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The date of deductionとは 意味・読み方・使い方





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Weblio英語表現辞典での「The date of deduction」の意味

The date of deduction

「The date of deduction」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 15


(B) Double deduction from taxable income of transportation, electricity, and water costs for ten years from the date of first revenue derived from promoted activity例文帳に追加

②法人所得を生じた日より数えて10 年間、輸送、電力、水道の経費の2 倍まで控除 - 経済産業省

(2) Special corporation tax deduction: Enterprises are allowed a deduction from their corporation tax assessment of 10% of pay and allowances in the event of employment of victims during the period from the date of designation to the date five years later.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

② 法人税の特別控除:指定の日から5 年を経過する日までの期間内に被災者を雇用した場合、給与等支給額の10%を法人税額から控除する。 - 経済産業省

(4) The General Partner shall be entitled to receive a commission, fee or other consideration (the “Deductible Fees”) from a Portfolio Company in connection with a Portfolio Investment, or the management or technical guidance or advice or other management support provided by the General Partner to a Portfolio Company. If the General Partner has received Deductible Fees, the management fee to be payable on the next payment date therefor shall be reduced by an amount equal to [__]% of such Deductible Fees (the “Management Fee Deduction”). [[If an Excuse/Exclusion clause is not included]Each Partner shall be relieved of its liability for the management fee payable on the payment date by its share of the Management Fee Deduction in proportion to its Interest Amount/[If an Excuse/Exclusion clause is included]Each Partner who made a contribution to a Portfolio Investment for such Portfolio Company shall be relieved of its liability for the management fee payable on the payment date by its share of the Management Fee Deduction in proportion to its Percentage Interest in respect of such Portfolio Investment]. If the total amount of the Management Fee payable on the payment date thereof is less than the Management Fee Deduction, the deduction shall be made from a management fee payable on each of the next and subsequent payment dates until the Management Fee Deduction is applied in full.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

4. 無限責任組合員は、ポートフォリオ投資、又は無限責任組合員による経営若しくは技術の指導若しくは助言その他の経営支援に関連して、投資先事業者等から手数料又は報酬その他の対価(以下「控除対象手数料等」という。)を受領することができる。無限責任組合員が控除対象手数料等を受領したときは、当該控除対象手数料等の[ ]%に相当する額(以下「管理報酬控除額」という。)を、直後の管理報酬の支払日に支払われるべき管理報酬から減額するものとし、[【免除/除外条項を設けない場合】各組合員は、管理報酬控除額のうち、その持分金額/【免除/除外条項を設ける場合】当該投資先事業者等へのポートフォリオ投資に出資した各組合員は、管理報酬控除額のうち、当該ポートフォリオ投資に係る対象持分割合]に応じて按分した金額につき、当該支払日に支払われるべき管理報酬の負担を免れるものとする。なお、当該管理報酬の支払日において支払われるべき管理報酬の総額が管理報酬控除額を下回る場合には、管理報酬控除額の全額が控除されるまで、次回以降の各支払日において支払われるべき管理報酬より順次控除するものとする。 - 経済産業省

(i) Where redemption is made after the redemption date: Out of the income tax collected on the said discount bonds pursuant to the provisions of Article 41-12(3) of the Act (where the amount of the said income tax is not clear, the amount obtained by deducting the issue price, etc. on the final issue date for the said discount bonds from the face value of the said discount bonds and then multiplying the remaining amount after deduction by the rate of income tax on profit from redemption for the said discount bonds collected at the time of issue pursuant to the provisions of the said paragraph; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), the amount corresponding to the period during which a corporation or trustee prescribed in Article 41-12(6) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as a "non-taxable corporation, etc." in this Article) held the said discount bonds発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

一 その償還期限後において償還する場合 当該割引債につき法第四十一条の十二第三項の規定により徴収された所得税の額(当該所得税の額が明らかでないときは、当該割引債の券面金額から当該割引債に係る最終発行日における発行価額等を控除した残額に、当該割引債の発行の際に同項の規定により当該割引債に係る償還差益について徴収された所得税の税率を乗じて計算した金額。以下この条において同じ。)のうち、法第四十一条の十二第六項に規定する法人又は受託者(以下この条において「非課税法人等」という。)が当該割引債を所有していた期間に対応する部分の金額 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) Where redemption is made after the redemption date: Out of the income tax collected on said discount bonds pursuant to the provisions of Article 41-12, paragraph (3) of the Act (where the amount of said income tax is not clear, the amount obtained by deducting the issue price, etc. on the final issue date for said discount bonds from the face value of said discount bonds and then multiplying the remaining amount after deduction (where said discount bonds are issued outside Japan by a foreign corporation, the amount specified by Cabinet Order, prescribed in said paragraph) by the rate of income tax on profit from redemption for said discount bonds collected at the time of issuance pursuant to the provisions of said paragraph; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), the amount corresponding to the period during which a domestic corporation or trustee prescribed in Article 41-12, paragraph (6) of the Act (hereinafter referred to as a "non-taxable corporation, etc." in this Article) held said discount bonds発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

一 その償還期限後において償還する場合 当該割引債につき法第四十一条の十二第三項の規定により徴収された所得税の額(当該所得税の額が明らかでないときは、当該割引債の券面金額から当該割引債に係る最終発行日における発行価額等を控除した残額(当該割引債が外国法人が国外において発行したものであるときは、同項に規定する政令で定める金額)に、当該割引債の発行の際に同項の規定により当該割引債に係る償還差益について徴収された所得税の税率を乗じて計算した金額。以下この条において同じ。)のうち、法第四十一条の十二第六項に規定する内国法人又は受託者(以下この条において「非課税法人等」という。)が当該割引債を所有していた期間に対応する部分の金額 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

8. With regard to items to be recorded (except for the date of record, name of customer, name of Commodity Exchange, Type of Listed Commodity or Listed Commodity Index, expiration month, date of contract, and session or time), such amount shall be recorded by each open contract, by customer (by each customer and distinction of existence or non-existence of replacement, or by Deposit Deferral), and by each of all of the above for all customers; provided, however, that with regard to unsecured Mark-to-Market profit and loss amounts, amount of deposited margin, accounts receivable from a customer, unsecured accounts receivable from a customer, total amount of required amount of clearing margin, and additional margin of such related details, amount exceeding deposited margin or amount of claim for shortage, maintenance account for the clearing margin, Mark-to-Market applicable reserve, free margin, deposit amount declared to a Commodity Exchange or Commodity Clearing Organization, deduction amount against allocations, and amount scheduled to be refunded, it is not necessary to record such amounts individually by open contract.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

八 記載事項(帳簿の作成日、委託者名、商品取引所名、上場商品又は上場商品指数の種類、限月、約定年月日及び場節又は時間を除く。)については、個々の建玉、委託者(一人ずつ及び差換の有無又は預託猶予の別ごと)及び全ての委託者ごとにその額を記載すること。ただし、無担保値洗損金通算額、預り証拠金額、委託者未収金、無担保委託者未収金、取引証拠金預託必要額の合計額及びその内訳中追証拠金、預り証拠金余剰額又は不足請求額、取引証拠金維持額、値洗充当可能額、余剰証拠金、商品取引所又は商品取引清算機関に対する預託申告額、充当控除額並びに返還予定額については、個々の建玉ごとにその額を記載することを要しない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(ii) If the General Partner receives funds (“Other Profits”) in the form of dividends, interests, royalties, or other profits (excluding those included in Disposition Profits) in respect of Portfolio Securities and/or Portfolio Intellectual Property, the General Partner shall distribute the balance of Other Profits after the deduction of: (x) the sum of (a) costs and expenses, if any, and taxes and other public duties, if any, required to receive such Other Profits and (b) expenses of Partnership, if any, due and payable at the time of the receipt of such Other Profits; and (y) the amount of any incentive fee, if any, pursuant to paragraph (4) of this Article, on such date as the General Partner, in its discretion, designates within [_] months from the end of the business year in which the day of receipt of such funds falls.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

② 無限責任組合員は、投資証券等及び/又は投資知的財産権に関して配当、利息、使用許諾料その他の収益に係る金銭(処分収益に含まれるものを除く。)(以下、「その他投資収益」という。)を受領したときは、かかる金銭を受領した日の属する事業年度の末日から[ ]ヶ月以内の無限責任組合員がその裁量により指定する日において、当該その他投資収益から、当該受領に要した諸費用(もしあれば)及び公租公課(もしあれば)並びに当該受領の時において支払期限が到来している組合費用(もしあれば)の合計額を控除した上、本条第4 項の定めに従い成功報酬(もしあれば)の額を控除した残額に相当する金銭を分配するものとする。 - 経済産業省


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「The date of deduction」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 15


(i) If the General Partner receives funds (“Disposition Profits”) from a sale or other disposition, redemption, cancellation, purchase, refund or repayment (collectively, a “Disposition”) of Portfolio Securities and/or Portfolio Intellectual Property, the General Partner shall distribute the balance of such Disposition Profit after the deduction of: (x) the sum of (a) costs and expenses, if any, and taxes and other public duties, if any, required for the Disposition and (b) expenses of Partnership, if any, due and payable at the time of the Disposition; and (y) the amount of any incentive fee, if any, pursuant to paragraph (4) of this Article, on such date as the General Partner, in its discretion, designates within [_] months from receipt of such funds.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

① 無限責任組合員は、投資証券等及び/又は投資知的財産権について売却その他の処分、償還、消却、買受け、払戻し、又は弁済がなされること(以下「処分等」と総称する。)により金銭(以下「処分収益」という。)を受領したときは、かかる金銭の受領後[ ]ヶ月以内の無限責任組合員がその裁量により指定する日において、当該処分収益から、処分等に要した諸費用(もしあれば)及び公租公課(もしあれば)並びに当該処分等の時において支払期限が到来していた組合費用(もしあれば)の合計額を控除した上、本条第4 項の定めに従い成功報酬(もしあれば)の額を控除した残額に相当する金銭を分配するものとする。 - 経済産業省

(ii) If the General Partner receives funds (“Other Profits”) in the form of dividends, interests, royalties, or other profits (excluding those included in Disposition Profits) in respect of Portfolio Securities and/or Portfolio Intellectual Property relating to a Portfolio Investment, the General Partner shall distribute to theParticipating Interested Partners in respect of such Portfolio Investment the balance of such Other Profits after the deduction of: (x) the sum of (a) costs and expenses, if any, and taxes and other public duties, if any, required to receive such Other Profits and (b) expenses of the Partnership concerning such Portfolio Investment, if any, due and payable at the time of the receipt of such Other Profits; and (y) the amount of any incentive fee, if any, pursuant to paragraph (4) of this Article, in proportion to their respective Percentage Interests of such Participating Interested Partners (provided that, for a Withdrawing Partner, the distribution shall be based on its Percentage Interest at the time of its withdrawal), on such date as the General Partner, in its discretion, designates within [_] months from the end of the business year in which the day of receipt of such funds falls.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

② 無限責任組合員は、あるポートフォリオ投資に係る投資証券等及び/又は投資知的財産権に関して配当、利息、使用許諾料その他の収益に係る金銭(処分収益に含まれるものを除く。)(以下、「その他投資収益」という。)を受領したときは、かかる金銭を受領した日の属する事業年度の末日から[ ]ヶ月以内の無限責任合員がその裁量により指定する日において、当該ポートフォリオ投資に係る対象組合員等に対し、当該その他投資収益から、当該受領に要した諸費用(もしあれば)及び公租公課(もしあれば)並びに当該受領の時において支払期限が到来している当該ポートフォリオ投資に係る組合費用(もしあれば)の合計額を控除した上、本条第4 項の定めに従い成功報酬(もしあれば)の額を控除した残額に相当する金銭を、当該各対象組合員等の対象持分割合(但し、脱退組合員については当該脱退組合員の脱退当時を基準とする。)に応じて按分した割合により分配するものとする。 - 経済産業省

(i) If t he General Partner receives funds (“Disposition Profits”) from a sale or other disposition, redemption, cancellation, purchase, refund or repayment (collectively, a “Disposition”) of Portfolio Securities and/or Portfolio Intellectual Property in respect of a Portfolio Investment, the General Partner shall distribute to the Participating Interested Partners (as defined below) in respect of such Portfolio Investment the balance of such Disposition Profits after the deduction of the sum of (x) the total amount of: (a) costs and expenses, if any, and taxes and other public duties, if any, required for the Disposition and (b) expenses of the Partnership concerning such Portfolio Investment, if any, due and payable at the time of the Disposition; and (y) the amount of any incentive fee, if any, pursuant to paragraph (4) of this Article, in proportion to the respective Percentage Interests of such Participating Interested Partners, on such date as the General Partner, in its discretion, designates within [_] months from receipt of such funds (provided that, for a Withdrawing Partner, the distribution shall be based on its Percentage Interests at the time of its withdrawal). “Participating Interested Partnersmeans, in respect of a Portfolio Investment, the Interested Partners who made contribution in such Portfolio Investment.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

① 無限責任組合員は、あるポートフォリオ投資に係る投資証券等及び/又は投資知的財産権について売却その他の処分、償還、消却、買受け、払戻し、又は弁済がなされること(以下「処分等」と総称する。)により金銭(以下「処分収益」という。)を受領したときは、かかる金銭の受領後[ ]ヶ月以内の無限責任組合員がその裁量により指定する日において、当該ポートフォリオ投資に係る対象組合員等(以下に定義する。)に対し、当該処分収益から、処分等に要した諸費用(もしあれば)及び公租公課(もしあれば)並びに当該処分等の時において支払期限が到来していた当該ポートフォリオ投資に係る本組合の費用(もしあれば)の合計額を控除した上、本条第4 項の定めに従い成功報酬(もしあれば)の額を控除した残額に相当する金銭を、当該各対象組合員等の対象持分割合(但し、脱退組合員については当該脱退組合員の脱退当時を基準とする。)に応じて按分した割合により分配するものとする。「対象組合員等」とは、あるポートフォリオ投資について、当該ポートフォリオ投資に関し出資をした組合員等をいう。 - 経済産業省

Article 26-11 (1) The amount of income tax to be deducted from corporation tax out of the amount deemed to be income tax to be collected when receiving the redemption prescribed in Article 41-12(4) of the Act pursuant to the provisions of the said paragraph shall be the amount calculated, pursuant to the provisions of Article 140-2 of the Order for Enforcement of the Corporation Tax Act, with regard to the amount of the said income tax (where the amount of the said income tax is not clear, with regard to the amount obtained by deducting the issue price for the discount bonds (where the said discount bonds are national government bonds listed in Article 41-12(9)(i) to (viii) of the Act which are those falling under the category of short-term government or company bonds prescribed in the said paragraph or other national government bonds specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance (hereinafter referred to as "short-term national government bonds, etc." in this paragraph) and are discount bonds other than those whose issue price is not clear, such issue price shall be the issue price on the final issue date for the said discount bonds, and where the said discount bonds are the said short-term national government bonds, etc., such issue price shall be the price specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance as equivalent to the said issue price for the said discount bonds; such issue price shall be referred to as the "issue price, etc. on the final issue date" in Article 26-13(1)(i) and (5)(ii)) from the face value of the said discount bonds and then multiplying the remaining amount after deduction by the rate of income tax on profit from redemption for the said discount bonds collected at the time of issue pursuant to the provisions of Article 41-12(3) of the Act, and where the discount bonds have been redeemed by bringing the redemption date forward or retired by purchase prior to the redemption date, with regard to the remaining amount after deducting the amount to be refunded that was calculated pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the next Article from the amount of the income tax). In this case, the term "interest" in Article 140-2(1)(i) of the Order for Enforcement of the Corporation Tax Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "profit from redemption"; the term "out of the number of months" in paragraph (2) of the said Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "out of the number of months (the number of days, where the said dividend of interest, etc. is profit from redemption for short-term government or company bonds (meaning short-term government or company bonds prescribed in Article 41-12(9) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation; the same shall apply in the next paragraph); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph);" and the term "the amount of income prescribed in paragraph (1)(i)" in paragraph (3) of the said Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "the amount of income (excluding the amount of income tax on profit from redemption of short-term government or company bonds) prescribed in paragraph (1)(i)."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第二十六条の十一 法第四十一条の十二第四項の規定により同項に規定する償還を受ける時に徴収される所得税とみなされたもののうち法人税の額から控除する所得税の額は、当該所得税の額(当該所得税の額が明らかでないときは、その割引債の券面金額から当該割引債に係る発行価額(当該割引債が同条第九項第一号から第八号までに掲げる国債で同項に規定する短期公社債に該当するものその他財務省令で定める国債(以下この項において「短期国債等」という。)でその発行価額が明らかでないもの以外の割引債であるときは当該割引債に係る最終発行日における発行価額とし、当該割引債が当該短期国債等であるときは当該割引債に係る当該発行価額に準ずるものとして財務省令で定める価額とする。第二十六条の十三第一項第一号及び第五項第二号において「最終発行日における発行価額等」という。)を控除した残額に、当該割引債の発行の際に法第四十一条の十二第三項の規定により当該割引債に係る償還差益について徴収された所得税の税率を乗じて計算した金額とし、その割引債が償還期限を繰り上げて償還をされたもの又は当該期限前に買入消却をされたものであるときは、その所得税の額から次条第一項の規定により計算した還付する金額を控除した残額とする。)について、法人税法施行令第百四十条の二の規定により計算した金額とする。この場合において、同条第一項第一号中「の利子」とあるのは「の償還差益」と、同条第二項中「月数のうち」とあるのは「月数(当該利子配当等が短期公社債(租税特別措置法第四十一条の十二第九項に規定する短期公社債をいう。次項において同じ。)に係る償還差益であるときは、日数。以下この項において同じ。)のうち」と、同条第三項中「所得税の額を前項」とあるのは「所得税の額(短期公社債の償還差益に対する所得税の額を除く。)を前項」とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) In addition to distribution of funds prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if the General Partner reasonably determines that it is beneficial for the Partners to receive an in kind distribution of Portfolio Securities (including non-money consideration acquired by the Partnership from the Disposition of Portfolio Securities, in kind dividends or share splits) (the day of such determination being referred to as theReference Date”), the General Partner may, promptly after the Reference Date, distribute in kind to the Partners and any Withdrawing Partners their respective pro rata shares of the Portfolio Securities equivalent to the balance of the total amount of Value at the Time of Distribution of the Portfolio Securities after the deduction of (x) the total amount of costs and expenses, if any, and taxes and other public duties, if any, required for the distribution and (y) the amount of any incentive fee, if any, pursuant to paragraph (4) of this Article (which is, in the case where such incentive fee is paid in kind by the Portfolio Securities, the total amount of the Value at the Time of Distribution of such Portfolio Securities), in proportion to (a) in the case of a Partner, their respective Interest Amount or (b) in the case of a Withdrawing Partner, their respective Interest Amount at the time of the withdrawal of such Withdrawing Partner, to the extent allowed by Article 30. The General Partner may sell a portion of the Portfolio Securities that are to be distributed in order to pay costs, expenses, taxes and other public duties required for such distribution and to pay such incentive fee. In such case, the General Partner shall distribute to the Partners and any Withdrawing Partners the Portfolio Securities remaining after deducting the Portfolio Securities so sold or to be so sold. If the Portfolio Securities are not Marketable Securities, the General Partner shall send a document stating (i) the proposed in kind distribution and the reason therefor, (ii) a statement of Portfolio Securities to be distributed in kind, (iii) an assessment of the Value at the Time of Distribution as of the Reference Date and(iv) other matters as required to determine the appropriateness of the proposed distribution in kind, and shall be required to obtain an approval of the Limited Partners holding a Number of Partnership Units equal to [ ]% or more of the aggregate Number of Partnership Units of all of the Limited Partners. Article 49(1) shall apply mutatis mutandis to distribution by the General Partner pursuant to this paragraph.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3. 前項に規定する金銭の分配のほか、無限責任組合員は、投資証券等(投資証券等に係る処分等、現物配当、株式分割等により本組合が取得したもののうち金銭以外のものを含む。)を現物で分配することが組合員の利益に適うと合理的に判断する場合(かかる判断がなされた日を「現物分配基準日」という。)、組合員及び脱退組合員に対し、現物分配基準日後速やかに、当該投資証券等の分配時評価額の総額から、分配に要する諸費用(もしあれば)及び公租公課(もしあれば)の合計額を控除した上、本条第4 項に従い成功報酬(もしあれば)の額(成功報酬を投資証券等の現物で支払う場合には、当該投資証券等の分配時評価額の総額)を控除した残額に相当する当該投資証券等を、第30 条により認められる範囲において、組合員についてはその持分金額、脱退組合員については当該脱退組合員の脱退当時の持分金額の各金額に応じ按分をした上、それぞれ現物により分配することができるものとする。無限責任組合員は、分配に要する諸費用及び公租公課並びに成功報酬の支払いにあてるため、分配される投資証券等の一部を売却することができるものとし、かかる場合、当該売却に係る投資証券等を控除した後の当該投資証券等を組合員及び脱退組合員に対し分配するものとする。当該投資証券等が市場性のある有価証券ではない場合、無限責任組合員は、(ⅰ)現物分配を行う旨及びその理由、(ⅱ)現物分配する投資証券等の明細、(ⅲ)その現物分配基準日における分配時評価額の案、並びに(ⅳ)その他その適否を判断する上で必要な事項を記載した書面を送付した上、総有限責任組合員の出資口数の合計の[ ]分の[ ]以上に相当する出資口数を有する有限責任組合員の承認を取得しなければならないものとする。なお、第49 条第1 項は、本項に基づき無限責任組合員が行う分配に準用する。 - 経済産業省

(3) In addition to distribution of funds prescribed in the preceding paragraph, if the General Partner reasonably determines that it is beneficial for the Partners who have made contributions with respect to a Portfolio Investment to receive an in kind distribution of Portfolio Securities in respect of such Portfolio Investment (including non-money consideration acquired by the Partnership from a Disposition of, in kind dividends with respect to or share splits of Portfolio Securities) (the day of such determination being referred to as theReference Date”), the General Partner may, promptly after the Reference Date, distribute in kind to the Participating Interested Partners in respect of such Portfolio Investment their respective pro rata shares of the Portfolio Securities equivalent to the balance of the total amount of the Value at the Time of Distribution of the Portfolio Securities after the deduction of (x) the totalamount of costs and expenses, if any, and taxes and other public duties, if any, required for the distribution and (y) the amount of any incentive fee, if any, pursuant to paragraph (4) of this Article (in the case where such incentive fee is paid in kind by the Portfolio Securities, the total amount of the Value at the Time of Distribution of such Portfolio Securities), in proportion to their respective Percentage Interests (provided that, for a Withdrawing Partner, the distribution shall be based on its Percentage Interest at the time of its withdrawal), to the extent allowed by Article 30. The General Partner may sell a portion of the Portfolio Securities that are to be distributed in order to pay costs, expenses, taxes and other public duties required for such distribution and to pay such incentive fee. In such case, the General Partner shall distribute the Portfolio Securities remaining after deducting the Portfolio Securities so sold or to be so sold. If the Portfolio Securities are not Marketable Securities, the General Partner shall send a document stating (i) the proposed in kind distribution and the reason therefor, (ii) a statement of Portfolio Securities to be distributed in kind, (iii) an assessment of the Value at the Time of Distribution as of the Reference Date and (iv) other matters as required for determination of appropriateness of the proposed distribution in kind, and shall be required to obtain an approval of the Limited Partners holding interests equal to [ ]% or more of the total Percentage Interests of the Limited Partners who have made contributions to the Portfolio Investment. Article 49(1) shall apply mutatis mutandis to distribution by the General Partner pursuant to this paragraph.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3. 前項に規定する金銭の分配のほか、無限責任組合員は、あるポートフォリオ投資に係る投資証券等(投資証券等に係る処分等、現物配当、株式分割等により本組合が取得したもののうち金銭以外のものを含む。)を現物で分配することが当該ポートフォリオ投資に関し出資をした組合員の利益に適うと合理的に判断する場合(かかる判断がなされた日を「現物分配基準日」という。)、当該ポートフォリオ投資に係る対象組合員等に対し、現物分配基準日後速やかに、当該投資証券等の分配時評価額の総額から、分配に要する諸費用(もしあれば)及び公租公課(もしあれば)の合計額を控除した上、本条第4 項に従い成功報酬(もしあれば)の額(成功報酬を投資証券等の現物で支払う場合には、当該投資証券等の分配時評価額の総額)を控除した残額に相当する当該投資証券等を、第30 条により認められる範囲において、対象持分割合(但し、脱退組合員については当該脱退組合員の脱退当時を基準とする。)に応じ按分をした割合により、それぞれ現物により分配するとができるものとする。無限責任組合員は、分配に要する諸費用及び公租公課並びに成功報酬の支払いにあてるため、分配される投資証券の一部を売却することができるものとし、かかる場合、当該売却に係る投資証券等を控除した後の当該投資証券等を対象組合員等に対し分配するものとする。当該投資証券等が市場性のある有価証券ではない場合、無限責任組合員は、(ⅰ)現物分配を行う旨及びその理由、(ⅱ)現物分配する投資証券等の明細、(ⅲ)その現物分配基準日における分配時評価額の案、並びに(ⅳ)その他その適否を判断する上で必要な事項を記載した書面を送付した上、当該ポートフォリオ投資に関し出資をした有限責任組合員の対象持割合の合計の[ ]分の[ ]以上に相当する持分を有する有限責任組合員の承認を取得しなければならないものとする。なお、第49 条第1 項は、本項の規定に基づき無限責任組合員が行う分配に準用する。 - 経済産業省

If, as of the date of distribution under the liquidation procedures of the Partnership pursuant to Article 47, the General Partner has received an incentive fee for a Portfolio Investment to which each Interested Partner has made contributions and (i) the cumulative amount of the Partnership Assets distributed to such Interested Partner pursuant to Article 29 or Article 47 (in the case of distribution in kind, including the Value at the Time of Distribution thereof; in this Agreement, the same applies) (the “Cumulative Distributed Amount”) is less than the sum of (a) the total Capital Contributions made by such Interested Partner and (b) an amount equal to [O]% thereof (such sum is hereinafter referred to as thePreferred Distribution Amount”) or (ii) with respect to an incentive fee received by the General Partner in respect of each Portfolio Investment to which each Interested Partner made contribution, the total of the shares of such Interested Partner of such incentive fee in proportion to its Percentage Interest (the “Total Cumulative Incentive Fee Amount”) exceeds [Q]% of the sum of (A) the Cumulative Distributed Amount of such Interested Partner after the deduction of the total Capital Contributions made by such Interested Partner and (B) the Total Cumulative Incentive Fee Amount, the General Partner shall promptly return to the Partnership the amount equal to the lesser of (x) the larger of the amounts set forth in the items below or (y) the Total Cumulative Incentive Fee Amount. Upon payment to the Partnership, such refund (the “Clawback Amount”) shall be allocated to the Interest Amount of such Interested Partner.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第47 条に基づく本組合の清算手続における分配を行う日の時点において、各組合員等に関し、当該組合員等が出資を行うポートフォリオ投資において無限責任組合員が成功報酬を受領している場合で、かつ、(ⅰ)第29 条又は第47 条に基づき当該組合員等に対して行われた組合財産の分配額(現物分配の場合にはその分配時評価額を含む。以下本条において同じ。)の累計額(以下「対象分配累計額」という。)が、当該組合員等によりなされた出資履行金額の総額及び同金額の[α]%に相当する金額の合計額(以下「優先分配金額」という。)を下回るか、又は(ⅱ)当該組合員等が出資を行う各ポートフォリオ投資に関し無限責任組合員が受領した各成功報酬のそれぞれの金額のうち、対応する各ポートフォリオ投資に出資をする当該各組合員等の対象持分割合に相当する金額の合計額(以下「対象成功報酬累計額」という。)が、当該組合員等に係る対象分配累計額から当該組合員等の出資履行金額を控除した金額及び対象成功報酬累計額の合計額の[β]%を超える場合、無限責任組合員は、(x)以下の各号に定める金額のうちいずれか大きい金額又は(y)対象成功報酬累計額の金額のうち、いずれか小さい金額に相当する額を、本組合に速やかに返還するものとする。かかる返還金(以下「クローバック金額」という。)は、本組合への支払いをもって、当該組合員等の持分金額に帰属する。 - 経済産業省


Article 26-11 (1) The amount of income tax to be credited against corporation tax out of the amount deemed to be income tax to be collected when receiving the redemption prescribed in Article 41-12, paragraph (4) of the Act pursuant to the provisions of said paragraph shall be the amount calculated, pursuant to the provisions of Article 140-2 of the Order for Enforcement of the Corporation Tax Act, with regard to the amount of said income tax (where the amount of said income tax is not clear, with regard to the amount obtained by deducting the issue price for the discount bonds (where said discount bonds are national bonds listed in Article 41-12, paragraph (9), items (i) to (viii) of the Act which are those falling under the category of short-term government or company bonds prescribed in said paragraph or other national bonds specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance (hereinafter referred to as "short-term national bonds, etc." in this paragraph) and are discount bonds other than those whose issue price is not clear, such issue price shall be the issue price on the final issue date for said discount bonds, and where said discount bonds are said short-term national bonds, etc., such issue price shall be the price specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance as equivalent to said issue price for said discount bonds; such issue price shall be referred to as the "issue price, etc. on the final issue date" in Article 26-13, paragraph (1), item (i) and paragraph (5), item (ii)) from the face value of said discount bonds and then multiplying the remaining amount after deduction (where said discount bonds are issued outside Japan by a foreign corporation, the amount specified by Cabinet Order, prescribed in Article 41-12, paragraph (3) of the Act) by the rate of income tax on profit from redemption for said discount bonds collected at the time of issuance pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) of said Article, and where the discount bonds have been redeemed by bringing the redemption date forward or retired by purchase prior to the redemption date, with regard to the remaining amount after deducting the amount to be refunded that was calculated pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the following Article from the amount of the income tax). In this case, the term "interest" in Article 140-2, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Order for Enforcement of the Corporation Tax Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "profit from redemption (meaning profit from redemption as prescribed in Article 41-12, paragraph (7) (Separate Taxation, etc. on Profit from Redemption, etc.) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation; the same shall apply in the following paragraph and paragraph (3))"; the term "out of the number of months" in paragraph (2) of said Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "out of the number of months (the number of days, where said dividend of interest, etc. is profit from redemption for short-term government or company bonds (meaning short-term government or company bonds prescribed in Article 41-12, paragraph (9) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation; the same shall apply in the following paragraph); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph);" and the term "the amount of income prescribed in paragraph (1), item (i)" in paragraph (3) of said Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "the amount of income (excluding the amount of income tax on profit from redemption of short-term government or company bonds) prescribed in paragraph (1), item (i)."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第二十六条の十一 法第四十一条の十二第四項の規定により同項に規定する償還を受ける時に徴収される所得税とみなされたもののうち法人税の額から控除する所得税の額は、当該所得税の額(当該所得税の額が明らかでないときは、その割引債の券面金額から当該割引債に係る発行価額(当該割引債が同条第九項第一号から第八号までに掲げる国債で同項に規定する短期公社債に該当するものその他財務省令で定める国債(以下この項において「短期国債等」という。)でその発行価額が明らかでないもの以外の割引債であるときは当該割引債に係る最終発行日における発行価額とし、当該割引債が当該短期国債等であるときは当該割引債に係る当該発行価額に準ずるものとして財務省令で定める価額とする。第二十六条の十三第一項第一号及び第五項第二号において「最終発行日における発行価額等」という。)を控除した残額(当該割引債が外国法人が国外において発行したものであるときは、法第四十一条の十二第三項に規定する政令で定める金額)に、当該割引債の発行の際に同条第三項の規定により当該割引債に係る償還差益について徴収された所得税の税率を乗じて計算した金額とし、その割引債が償還期限を繰り上げて償還をされたもの又は当該期限前に買入消却をされたものであるときは、その所得税の額から次条第一項の規定により計算した還付する金額を控除した残額とする。)について、法人税法施行令第百四十条の二の規定により計算した金額とする。この場合において、同条第一項第一号中「の利子」とあるのは「の償還差益(租税特別措置法第四十一条の十二第七項(償還差益等に係る分離課税等)に規定する償還差益をいう。次項及び第三項において同じ。)」と、同条第二項中「月数のうち」とあるのは「月数(当該利子配当等が短期公社債(租税特別措置法第四十一条の十二第九項に規定する短期公社債をいう。次項において同じ。)に係る償還差益であるときは、日数。以下この項において同じ。)のうち」と、同条第三項中「所得税の額を前項」とあるのは「所得税の額(短期公社債の償還差益に対する所得税の額を除く。)を前項」とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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