意味 | 例文 (6件) |
That work took time.とは 意味・読み方・使い方

意味・対訳 その作業には時間がかかりました。
「That work took time.」の部分一致の例文検索結果
該当件数 : 6件
Furthermore, the pension system of the Netherlands is designed in such a way that the period that the workers took on part-time jobs or the period when they were unemployed due to working under temporary contracts will not work against them when receiving the pension benefits.例文帳に追加
また、オランダの年金制度は、パートタイムで働いた期間や臨時契約によって雇用が中断された期間が、その受給に不利にならないように設計されている。 - 経済産業省
To obtain approval from a superior, the operation was inefficient, in that it included leaving the counter and delivering the invoice all the way to the superior, this hampered concentration on the paper work, and it took much time, in particular, when the superior was unavailable.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
上司の承認をもらうためには、一時的に席を立ち、上司のところに伝票を届ける等の作業が必要で、その間、事務ができなかった。特に上司が遠くにいる場合は、時間がかかることが多かった。 - 特許庁
During the first half of the 16th century, ABE no Arinobu took refuge on his property in Natanosho Village Notaoi in Wakasa Province where he had never visited in peace time and although having been assigned as Onmyo no kami for 3 consecutive generations that included himself, his son Ariharu TSUCHIMIKADO and his grandchild Hisanaga TSUCHIMIKADO, they almost never reported to work in Kyoto.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
16世紀前半の天文_(日本)期には、安倍有宣は平時には決して訪れることのなかった所領の若狭国名田庄村納田終に疎開して、その子土御門有春・孫土御門久脩の3代にわたり陰陽頭に任命されながらも京にほとんど出仕することもなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
I would like to ask a specific question in connection with the question that Mr. Iwakami has just asked. I also asked a related question last time, but please allow me to point to an incident that I believe took place when the Incubator Bank of Japan was in the process of acquiring its banking license, where Mr. Kimura got paid 100 million yen for entering into a licensing consultation service agreement while he was an incumbent advisor to the FSA. This constitutes a case of someone in the position of a part-time civil servant as an advisor who went ahead to work as a licensing administration consultant at the same time and got paid for it - doesn't that carry any issues?発音を聞く 例文帳に追加
先ほどの岩上さんの質問に関連してなのですけれども、1つ具体的に伺いたいのですが、前回私も質問したのですけれども、日本振興銀行の免許取得の際に、木村さんが現職の金融庁顧問の間に免許を取るコンサルタント業の契約をして1億円を支払われて、という経緯があったと思うのですけれども、これに関しては要するに非常勤の公務員で顧問にある人が許認可行政のコンサルタントを同時にやって、それで支払いを受けていると、これは全く問題はないのでしょうか。 - 金融庁
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意味 | 例文 (6件) |
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