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ウィキペディア英語版での「Treaty House」の意味

Treaty House

出典:『Wikipedia』 (2011/06/07 18:46 UTC 版)


「Treaty House」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 15


When Treaty of amity and commerce between the United states and Japan was concluded in 1858, he was arrested as 'a person who plotted' in Ansei no Taigoku (suppression of extremists by the Shogunate) by Naosuke II because he was against the Imperial sanction for the treaty and was punished with house arrest of 50 days.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

1858年、日米修好通商条約が起こると、条約勅許に反対したため、井伊直弼による安政の大獄で「悪謀企策の者」として逮捕され、謹慎50日間を命じられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In 1960, however, he left the party and joined Sangiin Doshikai (a fraction in the Upper House) in protest of the revision of the Japan - U.S. Security Treaty.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

だが1960年(昭和35年)の日米安全保障条約改定に反対して離党、参議院同志会に属した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

After this incident, there were growing opinions that it was still too soon to revise the treaty in the US upper House for a while, bringing Japan to a crisis over important diplomatic issues.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

この事件により一時アメリカ上院には条約改正は時期尚早という声が大きくなり、重要な外交懸案が危殆に瀕した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The second Ito cabinet became wary of the situation with the signing of the Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation near at hand, and the Liberal Party, which was the first party of the House of Representatives, strengthened the opposition from supporting the government's idea of step-by-step revisions to the treaty.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

これに対して日英通商航海条約の締結を間近に控えた第2次伊藤内閣は警戒感を強め、また衆議院第1党の自由党も条約改正に関しては政府の漸進主義に賛同していたために反発を強めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In response, the So clan proposed not to count tokusosen (ships used to send envoys for urgent matters) among saikansen, and requested that another policy should be applied to saikensen registered under the names of their branch families, separately from the treaty for the toshu saikensen (ships of the So head house used to dispatch envoys to Korea).発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

それに対し宗氏は特送船(緊急の用事で送る使送船)を歳遣船の定数外とし、島主歳遣船(宗氏本宗家名義の歳遣船)とは別に有力庶家名義の歳遣船を定約を要求する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

At that time, the emperor organ theory was commonly accepted as evidence of the emperor's sovereignty, but in 1935, a member of the House of Peers and lieutenant general, Takeo KIKUCHI criticized the treaty for going against the national polity.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

1935年(昭和10年)、貴族院(日本)議員で陸軍中将の菊池武夫(陸軍軍人)が、当時通説的地位を持っていた統治機構に関する学説である天皇機関説を、国体に反するものと非難。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


Despite of the fact, the government concluded the treaty, so that Tsuyoshi INUKAI, the President of the Opposition Rikken seiyukai, and Ichiro HATOYAMA attacked the government at the House of Representatives appealing 'The conclusion of the treaty ignoring the opposite opinion given by the Army means the interference and violate of supreme command', and following that the Chairman of the Privy Council Yuzaburo KURATOMI showed his attitude to sympathize with that.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

それにもかかわらず、この条約を結んだことを理由に、野党の立憲政友会総裁の犬養毅と鳩山一郎が衆議院で、「軍令部の反対意見を無視した条約調印は統帥権の干犯である」と政府を攻撃、続いて枢密院議長倉富勇三郎もこれに同調する動きを見せた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


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「Treaty House」の部分一致の例文検索結果

該当件数 : 15


Despite the Army demanded to reject the conclusion of the treaty of London Naval Conference on Disarmament, at the Imperial Diet opened in the latter half of April, because the proportion of the auxiliary ships unreached to 70 percent comparing to that of the United States, the government concluded the treaty, so that Tsuyoshi INUKAI, the President of the Opposition Rikken seiyukai, and Ichiro HATOYAMA attacked the government at the House of Representatives appealing 'The conclusion of the treaty ignoring the opposite opinion given by the Army means the interference and violate of supreme command,' and following that the Chairman of the Privy Council Yuzaburo KURATOMI showed his attitude to sympathize with that.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

4月下旬に始まった帝国議会において、ロンドン海軍軍縮会議締結に対し、軍令部が要求していた、補助艦の対米比7割に満たないとして条約締結拒否を言ったにもかかわらず、この条約を結んだことを理由に、野党の立憲政友会総裁の犬養毅と鳩山一郎が衆議院で、「軍令部の反対意見を無視した条約調印は統帥権の干犯である」と政府を攻撃、続いて枢密院議長倉富勇三郎もこれに同調する動きを見せた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Whilst sitting as a Councilor, he served as a Deputy Minister Plenipotentiary at the time of the San Francisco Peace Treaty, as Chairperson of the Liberal Party Councilors in the Upper House, and the first Chairperson of the Liberal Party Kyoto Member Union (4 consecutive terms), and in other posts; in addition, he attended to important matters of state as Minister of State and other posts in the 3rd through to 5th Yoshida Cabinets.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

在任中は、サンフランシスコ講和条約の首席全権代理、参議院自由党議員会長、自民党京都府議連初代会長(4期連続)などを務めた他、第三次から第五次吉田内閣で国務大臣を務めるなど国政の要職を歴任した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

Following that Hanabusa was appointed as charge d'affaires to the Li Dynasty Korea in 1877, the Korean government violated the Japan Korea Treaty of Amity agreed in May 1876 and set up a custom house at Dumojin in the Busan Metropolitan City and started to collect tariff from the domestic importers in Korea from August 10, 1878.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

1877年、駐李氏朝鮮代理公使に任命されるが翌年1878年8月10日から、1876年5月に締結された日朝修好条規に反して朝鮮政府が釜山広域市の豆毛鎮に税関を設置し、朝鮮国内の輸入業者に対して関税の徴収を開始した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In the battle over "government cost-cutting" and "budget for navy" with minto, he reached a compromise based on the imperial rescript of "Wachukyodo (work together in the same spirit)" from Emperor Meiji, 3 million yen of daily living expenses, and 10% cut of salary for government officials to pass the budget, and subsequently opposed to movement of Taigaikoha (hard-line group against foreign countries) which were rising among a minto party (the Constitutional Progressive Party) and right-wing groups (including National Association and Great Japan Association) toward the end of negotiation for treaty revision by dissolution of the House of Representatives twice, and successfully removed exterritoriality by conclusion of the Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

民党との「政費節減」・「海軍予算」を巡る攻防では、明治天皇よりの「和衷協同」詔勅と内廷費300万円と官吏の俸禄1割削減を条件に妥協を成立させて予算案を通過させ、続いて条約改正交渉末期に差し掛かって民党(立憲改進党)や右翼(国民協会、大日本協会など)の間で高まる対外硬派の動きに対しては2度の衆議院解散をもって対抗して、日英通商航海条約締結による治外法権の撤廃に成功する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

The day after the Constitution of the Empire of Japan and the election law of the members of the House of Representatives were issued (February 12, 1889), KURODA made the speech called 'speech of the doctrine of superiority' in order to show his attitude to cope with the political parties to the bottom in the luncheon held at Rokumeikan, and on the other hand, he had Shigenobu OKUMA, who was also the former president of the Constitutional Progressive Party, stay in the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs (Japan) to assign the mission to revise the treaty.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

大日本帝国憲法、衆議院議員選挙法が公布された翌日(1889年(明治22年)2月12日)、黒田は鹿鳴館で開催された午餐会の席上において「超然主義演説」を行って政党との徹底対決の姿勢を示したが、その一方で立憲改進党前総裁(実質は党首)で外務大臣(日本)の大隈重信を留任させて条約改正の任にあたらせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

While the cabinet pursued the policy complying with Genro like Aritomo YAMAGATA and Katsura, such as making The Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty, Russo-Japanese Agreement and French-Japanese Agreement, it continued to make efforts in order to realize party politics; in order to reform Ministry of Home Affairs, which was the power base for Yamagata, the cabinet tried to abolish the County system, only to fail; the cabinet succeeded in taking members of Kizokuin (the House of Peers) into the Cabinet.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

鉄道国有化や第3次日韓協約・日露協約・日仏協約の締結など、山縣有朋ら元老や桂の意に沿った政策を遂行する一方で、山縣の支持基盤である内務省(日本)改革のために郡制の廃止を計画して失敗したり、貴族院議員の入閣を実現させるなど、政党政治実現に向けた努力は続けられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

In addition, encourage countries which involve in official export credit, which is a deviation of OECD rules or WTO subsidiary agreement, to comply with the rules, at the same time, take countermeasure (matching) if necessary. On the part of Japanese government, it is expected to work on the environment maintenance in positive manner in order to promote overseas development of infrastructure sector, for example, establishing a structure to evaluate contribution of Japan's excellent technique and products to the green house gas emission regulations, as well as promoting conclusions of tax treaty and investment agreement.例文帳に追加

更に、我が国の優れた技術・製品による温室効果ガスの排出抑制等への貢献を正当に評価する仕組みの構築や、租税条約、投資協定の締結を促進するなど、インフラ産業の海外展開を推進するための環境整備に、政府としてより積極的に取り組むことが期待される。 - 経済産業省


The Freedom and People's Rights Movement once declined because of the government's oppression, which led Liberal Party (Meiji Period) to dissolve and the Constitutional Progressive Party to halt its activities, but in 1887, when so called the petition movement of three major events happened, Shojiro GOTO, a leader of former Liberal Party, advocated the reunion of factions of the Freedom and People's Rights Movement to prepare for upcoming of the first House of Representatives election and he called for the establishment of parliamentary government within the Imperial Diet to deal with difficult problems such as treaty revision, a land tax, and financial affairs; in March of the same year, he got principal members of former Liberal Party and the Constitutional Progressive Party to participate, which triggered the movement to unite for a common purpose.発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

自由民権運動は政府の弾圧によって衰微し、自由党_(明治)は解党、立憲改進党も休止状態にあったが、1887年にいわゆる三大事件建白運動が発生すると、かつての自由党の領袖である後藤象二郎は自由民権運動各派が再結集して来るべき第1回衆議院議員総選挙に臨み、帝国議会に議会政治の打ち立てて条約改正や地租・財政問題という難題にあたるべきだと唱え、3月に旧自由党・立憲改進党の主だった人々に呼びかけたのがきっかけである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


「Treaty House」の意味に関連した用語
Treaty of Gwerneigron 百科事典

Hapgood House 百科事典

Maastricht Rebels 百科事典

Richardville House 百科事典



Treaty of Watertown 百科事典

Treaty 5 百科事典


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