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クロスランゲージ 37分野専門語辞書での「That's the Way I Like It」の意味

That's the Way I Like It


「That's the Way I Like It」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 11


I admit that what you say is true, but I don't like the way you say it.例文帳に追加

君の言うことは認めるけれども、言い方が気に入らない。 - Tatoeba例文

I think that it may be possible to interpret the recent developments in a positive way like that.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

そのようなポジティブな解釈も不可能ではないかなと期待しているところでございます。 - 金融庁

It was about the year 2000 when I remember doing my first trip to Korea. Using my limited Korean, I had lots of trouble asking for basic things like where the train or bus were, and even what the way was to places. I remember lots of people responding to me in English, and while I was pretty relieved at that, I’ve gotta say: people in the country right next to us, speaking a language from peoples on the other side of the world! Its only when you look at it in that objective state of mind that you realize how strange that is.例文帳に追加

2000年頃はじめて韓国へ行った私は覚えたての韓国語で四苦八苦しながら道を尋ねたりバスや電車の行き先を聞いたりしていました。たまに英語で話してくれる人がいるとほっとするのですが、逆に、隣の国なのに地球の裏側の国の言葉で話している自分を、客観的に見て不思議に思ったものです。 - Tatoeba例文

While you are taking actions like establishing an inspection committee, I think that, any way you slice it, the reorganization procedure for the Bank has been very slow. For example, I have not heard a thing about the sponsor selection, without the progress of which and other procedures the value of the Bank will naturally go down day by daymy second question is whether or not you are finding the progress of those procedures to be slow at all.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

検証委員会等をおつくりになる一方で、どう考えても振興銀行の再生手続が遅いのではないかと。例えば、スポンサーの選定とかそういうのが一向に聞こえてこないのですけれども、そういうのが進まないと当該銀行の価値は日々劣化していくわけで、ここら辺の遅さというご認識はあるかというのが2番目の質問です。 - 金融庁

I have been constantly bringing up this point since the days of former Minister Yosano when the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) was in power and, considering that Minister Jimi did point out distortions caused by the Koizumi reform after the recent change of administration and I am sure that Senior Vice Minister Otsuka, being a financial expert, must naturally be so versed in this matter that I should not have to give any detailed account, why has there been no inspection that covers people involved all the way from the day the license of the Incubator Bank was issued? I just cannot stop wondering about this question and would like to have it answered by the Senior Vice Minister as well.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

これは、自民党政権時代の与謝野大臣からそう言っているのですけれども、実際、今回政権交代して、自見大臣も小泉改革のゆがみについて指摘されていましたし、大塚副大臣も金融のエキスパートで、もちろんここで細かく言う必要はないほどご存じだと思うのです。この間も言いましたけれども、なぜこの振興銀行の免許をおろしたところからのずっと関係者を含めた検証をしないのかというのは不思議でしようがないのですが、その点について副大臣も含めてお答えいただきたいのですけれども。 - 金融庁

I would like to bring up the topic of Shinsei Bank. I believe that you also made a comment during last week's press conference in which you criticized the way that the bank had been managing its business and, as it turned out, the bank did report a massive loss for the second consecutive year in its P/L statements. What is your plan as to the timing for issuing a Business Improvement Order down the road?発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

普天間基地の移設問題についてなのですけれども、大臣は、「まだ、与党合意をするような状況ではない」とおっしゃられてきましたが、社民党の方々の中から「日米合意より与党合意を先行させるべきだ」という意見が出ていて、重野(社民党)幹事長と自見(国民新党)幹事長は、今日、その旨の申入れも官邸に行うということですが、今、現時点での合意のあり方というのをどのようにするべきとお考えでしょうか。 - 金融庁


I would like to ask you about the restriction on short selling, which Minister Nakagawa unveiled in a statement on November 18. The other day, regarding the requirement that securities companies should make sure that short sellers first borrow stocks they sell short, TSE President Saito made comments to the effect that the government should better take into consideration the practical work processes involved in the enforcement of restriction. Although the way of enforcement may change after the public comment period, which has just ended, could you explain the purpose of the restriction again and how you intend to enforce it?発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

今月の18日に大臣が談話の形で示された空売り規制に関してなのですけれども、先日、東証の斉藤社長が、特に空売りの株の手当ての確認を証券会社に義務付けるという内容について、「もう少し実務を踏まえた行政対応をしてほしい」という趣旨のご発言をされていましたけれども、まだパブコメ(パブリック・コメント)をこの間締め切ったばかりなので、これから対応が変わるのかもしれないのですけれども、改めて、その政策の意図と、今後の対応について考えていることがあれば教えて欲しいのですけれども。 - 金融庁


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「That's the Way I Like It」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 11


Birds are on the wing, Over the Asuka River, Whose upper rapids Were spanned with a stone bridge, Whose lower rapids Were spanned with a wooden bridge; Towards the stone bridge, Fine and green water-weeds grow, And then withering, Soon prosper exuberantly; Toward the wooden bridge River-weeds grow up waving, And then withering, Soon prosper exuberantly; Like those water-weeds As soon as the Prince arose, The Princess rose, too, Waving like the water-weeds; When the Prince lay, The Princess after him lay, Toward him waving; Why could she forget the Prince By whose side she stood, In the Palace where he passed His mornings and evenings? Why did she leave it vacant? When she was alive, when she was well and happy, In the springtide She decked her hair with flowers, And in the autumn Adorned it with yellow leaves; She intermingled Her sleeves with the Prince's sleeves, And she watched the moon Full and clear as a mirror With admiration, With love and deep affection, Standing by his side; On another occasion She went out with him To the Palace of Kinoe, Where delicacies Were graciously offered to them; This part of Kinoe As her everlasting place, The Princess departed; And we can't see nor speak with her; Be that as it may (or Yet, nevertheless,) Swollen with the deep sorrow, Like the fairy bird, Longing for the departed, Line the morning bird, The Prince did come and go, Like the summer grass Pining and withering away, Like the evening star Going and sinking in grief; Like a swaying ship, The Prince's heart kept wavering; As this I know not How to comfort his sorrow; So I know no way And simply wish to retain The tone of her voice, Only to remember her name For ever and ever, As long as heaven and earth, Her beloved name Committing to memory, And love on her name By the Asuka River For generations As the precious memento Of the dear, deceased Princess (Manyoshu, Volume 2 -196).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

飛ぶ鳥の 明日香の河の 上つ瀬に 石橋渡し 下つ瀬に 打橋渡す 石橋に 生ひ靡ける 玉藻もぞ 絶ゆれば生ふる 打橋に 生ひをれる 川藻もぞ 枯るれば生ゆる 何しかも わが王の 立たせば 玉藻のもころ 臥せば 川藻のごとく 靡かひし 宜しき君の 朝宮を 忘れたまふや 夕宮を 背きたまふや うつそみと 念ひし時 春べは 花折りかざし 秋立てば 黄葉かざし しきたへの 袖たづさはり 鏡なす 見れども飽かず 三五月の いやめづらしみ 念ほしし 君と時時 幸して 遊びたまひし 御食向ふ きのえの宮を 常宮と 定めたまひて あぢさはふ 目言も絶えぬ しかれかも あやにかなしみ ぬえ鳥の 片恋嬬 朝鳥の 往来はす君が 夏草の 念ひ萎えて 夕星の か往きかく去き 大船の たゆたふ見れば なぐさむる 情もあらず そこゆゑに せむすべ知れや 音のみも 名もみも絶えず 天地の いや遠長く 偲び行かむ み名に懸かせる 明日香河 万世までに はしきやし わが王の 形見かここを巻2-196 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Japan is shrinking, as it is the only country in the world where deflation is progressing in an extreme way. We have consistently argued that under these circumstances, while the what-is-calledbreaking bureaucracy-led governmenthas been advocated, we cannot implement effective economic measures to deal with a crisis like this unless we first break away from the control by the Ministry of Finance. In my capacity as a cabinet member and from the standpoint of the Peoples New Party, I will also stress this point in relation to the annual budget.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

デフレが、もう極端な形で、ある意味では、世界中で日本だけが進行している、国が縮んでいっているという状況において、私どもとしては、「脱官僚」と言いますけれども、「脱財務省」、まずこれをやらなければ、こういう危機における有効な経済対策はできない、ということを一貫して主張し続けているわけでありますので、そのことは本予算についても同様に、私自身が、閣僚という立場で、また国民新党という立場で、今後ともこの点は強く主張をしてまいりたいと考えております。 - 金融庁

As we have done every year, we selected cases from the inspection results reported from July of last year to June of this year and published them in the form of the latest Compilation of Problem Cases Raised in Financial Inspections for the 2009 program year, as you've just pointed out, which I expect each financial institution to refer to when formulating its future internal control system. With the successful enactment of the SME Financing Facilitation Act when former Minister Kamei was in office, it is now ensured, as you know, that in times of an economic downturn like the one we currently find ourselves in, financial institutions should adequately address requests for easing lending terms or changing housing loan terms, etc. In a sense, this has achieved a substantial change, if not quite a sea change, from the way financial administration was run in the past, and we need to keep that in mind. I know an SME owner in my hometown who employs about 100 people, about 50 of them being permanent employees and the rest working on a non-permanent basis, and who says that he is able to barely survive thanks to the establishment of the SME Financing Facilitation Act but also speaks out, "Mr. Jimi, we are now desperate for more work." He also goes on to say that "I personally feel that I could close down the business, but I am hanging on, struggling with all my might - because every one of my 100 workers has a family."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

今ご指摘のとおり、引き続き平成21年の事務年度においても昨年7月から今年6月までに通知された検査結果の中から事例を選定し、金融検査指摘事例集として公表しているところでありまして、各金融機関におかれましては本事例集を今後の内部管理の態勢構築の参考にしていただければと思っておりますが、中小企業金融円滑化法案を亀井大臣のときに成立させていただきまして、ご存じのように条件の緩和、あるいはこういった不況のときでございますから、あるいは住宅ローンの条件の変更等々にきちっと応じるようにと、かなりある意味で従来の金融行政から変革をある意味できちっと、コペルニクス的とは言いませんけれども、かなり大きな変化をしたわけでございますから、そういうことを拳拳服膺(けんけんふくよう)して、私がいつか申し上げましたように、私の地元の中小企業でも100人ぐらい従業員抱えているところ、これは50人ぐらい正規社員、50人ぐらい非正規社員で、この金融円滑化法案ができたので何とか生き延びているけれども、「自見さん、あとは仕事が何とか出てこないか」と、「今、必死で我慢して自分自身は廃業してもいいと思っているのだけれども、それに100人みんな家庭があるから一生懸命頑張っているのだ」と。 - 金融庁


He became the new chairman of the General Insurance Association of Japanwell, being a non-life insurer naturally comes with the corresponding social role and, for that reason, the FSA is also eager to maintain close mutual contact. In the non-life insurance industry, participating businesses (non-life insurers) are all experiencing the severe economic conditions that have hit Japan. On an international front, the global financial market has also posed difficulties since the Lehman crisis two years ago. Domestically, we are also faced with grim employment conditions reflected in the fact that the unemployment rate is 5.2% and one million people are receiving the Employment Adjustment Subsidy. Although there are some signs that a path toward economic recovery is appearing, to a modest degree, we are still on a seesaw ride. As you know, events like the Greek crisis have made it necessary to seek international policy coordination in the G7 and G20 forums. Among other domains, the financial area particularly has a strong cross-border nature. On the other hand, the way a country's economy is run differs from one country to the next. I hope that he, in his capacity of chairman of the General Insurance Association of Japan, will properly fulfill his responsibility for what non-life insurers have as their mission, with the points I've just made in mind.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

新しく日本損害保険協会の会長になられたということでございますが、当然、損保でございますからそれ相応の社会的役割があるわけでございますし、そういったことでやはり金融庁としても密接に連絡をとりながら、それぞれの損保各企業の業界の会長でございますから、それぞれこういった厳しい経済環境の中であるし、また国際的にも非常に2年前のリーマンショック以来、国際的な金融市場というのはなかなか一筋縄でいかないところがございまして、国内にも失業率5.2%、雇用調整助成金をもらっている人が100万人という厳しい雇用情勢があるし、一方、少し景気回復の足腰が少し整ってきたよという雰囲気もありますけれども、まだまだ一進一退でございますし、しかしご存じのようにギリシャショックなどが起きまして、G7あるいはG20で国際的な協調政策、その中でまた各国のそれぞれの経済のあり方というのはそれぞれの国によって当然違うわけでございますから、そういったことをG20の中でも共通の、特に金融でございますから国際性が非常に強い分野でもございますから、そういったことを勘案しながらきちっと損保会社を損保協会の会長さんとしてきちっと与えられた使命に責任を果たしていっていただきたい。 - 金融庁


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