営業所の名称、所属する部署、職名及び外務員登録の有無並びに当該禁錮以上の刑若しくは当該罰金の刑に処せられ、又は当該処分を受けた年月日、理由及びその内容を記載した書面 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(ii) when the applicant for permission is a person who has been punished by a fine (including a punishment under the laws and regulations of a foreign state equivalent to this) for violating the provisions of this Act, the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations, the Commodity Exchange Act, the Act on Regulation of Business Pertaining to Commodity Investment, the Act on Controls, etc. on Money Lending or the Act on Regulation of Receiving of Capital Subscription, Deposits, and Interest Rates, etc., or the laws and regulations of a foreign state equivalent to these Acts, and for whom five years have not passed since the day when the execution of the punishment terminated or he/she became free from the execution of the punishment; and発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

二 この法律、投資信託及び投資法人に関する法律、商品取引所法、商品投資に係る事業の規制に関する法律、貸金業の規制に関する法律若しくは出資の受入れ、預り金及び金利の取締りに関する法律又はこれらに相当する外国の法令の規定に違反し、罰金の刑(これに相当する外国の法令による刑を含む。)に処せられ、その刑の執行を終わり、又はその刑の執行を受けることがないこととなつた日から五年を経過するまでの者であるとき。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(xiii) a document stating, with regard to the parties to the Business Transfer, the number of employees who have been sentenced to imprisonment or severe punishment with regard to Commodity Transactions Brokerage Business, etc. (including an equivalent punishment under the laws and regulations of a foreign state with regard to the business equivalent of Commodity Transactions Brokerage Business, etc. in the foreign state), to fines pursuant to this Act or equivalent laws and regulations of a foreign state (including an equivalent punishment under the laws and regulations of a foreign state), or who received a final disposition based on the provisions of the Act within the last five years, and include each said employee's name, date of birth, and address, name of the business office or department to which said employee is assigned, the official title, whether or not said employee has been registered as a Sales Representative, the date when and the reasons why punished by said fines or in receipt of said disposition, and all other such details;発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

十三 過去五年以内に、事業譲渡の当事者について商品取引受託業務等に関して禁錮以上の刑(外国において商品取引受託業務等に相当する業務に関してこれに相当する外国の法令による刑を含む。)若しくは法若しくはこれに相当する外国の法令の規定により罰金の刑(これに相当する外国の法令による刑を含む。)に処せられ、又は法の規定に基づく処分を受けたことのある職員の数、当該職員の氏名、生年月日、住所、所属する営業所の名称、所属する部署、職名及び外務員登録の有無並びに当該禁錮以上の刑若しくは当該罰金の刑に処せられ、又は当該処分を受けた年月日、理由及びその内容を記載した書面 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(xiii) a document stating, with regard to the parties to the Business Transfer, the number of officers who have been sentenced to imprisonment or severe punishment pertaining to Commodity Trading Consignment Business (including an equivalent punishment under the laws and regulations of a foreign state pertaining to the business equivalent of Commodity Trading Consignment Business in the foreign state), to fines pursuant to this Act or equivalent laws and regulations of a foreign state (including an equivalent punishment under the laws and regulations of a foreign state), or who received a final disposition based on the provisions of the Act within the last five years, and include each said officer’s name, date of birth, and address, name of the business office or department to which said person is assigned, the official title, whether or not said person has been registered as a Sales Representative, the date when and the reasons why punished by said fines or in receipt of said disposition, and all other such details;発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

十三過去五年以内に、事業譲渡の当事者について商品取引受託業務等に関して禁錮以 上の刑(外国において商品取引受託業務等に相当する業務に関してこれに相当する 外国の法令による刑を含む。)若しくは法若しくはこれに相当する外国の法令の規定 により罰金の刑(これに相当する外国の法令による刑を含む。)に処せられ、又は法 の規定に基づく処分を受けたことのある職員の数、当該職員の氏名、生年月日、住 所、所属する営業所の名称、所属する部署、職名及び外務員登録の有無並びに当該 禁錮以上の刑若しくは当該罰金の刑に処せられ、又は当該処分を受けた年月日、理 由及びその内容を記載した書面 - 経済産業省

(xiii) a document stating, with regard to the parties to the merger, the number of employees who have been sentenced to imprisonment or severe punishment with regard to Commodity Transactions Brokerage Business, etc. (including an equivalent punishment under the laws and regulations of a foreign state with regard to the business equivalent of Commodity Transactions Brokerage Business, etc. in the foreign state), to fines pursuant to this Act or equivalent laws and regulations of a foreign state (including an equivalent punishment under the laws and regulations of a foreign state), or who have received a final disposition based on the provisions of the Act within the last five years, and include each said employee's name, date of birth, and address, the name of the business office or department to which said employee is assigned, the official title, whether or not said employee has been registered as a Sales Representative, the date when and the reasons why punished by said fines or in receipt of said disposition, and all other such details;発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

十三 過去五年以内に、合併の当事者について商品取引受託業務等に関して禁錮以上の刑(外国において商品取引受託業務等に相当する業務に関してこれに相当する外国の法令による刑を含む。)若しくは法若しくはこれに相当する外国の法令の規定により罰金の刑(これに相当する外国の法令による刑を含む。)に処せられ、又は法の規定に基づく処分を受けたことのある職員の数、当該職員の氏名、生年月日、住所、所属する営業所の名称、所属する部署、職名及び外務員登録の有無並びに当該禁錮以上の刑若しくは当該罰金の刑に処せられ、又は当該処分を受けた年月日、理由及びその内容を記載した書面 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(ix) a document stating, with regard to the parties to a Consolidation-Type Split, the number of employees who have been sentenced to imprisonment or severe punishment with regard to Commodity Transactions Brokerage Business, etc. (including an equivalent punishment under the laws and regulations of a foreign state with regard to the business equivalent of Commodity Transactions Brokerage Business, etc. in such foreign state), to fines pursuant to this Act or equivalent laws and regulations of a foreign state (including an equivalent punishment under the laws and regulations of a foreign state), or who have received a final disposition based on the provisions of the Act within the last five years, and include each said employee's name, date of birth, and address, the name of the business office or department to which said employee is assigned, the official title, whether or not said employee has been registered as a Sales Representative, the date when and the reasons why punished by said fines or in receipt of said disposition, and all other such details;発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

九 過去五年以内に、新設分割の当事者について商品取引受託業務等に関して禁錮以上の刑(外国において商品取引受託業務等に相当する業務に関してこれに相当する外国の法令による刑を含む。)若しくは法若しくはこれに相当する外国の法令の規定により罰金の刑(これに相当する外国の法令による刑を含む。)に処せられ、又は法の規定に基づく処分を受けたことのある職員の数、当該職員の氏名、生年月日、住所、所属する営業所の名称、所属する部署、職名及び外務員登録の有無並びに当該禁錮以上の刑若しくは当該罰金の刑に処せられ、又は当該処分を受けた年月日、理由及びその内容を記載した書面 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(xiii) a document stating, with regard to the parties to an Absorption-Type Split, the number of employees who have been sentenced to imprisonment or severe punishment with regard to Commodity Transactions Brokerage Business, etc. (including an equivalent punishment under the laws and regulations of a foreign state with regard to the business equivalent of Commodity Transactions Brokerage Business, etc. in the foreign state), to fines pursuant to this Act or equivalent laws and regulations of a foreign state (including an equivalent punishment under the laws and regulations of a foreign state), or who have received a final disposition based on the provisions of the Act within the last five years, and include each said employee's name, date of birth, and address, the name of the business office or department to which said employee is assigned, the official title, whether or not said employee has been registered as a Sales Representative, the date when and reasons why punished by said fines or in receipt of said disposition, and all other such details;発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

十三 過去五年以内に、吸収分割の当事者について商品取引受託業務等に関して禁錮以上の刑(外国において商品取引受託業務等に相当する業務に関してこれに相当する外国の法令による刑を含む。)若しくは法若しくはこれに相当する外国の法令の規定により罰金の刑(これに相当する外国の法令による刑を含む。)に処せられ、又は法の規定に基づく処分を受けたことのある職員の数、当該職員の氏名、生年月日、住所、所属する営業所の名称、所属する部署、職名及び外務員登録の有無並びに当該禁錮以上の刑若しくは当該罰金の刑に処せられ、又は当該処分を受けた年月日、理由及びその内容を記載した書面 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(xiii) a document stating, with regard to the parties to the merger, the number of officers who have been sentenced to imprisonment or severe punishment pertaining to Commodity Trading Consignment Business (including an equivalent punishment under the laws and regulations of a foreign state pertaining to the business equivalent of Commodity Trading Consignment Business in the foreign state), to fines pursuant to this Act or equivalent laws and regulations of a foreign state (including an equivalent punishment under the laws and regulations of a foreign state), or who have received a final disposition based on the provisions of the Act within the last five years, and include each said officer’s name, date of birth, and address, the name of the business office or department to which said person is assigned, the official title, whether or not said person has been registered as a Sales Representative, the date when and the reasons why punished by said fines or in receipt of said disposition, and all other such details;発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

十三過去五年以内に、合併の当事者について商品取引受託業務等に関して禁錮以上の 刑(外国において商品取引受託業務等に相当する業務に関してこれに相当する外国 の法令による刑を含む。)若しくは法若しくはこれに相当する外国の法令の規定によ り罰金の刑(これに相当する外国の法令による刑を含む。)に処せられ、又は法の規 定に基づく処分を受けたことのある職員の数、当該職員の氏名、生年月日、住所、 所属する営業所の名称、所属する部署、職名及び外務員登録の有無並びに当該禁錮 以上の刑若しくは当該罰金の刑に処せられ、又は当該処分を受けた年月日、理由及 びその内容を記載した書面 - 経済産業省


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