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ウィキペディア英語版での「Meaning (House)」の意味

Meaning (House)

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/07/04 04:56 UTC 版)


「Meaning (House)」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 15


Sensai thanked the blessing of heaven with tears and named his house 'Shijodo' meaning cane presented house.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

専斎は天恩に感泣し、その家を賜杖堂と称した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

This exhibition gives new meaning to playing house.例文帳に追加

この展覧会は、ままごとに新たな意味を与えている。 - 旅行・ビジネス英会話翻訳例文

The name of the garden, meaning 'garden without neighbours', stems from the fact that there was no house adjacent to "Soan" (thatched hut) in the home town of Aritomo YAMAGATA.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

名前の由来は山県有朋地元にある「草菴」に隣家がない事による。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Theres a small movie theater not too far from my house which I’ve been meaning to check out for a while so the other day I went there for the first time.例文帳に追加

家からそう遠くないところに小さな映画館があって、前から気になっていたので先日初めて行ってみました。 - Tatoeba例文

The 'client list` (literally meaning house list) (= regular customers, patrons, sponsors, backers and money lenders were also included in naming conventions.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

「顧客リスト(ハウス・リスト)」(=優良な顧客層。ご贔屓筋。スポンサー。スポンサー。タニマチ。借金の貸主)そのものも含む。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Although being called "-dai" (meaning tei/house), Jurakudai was in fact a castle on a plain, since it included several enclosed areas such as a donjon with a castle tower in the center and a secondary enclosure around it, and was surrounded with a moat.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

「第」(=邸)とあるが、天守を持つ本丸を中心に二の丸などの曲輪を持ち、堀を巡らしており、実際は平城であった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Wakei Seijaku (literally meaning harmony, respect, purity and tranquility) is a slogan emphasized in Sado (Japanese tea ceremony), which is particularly respected in the House of Sen through the 'Shiki' (Four Principles of Tea) as laid down by SEN no Rikyu.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

和敬清寂(わけいせいじゃく)とは、茶道において強調されている標語で、特に千家では千利休の定めた「四規」として重要視している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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「Meaning (House)」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 15


However, he was suddenly suspected of engaging in secret communication with the Dutch in October 30, 1698, and after he was sentenced to heiko (heiko is the same meaning as house confinement in samurai family), he was dismissed as a translator.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

ところが、元禄11年9月27日(旧暦)(1698年10月30日)、突如オランダ人との内通の疑いをかけられて閉戸(武家の閉門と同義)に処せられて通詞を解任される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The name 'Kamishichiken' (literally meaning 'upper seven houses') originated from this fact, and Kamishichiken has prospered as a hanamachi, with close ties to Nishijin, ever since Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI held a large tea ceremony in Kitano in the Momoyama period and greatly praised the dumpling cake the tea house served.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

これが「上七軒」の由来で、桃山時代に豊臣秀吉が北野で大茶会を開いた折に茶店側は団子を献上したところ大いに誉められて以来、また西陣の結びつきで花街としての繁栄を極める。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

So when the return of lands and people to the Emperor was executed, its meaning was made unclear by using an ambiguous expression and it sought agreement from people at Kogisho (the lower house) who consisted of domain representatives.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

そこで、版籍奉還の実施に際してはその意義については曖昧な表現を用いてぼかし、公議所などの諸藩代表からなる公議人に同意を求めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The phrase 'shiraha no ya ga tatsu' which means to be selected among people originates from the tale which has been transmitted in various parts of Japan, that is, 'an arrow is shot as a sign on the roof of the house of which daughter becomes a victim of god or a monster,' so that it does not have a good meaning originally and shows the spiritual aspect of Yumiya.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

望まれて抜擢されるという意味の「白羽の矢が立つ」とは、元は「神や物の怪の生け贄となる娘の選択の明示として、その娘の家の屋根に矢が立つ(刺さる)」という、日本各地で伝承される話から来ており、本来は良い意味ではなく、心霊現象としての弓矢を現してる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Court nobles such as Nobuyoshi ICHIJO, Mitsuchika HAMARU, Arimasa MINAMOTO, Muneyuki HAMARU, and Norishige TAKAKURA who had joined the Retired Emperor Gotoba in his plan to raise an army against the shogunate (who later became known as the 'kasen-chohon-kugyo,' meaning "the court nobles behind the attempt to overthrow the shogunate") were sent to Kamakura but executed en route, and the various other ministers close to the retired emperor were banished and dispersed throughout the country or kept under house arrest.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

討幕計画に参加した上皇方の「合戦張本公卿」と名指しされた一条信能、葉室光親、源有雅、葉室宗行、高倉範茂ら公卿は鎌倉に送られる途上で処刑され、その他の院近臣も各地に流罪になったり謹慎処分となった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

vii) Workers who conclude a workers' property accumulation savings contract, etc. (meaning the workers' property accumulation savings contract prescribed in Article 6, paragraph (1) of the Act on the Promotion of Workers' Property Accumulation (Act No. 92 of 1971), the workers' property accumulation pension savings contract prescribed in paragraph (2) of the said Article, and the contract on workers' property accumulation savings for house construction prescribed in paragraph (4) of the said Article; the same shall apply in Article 11-4発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

七 勤労者財産形成貯蓄契約等(勤労者財産形成促進法(昭和四十六年法律第九十二号)第六条第一項に規定する勤労者財産形成貯蓄契約、同条第二項に規定する勤労者財産形成年金貯蓄契約及び同条第四項に規定する勤労者財産形成住宅貯蓄契約をいう。第十一条の四において同じ。)を締結する勤労者 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

大化け (obake: big changing in the literal meaning): it's often the case that obake generally means phenomena whose size and effect have increased; Ancient Shinto, which is connected with Japanese folk belief, has a concept of value by which it is thought that the higher ranking divine spirits reside in bigger things, such as himorogi (temporarily erected sacred space or "altar" used as a locus of worship) and iwakura (dwelling place of a god, usually in reference to a large rock): a tree which has grown to a greater extent than others or a rock which is larger than others can be a house of (bakeru [change to]) the divine spirit.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

お化けには、大化けという表現があるように、総じて大きさや効果が増大する現象をいう場合が多いが、日本の民間信仰でもある古神道も、同様の価値観があり、大きいものほど宿る神霊の位が高いとする価値観があり、巨木や巨石を信仰するものとして、神籬(ひもろぎ)・磐座(いわくら)があり、大きく成長した木または、通常より大きい岩に神が宿る(化ける)とされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Article 7 (1) An administrative agency which has the authority to grant permission, authorization or confirmation for the new construction, extension, reconstruction, relocation, repair or remodeling of a building, for a change of intended purpose of a building or for use of a building, or a person delegated thereby, or a designated confirmation and inspection body which makes a confirmation under the provision of Article 6-2, paragraph (1) of the Building Standards Act (Act No. 201 of 1950) (including cases where applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 87, paragraph (1); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) (meaning a designated confirmation and inspection body prescribed in Article 77-21, paragraph (1) of said Act; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) may not grant said permission, authorization or confirmation or make a confirmation under the provision of Article 6-2, paragraph (1) of said Act, respectively, without the consent of the fire chief or fire station chief who has jurisdiction over the construction site or location of the building for which said permission, authorization or confirmation or a confirmation under the provision of Article 6-2, paragraph (1) of said Act is sought; provided, however, that this shall not apply where the building for which a confirmation (including a confirmation under the provision of Article 6-2, paragraph (1) of said Act) is sought is a residence (excluding a row house, apartment house and any other residence specified by Cabinet Order) within areas other than primary fire protection districts or secondary fire protection districts listed in Article 8, paragraph (1), item (v) of the City Planning Act (Act No. 100 of 1968) or where a building official makes a confirmation under the provision of Article 6, paragraph (1) of the Building Standards Act as applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to Article 87-2 of said Act.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第七条 建築物の新築、増築、改築、移転、修繕、模様替、用途の変更若しくは使用について許可、認可若しくは確認をする権限を有する行政庁若しくはその委任を受けた者又は建築基準法(昭和二十五年法律第二百一号)第六条の二第一項(同法第八十七条第一項において準用する場合を含む。以下この項において同じ。)の規定による確認を行う指定確認検査機関(同法第七十七条の二十一第一項に規定する指定確認検査機関をいう。以下この条において同じ。)は、当該許可、認可若しくは確認又は同法第六条の二第一項の規定による確認に係る建築物の工事施工地又は所在地を管轄する消防長又は消防署長の同意を得なければ、当該許可、認可若しくは確認又は同項の規定による確認をすることができない。ただし、確認(同項の規定による確認を含む。)に係る建築物が都市計画法(昭和四十三年法律第百号)第八条第一項第五号に掲げる防火地域及び準防火地域以外の区域内における住宅(長屋、共同住宅その他政令で定める住宅を除く。)である場合又は建築主事が建築基準法第八十七条の二において準用する同法第六条第一項の規定による確認をする場合においては、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


「Meaning (House)」の意味に関連した用語

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