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Coal Measuresとは 意味・読み方・使い方





意味・対訳 夾 (きよう)炭層

Coal Measuresの

研究社 新英和中辞典での「Coal Measures」の意味

coal measures

アクセントcóal mèasures
複数形》 夾 ()炭層.

「Coal Measures」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 14


a stratum that includes coal, called coal measures発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

夾炭層という,石灰を含む地層 - EDR日英対訳辞書

To provide a method for measuring the quantity of a discharge of a gas included in coal which crushes the coal, makes the coal discharge the gas included in the coal and measures the quantity of the discharged gas.例文帳に追加

石炭を粉砕し、石炭に内包されているガスを放出させて、放出されたガス量を測定する石炭内包ガス放出量の測定方法を提供する。 - 特許庁

After the phase of adjustment measures for individual industriessuch as the coal industry for which an adjustment policy was necessitated by the rapid shift from coal to oil in the 1960sin 1978, the “Law on Temporary Measures for Stabilization of Specified Depressed Industries (Industry Stabilization Law)” was enacted.例文帳に追加

1960年代の石炭から石油への急速な転換により、調整政策の必要が生じた石炭産業等、個別産業への調整施策の時期を経て、1978年に「特定不況産業安定臨時措置法(特安法)」が制定された。 - 経済産業省

The fuel rate measuring device 10 measures a fuel rate of the pulverized coal supplied to the boiler, and it is provided with a laser device 14 irradiating a laser beam 13 on a supply pipe 12 supplying the pulverized coal 11, and a photodetector 18 detecting Raman scattered light 15 from fixed carbon in the pulverized coal, Raman scattered light 16 from a C-H bond, and fluorescence 17 of hydrocarbon.例文帳に追加

本発明の燃料比計測装置10は、ボイラへ供給する微粉炭の燃料比を計測する計測装置であって、微粉炭11を供給する供給管12にレーザ光13を照射するレーザ装置14と、微粉炭中の固定炭素からのラマン散乱光15、C−H結合からのラマン散乱光16、炭化水素の蛍光17を検出する光検出器18とを具備してなる。 - 特許庁

(2) Persons who intend to load coal, stone, brick or other objects that could be scattered with a vessel or to unload them from the vessel in a port or in the vicinity of the boundary of the port shall take necessary measures to prevent them from dropping in the water surface.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

2 港内又は港の境界附近において、石炭、石、れんがその他散乱する虞のある物を船舶に積み、又は船舶から卸そうとする者は、これらの物が水面に脱落するのを防ぐため必要な措置をしなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

To achieve, for fuels such as coal, biomass, etc., which are hard in high efficiency and low NOx combustion with each single combustion, simultaneous combustion of combustion efficiency and low NOx of both fuels, and to make the effective use of energy compatible with environmental measures.例文帳に追加

石炭やバイオマス等のそれぞれ単独の燃焼では高効率かつ低NOx燃焼が困難な燃料に対し、双方の燃料の燃焼効率と低NOxの同時燃焼を達成し、エネルギーの有効利用と環境対策を両立させること。 - 特許庁


In the Asian countries, as a result of the lack of environmental measures at coal thermal power stations there is a concern that environmental problems such as air pollution will worsen; for example, it is forecasted that emissions of sulfur oxides will increase. At the same time it is expected that there will be a large increase in CO2 emissions due to the increase in the consumption of fossil fuels.例文帳に追加

アジア諸国では、石炭火力発電所等の環境対応が十分でない結果、硫黄酸化物等の排出増加が見込まれる等大気汚染等の環境問題の深刻化が懸念されるとともに、化石燃料の消費増大によるCO2排出量の大幅増加も見込まれている。 - 経済産業省


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

JST科学技術用語日英対訳辞書での「Coal Measures」の意味

coal measures

EDR日英対訳辞書での「Coal Measures」の意味

coal measures

日英・英日専門用語辞書での「Coal Measures」の意味

coal measures


クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「Coal Measures」の意味

Coal Measures


coal measures

ウィキペディア英語版での「Coal Measures」の意味

Coal Measures

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/03/24 02:05 UTC 版)

The Coal Measures is a lithostratigraphical term for the coal-bearing part of the Upper Carboniferous System. It represents the remains of fluvio-deltaic sediment, and consists mainly of clastic rocks (claystones, shales, siltstones, sandstones, conglomerates) interstratified with the beds of coal. In most places, the Coal Measures are underlain by coarser clastic sequences known as Millstone Grit, of Namurian age. The top of the Coal Measures may be marked by an unconformity, the overlying rocks being Permian or later in age. In some parts of Britain, however, the Coal Measures grade up into mainly coal-barren red-beds of late Westphalian and possibly Stephanian age. Within the Pennine Basin these barren measures are now referred to as the Warwickshire Group, from the district where they achieve their thickest development.

「Coal Measures」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 14


In contrast, the Andean Community and the EEA (with respect to only those disputes concerning the rules of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community or the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community, or the interpretation of the EEA provisions relevant to the measures adopted to implement such treaties) provide that the disputed matter which such council type body has failed to settle can be referred to a permanent court that has been established within the relevant region. In this respect, the Andean Community has established a permanent court which addresses any dispute under such agreement, and the EEA has appointed the Court of Justice of the European Communities to address any dispute under such agreement (except for disputes between EFTA countries, which are referred to the EFTA Court).例文帳に追加

これに対して、 Andean Community及び一部分野(Treaty establishing the European Economic Community 及びTreaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Communityの規律又はこれら の適用のために採用された措置に相当する EEA の規定の解釈に関する紛争)に関する EEA は、かかる機関において問題を解決できな い場合は、域内に設置された常設裁判所に提訴 できるとしている(Andean Communityでは協 定上の紛争事項を解決する常設裁判所、EEA で はEC 裁判所(the Court of Justice of the European Communities)を指定(ただし、 EFTA 諸国間の紛争はEFTA Court に付 託)。)。 - 経済産業省

Japan presented a cooperation initiative consisting of: i) promotion of energy conservation efforts (acceptance of 1,000 trainees from abroad in the next five years, the establishment of theAsian Energy Conservation Cooperation Center” and other means); ii) promotion of biomass energy (acceptance of 500 trainees from abroad in the next five years, etc.), iii) clean utilization of coal (construction of the Coal Liquefaction Support Center, etc.); and iv) eradication of energy poverty (extension of US$2 billion -scale energy-related ODA to improve energy access and carry out energy efficiency and measures in the next three years). This initiative program gained acclaim from the participating leaders at the Summit.例文帳に追加

我が国より、①省エネルギーの推進(今後5年間で1,000名の研修生受入れ、「アジア・省エネ協力センター」設置等)、②バイオマスエネルギーの推進(今後5年間で500名の研修生受入れ等)、③石炭のクリーンな利用(「石炭液化支援センター」の建設等)、④エネルギー貧困の解消(今後3年間で20億ドル規模のエネルギー関連ODAを実施等)からなる協力イニシアティブを表明し、各国首脳より高い評価を受けた。 - 経済産業省

Article 12 (1) In addition to the functions prescribed in Article 15, NEDO may, until otherwise provided for by law, perform the functions prescribed in Article 25, paragraph (1) of the Act on Temporary Measures Concerning the Structural Adjustment of the Coal Mining Industry (Act No. 156 of 1955; hereinafter referred to as the "Old Structural Adjustment Act") prior to its repeal under Article 2 of the Act on the Rearrangement of Relevant Acts Upon Completion of the Structural Adjustment of the Coal Mining Industry (Act No. 16 of 2000; hereinafter referred to as the "Rearrangement Act"), in the case where the provisions then in force are to be deemed to remain applicable pursuant to the provisions of Article 3, paragraph (1) through paragraph (3) and paragraph (5) through paragraph (7) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Rearrangement Act, or in the case where the relevant provisions of Article 25, paragraph (1) of the Old Structural Adjustment Act are to be deemed to remain effective pursuant to the provisions of Article 3, paragraph (4) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Rearrangement Act, and may perform the functions prescribed in Article 12, paragraph (1) of the Act on Temporary Measures Concerning Compensation, etc. for Coal Mine Damage (Act No. 97 of 1963; hereinafter referred to the "Old Compensation Act") prior to its repeal under Article 2 of the Rearrangement Act in the case where the relevant provisions of Article 12, paragraph (1) of the Old Compensation Act are to be deemed to remain effective pursuant to the provisions of Article 5, paragraph (1) and paragraph (3) through paragraph (5) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Rearrangement Act (hereinafter such functions shall be referred to as "transitional functions related to the coal mining industry").発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第十二条 機構は、当分の間、第十五条に規定する業務のほか、石炭鉱業の構造調整の完了等に伴う関係法律の整備等に関する法律(平成十二年法律第十六号。以下「整備法」という。)附則第三条第一項から第三項まで及び第五項から第七項までの規定によりなお従前の例によることとされる場合又は同条第四項の規定によりなおその効力を有することとされる場合における整備法第二条の規定による廃止前の石炭鉱業構造調整臨時措置法(昭和三十年法律第百五十六号。以下「旧構造調整法」という。)第二十五条第一項に規定する業務並びに整備法附則第五条第一項及び第三項から第五項までの規定によりなおその効力を有することとされる場合における整備法第二条の規定による廃止前の石炭鉱害賠償等臨時措置法(昭和三十八年法律第九十七号。以下「旧賠償法」という。)第十二条第一項に規定する業務(以下「石炭経過業務」という。)を行うことができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

This method measures a reduced gas with the mercury in a sample reduced by a catalyst of inorganic material, having low reactivity to an acidic substance and reducing power for the mercury, and an oxidized gas with the measuring objective sample or the sample gas oxidized by an oxidation catalyst, using the coal combustion gas exhaust gas as the measuring objective sample, while being compared by an ultraviolet absorption analyzer.例文帳に追加

石炭燃焼排気ガスを測定対象試料とし、酸性物質との反応性が低く、かつ水銀に対する還元力を有する無機材質の触媒によって該試料中の水銀が還元された被還元ガスと、前記測定対象試料または前記試料ガスが酸化触媒によって酸化された被酸化ガスを、紫外線吸光式分析計によって比較し測定することを特徴とする。 - 特許庁

(3) In the case where NEDO performs transitional functions related to the coal mining industry pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1), the phrase "the functions listed in paragraph (1), item (xiv) of the preceding Article" in Article 16, paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the functions listed in paragraph (1), item (xiv) of the preceding Article, and transitional functions related to the coal mining industry as prescribed in Article 12, paragraph (1) of the Supplementary Provisions (including functions incidental thereto) (limited to the functions listed in Article 12, paragraph (1), item (i) through item (iii) of the Temporary Measures Concerning Compensation, etc. for Coal Mine Damage (Act No. 97 of 1963; hereinafter referred to the 'Old Compensation Act') prior to its repeal under Article 2 of the Act on the Rearrangement of Relevant Acts Upon Completion of the Structural Adjustment of the Coal Mining Industry (Act No. 16 of 2000; hereinafter referred to as the 'Rearrangement Act') in the case where the relevant provisions of Article 12, paragraph (1) of the Old Compensation Act are to be deemed to remain effective pursuant to the provisions of Article 5, paragraph (1) and paragraph (3) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Rearrangement Act)"; the phrase "the functions listed in paragraph (1), item (xiv) of the preceding Article" in Article 16, paragraph (4) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the functions listed in paragraph (1), item (xiv) of the preceding Article and transitional functions related to the coal mining industry as prescribed in Article 12, paragraph (1) of the Supplementary Provisions (limited to the functions related to exercising the right to obtain reimbursement as prescribed in Article 36-19, paragraph (1) of the Act on Temporary Measures Concerning the Structural Adjustment of the Coal Mining Industry (Act No. 156 of 1955; hereinafter referred to as the 'Old Structural Adjustment Act') prior to its repeal under Article 2 of the Rearrangement Act, which are to be deemed to remain effective pursuant to the provisions of Article 3, paragraph (4) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Rearrangement Act, and the functions listed in Article 12, paragraph (1), item (i) to item (iii) of the Old Compensation Act which are to be deemed to remain effective pursuant to the provisions of Article 5, paragraph (1) and paragraph (3) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Rearrangement Act (including functions incidental thereto))"; the phrase "the entrusted financial institution or juridical person" in Article 16, paragraph (4) shall be deemed to be replaced with "the entrusted financial institution or juridical person or the bank that has accepted the entrustment of functions under Article 36-19, paragraph (1) of the Old Structural Adjustment Act which are to be deemed to remain effective pursuant to the provisions of Article 3, paragraph (4) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Rearrangement Act (hereinafter referred to as the 'entrusted bank')"; the phrase "of the entrusted financial institution or juridical person" in Article 16, paragraph (4) shall be deemed to be replaced with "of the entrusted financial institution or juridical person or of the entrusted bank"; the phrase "and item (xiii) (limited to the part pertaining to Article 20, item (i) of the Assistive Products Act)" in Article 18 shall be deemed to be replaced with "item (xii) (limited to the part pertaining to Article 20, item (i) of the Assistive Products Act), and Article 12, paragraph (1) of the Supplementary Provisions (limited to the part pertaining to Article 12, paragraph (1), item (v) of the Old Compensation Act which is to be deemed to remain effective pursuant to the provisions of Article 5, paragraph (5) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Rearrangement Act)"; the phrase "the entrusted financial institution or juridical person" in Article 26 shall be deemed to be replaced with "the entrusted financial institution or juridical person or the entrusted bank"; the phrase "those prescribed in Article 15" in Article 27, item (i) shall be deemed to be replaced with "those prescribed in Article 15 and transitional functions related to the coal mining industry as prescribed in Article 12, paragraph (1) of the Supplementary Provisions"; and the phrase "and Cabinet Order based thereon" in Article 50 of the Act on General Rules shall be deemed to be replaced with ", the Act on Temporary Measures Concerning the Structural Adjustment of the Coal Mining Industry (Act No. 156 of 1955; limited to the part which is to be deemed to remain effective pursuant to the provisions of Article 3 of the Supplementary Provisions of the Rearrangement Act) prior to its repeal under Article 2 of the Act on the Rearrangement of Relevant Acts Upon Completion of the Structural Adjustment of the Coal Mining Industry (Act No. 16 of 2000; hereinafter referred to as the 'Rearrangement Act'), the Act on Temporary Measures Concerning Compensation, etc. for Coal Mine Damage (Act No. 97 of 1963; limited to the part which is to be deemed to remain effective pursuant to the provisions of Article 5 of the Supplementary Provisions of the Rearrangement Act) prior to its repeal under Article 2 of the Rearrangement Act, and orders based on these Acts."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 第一項の規定により機構が石炭経過業務を行う場合には、第十六条第一項中「前条第一項第十四号に掲げる業務」とあるのは「前条第一項第十四号に掲げる業務及び附則第十二条第一項に規定する石炭経過業務(石炭鉱業の構造調整の完了等に伴う関係法律の整備等に関する法律(平成十二年法律第十六号。以下「整備法」という。)附則第五条第一項及び第三項の規定によりなおその効力を有することとされる整備法第二条の規定による廃止前の石炭鉱害賠償等臨時措置法(昭和三十八年法律第九十七号。以下「旧賠償法」という。)第十二条第一項第一号から第三号までに掲げる業務(これらの業務に附帯する業務を含む。)に限る。)」と、同条第四項中「前条第一項第十四号に掲げる業務」とあるのは「前条第一項第十四号に掲げる業務及び附則第十二条第一項に規定する石炭経過業務(整備法附則第三条第四項の規定によりなおその効力を有することとされる整備法第二条の規定による廃止前の石炭鉱業構造調整臨時措置法(昭和三十年法律第百五十六号。以下「旧構造調整法」という。)第三十六条の十九第一項に規定する求償権の行使の業務並びに整備法附則第五条第一項及び第三項の規定によりなおその効力を有することとされる旧賠償法第十二条第一項第一号から第三号までに掲げる業務(これらの業務に附帯する業務を含む。)に限る。)」と、「受託金融機関等に対し」とあるのは「受託金融機関等若しくは整備法附則第三条第四項の規定によりなおその効力を有することとされる旧構造調整法第三十六条の十九第一項の規定により業務の委託を受けた銀行(以下「受託銀行」という。)に対し」と、「受託金融機関等の」とあるのは「受託金融機関等若しくは受託銀行の」と、第十八条中「第十三号(福祉用具法第二十条第一号に係る部分に限る。)」とあるのは「第十二号(福祉用具法第二十条第一号に係る部分に限る。)並びに附則第十二条第一項(整備法附則第五条第五項の規定によりなおその効力を有することとされる旧賠償法第十二条第一項第五号に係る部分に限る。)」と、第二十六条中「受託金融機関等」とあるのは「受託金融機関等又は受託銀行」と、第二十七条第一号中「第十五条に規定する業務」とあるのは「第十五条に規定する業務並びに附則第十二条第一項に規定する石炭経過業務」と、通則法第五十条中「及びこれに基づく政令」とあるのは「、石炭鉱業の構造調整の完了等に伴う関係法律の整備等に関する法律(平成十二年法律第十六号。以下「整備法」という。)第二条の規定による廃止前の石炭鉱業構造調整臨時措置法(昭和三十年法律第百五十六号。整備法附則第三条の規定によりなおその効力を有することとされる部分に限る。)及び整備法第二条の規定による廃止前の石炭鉱害賠償等臨時措置法(昭和三十八年法律第九十七号。整備法附則第五条の規定によりなおその効力を有することとされる部分に限る。)並びにこれらに基づく命令」とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

The underlying factors behind this electric power shortage include, on the demand side, i) overinvestment and overproduction in electric intensive industries such as steel and aluminum, ii) growing penetration rate of household electric appliances such as air conditioners, and iii) modernization in the commercial and distribution fields in urban areas (newly built large-scale commercial facilities and convenience stores). Although demand for electric power has surged, supply side factors behind the electric power shortage include i) plans to build new electric power facilities were delayed and investment restriction measures were taken as a result of the temporary oversupply of electric power, caused by economic stagnation following the currency and financial crisis in Asia, ii) there was a restricted supply of coal that could be used as fuel (such as abandonment of small coal mines due to industrial structural reform and insufficient railway transport capacity), and iii) supply did not keep up with demand because of such issues as the decline in the operating rate of hydroelectric power plants due to water shortages, thereby widening the supply-demand gap.例文帳に追加

こうした電力不足の背景には、需要サイドの要因として、①鉄鋼・アルミ等の電力多消費型産業による過剰投資・過剰生産、②エアコン等の家電製品の普及率上昇、③都市部の商業・流通分野の近代化(大型商業施設やコンビニの新設)等があり、電力需要が急速に拡大した一方で、供給サイドの要因として、①アジア通貨・金融危機以降の景気低迷により一時的に電力供給過剰となったため、新規発電設備計画を延期し投資抑制策がとられたこと、②燃料用石炭の供給逼迫(産業構造改革による小型炭坑の閉山、鉄道輸送能力不足等)、③水不足による水力発電所稼働率の低下等の問題によって供給が追いつかず、需給ギャップが拡大したことが挙げられる。 - 経済産業省


(iii) The table of contents and the revised provision of Article 1 of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act, the revised provision adding an Article following Article 2 of the same Act and the revised provision of Chapter III-II of the same Act in Article 1; the revised provision of Article 15, paragraph (2) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act Revising a Portion of the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act in Article 2; the revised provision of Article 12, paragraph (2) of the Act on Collection, etc. of Insurance Premiums of Labor Insurance, the revised provision of Article 14, paragraph (1) of the same Act (limited to the portion pertaining to the labor welfare services) and the revised provision of the same Article, paragraph (2) in Article 3; and the provisions of Article 9 and Article 15 of the Supplementary Provisions, the revised provision of Article 10, paragraph (1) of the Act on Special Measures concerning Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Caused by Coal-Mine Accident in Article 21 of the Supplementary Provisions, the revised provision of Article 4 of the Labor Insurance Special Account Act in Article 24 of the Supplementary Provisions, and the provisions of Article 29 and Article 30 of the Supplementary Provisions: the day specified by a Cabinet Order within a period not exceeding six months from the day of promulgation発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

三 第一条中労働者災害補償保険法目次及び第一条の改正規定、同法第二条の次に一条を加える改正規定並びに同法第三章の二の改正規定、第二条中労働者災害補償保険法の一部を改正する法律附則第十五条第二項の改正規定並びに第三条中労働保険の保険料の徴収等に関する法律第十二条第二項の改正規定、同法第十四条第一項の改正規定(労働福祉事業に係る部分に限る。)及び同条第二項の改正規定並びに附則第九条及び附則第十五条の規定、附則第二十一条中炭鉱災害による一酸化炭素中毒症に関する特別措置法第十条第一項の改正規定、附則第二十四条中労働保険特別会計法第四条の改正規定並びに附則第二十九条及び附則第三十条の規定 公布の日から起算して六月を超えない範囲内において政令で定める日 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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