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This is the same price as that.とは 意味・読み方・使い方





意味・対訳 これはあれと同じ価格です。

メール英語例文辞書での「This is the same price as that.」の意味

This is the same price as that.


「This is the same price as that.」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 24


This is the same price as that.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

これはあれと同じ価格です。 - Weblio Email例文集

Taking into consideration the price that your company is offering and our company’s budget, we would like to order the same volume this year as we did last year.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

貴社の提示価格と弊社の予算を考慮して、今年も昨年と同じ量を発注したいと考えております。 - Weblioビジネス英語例文

There is a possibility that while the rise of BRICS including China as described in the previous section and other emerging economies is increasing the demand for raw materials and fueling the price hikes, this is setting off an expansion of the supply of consumer goods and thus lowering prices, thereby causing an upward pressure on prices upstream and a deflationary pressure downstream at the same time.例文帳に追加

前節で見たような中国をはじめとするBRICS等の新興工業国の台頭が、素原材料の需要を高め価格高騰を引き起こす一方、消費財の供給を拡大させて価格の低下を招いており、川上での物価上昇圧力と川下でのデフレ圧力を同時に生じさせている可能性があると考えられる。 - 経済産業省

Article 26-11 (1) The amount of income tax to be deducted from corporation tax out of the amount deemed to be income tax to be collected when receiving the redemption prescribed in Article 41-12(4) of the Act pursuant to the provisions of the said paragraph shall be the amount calculated, pursuant to the provisions of Article 140-2 of the Order for Enforcement of the Corporation Tax Act, with regard to the amount of the said income tax (where the amount of the said income tax is not clear, with regard to the amount obtained by deducting the issue price for the discount bonds (where the said discount bonds are national government bonds listed in Article 41-12(9)(i) to (viii) of the Act which are those falling under the category of short-term government or company bonds prescribed in the said paragraph or other national government bonds specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance (hereinafter referred to as "short-term national government bonds, etc." in this paragraph) and are discount bonds other than those whose issue price is not clear, such issue price shall be the issue price on the final issue date for the said discount bonds, and where the said discount bonds are the said short-term national government bonds, etc., such issue price shall be the price specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance as equivalent to the said issue price for the said discount bonds; such issue price shall be referred to as the "issue price, etc. on the final issue date" in Article 26-13(1)(i) and (5)(ii)) from the face value of the said discount bonds and then multiplying the remaining amount after deduction by the rate of income tax on profit from redemption for the said discount bonds collected at the time of issue pursuant to the provisions of Article 41-12(3) of the Act, and where the discount bonds have been redeemed by bringing the redemption date forward or retired by purchase prior to the redemption date, with regard to the remaining amount after deducting the amount to be refunded that was calculated pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the next Article from the amount of the income tax). In this case, the term "interest" in Article 140-2(1)(i) of the Order for Enforcement of the Corporation Tax Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "profit from redemption"; the term "out of the number of months" in paragraph (2) of the said Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "out of the number of months (the number of days, where the said dividend of interest, etc. is profit from redemption for short-term government or company bonds (meaning short-term government or company bonds prescribed in Article 41-12(9) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation; the same shall apply in the next paragraph); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph);" and the term "the amount of income prescribed in paragraph (1)(i)" in paragraph (3) of the said Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "the amount of income (excluding the amount of income tax on profit from redemption of short-term government or company bonds) prescribed in paragraph (1)(i)."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第二十六条の十一 法第四十一条の十二第四項の規定により同項に規定する償還を受ける時に徴収される所得税とみなされたもののうち法人税の額から控除する所得税の額は、当該所得税の額(当該所得税の額が明らかでないときは、その割引債の券面金額から当該割引債に係る発行価額(当該割引債が同条第九項第一号から第八号までに掲げる国債で同項に規定する短期公社債に該当するものその他財務省令で定める国債(以下この項において「短期国債等」という。)でその発行価額が明らかでないもの以外の割引債であるときは当該割引債に係る最終発行日における発行価額とし、当該割引債が当該短期国債等であるときは当該割引債に係る当該発行価額に準ずるものとして財務省令で定める価額とする。第二十六条の十三第一項第一号及び第五項第二号において「最終発行日における発行価額等」という。)を控除した残額に、当該割引債の発行の際に法第四十一条の十二第三項の規定により当該割引債に係る償還差益について徴収された所得税の税率を乗じて計算した金額とし、その割引債が償還期限を繰り上げて償還をされたもの又は当該期限前に買入消却をされたものであるときは、その所得税の額から次条第一項の規定により計算した還付する金額を控除した残額とする。)について、法人税法施行令第百四十条の二の規定により計算した金額とする。この場合において、同条第一項第一号中「の利子」とあるのは「の償還差益」と、同条第二項中「月数のうち」とあるのは「月数(当該利子配当等が短期公社債(租税特別措置法第四十一条の十二第九項に規定する短期公社債をいう。次項において同じ。)に係る償還差益であるときは、日数。以下この項において同じ。)のうち」と、同条第三項中「所得税の額を前項」とあるのは「所得税の額(短期公社債の償還差益に対する所得税の額を除く。)を前項」とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 5 (1) The Issuer of Securities who intends to make a notification for Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities (excluding a Public Offering or Secondary Distribution of Securities to be made with regard to Regulated Securities (meaning Securities specified by a Cabinet Order as those for which information that will have material influence on investors' Investment Decisions is information on assets investment or other similar business conducted by the Issuer of the Securities; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and paragraph (5) of this Article and Article 24); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph and the following paragraph) under paragraph (1) or (2) of the preceding Article shall submit a statement containing descriptions on the following matters to the Prime Minister pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance, if the Issuer is a company (including a foreign company; the same shall apply hereinafter, except in Article 50-2(9) and Article 156-3(2)(iii)) (including the cases where the company is to be established by issuance of said Securities (excluding Regulated Securities; hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph to paragraph (4))); provided, however, that, in cases where it is necessary to make the Public Offering of Securities before deciding their Issue Price or in other cases specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance, the statement may be submitted without stating the Issue Price or other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance among the matters required to be stated under item (i) below:発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第五条 前条第一項又は第二項の規定による有価証券の募集又は売出し(特定有価証券(その投資者の投資判断に重要な影響を及ぼす情報がその発行者が行う資産の運用その他これに類似する事業に関する情報である有価証券として政令で定めるものをいう。以下この項及び第五項並びに第二十四条において同じ。)に係る有価証券の募集及び売出しを除く。以下この項及び次項において同じ。)に係る届出をしようとする発行者は、その者が会社(外国会社を含む。第五十条の二第九項及び第百五十六条の三第二項第三号を除き、以下同じ。)である場合(当該有価証券(特定有価証券を除く。以下この項から第四項までにおいて同じ。)の発行により会社を設立する場合を含む。)においては、内閣府令で定めるところにより、次に掲げる事項を記載した届出書を内閣総理大臣に提出しなければならない。ただし、当該有価証券の発行価格の決定前に募集をする必要がある場合その他の内閣府令で定める場合には、第一号のうち発行価格その他の内閣府令で定める事項を記載しないで提出することができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 170 Upon making solicitation of an application to acquire newly issued Securities or solicitation of an application to sell or purchase already-issued Securities to many and unspecified persons (referred to as "Solicitation of Securities to Many and Unspecified Persons" in the following Article), no person shall make an indication to many and unspecified persons to the effect that the person or other person will purchase the Securities acquired by members of said many and unspecified persons at a predetermined price (including a price calculated from a predetermined amount using a certain standard; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) or higher or will make an arrangement for selling such Securities at a predetermined price or higher, or shall make an indication that is likely to be understood as meaning to that effect; provided, however, that this shall not apply to cases where such solicitation is made for Securities listed in Article 2(1)(i) to (vi) or other Securities specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第百七十条 何人も、新たに発行される有価証券の取得の申込みの勧誘又は既に発行された有価証券の売付けの申込み若しくはその買付けの申込みの勧誘のうち、不特定かつ多数の者に対するもの(次条において「有価証券の不特定多数者向け勧誘等」という。)を行うに際し、不特定かつ多数の者に対して、これらの者の取得する当該有価証券を、自己又は他人が、あらかじめ特定した価格(あらかじめ特定した額につき一定の基準により算出される価格を含む。以下この条において同じ。)若しくはこれを超える価格により買い付ける旨又はあらかじめ特定した価格若しくはこれを超える価格により売り付けることをあつせんする旨の表示をし、又はこれらの表示と誤認されるおそれがある表示をしてはならない。ただし、当該有価証券が、第二条第一項第一号から第六号までに掲げる有価証券その他内閣府令で定める有価証券である場合は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


Article 13 (1) With regard to Securities of which Public Offering or Secondary Distribution (excluding Secondary Distribution of Securities specified in Article 4(1)(iv), but including General Solicitation for Securities Acquired by Qualified Institutional Investor (excluding those falling under the category of Secondary Distribution of Securities); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article and paragraphs (2) to (4) and paragraph (6) of Article 15) shall be subject to the main clause of Article 4(1) or the main clause of Article 4(2), the Issuer of such Securities shall prepare a Prospectus for the Public Offering or Secondary Distribution. The same shall apply to an Issuer of Securities of which the Secondary Distribution (excluding that of which the total distribution price is less than 100 million yen or that falling under the categories specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance) falls under the Case Where Disclosures Have Been Made (meaning the Case Where Disclosures Have Been Made as referred to in Article 4(1)(ii)(a); the same shall apply hereinafter in this Chapter) (such Securities are hereinafter referred to as "Already Disclosed Securities" in this Chapter).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第十三条 その募集又は売出し(第四条第一項第四号に掲げる有価証券の売出しを除くものとし、適格機関投資家取得有価証券一般勧誘(有価証券の売出しに該当するものを除く。)を含む。以下この条並びに第十五条第二項から第四項まで及び第六項において同じ。)につき第四条第一項本文又は第二項本文の規定の適用を受ける有価証券の発行者は、当該募集又は売出しに際し、目論見書を作成しなければならない。開示が行われている場合(同条第一項第二号イに規定する開示が行われている場合をいう。以下この章において同じ。)における有価証券の売出し(その売出価額の総額が一億円未満であるものその他内閣府令で定めるものを除く。)に係る有価証券(以下この章において「既に開示された有価証券」という。)の発行者についても、同様とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


調べた例文を記録して、 効率よく覚えましょう
  • 履歴機能
  • 語彙力診断
  • マイ単語帳
  • マイ例文帳
  • その他にも便利な機能が満載!

「This is the same price as that.」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 24


In determining under section 83 whether a medicine is being or has been sold at an excessive price in any market in Canada, the Board shall take into consideration the following factors, to the extent that information on the factors is available to the Board: (a) the prices at which the medicine has been sold in the relevant market; (b) the prices at which other medicines in the same therapeutic class have been sold in the relevant market; (c) the prices at which the medicine and other medicines in the same therapeutic class have been sold in countries other than Canada; (d) changes in the Consumer Price Index; and (e) such other factors as may be specified in any regulations made for the purposes of this subsection.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第83条に基づく医薬がカナダの市場において過当価格で販売されているか又は販売されてきたか否かを決定するに当たって,機関は,それに関して機関が入手することができる情報の範囲で,次の要素を考慮に入れなければならない: (a) 関連する市場においてその医薬が販売されてきた価格 (b) 関連する市場において同一治療等級に属する他の医薬が販売されてきた価格 (c) その医薬及び同一医療等級に属する他の医薬がカナダ以外の国で販売されてきた価格 (d) 消費者物価指数の変動,及び (e) 本項の適用上,規則で定めるその他の要素 - 特許庁

Article 26-11 (1) The amount of income tax to be credited against corporation tax out of the amount deemed to be income tax to be collected when receiving the redemption prescribed in Article 41-12, paragraph (4) of the Act pursuant to the provisions of said paragraph shall be the amount calculated, pursuant to the provisions of Article 140-2 of the Order for Enforcement of the Corporation Tax Act, with regard to the amount of said income tax (where the amount of said income tax is not clear, with regard to the amount obtained by deducting the issue price for the discount bonds (where said discount bonds are national bonds listed in Article 41-12, paragraph (9), items (i) to (viii) of the Act which are those falling under the category of short-term government or company bonds prescribed in said paragraph or other national bonds specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance (hereinafter referred to as "short-term national bonds, etc." in this paragraph) and are discount bonds other than those whose issue price is not clear, such issue price shall be the issue price on the final issue date for said discount bonds, and where said discount bonds are said short-term national bonds, etc., such issue price shall be the price specified by Ordinance of the Ministry of Finance as equivalent to said issue price for said discount bonds; such issue price shall be referred to as the "issue price, etc. on the final issue date" in Article 26-13, paragraph (1), item (i) and paragraph (5), item (ii)) from the face value of said discount bonds and then multiplying the remaining amount after deduction (where said discount bonds are issued outside Japan by a foreign corporation, the amount specified by Cabinet Order, prescribed in Article 41-12, paragraph (3) of the Act) by the rate of income tax on profit from redemption for said discount bonds collected at the time of issuance pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (3) of said Article, and where the discount bonds have been redeemed by bringing the redemption date forward or retired by purchase prior to the redemption date, with regard to the remaining amount after deducting the amount to be refunded that was calculated pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (1) of the following Article from the amount of the income tax). In this case, the term "interest" in Article 140-2, paragraph (1), item (i) of the Order for Enforcement of the Corporation Tax Act shall be deemed to be replaced with "profit from redemption (meaning profit from redemption as prescribed in Article 41-12, paragraph (7) (Separate Taxation, etc. on Profit from Redemption, etc.) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation; the same shall apply in the following paragraph and paragraph (3))"; the term "out of the number of months" in paragraph (2) of said Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "out of the number of months (the number of days, where said dividend of interest, etc. is profit from redemption for short-term government or company bonds (meaning short-term government or company bonds prescribed in Article 41-12, paragraph (9) of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Taxation; the same shall apply in the following paragraph); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph);" and the term "the amount of income prescribed in paragraph (1), item (i)" in paragraph (3) of said Article shall be deemed to be replaced with "the amount of income (excluding the amount of income tax on profit from redemption of short-term government or company bonds) prescribed in paragraph (1), item (i)."発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第二十六条の十一 法第四十一条の十二第四項の規定により同項に規定する償還を受ける時に徴収される所得税とみなされたもののうち法人税の額から控除する所得税の額は、当該所得税の額(当該所得税の額が明らかでないときは、その割引債の券面金額から当該割引債に係る発行価額(当該割引債が同条第九項第一号から第八号までに掲げる国債で同項に規定する短期公社債に該当するものその他財務省令で定める国債(以下この項において「短期国債等」という。)でその発行価額が明らかでないもの以外の割引債であるときは当該割引債に係る最終発行日における発行価額とし、当該割引債が当該短期国債等であるときは当該割引債に係る当該発行価額に準ずるものとして財務省令で定める価額とする。第二十六条の十三第一項第一号及び第五項第二号において「最終発行日における発行価額等」という。)を控除した残額(当該割引債が外国法人が国外において発行したものであるときは、法第四十一条の十二第三項に規定する政令で定める金額)に、当該割引債の発行の際に同条第三項の規定により当該割引債に係る償還差益について徴収された所得税の税率を乗じて計算した金額とし、その割引債が償還期限を繰り上げて償還をされたもの又は当該期限前に買入消却をされたものであるときは、その所得税の額から次条第一項の規定により計算した還付する金額を控除した残額とする。)について、法人税法施行令第百四十条の二の規定により計算した金額とする。この場合において、同条第一項第一号中「の利子」とあるのは「の償還差益(租税特別措置法第四十一条の十二第七項(償還差益等に係る分離課税等)に規定する償還差益をいう。次項及び第三項において同じ。)」と、同条第二項中「月数のうち」とあるのは「月数(当該利子配当等が短期公社債(租税特別措置法第四十一条の十二第九項に規定する短期公社債をいう。次項において同じ。)に係る償還差益であるときは、日数。以下この項において同じ。)のうち」と、同条第三項中「所得税の額を前項」とあるのは「所得税の額(短期公社債の償還差益に対する所得税の額を除く。)を前項」とする。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 68-88 (1) Where a consolidated corporation has, in each consolidated business year beginning on or after April 1, 2002, conducted a transaction for the sale of assets, purchase of assets, provision of services or any other transaction with a foreign affiliated person related to the said consolidated corporation (meaning a foreign corporation that has a relationship with the said consolidated corporation whereby either corporation holds, directly or indirectly, shares or capital contributions that account for 50 percent or more of the total number or total amount of issued shares of or capital contributions to the other corporation (excluding the shares or capital contributions held by the other corporation) or any other special relationship specified by a Cabinet Order (referred to in the next paragraph and paragraph (5) as a "special relationship"); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), if the amount of the consideration received by the said consolidated corporation from the said foreign affiliated person with respect to the said transaction (excluding, depending on the category of foreign corporation listed in Article 141(i) to (iii) of the Corporation Tax Act corresponding to the said foreign affiliated person, a transaction from which the said foreign affiliated person earns the domestic source income listed in the relevant item, which is specified by a Cabinet Order prescribed in Article 66-4(1); hereinafter referred to in this Article as a "foreign affiliated transaction") is below the arm's length price or if the amount of the consideration paid by the said consolidated corporation to the said foreign affiliated person with respect to the said transaction is over the arm's length price, with regard to the application of the provisions of the said Act and any other provisions concerning corporation tax on the said consolidated corporation's consolidated income for the said consolidated business year, the said foreign affiliated transaction shall be deemed to have been conducted at the arm's length price.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第六十八条の八十八 連結法人が、平成十四年四月一日以後に開始する各連結事業年度において、当該連結法人に係る国外関連者(外国法人で、当該連結法人との間にいずれか一方の法人が他方の法人の発行済株式又は出資(当該他方の法人が有する自己の株式又は出資を除く。)の総数又は総額の百分の五十以上の数又は金額の株式又は出資を直接又は間接に保有する関係その他の政令で定める特殊の関係(次項及び第五項において「特殊の関係」という。)のあるものをいう。以下この条において同じ。)との間で資産の販売、資産の購入、役務の提供その他の取引を行つた場合に、当該取引(当該国外関連者が法人税法第百四十一条第一号から第三号までに掲げる外国法人のいずれに該当するかに応じ、当該国外関連者のこれらの号に掲げる国内源泉所得に係る取引のうち第六十六条の四第一項に規定する政令で定めるものを除く。以下この条において「国外関連取引」という。)につき、当該連結法人が当該国外関連者から支払を受ける対価の額が独立企業間価格に満たないとき、又は当該連結法人が当該国外関連者に支払う対価の額が独立企業間価格を超えるときは、当該連結事業年度の連結所得に係る同法その他法人税に関する法令の規定の適用については、当該国外関連取引は、独立企業間価格で行われたものとみなす。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 27-3 (1) The person who is required under the main clause of paragraph (1) of the preceding Article to make Purchase, etc. of Share Certificates, etc. by means of Tender Offer provided for by Article 27-2(1) (hereinafter referred to as the "Tender Offer" in this Section) shall, pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Order, make a public notice of the purpose of the Tender Offer, the price for Purchase, etc., the Number of Share Certificates, etc. Planned to be Purchased (meaning the number of shares in the case of share certificates, or the number of shares calculated by converting Securities other than share certificates into shares pursuant to the provisions of a Cabinet Office Ordinance in the case of Securities other than share certificates; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Section), the period of Purchase, etc. and other matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance with regard to the Tender Offer. In this case, when the period of Purchase, etc. is shorter than the period specified by a Cabinet Order, to the effect that the period of Purchase, etc. may be extended under Article 27-10(3) shall be clearly indicated in the public notice.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第二十七条の三 前条第一項本文の規定により同項に規定する公開買付け(以下この節において「公開買付け」という。)によつて株券等の買付け等を行わなければならない者は、政令で定めるところにより、当該公開買付けについて、その目的、買付け等の価格、買付予定の株券等の数(株券については株式の数を、その他のものについては内閣府令で定めるところにより株式に換算した数をいう。以下この節において同じ。)、買付け等の期間その他の内閣府令で定める事項を公告しなければならない。この場合において、当該買付け等の期間が政令で定める期間より短いときは、第二十七条の十第三項の規定により当該買付け等の期間が延長されることがある旨を当該公告において明示しなければならない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

Article 66-4 (1) Where a corporation has, in each business year beginning on or after April 1, 1986, conducted a transaction for the sale of assets, purchase of assets, provision of services or any other transaction with a foreign affiliated person related to the said corporation (meaning a foreign corporation that has a relationship with the said corporation whereby either corporation holds, directly or indirectly, shares or capital contributions that account for 50 percent or more of the total number or total amount of issued shares of or capital contributions to the other corporation (excluding the shares or capital contributions held by the other corporation) or any other special relationship specified by a Cabinet Order (referred to in the next paragraph and paragraph (6) as a "special relationship"); hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), if the amount of the consideration received by the said corporation from the said foreign affiliated person with respect to the said transaction (excluding, depending on the category of foreign corporation listed in Article 141(i) to (iii) of the Corporation Tax Act corresponding to the said foreign affiliated person, a transaction from which the said foreign affiliated person earns the domestic source income listed in the relevant item, which is specified by a Cabinet Order; hereinafter referred to in this Article as a "foreign affiliated transaction") is below the arm's length price or if the amount of the consideration paid by the said corporation to the said foreign affiliated person with respect to the said transaction is over the arm's length price, with regard to the application of the provisions of the said Act and any other provisions concerning corporation tax on the said corporation's income for the said business year and its liquidation income due to dissolution (excluding dissolution as a result of a merger; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) (liquidation income shall include the income of a corporation that is liable for corporation tax on liquidation income for the business year when liquidation is in progress, and any amount that shall be deemed to be liquidation income due to dissolution pursuant to the provision of Article 103(1)(ii) of the said Act; the same shall apply in paragraph (7)), the said foreign affiliated transaction shall be deemed to have been conducted at the arm's length price.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

第六十六条の四 法人が、昭和六十一年四月一日以後に開始する各事業年度において、当該法人に係る国外関連者(外国法人で、当該法人との間にいずれか一方の法人が他方の法人の発行済株式又は出資(当該他方の法人が有する自己の株式又は出資を除く。)の総数又は総額の百分の五十以上の数又は金額の株式又は出資を直接又は間接に保有する関係その他の政令で定める特殊の関係(次項及び第六項において「特殊の関係」という。)のあるものをいう。以下この条において同じ。)との間で資産の販売、資産の購入、役務の提供その他の取引を行つた場合に、当該取引(当該国外関連者が法人税法第百四十一条第一号から第三号までに掲げる外国法人のいずれに該当するかに応じ、当該国外関連者のこれらの号に掲げる国内源泉所得に係る取引のうち政令で定めるものを除く。以下この条において「国外関連取引」という。)につき、当該法人が当該国外関連者から支払を受ける対価の額が独立企業間価格に満たないとき、又は当該法人が当該国外関連者に支払う対価の額が独立企業間価格を超えるときは、当該法人の当該事業年度の所得及び解散(合併による解散を除く。以下この条において同じ。)による清算所得(清算所得に対する法人税を課される法人の清算中の事業年度の所得及び同法第百三条第一項第二号の規定により解散による清算所得とみなされる金額を含む。第七項において同じ。)に係る同法その他法人税に関する法令の規定の適用については、当該国外関連取引は、独立企業間価格で行われたものとみなす。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(i) an act of making an offer or promise or having a third party make an offer or promise to a customer or any person designated by a customer, with regard to sales and purchase or other transactions of Securities (excluding sales and purchase on condition of repurchase for which the repurchase price is set in advance and other transactions specified by a Cabinet Order) or Derivative Transactions (hereinafter referred to as "Sales and Purchase or Other Transaction of Securities, etc." in this Article), to the effect that if the customer (in cases where a Trust Company, etc. (meaning a trust company or a financial institution that has obtained authorization under Article 1(1) of the Act on Concurrent Operation of Trust Business by Financial Institutions; the same shall apply hereinafter) conducts sales and purchase of Securities or Derivative Transactions for the account of the person who sets a trust under a trust contract, including such person who sets the trust; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article) incurs any loss or shortfall in the predetermined amount of profit from the relevant Securities or Derivative Transactions (hereinafter referred to as "Securities, etc." in this Article), property benefit will be provided to the customer or such third party in order to compensate or make up for the whole or part of such loss or shortfall;発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

一 有価証券の売買その他の取引(買戻価格があらかじめ定められている買戻条件付売買その他の政令で定める取引を除く。)又はデリバティブ取引(以下この条において「有価証券売買取引等」という。)につき、当該有価証券又はデリバティブ取引(以下この条において「有価証券等」という。)について顧客(信託会社等(信託会社又は金融機関の信託業務の兼営等に関する法律第一条第一項の認可を受けた金融機関をいう。以下同じ。)が、信託契約に基づいて信託をする者の計算において、有価証券の売買又はデリバティブ取引を行う場合にあつては、当該信託をする者を含む。以下この条において同じ。)に損失が生ずることとなり、又はあらかじめ定めた額の利益が生じないこととなつた場合には自己又は第三者がその全部又は一部を補てんし、又は補足するため当該顧客又は第三者に財産上の利益を提供する旨を、当該顧客又はその指定した者に対し、申し込み、若しくは約束し、又は第三者に申し込ませ、若しくは約束させる行為 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

(3) A person shall, when he/she makes a Solicitation for Small Number of Investors (meaning a Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc. which falls under any of the categories listed in the following items for each kind of Securities set forth in the respective items (excluding those specified by a Cabinet Order); hereinafter the same shall apply in this paragraph) or makes a Solicitation for Delivery of Existing Securities, etc. which is for Securities to which a Solicitation for Small Number of Investors was made and is exempted from application of the main clause of Article 4(1) (collectively referred to as "Solicitation for Small Number of Investors, etc." in the following paragraph), notify the solicited persons of the matters specified by a Cabinet Office Ordinance, including the fact that the Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc. made for the Securities falls under any of the categories listed in the following items for each kind of Securities set forth in the respective items and therefore the notification under Article 4(1) has not been made for the Solicitation for Newly Issued Securities, etc.; provided, however, that this shall not apply to the Case Where Disclosures Have Been Made with regard to the Securities and to cases where the Solicitation for Small Number of Investors, etc. is made for the Securities of which the total issue price was or is less than the amount designated by a Cabinet Office Ordinance, which may not be more than 100 million yen:発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

3 少人数向け勧誘(有価証券発行勧誘等のうち次の各号に掲げる有価証券の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める場合に該当するもの(政令で定めるものを除く。)をいう。以下この項において同じ。)又はこれに係る有価証券の有価証券交付勧誘等で第四条第一項本文の規定の適用を受けないもの(次項において「少人数向け勧誘等」という。)を行う者は、当該有価証券の有価証券発行勧誘等が次の各号に掲げる有価証券の区分に応じ、当該各号に定める場合に該当することにより当該有価証券発行勧誘等に関し第四条第一項の規定による届出が行われていないことその他の内閣府令で定める事項を、その相手方に対して告知しなければならない。ただし、当該有価証券に関して開示が行われている場合及び発行価額の総額が一億円を超えない範囲内で内閣府令で定める金額未満である少人数向け勧誘に係る有価証券について行う場合は、この限りでない。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


(6) Where the relevant official of the National Tax Agency, the relevant official of the Tax Office or Regional Taxation Bureau having jurisdiction over a consolidated parent corporation's place for tax payment or the relevant official of the Tax Office or Regional Taxation Bureau having jurisdiction over the location of the head office or principal office of a consolidated subsidiary corporation has requested the said consolidated corporation to present or submit the books and documents that are considered to be necessary for the calculation of the arm's length price prescribed in paragraph (1) which pertains to a foreign affiliated transaction conducted by the consolidated corporation in each consolidated business year or copies of such books and documents (in the case where the consolidated corporation, instead of preparing or preserving such books and documents, prepares or preserves electromagnetic records (meaning records made in an electronic form, a magnetic form, or any other form not recognizable to human perception, which are used in information processing by computers), such electromagnetic records shall be included; hereinafter the same shall apply in this Article), if the said consolidated corporation has failed to present or submit these books and documents or copies thereof without delay, the district director may presume the amount calculated by the method listed in any of the following items (the method listed in item (ii) may be applied only where the method listed in (i) is unavailable) to be the said arm's length price, and thereby make a reassessment prescribed in Article 2(xliii) of the Corporation Tax Act (referred to in paragraph (16) as a "reassessment") or a determination prescribed in item (xliv) of the said Article (referred to in paragraph (16) as a "determination") with respect to the said consolidated corporation's amount of consolidated income or amount of consolidated loss for the relevant consolidated business year:発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

6 国税庁の当該職員、連結親法人の納税地の所轄税務署若しくは所轄国税局の当該職員又は連結子法人の本店若しくは主たる事務所の所在地の所轄税務署若しくは所轄国税局の当該職員が、当該連結法人にその各連結事業年度における国外関連取引に係る第一項に規定する独立企業間価格を算定するために必要と認められる帳簿書類(その作成又は保存に代えて電磁的記録(電子的方式、磁気的方式その他の人の知覚によつては認識することができない方式で作られる記録であつて、電子計算機による情報処理の用に供されるものをいう。)の作成又は保存がされている場合における当該電磁的記録を含む。以下この条において同じ。)又はその写しの提示又は提出を求めた場合において、当該連結法人がこれらを遅滞なく提示し、又は提出しなかつたときは、税務署長は、次の各号に掲げる方法(第二号に掲げる方法は、第一号に掲げる方法を用いることができない場合に限り、用いることができる。)により算定した金額を当該独立企業間価格と推定して、当該連結事業年度の連結所得の金額又は連結欠損金額につき法人税法第二条第四十三号に規定する更正(第十六項において「更正」という。)又は同条第四十四号に規定する決定(第十六項において「決定」という。)をすることができる。 - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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