



英和・和英辞典で「The act is an offense」に一致する見出し語は見つかりませんでしたが、

「The act is an offense」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 16


(iii) Regarding the offense that is the premise of the outgoing transfer, when the request provided for in Article 350 of the Code of Criminal Procedure is made; or in a criminal case related to the act constituting the offense that is the premise of the outgoing transfer when a demand for recovery of the right to appeal or apply for a retrial or for an extraordinary appeal to the court of last resort is pending in a Japanese court;発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

三 送出移送犯罪について刑事訴訟法第三百五十条の請求又は送出移送犯罪に係る事件について上訴権回復若しくは再審の請求若しくは非常上告の手続が日本国の裁判所に係属するとき。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 30 The Public Security Intelligence Officer may, where there is a need for an investigation with regard to the regulations under this Act, attend the seizure of property, search and inspection by the judicial police officer in an offense involving any terroristic subversive activity.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第三十条 公安調査官は、この法律による規制に関し、調査のため必要があるときは、司法警察員が暴力主義的破壊活動からなる罪に関して行う押収、捜索及び検証に立ち会うことができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

For this, the establishment of an institutional framework that ensures appropriate protection of trade secrets is vital. In order to better protect trade secrets held by companies, METI submitted a bill to partially amend the Unfair Competition Prevention Act to the 171st session of the Diet, revising the requirements of the offense of the infringement of trade secrets.例文帳に追加

経済産業省は、事業者が保有する営業秘密の一層の保護を図るため、営業秘密侵害罪の要件を見直す「不正競争防止法の一部を改正する法律案」を、第171回通常国会に提出した。 - 経済産業省

The Order of the Rising Sun (Keisatsu-sho, police design) is an emblem of the chamber (regulation by Minor Offense Act) so that you cannot use it; there are some examples of detectives using the design of Kikukamon as a symbol of their company to represent the authority.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

また旭日章(警察章)が司法機関紋章であり使用出来ない(軽犯罪法による規制)ため、探偵業者が権威を表現するために自社の表号として使用する例がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Anyone who deliberately infringes the right to a trade symbol protected by this Act shall, unless the act is punishable as an industrial property rights offense under Section 2 of Chapter 49 of the Penal Code, be sentenced to a fine for a violation of trademark rights.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

本法の保護する取引表象についての権利を故意に侵害した者は,当該行為が刑法第49章第2条に基づく工業所有権に対する犯罪として処罰される場合を除いて,商標権の侵害による罰金を科される。 - 特許庁

Article 65 (1) A judicial police officer may, in cases where he/she has arrested or taken delivery of a suspect for any of the offenses set forth in Article 70, or of a flagrant offender for such offense and only in cases where a written detention order is issued and the person is not suspected of any other criminal offense, deliver the suspect to an immigration control officer together with the pertinent documents and evidence, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 203 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Act No. 131 of 1948) (including cases where it is applied mutatis mutandis pursuant to the provisions of Articles 211 and 216 thereof).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第六十五条 司法警察員は、第七十条の罪に係る被疑者を逮捕し、若しくは受け取り、又はこれらの罪に係る現行犯人を受け取つた場合には、収容令書が発付され、且つ、その者が他に罪を犯した嫌疑のないときに限り、刑事訴訟法(昭和二十三年法律第百三十一号)第二百三条(同法第二百十一条及び第二百十六条の規定により準用する場合を含む。)の規定にかかわらず、書類及び証拠物とともに、当該被疑者を入国警備官に引き渡すことができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 262 (1) Where a person who has filed a complaint or accusation regarding an offense set forth in Articles 193 to 196 of the Penal Code, Article 45 of the Subversive Activities Prevention Act (Act No. 240 of 1952), or Article 42 or 43 of the Act on Regulation of Organizations Which Have Committed Indiscriminate Mass Murder (Act No.147 of 1999) is dissatisfied with the disposition not to institute prosecution made by a public prosecutor, the complainant or accuser may request the district court which has jurisdiction over the location of the public prosecutors office to which that public prosecutor belongs to commit the case to a court for trial.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第二百六十二条 刑法第百九十三条から第百九十六条まで又は破壊活動防止法(昭和二十七年法律第二百四十号)第四十五条若しくは無差別大量殺人行為を行った団体の規制に関する法律(平成十一年法律第百四十七号)第四十二条若しくは第四十三条の罪について告訴又は告発をした者は、検察官の公訴を提起しない処分に不服があるときは、その検察官所属の検察庁の所在地を管轄する地方裁判所に事件を裁判所の審判に付することを請求することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Where an offense under this Ordinance committed by a body corporate is proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance of, or to be attributable to any neglect on the part of, a director, manager, secretary or other similar officer of the body, or a person purporting to act in any such capacity, he as well as the body corporate is guilty of the offence and liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

法人の関与する本条例に基づく犯罪が,法人の取締役,管理職,秘書役若しくは他の同等の役職者又はそのような資格で行為する役目の者の同意又は黙認により犯されたことが証明される場合,又は,前記の者の怠慢に起因することが証明される場合は,法人と共に当該人も有罪となり,相応に告訴され罰せられる。 - 特許庁

Regarding the case of Nomura Securities, I understand that you cannot make comments as this concerns a specific company. Although someone may have already asked this question previously, how grave an offense do you think a securities company’s involvement in an insider trading case is under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act?発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

先ほどもあった野村證券の件なのですけれども、個別事案なので、確かに具体的なお話は伺えないのは分かるのですけれども、前回もどなたかお聞きになったかも知れませんが、金商法上、あるいは証券市場のあり方論として、その担い手の証券会社がインサイダー取引に関わるということというのは、金商法上でどのぐらい重たいものだとお考えになっていますか。 - 金融庁

Article 19 (1) When a director, audit counselor (where the counselor is a juridical person, an employee thereof who executes the audit duty. Hereinafter the same shall apply in this article.), auditor or employee of the Company and the Regional Companies has received, demanded or promised to receive a bribe in connection with the person's job, this person shall be punishable and liable to penal servitude for a term not exceeding three years. Anyone who has committed an improper act or has omitted a proper act thereby shall be guilty of an offense and liable to penal servitude for a term not exceeding seven years.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第十九条 会社及び地域会社の取締役、会計参与(会計参与が法人であるときは、その職務を行うべき社員。以下この条において同じ。)、監査役又は職員が、その職務に関して賄賂を収受し、要求し、又は約束したときは、三年以下の懲役に処する。これによつて不正の行為をし、又は相当の行為をしなかつたときは、七年以下の懲役に処する。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 3 The provisions of Article 9(1) to (3), Article 10, and Article 11 of the Act for Punishment of Organized Crimes, Control of Crime Proceeds and Other Matters (Act No. 136 of 1999; hereinafter referred to as the "Organized Crime Punishment Act" ) shall also apply to an act committed after the enforcement of this Act with regard to assets arising from or acquired through a criminal act constituting any of the offenses listed in the following provisions (including a criminal act committed outside Japan, which would constitute any of these offenses if it were committed in Japan and which constitutes an offense under the laws and regulations of the place of the act) that was committed before the enforcement of this Act in order to acquire illicit gains, or assets acquired as a reward for said criminal act: Article 14(1)(i) to (vi)-2, or (vii) of the Unfair Competition Prevention Act (excluding the part pertaining to Article 11(1) of the same Act) before the revision pursuant to the provision of Article 1 of this Act; Article 200-2(1) of the Patent Act before the revision pursuant to the provision of Article 2 of this Act; Article 60-2(1) of the Utility Model Act before the revision pursuant to the provision of Article 3 of this Act; Article 73-2(1) of the Design Act before the revision pursuant to the provision of Article 4 of this Act; Article 81-2(1) of the Trademark Act before the revision pursuant to the provision of Article 5 of this Act; Article 122-2 of the Copyright Act before the revision pursuant to the provision of Article 6; or Article 60-2(1) of the Utility Model Act before the revision pursuant to the provision of Article 3 of the Act for Partial Revision of the Patent Act, etc. (Act No. 26 of 2003) before the revision pursuant to the provision of Article 6 of the Supplementary Provisions of this Act where said provision of Article 3 is to remain applicable pursuant to the provision of Article 4(1) of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act for Partial Revision of the Patent Act, etc. (such Utility Model Act shall be referred to as the "Former Utility Model Act of 1992" in Article 6 of the Supplementary Provisions of this Act).In this case, these assets shall be deemed as criminal gains under Article 2(2)(i) of the Organized Crime Punishment Act.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第三条 組織的な犯罪の処罰及び犯罪収益の規制等に関する法律(平成十一年法律第百三十六号。以下「組織的犯罪処罰法」という。)第九条第一項から第三項まで、第十条及び第十一条の規定は、この法律の施行前に財産上の不正な利益を得る目的で犯した第一条の規定による改正前の不正競争防止法第十四条第一項第一号から第六号の二まで若しくは第七号(同法第十一条第一項に係る部分を除く。)、第二条の規定による改正前の特許法第二百条の二第一項、第三条の規定による改正前の実用新案法第六十条の二第一項、第四条の規定による改正前の意匠法第七十三条の二第一項、第五条の規定による改正前の商標法第八十一条の二第一項、第六条の規定による改正前の著作権法第百二十二条の二又は附則第六条の規定による改正前の特許法等の一部を改正する法律(平成五年法律第二十六号)附則第四条第一項の規定によりなおその効力を有するものとされた同法第三条の規定による改正前の実用新案法(附則第六条において「平成五年旧実用新案法」という。)第六十条の二第一項に掲げる罪の犯罪行為(日本国外でした行為であって、当該行為が日本国内において行われたとしたならばこれらの罪に当たり、かつ、当該行為地の法令により罪に当たるものを含む。)により生じ、若しくは当該犯罪行為により得た財産又は当該犯罪行為の報酬として得た財産に関してこの法律の施行後にした行為に対しても、適用する。この場合において、これらの財産は、組織的犯罪処罰法第二条第二項第一号の犯罪収益とみなす。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 36 The provisions of Article 16, paragraphs (1), (3) and (4), Article 19, paragraph (1), Article 20, paragraph (1) and Article 21 of the Act of Extradition (Act No. 68 of 1953) shall be applied mutatis mutandis to the surrender of an outgoing sentenced person to an administering state pursuant to the order provided for in Article 34, paragraph (2). In this case, the following terms shall be deemed to be replaced as follows: "the order of surrender provided for in paragraph (1) of Article 14" in Article 16, paragraph (1) of the Act of Extradition and "the direction for surrender of a fugitive as provided for in paragraph (1) or (5) of Article 17" Article 20, paragraph (1) of the same act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the order provided for in Article 34, paragraph (2) of the Act on the Transnational Transfer of Sentenced Persons"; "the full name of the fugitive, the name of the offense for which extradition is requested, the name of the requesting state, the place of surrender, the time limit for surrender and the date of issue" in Article 16, paragraph (4) of the same act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the full name, age and nationality of the outgoing sentenced person provided for in Article 2, item (x) of the Act on the Transnational Transfer of Sentenced Persons (hereinafter referred to as the "outgoing sentenced person"), the name of the administering state in Article 2, item (viii) of the same act (hereinafter referred to as the "administering state"), the name of the offense that is the premise of the outgoing transfer provided for in Article 2, item (xii) of the same act, the name and term of punishment imposed, and the date and place of surrender"; "paragraph (3) of Article 16" in Article 19, paragraph (1) of the same act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 16, paragraph (3) of the Act of Extradition applied mutatis mutandis by the provisions of Article 36 of the Act on the Transnational Transfer of Sentenced Persons"; "the requesting state" in Article 19, paragraph (1), Article 20, paragraph (1) and Article 21 in the same act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the administering state"; "the fugitive" in Article 20, paragraph (1) of the same act shall be deemed to be replaced with "the outgoing sentenced person"; "paragraph (1) of Article 20" and "the fugitive" in Article 21 of the same act shall be deemed to be replaced with "Article 20, paragraph (1) of the Act of Extradition applied mutatis mutandis by the provisions of Article 36 of the Act on the Transnational Transfer of Sentenced Persons" and "the outgoing sentenced person", respectively.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第三十六条 逃亡犯罪人引渡法(昭和二十八年法律第六十八号)第十六条第一項、第三項及び第四項、第十九条第一項、第二十条第一項並びに第二十一条の規定は、第三十四条第二項の命令により送出受刑者を執行国に引き渡す場合について準用する。この場合において、同法第十六条第一項中「第十四条第一項の規定による引渡の命令」とあり、及び同法第二十条第一項中「第十七条第一項又は第五項の規定による逃亡犯罪人の引渡の指揮」とあるのは「国際受刑者移送法第三十四条第二項の命令」と、同法第十六条第四項中「逃亡犯罪人の氏名、引渡犯罪名、請求国の名称、引渡の場所、引渡の期限及び発付の年月日」とあるのは「国際受刑者移送法第二条第十号の送出受刑者(以下「送出受刑者」という。)の氏名、年齢、国籍、同法第二条第八号の執行国(以下「執行国」という。)の名称、同法第二条第十二号の送出移送犯罪の名称、刑名、刑期、引渡日及び引渡しの場所」と、同法第十九条第一項中「第十六条第三項」とあるのは「国際受刑者移送法第三十六条の規定により準用される逃亡犯罪人引渡法第十六条第三項」と、同法第十九条第一項、第二十条第一項及び第二十一条中「請求国」とあるのは「執行国」と、同法第二十条第一項中「示して逃亡犯罪人の」とあるのは「示して送出受刑者の」と、「逃亡犯罪人を」とあるのは「送出受刑者を」と、同法第二十一条中「前条第一項」とあるのは「国際受刑者移送法第三十六条の規定により準用される逃亡犯罪人引渡法第二十条第一項」と、「逃亡犯罪人」とあるのは「送出受刑者」と読み替えるものとする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 39 (1) The Minister of Justice may order the warden of the penal institution where an incoming sentenced person is detained to surrender the sentenced person to the sentencing state (hereinafter in this Article referred to as "extradition") if, regarding the incoming sentenced person (excluding any sentenced person who is on parole pursuant to Article 28 of the Penal Code applied by Article 21 of this act or pursuant to the provisions of Article 22 of this act) surrendered by the sentencing state pursuant to the order provided for in Article 13, the sentenced person is to appear for a retrial of the final and binding decision of foreign punishment with regard to the offense that is the premise of the incoming transfer, or other unavoidable circumstances are deemed to exist, and the sentencing state requests the surrender.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第三十九条 法務大臣は、第十三条の命令により裁判国から引渡しを受けた受入受刑者(第二十一条の規定により適用される刑法第二十八条又はこの法律第二十二条の規定により仮釈放中の者を除く。)について、受入移送犯罪に係る外国刑の確定裁判の再審の審判に出頭する場合その他やむを得ない事情があると認める場合において、裁判国からの要請があるときは、当該受入受刑者が収容されている刑事施設の長に対し、裁判国への引渡し(以下本条において「送還」という。)を命ずることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Article 21 A person upon whom the assistance punishment prescribed in Article 16, paragraph (1), item (i) is to be enforced shall be regarded as a person upon whom imprisonment with work is to be enforced; a person upon whom the assistance punishment prescribed in item (ii) of the same paragraph is to be enforced shall be regarded as a person upon whom imprisonment without work is to be enforced; the assistance punishment prescribed in item (i) of the same paragraph shall be regarded as imprisonment with work; the assistance punishment in item (ii) of the same paragraph shall be regarded as imprisonment without work; and the following provisions shall apply for the purpose of enforcing the assistance punishment: Article 22, Article 24, Article 28, Article 29, Articles 31 to 33 and Article 34, paragraph (1) of the Penal Code (Act No. 45 of 1907), Article 474, Articles 480 to 482, Articles 484 to 489, Articles 502 to 504 and Article 507 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 2, paragraph (1), Article 27, paragraph (1), Article 56, Article 57 and Article 61 of the Juvenile Act (Act No. 168 of 1948), Article 1, Article 2, Articles 4 to 9, Article 10, paragraph (1), Article 10-2, Article 13, Article 14, paragraphs (1), (4) and (5), Articles 14-2 to 16, Article 17, paragraph (2), Article 17-2 and Article 17-4 to Article 17-6 of the Juvenile Training Schools Act (Act No. 169 of 1948) and Article 3, Article 4, paragraph (2), Articles 11 to 14, Article 16, Articles 23 to 30, Article 33, Article 34, paragraph (1), Articles 35 to 40, Article 48, Article 49, paragraph (1), Article 50, Article 51, Article 52, paragraphs (2) and (3), Article 53, paragraphs (2) and (3), Article 54, paragraph (2), Articles 55 to 58, Articles 60 to 65, Articles 75 to 77, Article 82, Articles 84 to 88 and Articles 91 to 98 of the Offenders Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 88 of 2007). In such a case, the "one-third" in Article 28 of the Penal Code shall be, "one-third (including the number of days an incoming sentenced person has been detained in the enforcement of the foreign punishment as defined in Article 2, item (i) of the Act on the Transnational Transfer of Sentenced Persons (hereinafter referred to as the "foreign punishment"), rendered in the final and binding decision with regard to the offense that is the premise of the incoming transfer as defined in Article 2, item (xi) of the same act (hereinafter referred to as the "offense that is the premise of the incoming transfer") in a sentencing state as defined in Article 2, item (vii) of the same act (hereinafter referred to as the "sentencing state"))"; "10 years" shall be "10 years (including the number of days an incoming sentenced person has been detained in the enforcement of the foreign punishment rendered in the final and binding decision with regard to the offense that is the premise of the incoming transfer in the sentencing state)"; "after a sentence has become final and binding" in Article 32 of the same code shall be "after the surrender by a sentencing state in accordance with the order prescribed in Article 13 of the Act on the Transnational Transfer of Sentenced Persons"; "two or more" and "the greatest among the punishments" in Article 474 of the Code of Criminal Procedure shall be "assistance punishment as defined in Article 2, item (ii) of the Act on the Transnational Transfer of Sentenced Persons (hereinafter referred to as the "assistance punishment")"; "the other punishment" in the same Article shall be "the principal punishment"; "the public prosecutors office responding to the court that has rendered the punishment" in Article 480 and Article 482 of the same code shall be "the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office"; "category of punishment" in Article 487 of the same code shall be "types of assistance punishment"; "a person upon whom a decision is to be enforced" in Article 502 in the same code shall be "a person upon whom the assistance punishment is to be enforced"; "the court that rendered such decision" in the same Article shall be "the Tokyo District Court"; and "a judgment of guilty has become final and binding against an individual in the course of enforcement of a protective measure" in Article 27, paragraph (1) of the Juvenile Act and "a sentence of imprisonment with or without work, or of penal detention has become final and binding in the course of enforcement of a protective measure" in Article 57 in the same code shall be "a person with regard to whom assistance punishment as defined in item (ii) of Article 2 of the Act on the Transnational Transfer of Sentenced Persons is to be enforced and who is currently undergoing a protective measure"; additional technicalities requiring alternative readings in connection with the application of these provisions shall be determined by a Cabinet order.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第二十一条 共助刑の執行に関しては、第十六条第一項第一号の共助刑の執行を受ける者を懲役に処せられた者と、同項第二号の共助刑の執行を受ける者を禁錮に処せられた者と、同項第一号の共助刑を懲役と、同項第二号の共助刑を禁錮とそれぞれみなして、刑法(明治四十年法律第四十五号)第二十二条、第二十四条、第二十八条、第二十九条、第三十一条から第三十三条まで及び第三十四条第一項、刑事訴訟法第四百七十四条、第四百八十条から第四百八十二条まで、第四百八十四条から第四百八十九条まで、第五百二条から第五百四条まで及び第五百七条、少年法(昭和二十三年法律第百六十八号)第二条第一項、第二十七条第一項、第五十六条、第五十七条及び第六十一条、少年院法(昭和二十三年法律第百六十九号)第一条、第二条、第四条から第九条まで、第十条第一項、第十条の二、第十三条、第十四条第一項、第四項及び第五項、第十四条の二から第十六条まで、第十七条第二項、第十七条の二並びに第十七条の四から第十七条の六まで並びに更生保護法(平成十九年法律第八十八号)第三条、第四条第二項、第十一条から第十四条まで、第十六条、第二十三条から第三十条まで、第三十三条、第三十四条第一項、第三十五条から第四十条まで、第四十八条、第四十九条第一項、第五十条、第五十一条、第五十二条第二項及び第三項、第五十三条第二項及び第三項、第五十四条第二項、第五十五条から第五十八条まで、第六十条から第六十五条まで、第七十五条から第七十七条まで、第八十二条、第八十四条から第八十八条まで並びに第九十一条から第九十八条までの規定を適用する。この場合において、刑法第二十八条中「三分の一」とあるのは「三分の一(国際受刑者移送法第二条第七号の裁判国(以下「裁判国」という。)において同法第二条第十一号の受入移送犯罪(以下「受入移送犯罪」という。)に係る確定裁判において言い渡された同法第二条第一号の外国刑(以下「外国刑」という。)の執行としての拘禁をしたとされる日数を含む。)」と、「十年」とあるのは「十年(裁判国において受入移送犯罪に係る確定裁判において言い渡された外国刑の執行としての拘禁をしたとされる日数を含む。)」と、同法第三十二条中「刑の言渡しが確定した後」とあるのは「国際受刑者移送法第十三条の命令により裁判国から引渡しを受けた後」と、刑事訴訟法第四百七十四条中「二以上の」とあるのは「国際受刑者移送法第二条第二号の共助刑(以下「共助刑」という。)と」と、「その重いもの」とあり、及び「重い刑」とあるのは「共助刑」と、「他の刑」とあるのは「主刑」と、同法第四百八十条及び第四百八十二条中「刑の言渡をした裁判所に対応する検察庁」とあるのは「東京地方検察庁」と、同法第四百八十七条中「刑名」とあるのは「共助刑の種類」と、同法第五百二条中「裁判の執行を受ける者」とあるのは「共助刑の執行を受ける者」と、「言渡をした裁判所」とあるのは「東京地方裁判所」と、少年法第二十七条第一項中「保護処分の継続中、本人に対して有罪判決が確定した」とあり、及び同法第五十七条中「保護処分の継続中、懲役、禁錮又は拘留の刑が確定した」とあるのは「国際受刑者移送法第二条第二号の共助刑の執行を受ける者が保護処分の継続中である」とし、その他これらの規定の適用に関し必要な技術的読替えは、政令で定める。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム



「The act is an offense」を「Weblio翻訳」で翻訳して得られた結果を表示しています。






The /(弱形) ðə 《子音の前》/
その, 例の, 問題の
act /ˈækt/
行為, 行ない
is /(弱形) ɪz/
be の 3 人称・単数・直説法・現在形
an /(弱形) ən/
(n の前にくる時の) ad‐の異形
offense /əféns/
違反, 反則
濾過率; 濾過比; 濾過分画; 糸球体濾過比


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