



英和・和英辞典で「She's back there!」に一致する見出し語は見つかりませんでしたが、

「She's back there!」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 15


She said there was only time now to walk to the top of the Hump and back,発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

乳母は、もう丘の上まで上がってる時間しかありませんよ、と言いました。 - James Matthew Barrie『ケンジントン公園のピーターパン』

There seemed to be no use in waiting by the little door, so she went back to the table,発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

その小さなとびらのところで待っていてもしかたないので、アリスはテーブルのところに戻りました。 - Lewis Carroll『不思議の国のアリス』

Two years later, when Tenmei moved near Ame no Hitsuku-jinja Shrine, he looked for her house to see the old woman, but she wasn't there (according to Tenmei, there was even no trace of the house) and nobody knew about her there and he felt unsatisfied like Urashima Taro (a Japanese legend) (in Tenmei's word, he felt like Ima Urashima [someone who is surprised by the change when he/she comes back to home after a long time just like Urashima Taro]).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

この2年後に天之日津久神社近くに天明は住むことになるが、この老婆にまず、挨拶しようと老婆の家を探したが家もなく老婆もおらず(天明の後の述懐によれば、そこに家があったと思われる痕跡すら無かったという)、近所の人に聞いても分からず、浦島太郎になったような釈然としない不思議な気持ち(天明の言葉によれば、今浦島のような気持ち)だったという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The following morning she said close to my ears: "We're going back to Paris tonight. He says that there's no way that he'll leave me alone in such a sad place. That's how it is."例文帳に追加

翌朝、彼女は私の耳もとに口をよせて 「あたしたち、今晩パリへ帰りますの。あたしをこんな淋しい処へ一人で置いて置くわけに行かないつて云ふんですのよ。それやさうね」 - Tatoeba例文

The following morning she said close to my ears: "We're going back to Paris tonight. He says that there's no way that he'll leave me alone in such a sad place. That's how it is."例文帳に追加

翌朝、彼女は私の耳もとに口をよせて 「あたしたち、今晩パリへ帰りますの。あたしをこんな淋しい処へ一人で置いて置くわけに行かないっていうんですのよ。それやそうね」 - Tatoeba例文

On the way back to Yashima, although Kozaisho heard that her husband had been killed, she waited helplessly for his return to the fleet, thinking it must have been wrong and there was a possibility that he would return alive.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

屋島へ向かう平家の船団の中で小宰相は、夫が討たれたとは聞いてはいたが、何かの間違いであろうと、生きて帰ることもあるかもしれないと心細く夫の帰りを待ち続けていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

It is said that Susanoo ordered her, together with Isotakeru and Tsumatsu-hime, to sow the seeds of trees on mountains all over the country, and after that, she went back to Kii Province (present-day Wakayama Prefecture) and lived there.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

五十猛命や抓津姫命と共に素盞嗚尊の命により全国の山々に木種を撒き、紀伊国(現在の和歌山県)に戻って住んだとされる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While she was threading her way back across the room Mrs. Malins, without adverting to the interruption, went on to tell Gabriel what beautiful places there were in Scotland and beautiful scenery.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

彼女が部屋を縫うように横切り戻っていく間、マリンズ夫人は中断を意に介さず、スコットランドにはどんなに美しいところ、美しい風景があるかをゲイブリエルに話し続けていた。 - James Joyce『死者たち』

(4) The immigration inspector shall, if he/she finds that there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the suspect falls under the category of an alien subject to deportation, notify the immigration control officer of his/her findings and send the case of violation back to the immigration control officer.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

4 入国審査官は、当該容疑者が退去強制対象者に該当すると疑うに足りる相当の理由があるときは、その旨を入国警備官に通知するとともに、当該違反事件を入国警備官に差し戻すものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

The old woman testified that she had gone directly to the house of her son, and later had discovered that she had forgotten some articles of clothing which she needed; that thereupon she had returned to the house and had gone up the back way to her room,— this was about eight o'clock; that while there she had heard Nina San Croix's voice in great passion and remembered that she had used the words stated by the policemen; that these sudden, violent cries had frightened her greatly and she had bolted the door and been afraid to leave the room; shortly thereafter, she had heard heavy footsteps ascending the stairs, slowly and with great difficulty, as though some one were carrying a heavy burden; that therefore her fear had increased and that she had put out the light and hidden under the bed.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

老家政婦はこう証言した。自分は息子の家に身を寄せたが、その後で当面必要な衣服を何着か屋敷に忘れてきたことに気づき、屋敷に戻って今まで自分がいた部屋に入った。大体八時頃だった。その時、ニーナ・サン・クロワのけたたましい怒鳴り声が聞こえてきた。警官が述べたような言葉を使っていたことを覚えている。突然そんな罵声が聞こえてきたからとても驚き、出ていくのが怖くなったから、ドアにカギをかけて部屋に閉じこもった。少ししたら、誰かが階段を上る音が聞こえてきた。一歩一歩がゆっくりで、何か重いものを持っているみたいな感じだった。それを聞くとますます怖くなり、部屋の明かりを消してベッドの下に身を隠した。 - Melville Davisson Post『罪体』

Additionally, in aikido's kata training techniques there are assumptions such as 'the defender doesn't let go of the grip even if he/she is in a somewhat disadvantaged position,' 'when the defender is attacked on his back side, he/she turns around on the front foot and follows the opponent,' or 'when balance is lost slightly, perform ukemi even if it feels as if it's tolerable (be thrown),' which are unthinkable in today's actual fights.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

加えて、合気道の型稽古の技法では、「受けは、多少不利な体勢になってもつかんだ手を離さない」や「受けは背中側をとられたら前足を軸に振り向いて相手についていく」や「多少崩れたら、普通に耐えられそうでも受身を取る、(投げられる)」というように、現代の現実の格闘場面では考え難い前提が存在している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The main reason for her visit there appears that she followed the track of Yoshisuke WAKIYA, who was a younger brother of Yoshisada NITTA, succeeded to the commander after death of his brother, got defeated in Hokuriku region, also got defeated in the last battle, i. e., the Battle of Neo-jo Castle, with a pro-Southern-Court group of Mino, avoided the headquarters of the Northern Court in Motosu District in lower reach of Neo-gawa River, fled to Ijira with the vassals of Jirozaemon IJIRA, who fought with him, and finally went back to Yoshino.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

楠公夫人がこの地に訪れた最大の理由は、新田義貞亡き後、その弟の脇屋義助が大将となり、北陸で破れ、美濃の南朝一派と共に、最後の根尾城の戦いでも破れ、根尾川の下流、本巣地区の北朝の根城を避け、一緒に戦った伊自良次郎左衛門の家臣と共に、伊自良に流れ、吉野に帰ったその経路に従ったものと思われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


There are some taxi companies that hire people who have a right to take a Class II driver license (who took Class I driver license three years ago or before) as aspiring drivers and have them obtain a Class II driver license (many of the major taxi companies in Tokyo run a driving school as a group company, which can offer training to obtain a Class II driver license), but the people are usually tied to the company for a few years (most of the time, the aspiring drivers are supposed to agree to a contract saying "if he/she quits the company before the training period is over, he/she must pay back the cost for obtaining the license." before they were employed, but this is not legally binding).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

二種免許の取得資格がある者(普通第一種運転免許を3年以上取得している者)を教習生として雇い、二種免許を取得させる事業者もあるが(都内の大手タクシー会社では、グループに自動車教習所を持っている場合が多く、ここで二種免許取得のための教習が可能)、その場合数年(おおむね1~2年)の拘束期間が発生する(この期間を終える前に退職した場合、取得費用を返還しなければならないという契約で雇用されている場合が多い。ただし、法的な拘束力はない)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス






She's /ʃiːz/
she is の短縮形
back /bˈæk/
(人・動物の)背, 背中, 背部
there! /ðéɚ/
そこに, あそこに
SHE'S /ʃiːz/
she is の短縮形
THERE! /ðéɚ/
そこに, あそこに


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