



英和・和英辞典で「Is this a 5 or an s?」に一致する見出し語は見つかりませんでしたが、

「Is this a 5 or an s?」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 9


In this oil pump, a space S between teeth composed by an inner rotor 5 including trochoid teeth or roughly trochoid shape teeth starts compression stroke P_3 at four section of partition part 4 between an intake port 2 and a delivery port 3, a communication gap J with preceding adjoining space S between teeth in delivery stroke P_4 is constructed in the space S between the teeth.例文帳に追加

トロコイド歯形又は略トロコイド状歯形を有するインナーロータ5とアウターロータ6により構成される歯間空間Sが吸入ポート2と吐出ポート3間の間仕切部4箇所で圧縮行程P_3 を開始するとともに、前記歯間空間Sは吐出行程P_4 にある先行隣接の歯間空間Sと連通隙間Jが構成されること。 - 特許庁

Further, this flower article dealing method has at least a stage where the planner P urges the buyer S to adjust and generate the flower material collection image B by combining pieces of flower material image information or material image information stored previously in an information source 5 and a stage where the planner P or buyer S is urged to input the generated flower material collection image 4 to the information source 5.例文帳に追加

また、企画者P又は購入者Sに対して、情報源5に予め記憶された複数の花材画像情報又は資材画像情報を組み合わせて花材集合画像Bの調整及び作成を促す段階、企画者P又は購入者Sに対して、作成された前記花材集合画像4を情報源5に入力することを促す段階等を少なくとも備えた花商品取引方法を提供する。 - 特許庁

This carrier for immobilizing microorganisms for fluidized bed is obtained by attaching activated carbon having a particle size of 0.7 mm or smaller onto the surface of a resin compact which contains an olefin- based resin and/or an olefin copolymer resin as the main component(s) having a volume of 5×10-4-33 cm3.例文帳に追加

オレフィン系樹脂及び/又はオレフィン共重合樹脂を主成分とする体積5×10^-4〜33cm^3 の樹脂成形体の表面に、粒径0.7mm以下の活性炭が付着されてなる流動床用微生物固定化担体。 - 特許庁

The method for producing a silicon single crystal by doping carbon in a chamber with a Czochralski method comprises the steps of disposing a silicon raw material S in a crucible 3, wherein a carbon dopant is disposed in a position apart from a crucible inner surface 3a by 5 cm or more, that is, in an area range K3, and after the disposition in this state, melting the silicon raw material S.例文帳に追加

チョクラルスキー法によりチャンバ内において炭素をドープしてシリコン単結晶を製造する方法であって、ルツボ3内にシリコン原料Sを配置する工程において、炭素ドープ剤を、ルツボ内面3aに対して5cm以上離れた位置、つまり、領域範囲K3内に配置し、この状態で配置工程後にシリコン原料Sを溶融する溶融工程をおこなう。 - 特許庁

In this disc drive motor for the magnetic disc device, a relationship of the diameter D of the shaft 1 between the axial length L of a shaft inserting hole in a hub 7 is taken as L/D<1, and a space S (FIG. 5) is provided between an annular groove 9 on the outer periphery of the shaft and a plastic processed part 20 or 21.例文帳に追加

本発明の磁気ディスク装置用ディスクドライブモータは、シャフト1の直径Dとハブ7のシャフト挿入孔の軸方向長さLとの関係をL/D<1とし、また、シャフト外周の環状の溝19とハブの塑性加工部20または21との間に間隔S(図5)を確保した。 - 特許庁

5. (a) Where a person’s entitlement to a pension or an allowance under the Old Age Security Act is established solely through the application of paragraph 3 of this Article, the competent institution of Canada shall calculate the amount of the pension or of the allowance payable to that person in conformity with the provisions of that Act governing the payment of a partial pension or allowance, exclusively on the basis of the periods of residence in Canada which may be considered under that Act and which have been completed on or after January 1, 1952.例文帳に追加

5 (a)老齢保障法による年金又は手当を受ける権利が3の規定の適用により初めて確立される者については、カナダの実施機関は、同法により考慮される千九百五十二年一月一日以後のカナダ居住期間のみを基礎として、部分年金又は部分手当の支給に関する同法の規定に従って、その者に支給される当該年金又は手当の額を計算する。 - 厚生労働省


(4) The provisions of Article 512 through Article 518, the provisions of Subsection 2 through Subsection 10 of Part II, Chapter IX, Section 2 (excluding Article 522, paragraph (3) through Article 536, paragraph (3)), the provisions of Part VII, Chapter II, Section 4, the provisions of Chapter III, Section 1 of that Part (excluding Article 870, paragraph (2) through paragraph (5) and Article 870 through Article 874), the provisions of Section 3 of that Chapter (excluding Article 879, Article 880, Article 882, paragraph (2), and Article 896, paragraph (2)), and Article 938 (excluding paragraph (6)) of the Companies Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the special liquidation of an Investment Corporation in Liquidation. In this case, the term "paragraph (3) of Article 492" in Article 521 of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 155, paragraph (3) of the Investment Corporations Act," the phrase "or shareholders who have held, for the consecutive period of past six months or more (or, in cases where a shorter period is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such period), not less than three-hundredths (3/100) of the voting rights of all shareholders (excluding the shareholders that cannot exercise voting rights on all matters on which resolutions can be passed at the shareholders meeting; or, in cases where any proportion less than that is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such proportion) or shareholders who have held, for the consecutive period of past six months or more (or, in cases where a shorter period is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such period), not less than three-hundredths (3/100) of the issued shares (excluding treasury shares; or, in cases where a lower proportion is provided for in the articles of incorporation, such proportion)" in Article 522, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "or Investors who have held, for a consecutive period of the past six months or more (in cases where a shorter period is provided for in the certificate of incorporation, such period), not less than three-hundredths (in cases where a lower proportion is provided for in the certificate of incorporation, such proportion) of the units of Issued Investment Equity," the term "liquidators" in Article 523 and Article 526, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "executive liquidator(s) and liquidation supervisors," the term "liquidators" in Article 524 of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "executive liquidator(s) or liquidation supervisors," the terms "liquidators" and "liquidators' agent" in Article 525, paragraph (1) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "executive liquidators" and "executive liquidators' agent" respectively, the phrase "liquidators and Company Auditors of a Liquidating Stock Company and employees, including managers," in Article 530, paragraph (1) of that Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "executive liquidator(s) and liquidation supervisors of an Investment Corporation in Liquidation as well as the Administrative Agent, Asset Management Company, and Asset Custody Company," the phrase "directors upon incorporation, Company Auditors upon incorporation, Qualified Officers provided for in paragraph (1) of Article 423 or liquidators" in Article 542, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Corporate Officer(s) at Establishment, Supervisory Officers at Establishment, Officers, etc. specified in Article 115-6, paragraph (1) of the Investment Corporations Act, executive liquidator(s), or liquidation supervisors," the phrases "the liquidators provided for in paragraph (1) of Article 492" and "that paragraph" in Article 562 of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the executive liquidator(s)" and "Article 155, paragraph (1) of the Investment Corporations Act," the phrase "the head office (or, in cases set forth in item (iii), if a ruling to conclude special liquidation is made due to completion of a special liquidation, the head office and branch office(s))" in Article 938, paragraph (1) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the head office," the phrase "Article 351(2) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 346(2) or Article 483(6) as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 479(4)" in Article 938, paragraph (2), item (i) of the Companies Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 108, paragraph (2) of the Investment Corporations Act as applied mutatis mutandis by replacing certain terms pursuant to Article 153, paragraph (2) of the Investment Corporations Act," and any other necessary technical replacement of terms shall be specified by a Cabinet Order.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

4 会社法第五百十二条から第五百十八条まで、第二編第九章第二節第二款から第十款まで(第五百二十二条第三項及び第五百三十六条第三項を除く。)、第七編第二章第四節並びに第三章第一節(第八百六十八条第二項から第五項まで及び第八百七十条から第八百七十四条までを除く。)及び第三節(第八百七十九条、第八百八十条、第八百八十二条第二項及び第八百九十六条第二項を除く。)並びに第九百三十八条(第六項を除く。)の規定は、清算投資法人の特別清算について準用する。この場合において、同法第五百二十一条中「第四百九十二条第三項」とあるのは「投資法人法第百五十五条第三項」と、同法第五百二十二条第一項中「総株主(株主総会において決議をすることができる事項の全部につき議決権を行使することができない株主を除く。)の議決権の百分の三(これを下回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その割合)以上の議決権を六箇月(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前から引き続き有する株主若しくは発行済株式(自己株式を除く。)の百分の三(これを下回る割合を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その割合)以上の数の株式を六箇月(これを下回る期間を定款で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前から引き続き有する株主」とあるのは「発行済投資口の百分の三(これを下回る割合を規約で定めた場合にあっては、その割合)以上の口数の投資口を六箇月(これを下回る期間を規約で定めた場合にあっては、その期間)前から引き続き有する投資主」と、同法第五百二十三条及び第五百二十六条第一項中「清算人」とあるのは「清算執行人及び清算監督人」と、同法第五百二十四条中「清算人」とあるのは「清算執行人又は清算監督人」と、同法第五百二十五条第一項中「清算人は」とあるのは「清算執行人は」と、「清算人代理」とあるのは「清算執行人代理」と、同法第五百三十条第一項中「清算人及び監査役並びに支配人その他の使用人」とあるのは「清算執行人及び清算監督人並びに一般事務受託者、資産運用会社及び資産保管会社」と、同法第五百四十二条第一項中「設立時取締役、設立時監査役、第四百二十三条第一項に規定する役員等又は清算人」とあるのは「設立時執行役員、設立時監督役員、投資法人法第百十五条の六第一項に規定する役員等、清算執行人又は清算監督人」と、同法第五百六十二条中「第四百九十二条第一項に規定する清算人」とあるのは「清算執行人」と、「同項」とあるのは「投資法人法第百五十五条第一項」と、同法第九百三十八条第一項中「本店(第三号に掲げる場合であって特別清算の結了により特別清算終結の決定がされたときにあっては、本店及び支店)」とあるのは「本店」と、同条第二項第一号中「第四百七十九条第四項において準用する第三百四十六条第二項又は第四百八十三条第六項において準用する第三百五十一条第二項」とあるのは「投資法人法第百五十三条第二項において読み替えて準用する投資法人法第百八条第二項」と読み替えるものとするほか、必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



「Is this a 5 or an s?」に近いキーワードやフレーズ



「Is this a 5 or an s?」を「Weblio翻訳」で翻訳して得られた結果を表示しています。






Is /(弱形) ɪz/
be の 3 人称・単数・直説法・現在形
this /ðís/
or /ɚ/
または, あるいは, …か…か
an /(弱形) ən/
(n の前にくる時の) ad‐の異形
hi /hάɪ/


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  • 違うキーワードを使ってみてください。
  • より一般的な言葉を使ってみてください。



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