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ウィキペディア英語版での「The Fire Theft」の意味

The Fire Theft

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/04/04 05:24 UTC 版)

The Fire Theft is an indie rock band from Seattle, Washington. It was formed in 2001 by vocalist/guitarist Jeremy Enigk, bassist Nate Mendel, and drummer William Goldsmith, all of whom were previously members of Sunny Day Real Estate. Mendel also plays bass for Foo Fighters, and Goldsmith drummed for Foo Fighters between 1995 and 1997.

「The Fire Theft」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 14


From the Edo period, the construction of dozo for fire-proofing and theft prevention flourished, often with the adoption of techniques developed in castle construction, and this created an impression of affluence.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

江戸時代以降には、城郭で発展した技術も生かされ、火災や盗難防止のために盛んに建てられ、後に裕福さの象徴ともなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

On top of the mountain there exists Atago-jinja Shrine (Kyoto City), which has been worshipped by the people of Kyoto as hibuse no kami or gods to protects from fire and theft from a long time ago.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

山頂には愛宕神社(京都市)があり、古来より火伏せの神様として京都の住民の信仰を集めている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The anti-theft mechanism 1 of the safe is so constituted that it has a leg and that the safe 7 filled with a fire resistive material 6 between each internal wall 4 and each exterior wall 5 of the bottom 3 is fixed to a floor 8.例文帳に追加

金庫の盗難防止機構1は、脚部を備え、底部3の各内壁4と各外壁5間に耐火材6を充てんしてなる金庫7を床8に固定するものである。 - 特許庁

Physical protection of the equipments and devices, etc. handling personal data from the security control threat (for instance, theft, destruction, and damage) and from the environmental threat (for instance, water leakage, fire, and power stoppage)発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

・個人データを取り扱う機器・装置等の、安全管理上の脅威(例えば、盗難、破壊、破損)や環境上の脅威(例えば、漏水、火災、停電)からの物理的な保護 - 経済産業省

To provide a situation confirmation apparatus allowing visual confirmation of a safety situation and the like at the occurrence of crimes such as a sneak theft, a robber, kidnapping, and fire setting, and disasters such as a storm, a downpour, a flood, and an earthquake.例文帳に追加

空き巣、強盗、誘拐、放火等の犯罪や、暴風、豪雨、洪水、地震等の災害等が発生した場合の安否状況等を視覚的に確認可能とした状況確認装置の提供。 - 特許庁

To provide an alarm and an alarm system for increasing monitoring performance in an alarm section by enabling mutual interlocking alarm only between specific alarms by configuring an interlocking group about the detection of different types of abnormalities as a fire, gas leakage, and theft.例文帳に追加

火災、ガス漏れ、盗難といった異種の異常検出について連動グループを構成して特定の警報器間でのみ相互に連動警報を可能として住宅等の警戒区画での監視性能を高める。 - 特許庁


To immediately grasp an abnormal state of an abnormality such as theft, fire, an earthquake even at a remote place by visual sense when the abnormality is caused at a place where an automatic vending machine is installed and a unmanned store at night, etc.例文帳に追加

自動販売機設置場所や夜間無人店舗等において、盗難、火災、地震などの異常が発生したときに遠隔地においてもその異常状況を視覚で即座に把握できるものとする。 - 特許庁


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「The Fire Theft」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 14


To improve monitoring performance in a warning section such as a residence by enabling mutual interlocking alarm about the detection of such different types of abnormalities as a fire, gas leakage, or theft.例文帳に追加

火災、ガス漏れ、盗難といった異種の異常検出について相互に連動警報を可能として住宅等の警戒区画での監視性能を高める。 - 特許庁

Here, the facility equipment 20 includes, for example, air conditioning facility 30, electric facility 40, lighting facility 50, and equipment used in fire prevention and theft prevention facility 60.例文帳に追加

ここで、設備機器20とは、例えば、空調設備30、電気設備40、照明設備50、あるいは防災・防犯設備60などに使用される機器である。 - 特許庁

Most commonly known Kosatsu are 5 boards of Kosatsu published in 1661 ("Erizeni" for eliminating low quality money, "Kirishitan," [Christian] the ban of "Christianity," "Kajiba," the law at the scene of a fire for preventing theft at the scene, "Dachin," the law for money or goods for the purpose of reward and "Zatsuji," the law for personal affairs), 5 boards of Kosatsu published in 1771 ("Chuko," the loyalty and filial piety, "Kirishitan," the ban of Christianity, "Hitsuke," the law at the scene of a fire, "Dachin," the law for money or goods for the purpose of reward and "Dokuyaku, "the law for treating poisons) and 5 posts on the streets released by a new government after the Meiji restoration.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

主な代表的な高札としては、寛文元年(1661年)の5枚の高札(撰銭、切支丹、火事場、駄賃、雑事)や正徳(日本)元年(1711年)の5枚の高札(忠孝、切支丹、火付、駄賃、毒薬)、明治維新とともに新政府から出された五榜の掲示などがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The alarm 1 has: a sensor part 4 monitoring abnormality such as a fire, gas or theft; a memory 11 storing the sensor information of the sensor part 4; and a transmission/reception part (a wireless tag) 12 reading the sensor information from the memory according to an information transmission request from the outside and transmitting it.例文帳に追加

警報器1は、火災、ガス、盗難等の異常を監視するセンサ部4、センサ部4のセンサ情報を記憶するメモリ11、及び外部からの情報送信要求に従ってセンサ情報をメモリから読み出して送信する送受信部(無線タグ)12を有する。 - 特許庁

In respect of anything done, purported to have been done, or omitted to be done, in the exercise or performance of any power or duty under sections 82 to 92 or under regulations made under section 106, the Government shall not be liable to make good any loss sustained in respect of any goods by fire, theft, damage or other cause while such goods are in any customs warehouse or in the lawful custody or control of any officer of customs, unless such loss is caused by the wilful neglect or default of an officer of customs or of a person employed by the Government in connection with the customs.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第82条から第92条に基づく又は第106条に定める諸規則に基づく権限又は職務の行使又は遂行において行われたこと,行われたと称されること,又は省略されたことに関して,政府は,税関職員又は税関との関係上政府により雇用された者の行為の不履行又は怠慢に起因する損失を除き,商品が税関倉庫内に又は税関職員により適法な管理又は保管の下におかれている間に,火災,窃盗,破壊又はその他の事由により被った如何なる損失に関してもその賠償責任を負わない。 - 特許庁

In respect of anything done, purported to have been done, or omitted to be done, as mentioned in subsection (1), no officer of customs or other person employed by the Government in connection with the customs shall be liable to make good any loss sustained in respect of any goods by fire, theft, damage or other cause while such goods are in any customs warehouse or in the lawful custody or control of such officer or any other officer of customs or person so employed in connection with customs, unless such loss is caused by his wilful neglect or default.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

行われたこと,行われたと称されること,又は省略されたことについて,(1)にいうのと同様に,税関職員又は税関との関係上政府により雇用されたその他の者は,その者の行為の不履行又は怠慢に起因する損失を除き,商品が税関倉庫内に又は当該税関職員又はその他の税関職員又は税関との関係上政府により雇用された者により適法な管理又は保管の下におかれている間に,火災,窃盗,破壊又はその他の事由により被った如何なる損失に関してもその賠償責任を負わない。 - 特許庁


Thus, local residents are informed of the crime-prevention, disaster-prevention of the emergency, the theft, the burglary, the fire or the suspicious person problems at the school and in the school zones, which are to be solved by cooperation of the local residents.例文帳に追加

特定小電力無線機器リモコン1と電波発信装置2と電波受信器3とEメール発信装置4と回転灯付警報器5と人感センサー6とデジタル録音再生装置18と放送スピーカー19を備える警報装置にする事により、人感センサー6が感知した信号を電波発信装置2が電波受信器3に無線電波を発信し、又は、リモコン1からの無線電波を電波受信器3に発信した信号で、警報器5とEメール発信装置4とデジタル録音再生装置18を作動させる事で、緊急・盗難・強盗・火災の防犯、防災又は、学校や通学路での不審者問題を地域住民に報知し地域住民の力で解決する事ができる。 - 特許庁


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